My Garden, the City and Me: Rooftop Adventures in the Wilds of London
This book charts, over one year, her first steps with plants and the discoveries she makes along the...

Indigenous Cultural Centers and Museums: An Illustrated International Survey
Indigenous Cultural Centers and Museums: An Illustrated International Survey documents a rich legacy...
Romania - Culture Smart! The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture
The Chinese have always taken a long-term view of events. They are proud of their ancient...

Your Name (2016)
Movie Watch
High school girl Mitsuha lives in a rural Japanese mountain town, while high school boy Taki lives...
Kimi no Na wa Anime Drama Kuchikamizake Radwimps Funimation

The Bike Show Podcast from Resonance FM
Resonance 104.4fm's weekly radio show (and podcast) devoted to the art, science, politics and...

A Late Dinner: Discovering the Food of Spain
In this vivid and humorous journey, Richardson takes us past the cliches of paella and gazpacho to...

Visions of London
Visions of London is a collection of urban city photography by award-winning photographer Simon...
The Geography of Scientific Collaboration
Agnieszka Olechnicka, Adam Ploszaj and Dorota Celinska-Janowicz
This book offers a complex analysis of the spatial aspects of scientific collaboration, addressing...

On Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts
In this dispassionate analysis of the act of murder, De Quincey's innovative, idio-syncratic...

The Testament
Anthony Mortimer and Francois Villon
The most celebrated of French medieval poets, Francois Villon makes poetry out the basest material -...