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Virgin River (Virgin River, #1)
Robyn Carr | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
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#1 <a href="">Virgin River</a> - ★★★★

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I am so thankful to the team at Mills & Boon for letting me a part of this amazing blog tour. It is an honour, and a pleasure! <a href=" ">Click HERE to read the first chapter!</a>

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<i>When recently widowed Melinda sees an advert for a midwife in the quiet town of Virgin River, she decides this is the perfect place to escape her heartache and to revitalise the nursing career she loves. 

However, her dreams are shattered as soon as she arrives. The cabin is uninhabitable, the roads are treacherous and the local doctor has nothing to do with her. But when a tiny baby is abandoned on a front porch, Mel needs to make a decision.

Helped by a local barman and former marine, Jack Sheridan, Mel has to face her past, and realises that there may be a future in Virgin River after all. </i>

<i><b>First Impression</b></i>

I don’t usually go for the drama romance stories. But I do love a bit of new town girl, and I also love watching medical shows, despite knowing close to nothing about medicine. Grey’s Anatomy, The Resident, Doctor House, The Good Doctor, ER, etc. fans - please let yourselves known! :)

I loved this book. It has a very good vibe about if from the beginning until the end. First of all, I fell in love with Virgin River. A lovely quiet place, with amazing selfless people living in it. I would love to live in a town like that! The author described the place so well, that it made me feel like I was there, in the pub, in the doctor’s office, by the river…


We found ourselves to have Mel as a main character, followed by Jack. However, we had a lot of side characters, who actually played a crucial role in the development of Mel and Jack and their story.

<i><b>Mel is a city girl, born and raised.</b></i>

Always lived in big cities, most recently in L.A. and she is used to all the poshy posh stuff that come along with such a lifestyle. She was married to Mark, an emergency doctor, who recently passed away. We never get to meet Mark, but we get to know him through Mel’s memories of him. 

Wanting and needing change, she sells everything and moves to Virgin River, a promising quiet town, where she can start again. But things don’t go as planned. They never do. When struggling with challenges, she has to find a way to cope with her pain, then learn how to live with it, so she can move on and be happy in life. 

<i><b>Then we have Jack, who owns a bar in Virgin River, and who is the person that helps everyone around.</b></i>

When Mel arrives, he is determined to make her stay and show her that this place is not so bad after all. But as a former marine, he also has his demons, and as much as he will help Mel, he also needs her to help him get over his pain as well. 

From the side characters, I really loved Doc, the sassy old doctor, Preacher, Jack’s friend from the marines and Joey, Mel’s sister. Even though I hated Joey at the beginning, she started to grow on me as time passed by. 

Very interesting story, a lot of dramatic events that change our characters and teach them something. The plot was predictable in the sense that I knew there would be a love story between Jack and Mel, but it was still adorable and cute to read how both of them grow by each other. 

<i><b>The Netflix Show</b></i>

You might have heard, but now Virgin River also has a TV show as well. My plan was to read and watch them simultaneously, and I did watch the first few episodes. I love the show, and I will definitely continue watching. However, the plot is changed a lot and it is quite different from the book, so I suggest you read the book first before watching the TV show. 

<i><b>Have you read this book? Have you read something similar? I would love to read your thoughts. :) </b></i>

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LNER Travel Buddy
LNER Travel Buddy
5.5 (2 Ratings)
App Rating
Tickets to your phone (1 more)
Doesn't let you sign in (2 more)
Doesn't download tickets
You have to be online to download tickets.
More complicated than it should be
I want this to be good. I want it to work but sadly it has failed yet again. When it was a Virgin east coast app i had the same issues. The revamp and rebranding of the app has done nothing to improve the service. I can buy tickets from the website, I just can't download them to the device. I might as well buy them from the station. When it works it's good but it's not worth the stress and frustration.
Cries and Whispers (1972)
Cries and Whispers (1972)
1972 | Drama, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I could have easily filled this list with ten Bergman movies. (Cries and Whispers, Fanny and Alexander, The Magician, Persona, Sawdust and Tinsel, The Seventh Seal, Smiles of a Summer Night, Through a Glass Darkly, The Virgin Spring, Wild Strawberries—there, I did it anyway.) His filmic artistry, his seriousness of purpose, his love of actors, and, above all, his literate examinations of the human condition never fail to inspire me. I think I’ve stolen more from Bergman than any other writer. Cries and Whispers is a masterpiece. Visual storytelling, a lean narrative, exacting characterization, formal experimentation—all in the service of painful, honest humanity."

This is Not a Horror Movie
This is Not a Horror Movie
Sara Dobie Bauer | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Always remember to pack a Virgin and a Rosary.

Awful things happen against beautiful backdrops and this is no different.
    I really like Emory, the horror film buff. He has a close, cheeky relationship with his twin sister, but for all the cheek he'd do anything for her. I enjoyed watching his character develop, his confidence grow and slowly realise how others see him.
    The relationship/dynamics between Emory and Conner are interesting.....friends/holiday neighbours.....Emory's secret crush...

This isn't for the faint-hearted, there is blood and danger and it's put me off abandoned buildings again! It's creepy and has a darkness throughout, I love it.
Jungfrukällan (The Virgin Spring) (1960)
Jungfrukällan (The Virgin Spring) (1960)
1960 | Drama, Horror, International
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Firstly I’m going to go for The Virgin Spring. It’s a film that may surprise people but it really had an impact on me and I was just amazed by it. I saw it in a relatively short period of my life when I was teaching at college. When I was younger I hadn’t been allowed to watch any because I went to a Baptist College, but by this time I had put the religion behind me and that was one of the first art films I saw and I was very impressed by it. I mean, I could list you a dozen movies from that era by European by European film directors by Godard, Truffaut – Breathless, 400 Blows, all those wonderful European movies.”"


Awix (3310 KP) rated Countess Dracula (1971) in Movies

Feb 14, 2018 (Updated Feb 14, 2018)  
Countess Dracula (1971)
Countess Dracula (1971)
1971 | Horror
Historically-inspired Hammer horror; not actually part of its main Dracula series, but the title helped the box office, I guess. Ageing Hungarian noblewoman discovers she can restore her youth by bathing in virgin blood, takes a shine to a young soldier, decides to impersonate her own daughter in order to woo him (as you would). Meanwhile life for the domestic staff around the castle becomes unexpectedly more hazardous.

Restrained and thoughtful horror movie; a bit less garish and gory than you might think. Interesting subtext about the relationship between the young and the old, and fear of ageing. Driven along by a terrific performance from Ingrid Pitt (Pitt thought there should have been more blood in the movie). Runs out of things to do slightly before the end, but still a classy movie.

Dick Cavett recommended Tokyo Story (1953) in Movies (curated)

Tokyo Story (1953)
Tokyo Story (1953)
1953 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Tokyo monogatari, perhaps better known to non-Nipponophiles as Tokyo Story. Any film by the great Yasujiro Ozu will do, especially if it has Japan’s walked-away-in-mid-career huge star, the divine, mysterious, heart-seducing Setsuko Hara, who, Garbo-like and at the peak of her popularity, vanished into obscurity, never to return to the screen. I discovered her hideout in Kamakura, Japan, and briefly glimpsed her, refuting my cabdriver’s assurance that she was long dead. She lives yet, in her mid-nineties. Don’t pass this way without losing your heart to Miss Hara—Japan’s “eternal virgin”—on the screen. Also, same film, the great Chishu Ryu, who teaches the entire acting profession how to play, at a still youngish age, an ancient and enfeebled oldster. He is, one critic said, “old in his bones.”"

Doctor Who: Sleepy
Doctor Who: Sleepy
Kate Orman | 1996
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a re-read for me, as I had read SLEEPY when it first came out in the late 90s. While I remembered parts of the book, it was, more or less, like it was fresh. Most of my time was spent "gobbling" as many books as I could, allowing me to "escape" the humdrum life I was leading and my not-so-cool bachelorhood. So, yeah, a fresh start of sorts to this read.

SLEEPY is the first book that begins the overarching "Psi Powers" story line. Author Kate Orman wastes no time, throwing us right into the deep end of the pool as the book opens! The ride that begins never lets up, providing with well-fleshed out characters and minor characters, as well as providing an intriguing and thought-provoking backstory.

In both the Virgin <i>New Adventures</i> as well as the BBC's <i>Eighth Doctor Adventures</i>, Orman was always favorite of mine, as well as a number of the pre-NuWHO fans. Her characters, goodies <b>and</b> baddies, were always full of depth, giving something than us tropes. The Doctor, regardless of the Incarnation, was treated properly, offering a much better Doctor than the new series has shown us.

The book requires focus when reading. That is, it works better if you can read it in room without distractions (musical film scores playing in the background don't count as a distracting), without anyone trying to talk to you while you're trying to read, i.e. my wife (!). There's some truly heady stuff going on the pages within, and if you ride it out, you will not be disappointed!

In the 61 <i>New Adventures</i> that Virgin Books published from 1991-96, there are several that stand out as cornerstones of the WHO-niverse. SLEEPY is one of those "cornerstones". If you see this out in your travels, perusing a cool used book shop, pick this book up, as it well worth the time!
Five Feet Apart (2019)
Five Feet Apart (2019)
2019 | Drama, Romance
Five Feet Apart is the story of Stella, a high school sophomore who has cystic fibrosis. We first meet her when Stella admits herself to Saint Grace Hospital for one of her "tune-ups" while her two best friends are going on a nice tropical vacation. Also in the CF ward is Poe, her homosexual best friend, and Will, a 17 going on 18 year old sort of rebel. Female-centric "Rebel Without a Cause" crossed with "The Fault in Our Stars" as the two fall hard for each other unable to get closer than 6 feet next to each other. If they get much closer, they could catch the other's bacterial infection and die slowly and painfully. This lighthearted romance (natch) breaks your heart while instilling the importance of human touch. Directed with limited skill by the actor who plays Rafael on Jane the Virgin, Five Feet Apart is a nice distraction, but not highly recommended if you want high quality.

Colin Newman recommended Tabula Rasa by Arvo Part in Music (curated)

Tabula Rasa  by Arvo Part
Tabula Rasa by Arvo Part
1984 | Classical, Experimental
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"People who didn’t live through that period or weren’t old enough to know what was going on somehow imagine that there was this fantastic post-punk thing going on. That’s all made up in hindsight. Really, everything was pop of the most plastic kind. And a lot of it was quite terrible. Though I did like Madonna’s “Like a Virgin,” which came out in 1984. There was a real thing in the early-to-mid ’80s about modern classical music; there was a lot of that stuff around, and those were the more interesting things. If you know Tabula Rasa and know anything about the music that I’ve been involved with, you might struggle to find how I would connect with that kind of music. But it’s not really experimental music. It’s very emotional. It doesn’t have the form of a song but it’s not far from the world that Eno was exploring with his Ambient series."
