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Silence Fallen (Mercy Thompson, #10)
Silence Fallen (Mercy Thompson, #10)
Patricia Briggs | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Silence Fallen is #10 in the Mercy Briggs series, and honestly, they've started to get a bit boring. Mercy gets into trouble. Mercy gets into SPECIAL trouble that werewolves would have a hard time with, but she's special because she's a coyote shifter, and her abilities give her an edge over the pure strength of werewolves! Mercy antagonizes enemies, escapes, finds her way home. Gets revenge. That's basically the plot of almost every one of these books. I generally like them, but this one in particular fell short. Maybe it's because I haven't read them in a while, but it just lacked the urgency of some of her other adventures.

One thing that really bothered me was the big bad vampire in the beginning - who was creepy as ALL get out - turned out to not be that bad, I guess? They let themselves get used by him to fulfill a plot and weren't mad about it? I would have expected Mercy's pack to take the dude down, no matter the consequences, but that wasn't what they decided to do.

And then, very frustratingly, they revealed something in the last ten pages or so that made me go re-read EVERY SCENE with a certain character and yep, there was no foreshadowing of that AT ALL. And there should have been. That's something the reader should be able to guess, because the viewpoint character knows about it. And it's absolutely not hinted at. So that's frustrating, and changes the meaning of several scenes.

So I'm very meh on this one. I don't know if I'll continue this series. Sometimes series just overdo their lifespan. This should have been wrapped up and moved on to other characters some time ago. The second series in this world, Alpha and Omega, is still pretty good. But maybe it's time to set Mercy aside. Do a series focused on the fae, or the vampires or something.

You can find all my reviews at

ClareR (5603 KP) Jan 16, 2019

I haven’t read this or the one before it yet. I’m really hoping it doesn’t go the way of the Sookie Stackhouse series (I loved that up until about the last 3 or 4 books). I’m going to have to try and work it in to my reading schedule and catch up!

Reap This Too (Oh So Happy Holidays #2)
Reap This Too (Oh So Happy Holidays #2)
Rafe Jadison | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I sent a right snotty message to Mr Jadison!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the series, and you MUST, I say, MUST read book one, Reap This, before you read this one. You NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED it for the full experience!

Ian is Seamus' twin, but he doesn't class himself as a good witch. Taking himself off to see the Pyramids, he becomes involved in a chase across the world. And he falls in love!

I loved this book, more than book one. It's again only short, and only Ian has a say, Khnurn the vampire doesn't get a voice. And of COURSE I wanted to hear from him, epsecially as there is history here between Ian and Khnurn.

Well, I was loving it, until, Jadison does what he does and you have never heard such foul language come out of my mouth!

I mean, there I was, happily reading away. The spectre that chased Ian across the globe wants his reward. I couldn't see how that would happen but then??


Well, I can't say exactly, cos spoilers, but suffice to say, I had a proper Violet Elizabeth moment (google it ;-)) and I threw my toys out the pram, and I spat my dummy out and I flung my poor kindle so hard it bounced off the bed and I was worried I had broken it! And I sent a right snotty message to Mr Jadison, telling him just what I thought of what he did and asking how he was gonna fix it! Because it needs fixing!

There was a hint as to that it would be fixed, to be fair, I just can't see HOW it's gonna be fixed.

Anyways! Even though Mr Jadison done caused me to turn the air blue, or maybe BECAUSE he did, I don't much care either way . . .

5 full and blue streaked stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Merissa (11800 KP) created a post

Mar 16, 2021  
Just in ONE WEEK, you'll be able to meet Cat McKenzie - a sass-mouthed rookie cop sent to work at PIG - the Paranormal Investigative Group – in BAD VAMPIRE by Lauren Dawes (@authorlaurendawes)



“You’ve been on compassionate leave for seven days.”

I held back my snarky reply.

Captain Wolfe was a scary motherf*cker who didn’t appreciate being interrupted.

I figured that one out for myself on day one.

‘Compassionate leave’ was a nice way to put it though. I’d watched my partner die a horrible, horrible death. And just stood there. Then they told me not to come into work for a week while they decided my fate.

“Are you still struggling with the Reveal?” Wolfe asked softly. “It’s okay if you are. It’s only been six months, but for many, adjusting to the new reality is hard.”

The Reveal was the day the world found out humans weren’t the only ones living on this planet.

It had all started with multi-billionaire John Davis and his shitheel son, Marcus. Marcus was convinced that dear old dad was running his auto-manufacturing company into the ground, and as a result, running all of his inheritance into the ground. The solution, in Marcus’s mind, was to hire a hitman to get rid of his father. The hitman, as it turned out, was fae, and when Marcus was eventually arrested for conspiracy to commit murder, he sold the hitman out in order to save his own skin.

In a much-publicized trial, the hitman—a fae named Kailon Perry—took the slight to heart…and out on Marcus’s ass. In front of the cameras, he let everyone see what he hid beneath his glamor while he tore Marcus Davis limb from limb.


After that, all the supernaturals had come out to play—and all of them were monsters as far as I was concerned.


@magicpenbooktours #BadVampire #ACatMcKenzieNovel #LaurenDawes #MagicPenBookTours #PNR #ParanormalRomance #UrbanFantasy #ComingSoon #bookstagram #paranormalromancenovels #supernaturalhumor #humor #satire #paranormaldetective #newread #vampires #thingsthatgobumpinthenight #booklovers #PNRlovers #vampirelovers #onelastchapter #snark

Rob Halford recommended Cowboys from Hell by Pantera in Music (curated)

Cowboys from Hell by Pantera
Cowboys from Hell by Pantera
1990 | Rock
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was up in Toronto rehearsing for the Painkiller tour and I saw Dimebag [Darrell, guitarist] on a local TV show and he was wearing a British Steel shirt. They played some clips of their music and it just instantly struck a chord. I jumped into a taxi and went down to the studio where they were recording this show, met him and became good friends. That night they were playing at a club in Toronto, and when I saw them live I was just blown away. After that, Priest took Pantera on tour in Europe and they'd never even been out of America before, but every night they would just stun the crowd. I just knew from the moment that I saw them, they were going to be huge. It's just a really great memory. What they were doing at that particular time was revolutionary. Before Cowboys From Hell, they were finding their way. Like any band, they were just trying to find out who they were and find that spark to make something happen. When I heard 'Primal Concrete Sledge' for the first time, my reaction was to just say, "Oh my god, what is this? I've never heard anything like this before." I got to work with Dime on a song and it was a thrill and a treasure to have that opportunity. The label said that there was a movie coming out, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and asked me if I'd do a song. The one that I came up with was 'Light Comes Out The Black'. I didn't really know anyone locally who was available at the time. I picked up the phone and spoke to Dime about it and he told me to come down to Dallas because they were on a bit of a break. I flew down there the next day and played with him. It was done in more or less six hours and we ended up just sitting around trying to find something else to do with it."

Sound (The Last Note #1)
Sound (The Last Note #1)
Maya Daniels | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
UPDATE - Sound has now been released by itself and extra added to it. NOW you get the full/part story of Melody. I say full because of the extra and also say part because her story is intertwined with her friends, and rightly so.

I loved the extra that Ms. Daniels added. It really helped to 'flesh out' the story and give some more insight into Melody and Étienne. I am loving grumpy Lucien and can't wait for his story! But then, Moël is so sweet, I want his too! Plus, I really need to find out what has happened to Melody's two friends. Oh, I'm so greedy 🤣

I am thrilled with the additions Maya Daniels has added to Melody's story and I will now impatiently wait for the other two. A gripping story that leaves you wanting more.

Sound is part of the Darkness Rising anthology and, as such, has only part of the story. This is a travesty, I tell you, because I need the rest of it right now! This is the bare bones of the story which leaves me wanting oh so much more.

Melody is in a bit of a pickle and Ethan 😉 is just the vampire to save her. Throw in two friends, two brothers, a wicked witch, and a fish-breathed cat, and you have all the components of this story.

This was a great read but I would definitely recommend you read Last Note first, just to get you up to date with what is going on in here. Fantastic as part of the box set but I really can't wait for the full novel to be released. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Doctor Sleep
Doctor Sleep
Stephen King | 2013 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
Doctor Sleep is the sequel to ‘The Shining’. Following the life of Dan Torrance (the little boy from The Shining) the book quickly covers what happens after the events at the Overlook Hotel where Dan finds his lifestyle copying that of his alcoholic farther. His life starts to turn around when he arrives at a small town in New Hampshire where the now middle aged Dan finds a number of things; Help with his alcohol problem, A job in a nursing home, good friends and, with the help of his Shinning a child in need of help.
Doctor Sleep Focus’ on the power of the Shinning, what it can do and how it affects not only the people with the power but others around it. Unlike the first book ghost’s do not play a major part in most of the story, there is a bit in the beginning which ties up events at the Overlook but, although ghosts are mentioned they have been (Mostly) replaced by a group called The True Knot, a group of vampire like beings who feed off the Shining instead of blood. As Dan finds himself caught up with The True Knot he finds that he is being pulled back to the site of the Overlook.
A big part of the book is about how you can’t escape your past and that, until you accept your mistakes you will never really be able to move forward. It is also about acceptance and the fact that you are never really alone, that other people have experienced what you are going through and that they can help you get through life if you let them and it is about family, accepting the one you have but also find a new one, finding people who will accept you as you are but it is mostly about psychic Vampires and the power of the Shining.

Merissa (11800 KP) rated Riven (Reflections, #8) in Books

Apr 4, 2023 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Riven (Reflections, #8)
Riven (Reflections, #8)
Dean Murray | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I started this series and thought that it would be nothing new apart from a slight twist on the tale as in it was two wolf packs with a girl in the middle, rather than a vampire and a werewolf. However, there is so much more than this. Each story takes you further and further in and, trust me, when I say that that is a very good thing.

In this story, Adri is once again at Alec's side but things are in no way easy. Everyone has their own problems and trying to integrate other people into one pack is always going to be troublesome but Alec has his own way of sorting out the pack hierarchy. We meet characters from the other books that we know and love and watch them struggle with their own issues. We meet new characters and see how they interact with everyone. We say goodbye to characters old and new as the story climaxes. This series is so much more than a love triangle, although love does play a big part in the story. Alec is only half the man (wolf?!) without Adri. All of the characters continue to grow and change and you are left wanting more, with stories that still need telling.

Dean Murray is a wonderful author and I am looking forward to more from him in this series however, there are other books by him that I have on my t-b-r list which I am positive will not disappoint.

Reflections is definitely a wonderful series that just gets better with every book. I have no hesitation in recommending it to all Young Adult or Paranormal fans.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
August 9, 2016
Dark Indiscretions (Dark Indiscretions #1)
Dark Indiscretions (Dark Indiscretions #1)
Shakuita Johnson | 2013 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the fast-paced tale of Jennifer Johnston, a Mystic (that's part vampire, part shape-shifting witch to you and me). Now Mystics have a bad reputation and for the most part, that's well deserved. Jennifer, however, is the anomaly. She's the one who doesn't want to be bad, who has gotten on with her life and is doing just dandy. That is until her daughter finds her mates.

I liked the idea of this book but have to say that I had some problems with it in reality. The thing for me is that there is no build-up, no impact, and no time to process. It is all done quite matter-of-factly and almost unemotionally. And I'm saying that for parts of the story that really, really should have had more of an impact.

I will give one example which is not Jennifer's story but is to do with her. She has met her mates - Yey! One of them rejects her because she is a Mystic - Boo! But instead of this building up and finding out how it would affect the trio with one of them so against the idea, this is what happens. He has a temper tantrum, she goes upstairs. The second male gives the first one a dirty look and follows her upstairs. They then have sex (!), first male joins in, everything's fine, let's carry on with the story. Nothing was resolved, no questions answered, just let's have sex and that will sort it.

It's the same throughout the book, even at the ending. Now I like a fast-paced book that doesn't drag but I would still like to have had 'more'. I liked the concept but struggled with the reality.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

August 27, 2016
211 of 230
Rogue Warrior ( Dark Warrior Alliance book 10)
By Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

The most important tenet of being a Dark Warrior is to uphold the law and order of the Tehrex Realm, but one look at an Angel's Kiss victim and Santiago breaks every rule. Thumbing his nose at the Vampire King and his life at Zeum, Santiago is shocked when his Omega refuses him sanctuary within the pack. Facing life as a lone wolf doesn't deter Santiago from his mission as he continues to fight evil and put an end to the destructive drug taking over the realm. He is forced to evaluate his principles when he discovers the assassin hired to kill him is his Fated Mate. Will the domino affect of killing his mate's brother threaten not only his position as a Dark Warrior, but her trust and love? Tori's human life ended centuries before when Freya found her dying on a battlefield. She's never fit in with the other Valkyrie and looks forward to fulfilling the required time with the Assassin's Guild so she can pursue her true passion of painting. What she plans as her last job is enticing for two reasons... the high dollar figure attached and the fact that the mark is her brother's killer. Tori curses fate when her hatred for Santiago is outweighed by her attraction. Determined to find the proof necessary to condemn Santiago, she isn't prepared when it backfires and her morals and beliefs are called into question.

Santi has always been a favourite of mine and I’m so glad I finally got to his story and mating. I loved Tori too! This was one of the best ones I’ve read so far and I do really love these warriors. It’s always fun catching up with the other warriors and the triplets. Definitely recommend.
Viper: The Prophecy (Odins Wolves 2)
Candi Fox | 2023
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
155 of 235
Viper :The Prophecy (Odins Wolves MC 2)
By Candi Fox

Gaia. the mother of all created a werewolf shifter class to serve as guardians. To avoid war, Gaia gifted those that answered the call to Odin, who infused the warriors with immortality creating a class of demigods who fight for justice.
20 years ago, the world found out that humans were not the only Earth dwellers. Now Dark Fae and Shifters live in the light.
Logan Haagan: Viper, Viking demigod, and retired Dallas police officer will join his brothers in White Horse, OK as part of the OWMC who will work to exact justice when the law can’t. Before leaving Dallas, Viper sees Lady Death fight in an underground ring. The fight has mafia ties and ruthlessly pits all manner of dark fae creatures often encouraging the death of the loser.
Billie, Lady Death has been fighting for the Tromlui capo, Cayum since she was a teenager. She becomes a champion of the ring and wants nothing more than to win her contract back and help her friend who is being threatened. Viper and Synne, a dark fae, work to get her released, but Cayum is not easily discouraged and will stop at nothing to keep Billie right where he wants her.
Viper and Billie are sent to New Orleans to uncover a curse, unearth an ancient vampire relic, and discover an age-old prophecy that will change everything...
Don’t miss this epic tale of myths, justice, and prophecy.

I did enjoy this one but think I was expecting to feel the same as I did about book 1 and I didn’t. The world building is really good with complex characters and storylines. Loved catching up with Odins wolves and finding other creatures especially loving Deaths identity . Also a gator shifter that’s a first for me too!