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Entertainment Editor (1988 KP) rated Scythe in Tabletop Games

Mar 7, 2018 (Updated Mar 7, 2018)  
2016 | Civilization, Economic, Fighting, Miniatures, Science Fiction
Scythe: The Kotaku Review
It’s not every day you get to rampage through the 1920s countryside in control of a fleet of giant mechs.

Scythe is a new board game from Stonemaier Games. If the art up top (which is on the front of the game’s box) looks familiar, that’s because the entire game is based on a universe imagined by artist Jakub Rozalski, which we featured on Fine Art a few years back and which is now also getting a video game.

Reviewer: Luke Plunkett
Read the full review here:

Erika (17789 KP) rated Armada in Books

May 27, 2018  
Ernest Cline | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a solid second novel from Ernie Cline. Of course, the concept was not new, it definitely took from Ender's Game, Flight of the Navigator, etc, but the book wasn't pretending to be an original concept. A video game training the mass population in case of an alien invasion was the storyline.
The only thing I didn't like was the ending... regarding the 'aliens' reasoning for attacking. It was a nice, easy, and quick read.
    Disc Golf Game

    Disc Golf Game

    Games and Sports

    (0 Ratings) Rate It


    Most realistic disc golf game ever. - The flight of the disc is just like in real life. It is based...

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
Entertainment, Games
Meet characters (1 more)
New storyline
Have to wait for energy to advance (0 more)
This game is a must if, like me you are a complete potterhead. Being able to ‘explore’ Hogwarts, and the Grounds, and advance through a brand new story set in the world of Harry Potter is exciting. The storyline is interesting, if a little slow, but once you get into the game, you can’t put it down!
This being said though, the graphics of the game leave something to be desired, but what do you expect when playing on a phone.
A negative of the game is that everything you need to advance through the storyline of the game requires energy, which you run out of super quick, so it’s more of a stop-start kind of game. They have added the option to watch a short video in exchange for 3 energy in the latest update, so I can imagine the developers have been reading similar reviews to this one.
Altogether a brilliant story-led game to tie in with the Harry Potter book, and movie franchise.