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Of Poseidon (The Syrena Legacy, #1)
Of Poseidon (The Syrena Legacy, #1)
Anna Banks | 2012 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I use to ask myself what rock I'd been living under whenever I read a book that had come out two even three years ago but I've realized it wasn't a rock; I've just broadened my horizons, expanded my genres and sub genres and now delve into a bit of everything and I'm glad I have because I keep finding new and exciting authors and their books. I loved this fantastic book and the author's take on Poseidon and Triton. Beautifully written story with gorgeous characters and I simply had a hard time putting this book down.

Emma is enjoying her summer vacation with her best friend Chloe unaware that she will soon experience a devastating loss and learn a secret that will forever change her life and alter her perspective on reality. This author's creativity and underwater world building will quickly captivate you and enthrall you and I cannot wait for book two to arrive in the mail because my jaw completely unhinged with the cliff hanging ending. This is a MUST read.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)
1954 | Adventure, Drama, Family
One of the first Disney films to be shot in Cinema Scope
I swear Kirk Douglas has the best chin in film I have ever seen.

Another Disney classic I am ashamed I had not seen until today. What a grand epic undersea adventure! Kirk Douglas, Peter Lorre and James Mason as Captain Nemo (my dog really liked the seal, Esmeralda as well).

After some mysterious encounters at sea results in several vessels going down, some survivors of one of the blasts find their way aboard the Nautilus and meet the nefarious captain. After discovering the captain's mission our heroes try and escape and end up sort of joining the crew to bide their time until another opportunity arises.

What about the giant squid?

For the time period, this film looked amazing and the art direction and special effects both won Academy Awards for that year. The design of the Nautilus was also very interesting and it photographed well underwater.

I thoroughly enjoyed embarking on this aquatic journey and had to hold my breath until it was over!

Underwater (2020)
Underwater (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
379. Underwater. A straight to the action, claustrophobic thriller. Story begins with scantily clad Norah getting ready to start her shift at the laboratory at the bottom of the ocean. And by the sudden alarms going off and the entire structure rocking back and forth, something went wrong. it's an earthquake, and its tearing the place apart. And so it's on to find others and to get to escape pods. Oh the earthquake also woke something up down there, and it's big. Who knows maybe its there just to say hi to the new neighbors, but it doesn't really look that way. Because the movie mainly focuses on action, we never really get to see Kristen Stewart make that awkward face, you know what I mean, so that was a plus. TJ Miller was in it, as some kind of odd man-baby scientist, so I thought that was pretty stupid. Overall it was a decent action sci fi flick. Just remember like a famous Jedi once said: "There's always a bigger fish." Filmbufftim on FB.
Wizard's chance ( The Realm book 1)
Wizard's chance ( The Realm book 1)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A romance set in a fantasy world with a modern day heroine.

Curvy, with glasses, and her nose always buried in a book. That's Samantha, a dreamer waiting for her happily ever after and looking for her prince charming.

Her whole life changes the day she walks into the oddest bookshop and finds a magical book that transports her to a tropical island with a hunk who thinks he's a wizard.

And that's not the strangest thing about her sudden arrival in paradise. Try little green people who can breath underwater and an evil sorceress intent on killing Samantha. But the most astonishing thing of all? The slow seduction by a wizard who thinks she's his best chance for breaking his curse.

This book mixed magic and historical romance. It was fun ,quirky and so pleasant to read! Yes some bits a bit cringy but I found it added something to the story. How many of us that read both genres or a good romance and wish to fall into the book? Me for one!!! I'm really looking forward to book 2!!

Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)
Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
All of the Kaiju Battles (2 more)
Any Scene Featuring King Kong
Jia Since Her Silence Is So Appreciated
The Entire Conspiracy Angle is Incredibly Boring (3 more)
The MechaGodzilla Design is Pretty Wonky
CGI Seems Off During Underwater Battle
People Are Even Dumber Than They Were in King of The Monsters and Somehow Still Get Rewarded For It
Monkey Good, Humans Bad
Godzilla vs. Kong suffers from what other versus films such as Freddy vs. Jason or the Alien vs. Predator films also suffered from. These films put too much value in humans when the audience just wants to see more of the on-screen monsters they either paid hard money or chose to stream to see. That’s why if Legendary chooses to keep this franchise going they should do All Monsters Attack or something involving Monster Island next where humans can be spectators at best and monsters wreak havoc for up to two straight hours. Stop feeding fans unbearable human excretion and trying to pass it off as Godzilla gold.

Full review:

Rodney Barnes (472 KP) Apr 5, 2021

If you have watched any Japanese Godzilla movie you will find useless human storyline in every one. That is the way it is. That is what makes those movies great.


Chris Sawin (602 KP) Apr 5, 2021

They are a part of most Godzilla films, but I disagree with that being something that makes them great. Godzilla typically has 27 minutes of screen time or less in each film, so the human element is expected. Give me one film that reverses that; 90 minutes of Godzilla and or other kaiju fighting or demolishing cities and less than 30 minutes of humans. If it isn't well received by fans or the box office then I'll shut up. Personally though, that's all I want in a Godzilla or kaiju film.

Crimson Tide (1995)
Crimson Tide (1995)
1995 | Action, Drama
8.5 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Personally I find the roles of Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman interesting in this movie for a different reason that I think was intended. Hackman made his career and became a household name throughout the 60's, 70,s and 80's, while maintaining a level of relevance and definitely a level of respect through today. Denzel came into prominence in the 1990's and has become a beloved and highly regarded figure in his field. Watching their respective roles in Crimson Tides almost felt like a kind of "passing of the guard" in more ways than one.

That aside, the movie itself is loosely based on actual events aboard a Russian Submarine wherein a stubborn second in command defied the orders of his superiors and saved the world from certain disaster and preventing World War III. Brilliantly portrayed by all involved, Directed through the lens of genius. One of the greatest underwater films of all time that is still being used as a basis for films being made today (I'm talking to you Hunter Killer).

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Jaws (1975) in Movies

Aug 9, 2020  
Jaws (1975)
Jaws (1975)
1975 | Thriller
A deserving classic
Jaws is a film I've seen many years ago but haven't in quite a while, and it really is the classic it's made out to be.

Watching it now it is does admittedly look a little dated. But I think this is part of the film's charm. The shark is hilarious and yet still pretty scary at the same time, and for an animatronic it is very good for the time it was made. It does remind me a lot of the Jaws ride at Universal Studios as the animatronics are virtually identical. The score is rightly infamous and really builds the tension and suspense in those underwater scenes. There is some dodgy acting (although Dreyfuss and Scheider are brilliant) and it does feel like it's drawn out a little at times. However despite this there's a reason why no other shark film released to date has managed to live up to the renown and success of Jaws. This is without a doubt a classic - i just wish they hadn't gotten rid of the ride at Universal!
Underwater (2020)
Underwater (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Under Pressure
Underwater is basically Alien underwater but without a doubt proves that sometimes you just cant go wrong when you just borrow from the best. From the moment it starts the nostalgia that hit me watching this was insane, its like all my favourite scifi movies from growing up got mashed together and came back just to surprise me. In a sense its The Abyss, Alien, Deep Rising, Virus, Prometheus and Doom all rolled into one movie and I just couldnt help but smile as the film played out in front of me. Right off the get go we are thrown straight into the action and ive read so much criticism from people on this part of the movie saying that it doesnt give us time to get to know the characters. Personally I quite liked this approach as I felt we didnt really need to get to know everyone because in a random catastrophic situation such as this it really doesnt matter about who people are, everyone is a blank slate and they must all put aside thier differences and band together to fight solely for survival. Yes it does mean to an extent we aren't as attached to them but when tension and panic is created so well here not knowing these characters adds way more unpredictability and also helps make you the viewer step into thier shoes easier too. While the story is also fairly basic its way of story telling is subtle using the environment or small character actions so you can piece together a deeper story for yourself. Getting a hold on your mind/mental state is a big theme here and I loved the way the film subjects our already unstable characters to extremely traumatic events but forces them to learn how to subdue or tame thier emotions if if they are to maintain focus and survive. Kristen Stewart is fantastic as always and probably could of carried the film on her own if she had to. Her character is clearly already suffering with trauma and anxiety of her own and watching her have to hold together and stay strong to help motivate others is riveting as every now and then we see small glimpses of her cracking under the pressure. What an absolute joy it also is to see Vincent Cassel back in movies again, the guy is just awesome in what ever he is in and its no different here. Oh and TJ Miller isnt anoying and unlikable for once either, how about that. Visualls are also great and combine with nice sets they help create a creepy, claustrophobic, tense and unnerving sence of dread constantly. Creature design is really nice too (reminded me of the creatures from the recent Doom games) and theres some scenes that are absolutely chilling to watch too. Score wise its is also noticeably good really helping to ramp up the dread and fear elements nicely. To sum everything up I found this movie so much fun and while it doesnt do anything new I lost count of the times I just sat there thinking to myself "Daaamn thats so friggin cool". I do miss movies like this and its nice to see Underwater dare to bring back the good old 90s scifi monster movie vibe.
The Abyss (1989)
The Abyss (1989)
1989 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
Story: The story focus on many different vision people have of something happening, we have the military view, the scientist view and the everyday workers view. Each one if different because each shows fear, interest or curiosity of the unknown. Everything comes together nicely without leaving you asking any questions, which in today’s film industry is a normal to get you coming back for more. This was ground breaking for its time and will always be considered a classic. (9/10)


Actor Review


Ed Harris: Bud the lead engineer on the underwater oil rig, he knows how to handle his team to get the most out of them and has all their respect. The whole team supports him over his ex-wife Lindsey, he is also one of the most experienced divers and believes in what he can see. Good performance from Harris showing he was going to be a lead actor for years to come. (9/10)


Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio: Lindsey ex-wife to Bud and creator of the underwater rig system, she is more interested in investigating what is going on rather than just blowing it up and hoping for the best. Good performance in a difficult role which needed her character to be hated. (8/10)


Director Review: James Cameron – Cameron has been behind some of the most ground breaking films in history and this is right up there with his best. (9/10)


Sci-Fi: A sci-fi film that isn’t about a bleak future or space travel, this really is a rarity in the business. (9/10)

Settings: The isolation adds tension from start to finish. (10/10)

Suggestion: I think this is a film that everyone should see at least once in their life time, it will surprise you the quality even after 25 years. (Watch)


Best Part: The water creature investigating the rig.

Worst Part: It can seem long.

Believability: No (0/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: Yes


Oscar Chances: Won an Oscar for Visual Effects.

Box Office: $90 Million

Budget: $69 Million

Runtime: 2 Hours 26 Minutes

Tagline: A place on Earth more awesome than anywhere in space.


Overall: A Forgotten Masterpiece
Black Moon (Zodiac, #3)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Black Moon is the third book in the Zodiac series. I've enjoyed the series thus far, so I was intrigued to see where it would go. Sometimes it felt like the plot jumped around, but where the book really shines is in world building. The solar system is populated by 12 houses of people with many more planets and moons. Each house has its own personalities, physical attributes, and fascinating celestial bodies. She describes the various cities that Rho goes to with wonderful detail, building whole worlds in your mind. Each house is home to such varied peoples from the underwater dwelling Scorps with their pale skin and red eyes that allow them to see more in the dark, but cause discomfort in strong light to the tan Cancrians with their blonde hair. Each house embodies a specific attribute and we see that expressed in their people like the ever questioning Sagittarian or the balancing Libran. There's not much to say about the book itself as this is the third in the series, so anything would be spoilers. Highly recommended read for teen/young adult readers who are fans of fantasy, science fiction, and expansive world building.