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Andy Bell recommended Definitely Maybe by Oasis in Music (curated)

Definitely Maybe by Oasis
Definitely Maybe by Oasis
1994 | Pop, Rock
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Oasis definitely did change my life when I first heard them! [Bell later played bass and rhythm guitar in Oasis, 1999-2009.] They were like a breath of fresh air. To put it into context, Ride were working on the third album, Carnival Of Light, and we were taking a bit of a break. We were starting to get a bit frayed at the edges and we were starting to pull in different directions musically, too. “We were really shooting for a kind of West Coast Byrdsy California sound mixed with a little bit of Led Zeppelin and a little bit of classic rock. I think we were also subconsciously trying to make a cleaner record, because we’d stopped getting played on the radio… but then along comes Oasis sounding like the Jesus And Mary Chain meets the Sex Pistols and just completely blew everything out of the water! “As we’re talking about guitars, I should just say that I think Noel’s really underrated as a lead guitar player. His playing is like a John Squire-y thing, but there’s a lot more muscle behind it. He kind of trademarked his own style, which has become something that everyone uses now – that massively overdriven sound with quite a lot of delay on it. [His playing] just sounded epic."


Stephen Merchant recommended After Hours (1985) in Movies (curated)

After Hours (1985)
After Hours (1985)
1985 | Comedy, Mystery

"What else would I include on a list of top five? That is so tricky because that list varies on a week-to-week basis. Another movie I’m really a fan of — and again, I think it mixes all kinds of flavors — is Martin Scorsese’s After Hours. That’s a really eccentric little film. He made it, if you recall, he was trying to make The Last Temptation of Christ and that fell apart, so he went back to basics and wanted to make this sort of short film that he could shoot very quickly in just a couple of months on a small budget. It’s a very, sort of, eccentric film about Griffin Dunne trying to get home from a date that’s gone wrong. It’s like a black comedy equivalent of Taxi Driver; it uses New York as one of the characters, to some degree — this kind of weird, almost Hansel and Gretel forest kind of place, where you can’t escape and there’s strange oddities around every corner. It’s shot through with this brilliantly black sense of humor. Lots of really quotable moments. The playing, as well, from particularly Griffin Dunne, who I think is such an underrated performer, a really great performance of a man just trying to contain his ever increasing panic and rage. Yeah, that’s a film I’ve watched endlessly."


Nicky Wire recommended Plastic Ono Band by John Lennon in Music (curated)

Plastic Ono Band by John Lennon
Plastic Ono Band by John Lennon
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The drum sound! The greatest bass sound ever! The rawness of it. ‘Isolation’ I absolutely love, and obviously we covered ‘Working Class Hero’. It’s really tight but there’s something about it that feels like they haven’t rehearsed much either - you see the film and they’re all coming in on the hoof. There’s some kind of bluesy nastiness - and I’m not a fan of the blues either - but there’s something about it, John Lennon’s guitar is really good on it, I think his guitaring was underrated actually. There’s so much savage bitterness there, ‘Mother’, just to start with the fucking bell chiming. I love that savageness. He’s having a go at McCartney, but he does it with so much wit, he can always glide over the top of it. I wish I had that ability, not to always drag it down with pure pettiness. “I don't believe in Elvis. I don't believe in Zimmerman/ I don't believe in Beatles” - I don’t think he could get “The Beatles” in, so it’s just “don’t believe in Beatles”. I love that album. There was a lot of that on [Wire’s solo album] I Killed The Zeitgeist actually, and there’s a lot on this album. I tried to learn that critical self-examination. I think John was a lot more psychoanalytical, he could use what he considered help, where as I was fucking on my own."

Nowhere Boy (2010)
Nowhere Boy (2010)
2010 | Drama
Well acted
This is a film that has been fairly underrated and almost forgotten which I think is a shame, as it's actually a good film driven by some stellar performances.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson excels in this as John and he's what makes this film so good to watch. I always forget that he's actually English until I see him in a film with an English accent, but even still his scouse accent in this is pretty impressive. And the rest of the cast too from Anne-Marie Duff to Kristin Scott-Thomas (there's a load of double barrelled names in this!) all perform admirably in this. The story in this is probably what lets it down. Yes it's interesting to see what happened in John Lennon's early life and how The Beatles first came to be, but there are some aspects with his mum and aunt that get a little too soap opera-esque at times. Personally I wouldve preferred a little more concentration on the music side. And i know the era this film is set in, but I got sick of every scene featuring cigarettes and someone smoking. It was just so noticeable all the time that it became irritating.

Overall this is a pretty decent film about John Lennon's early life made better by some brilliant performances.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated The Purge (2013) in Movies

Apr 14, 2020 (Updated Apr 18, 2020)  
The Purge (2013)
The Purge (2013)
2013 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
Would You Participate
The pruge- the idea of which all criminal activity including murders is legal for 12 hours is really intesting. Like whould happen, if this really happen. I mean, its kinda of happen, but with tolet paper, paper towels, napkins and food. That their is nothing left, and if their is people are rushing to the stories just to get it. Survival of the finest thats the saying. Surviving just to see anethor day/tomorrow. I like ethan hawke, i think he is a underrated actor and he is really good in this. The bad guy is soo laughable, thats hes good but bad.

The plot: In an America ravaged by crime and overcrowded prisons, the government sanctions an annual 12-hour period during which all criminal activity -- including murder -- is legal. James Sandin (Ethan Hawke) and his family face the ultimate test when an intruder drags the vicious outside world into their home. James, Mary (Lena Headey) and their two children struggle to survive the night while trying not to turn into monsters like the ones they are striving to avoid. Also this takes place in the year 2022, so maybe it still might happen, who knows.

For me, i perfer the 2nd and 3rd one, but this one was a good start, to a good horror franchise.
Orphan:First Kill (2022)
Orphan:First Kill (2022)
2022 | Crime, Drama, Horror
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The first Orphan is great for many reasons, chief amongst them being the truly infamous and batshit plot twist. Orphan: First Kill then, has some big footsteps to follow, or precede I guess. This prequel is a little worrisome at first. Although it's great to have Esther back on our screens, the first third of First Kill treads some extremely territory. It's entertaining for sure, and the violence may be a bit more savage, but the narrative threatens to be a little rinse-and-repeat. However, I found myself with egg on my face whilst thinking this, when a new, and arguably more batshit plot twist hits in the mid section, and suddenly First Kill commands more respect.
This sharp turn in proceedings ensures that we're being shown something new, an aspect that so many horror sequels seem to glaze over.
Isabelle Fuhrman returns as Esther, and honestly, she is noticeably older even though this is a prequel. However, I can't help but admire the decision to go down this route instead of using CGI. The use of make up and camera tricks do a good job of least ensuring that it doesn't look fake.

Although it doesn't quite hit the heights of the first film, First Kill is still a good time, with one of the most underrated villains of horror, and I for one want more dammit.
Angel-A (2005)
Angel-A (2005)
2005 | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
Je t'aime
My number 3 title in my #top10 #favourite films is 'Angel-a'
#Angela is a very underrated #lucbesson movie but for me its his absolute best work. This #film has had such a massive impact on my life/who I am as a person & for that reason alone its a film I hold so close to my #heart. Essentially a #love story but different to the kind we are used to #Angel-a is #heartbreaking, #funny, #strange & visually #breathtaking. Teaching not only about the importance of love but more about the importance of learning to #loveyourself first Angel-a has such a powerful message especially for people feeling lost in life. Simply #beautiful to look at with every scene looking like a piece of art & directed with such #passion, love & care that I was pulled right into its #weird & wonderful story right from the start. Its an #emotional rollercoaster at times hitting you right in the heart but it also has just enough #crazy Besson style & humour to make it truly unique & different to what you would expect from the genre. Seemingly #inspired by the film wingsofdesire by #wimwenders & just like it Angle-a too is also rich in #philosophy & the cast is an absolute joy to watch. While not for everyone I simply can not describe how much I adore this movie. ------------------------------------------------
#filmbuff #filmcritic #angel #heaven #magical #fantasy #art #artsy #french #wednesdaywisdom

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated The Possession (2012) in Movies

Dec 4, 2019 (Updated Dec 4, 2019)  
The Possession (2012)
The Possession (2012)
2012 | Horror, Mystery
6.8 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Whats In The Box???
The Possession- came out in 2012 is anethor very good horror movie that hardly no one talks about and knows about. It came in 2012, and i forgot that this movie came out in 2012 cause 2012 was a big year for movies and was directed by Ole Bornedal, who you may say? Well he directed Nightwatch a danish thriller film in 1994 than he remade it in 1997 and started Ewan McGregor, Patricia Arquette, Josh Brolin and Nick Nolte. It was written by Bornedal and Steven Soderbergh. And i will review that movie at somepoint. Cause the movie is really underreated and a good horror movie. And well thats pretty much it, that he directed. So whats this film about than...

The Plot: When their youngest daughter, Em (Natasha Calis), becomes strangely obsessed with an antique wooden box bought from a yard sale, parents Clyde (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and Stephanie (Kyra Sedgwick) see little cause for alarm. However, Em becomes increasingly unstable, leading the couple to fear the presence of a malevolent force. To their horror, Clyde and Stephanie learn that the box contains a dybbuk, a dislocated spirit that inhabits -- and ultimately devours -- a human host.

This is a really good movie, its scary, thrilling, horrorfying, spooky, creepy and overall a underrated horror jem. Plus you have Jeffrey Dean Morgan in it and thats a plus.

Like i said this movie is really good and a must watch.