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The Black Cauldron (1985)
The Black Cauldron (1985)
1985 | Adventure, Animation, Fantasy
7.5 (55 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Dark Disney Movie
In the 80's disney released alot of dark twisted movie. Like "The Watcher in the Woods", "Dragonslayer", "Something Wicked This Way Comes" and "Return to Oz". This movie is. Including with those movies. This movie is dark and twisted. But at the same time, its a excellent animation movie. About love, betrayal, mystical power and evil vs. good. Its like "Robin Hood" mix with "The Sword in the Stone". Combine those two films you get this film.

The plot: In the land of Prydain, lowly pig herder Taran (Grant Bardsley) dreams of becoming a gallant knight. Young Taran receives his heroic calling when the evil Horned King (John Hurt) kidnaps Hen-Wren, a prophesying pig that had been entrusted to Taran. Now, with help from his furry sidekick Gurgi and Princess Eilonwy, Taran must locate the magical black cauldron before the Horned King is able to use its mystical powers to summon an army of the undead.

Its a very underrated animation film, that i highly recordmend watching it.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Treasure Planet (2002) in Movies

Mar 26, 2020 (Updated Mar 26, 2020)  
Treasure Planet (2002)
Treasure Planet (2002)
2002 | Action, Animation, Family
Pirates Ahoy
Treasure Planet- is a strange movie, it came out in the early 2000's and thats when Disney was running out of ideas or starting to. I believe that their were starting to run out of ideas. Treasure Planet- is a strange movie, cause it came out after "The Lion King". And the movie's after "The Lion King" were stange. What im saying is after "The Lion King", disney decided to go really strange/a huge left turn/didn't expect that/disappointed and overall a huge downfall. But i will get to those movies. Oh this is one of them.

The Plot: The legendary "loot of a thousand worlds" inspires an intergalactic treasure hunt when 15-year-old Jim Hawkins stumbles upon a map to the greatest pirate trove in the universe in Walt Disney Pictures' thrilling animated space adventure, "Treasure Planet." Based on one of the greatest adventure stories ever told - Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island" - this film follows Jim's fantastic journey across a parallel universe as a cabin boy aboard a glittering space galleon.

Its a very underrated film.

Suggs recommended The Psychomodo by Cockney Rebel in Music (curated)

The Psychomodo by Cockney Rebel
The Psychomodo by Cockney Rebel
2018 | Pop, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"In my formative years, there was Roxy Music, David Bowie and Cockney Rebel. And I loved Roxy and Bowie, but Cockney Rebel had a big part in my heart, even though they didn’t become as massive as the other two. Seeing Steve Harley in a bowler hat on Top Of The Pops doing ‘Judy Teen’ really sticks in my mind. There are loads of really great songs on that album, like ‘Mr Soft’, and I love the whole vibe of it. He’s an underrated lyricist, like Bryan Ferry. This was one of those albums you’d walk around the playground with, under your arm, to show that you were a bit of a Jack The Lad. And he sang with this nasal whine, and I’m sure old Johnny Rotten borrowed a bit of that. And I’m sure there’s a bit in one of the songs where he goes “DESTROY!”, and I’m sure Johnny Rotten got a smidge of that. And he didn’t hide his London accent either, which definitely resonated."


Paul Weller recommended Electric Warrior by T Rex in Music (curated)

Electric Warrior by T Rex
Electric Warrior by T Rex
1971 | Rock
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I liked [Marc Bolan] at the time and I bought his records probably up until Electric Warrior. I wasn't a massive fan, but I was aware of him and I liked his music. Interestingly enough my very first TV appearance was on Marc Bolan's show, so I actually got to meet him as well. He was very nice but he made me think of one of those old film stars, like Gloria Swanson or something. In his mind he was still a star, and I guess he always would have been. Faded or whatever, but that's just the way he was. He was an original mod as well and in John's Children, which was was quite punky in a way. He's quite underrated. I was checking his guitar playing on Electric Warrior a few months ago and I was like, 'Fucking hell, he's really unique'. You know his sound instantly. It's not anything technical, he's just got a sound. Certainly I've started to appreciate him more in recent times."

The Heartbreak Kid (2007)
The Heartbreak Kid (2007)
2007 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
4.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I think it’s one of the funniest movies ever made. I think Charles Grodin is hugely underrated as a comedic actor. I think he’s brilliant. Jeannie Berlin who recently got a lot of attention again because of Kenneth Lonergan’s movie Margaret is amazing in this movie — she was actually nominated for an Oscar for it. Cybill Shepherd is great. I just love it, I love how what a s— the central character is, he’s really totally selfish and also really confused, in a great way. I also love that a lot of the comedy typically in movies like this, with sort of high concept plots, the comedy and the drama are driven by the central character lying to the people around them. But weirdly in The Heartbreak Kid, most of the drama comes from him telling the truth, he’s sort of excessively honest and straight forward, and it still manages to complicate these situations and cause a lot of tension and hurt feelings, but I just love Elaine May, I like all of her movies."

Thir13en Ghosts (2001)
Thir13en Ghosts (2001)
2001 | Horror
Spooky Scary Ghost
Thir13en Ghost: is a remake horror movie that was distributed by Dark Castle Entertainment, that relased the remakes of The Haunting and House on Haunted Hill both terrible films. So how is this film, its not terrible, but not great.

The plot: A state-of-the-art remake of the classic William Castle horror film about a family that inherits a spectacular old house from an eccentric uncle. There's just one problem: the house seems to have a dangerous agenda all its own. Trapped in their new home by strangely shifting walls, the family encounters powerful and vengeful entities that threaten to annihilate anyone in their path

The main problem with this movie is that their dont explain the ghosts backstories and you have to look them up. Their are distubing and i wish the film explain them.

Other than that, i think the film is good and is better than the pervious dark castle films remakes.

I think this movie is underrated and should be watched.
Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)
Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)
1990 | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
A worthy sequel
The Gremlins films huge favourites of mine as a child (worrying as I probably wasn't old enough to watch them), but I always preferred the sequel. Watching it back now, I'm so pleased to say it's still a worthy and rather entertaining sequel.

The plot has been scaled up since the first film, and whilst it's missing the christmas and horror style setting, it more than makes up with the sheer daftness of the entire story. It's ridiculous but so funny, with some great physical effects with the Gremlins, especially as they get themselves into new and interesting situations. Seen as this was released in 1990 the CGI is a little dated but fortunately this is used sparingly. The original cast are back, with some wonderful additions in the marvellous Christopher Lee and Robert Picardo. I remember parts of this terrifying me as a child and whilst it doesn't have quite the same effect now, this definitely isn't a kids film! This entire film is just wonderfully smart, silly and just a riot from start to finish. Definitely underrated and overlooked when it comes to the Gremlins films, but for me a worthy sequel.

Versusyours (757 KP) Dec 22, 2019

I am still awaiting part 3


Sarah (7798 KP) Dec 23, 2019

@Versusyours we can only dream!

Small Soldiers (1998)
Small Soldiers (1998)
1998 | Action, Comedy, Family
Lots of fun
I remember watching this as a child at the cinema when it was first released (I was 11), and absolutely loved it. And to be honest watching it again now, i still think it's a huge amount of fun.

This is like the antidote to Toy Story. Yes there are good toys in this, but the stars of this film are the rather nasty Commando Elite led by Chip Hazard, voiced perfectly by the wonderful Tommy Lee Jones. The idea of toys playing out real life war games against other toys (and humans) makes for such a fun and entertaining film. It's not scary but not entirely child friendly either, and is really quite funny at times. And unusually for a kids film made in the 90s, the script isn't completely terrible or cheesy. The special effects are for the most part fairly decent and the cast too (both voice and real life) are all very good. Considering this is made by Joe Dante who brought us both Gremlins films, it's no surprise really it's such a fun film and yet strangely underrated.

David Gawain Gillham (0 KP) created a post

Nov 25, 2019  
First things first, when I woke up today I did not think I would be in church today, but this film had piked my interest as I like a good trueish story.
Right next thing it did not help the lights came on at the start of the film & I was the only idiot that thought you should tell somebody oh & dick in front of me was eating the loudest food possible which forced me to move.
To the film. Every film based on actual events has to be taken with a pinch of salt. People in America have boycotted this film mainly their American hero is portrayed but an English lady. That should not really matter as this story of a very brave lady needed to be told. It is really well done & the way some of the music incorporated into the film is a clever touch. It manages to highlight how barbaric being a slave was and luckily it has mostly been eradicated these days. An underrated film that is a good education about a part of American's dark history. 8/10