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Death Wish (2018)
Death Wish (2018)
2018 | Action, Crime, Drama
Bruce Willis killing bad guys
5 minutes before DEATH WISH started there was just 2 of us in the movie theater (by the time the film started, there was probably around 20). I turned to the only gentleman sitting there (about 2 seats down) and asked him if he'd like break into a "discussion group" after the film. "I'm just here to see Bruce Willis kill bad guys.", he said.

He did not walk away disappointed.

Directed by Eli Roth, DEATH WISH is a remake of the early 1970's film starring Charles Bronson about a "normal, family man" who snaps after his wife and daughter are assaulted. The Police' hands are tied, so he decides to take matters in his own hands and starts committing "vigilante justice".

Bruce Willis stars in this remake - and he is perfectly fine as the Doctor turned vigilante. Joining him is Vincent D'Onofrio as his brother, Elisabth Shue as his wife and BREAKING BAD'S Dean Norris as the cop who is chasing him. All of these actors do a perfectly fine job with what they are given to work with, but (let's be honest), fine acting - or intricate plot developments - are not what you are looking for in this film.

As my new friend put it - "I'm just here to see Bruce Willis kill bad guys".

And "kill bad guys" he does. But...not as often as I though he would. And...not nearly as graphically as I was expecting. Director Roth is known as a Director of Horror "splatter" films, "torture porn" fare like the HOSTEL films and CABIN FEVER. I was pleasantly surprised by the restraint that Roth has shown in the graphic violence in this film - I was expecting it to be a lot worse, almost stomach churning - but it just wasn't (except for 1 torture seen involving a car). It was "basic" violent fare - and well done.

To be honest, I thought they spent too much time of the film setting up Willis' character turn to "the dark side", at one point wondering "get to killing the bad guys already". But, when the film gets there, it is entertaining, indeed.

As I walked past my "new friend" after the film was over, I asked him what he thought:

"I saw Bruce Willis killing bad guys, I'm good."

And that about sums it up.

Letter Grade B- (just know what you're getting into)

6 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
So: Daredevil.

AKA MAtt Murdock: Blind Lawyer by day, Vigilante by night.

And a character that, unlike (say) your Superman or Spiderman or Batman's, only really came to my attention with the (so-so) 2003 movie of the same name, and the more recent (and better) Marvel Netflix series'.

I'd also never read any of the comics/graphic novels before, although I knew that the TV series, in particular, drew heavily from that source, but had heard good things about them. With all that said, I thought I would take a risk on this particular collection (purchased, and read, via Comixology on my iPad) to see what all the fuss was about.

And, at first, I wasn't overwhelmed - I found the first story arc just so-so, and couldn't really get to grips with the art-style.

However, things picked up (for me) once the collection went back to a more conventional art style, with the whole story arc around the attempted coup against the Kingpin, followed by his estranged wife's revenge, then by the outing of Murdock's secret identity (wow!) and the trial of the Costumed Superhero (not him) that follows a succession of whammies (for want of a better word) one after the other ...

More, please!
A Vigilante (2018)
A Vigilante (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
and the trucks won't stop coming...
Olivia Wilde is the main reason to watch this female empowerment/revenge film as her performance is visceral, raw, emotional and intense for sure.

Sadie is a young woman tormented by her family's history. She tried to cope with her uncontrollable emotions by attending a support group and by studying self defense. She has decided her course in life has become to defend the innocent women and children of domestic violence by being an Equalizer?Death Wish type "vigilante" on the batterers.

When her own past comes back to haunt her, she has to use all her newly acquired skills to escape and possible prevail.

While I don't obviously condone taking the law into your own hands, the audience is definitely with her as she exacts her raw justice on the domestic assailants.

I was disappointed in the 2nd half of the film which falls into a formula eroding the interesting character study which had been developing up to that point. Once the 3rd acts starts, it turns into a different film. I wish it would've stayed the plot line which showed her tortured soul more and showed her as the flawed heroine she is.

Woven in Moonlight
Woven in Moonlight
Isabel Ibanez | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A beautiful and lush fantasy based on Bolivian culture
Woven in Moonlight is a beautiful and lush fantasy, based on the culture and history of Bolivia. It is set in the fictional country of Inkasisa. Ximena is a stand in for the Condesa, the last remaining royal of the Illustrian people. Her people were driven from La Ciudad when Atoc, of the Llacsan people, usurped the throne using an ancient relic. The Illustrians live in isolation and poverty while the Llacsans rule Inkasisa. When Atoc demands that Catalina, the true Condesa, marry him, Ximena travels to La Ciudad in her place. Her plan is to act as a spy and retrieve Atoc's ancient deadly relic. Atoc is a cruel and dictatorial ruler, but Ximena comes to realize that not all Llacsan people are bad. She questions everything she has been told about who the true oppressors are, as the Illustrian people did not treat the Llacsans well when they were in power. She meets a kind princess, a vigilante, a healer, a guard and a maid, among others, and changes her views. The story is fast paced and the writing is beautiful. I really loved this book - great world building, fascinating magic (woven animals created from moonlight!), and wonderful descriptions of Bolivian food and clothing.