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The Opposite of Maybe
The Opposite of Maybe
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rosie and Jonathan have been together for 15 years. They never married or had kids even though everyone around them were. They were content with their lives the way they were, or at least that is what Rosie thought. One morning, when birth control goes out the window all because of a strange name on the caller ID, Rosie is about to find out exactly who and what it is she wants in life.

This story was really very interesting. Jonathan doesn't seem like the kind of guy that any woman would want to date. He is all about himself and doesn't really seem to notice or care what is going on around him. He used to be an artist until he wasn't anymore and then he started to collect teacups. When he gets the opportunity to be a part of a museum for the precious teacups, he jumps at the chance. Rosie isn't quite as eager as he is and he promises marriage as a way to get her on board.

Rosie has a lot going on in her life, but then Jonathan shows his true colors just days before the wedding and it makes quite an impact. Finally, Rosie decides to do something that is going to be best for herself instead of going along with what Jonathan wants. In making this decision to stay and take care of her grandmother and settle things, she discovers something amazing about her life.

Too many women in this world put their lives on hold to do what is best for the family. Following their military spouse all around the world, giving up a career for children, leaving behind family to pursue a dream. If we don't we are labeled as unsupportive and when we do we are also given grief about leaving our own wishes and desires to support someone else. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Rosie learns a lot about her life through this book and is a testament to others about doing what is best for yourself.
Our Kind of Cruelty: A Novel
Our Kind of Cruelty: A Novel
Araminta Hall | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Our Kind of Cruelty by Araminta Hall is a domestic thriller and courtroom drama like no other! I’ve never read one quite like it. Not only do we have a male narrator named Mike, and see things from his point of view, we’re also dealing with other issues of autism and passionate obsessions, too. Until recently, Mike and his girlfriend Verity ( V as he likes to call her) have played a dangerous, sexual game called ‘Crave’, for years. But when they break up obsessed Mike still believes V is playing the game and will come back to him, despite V telling him she’s getting married to someone else and inviting him to the wedding. Nothing deters single-minded, Mike from his expected outcome.

The book begins like any other but it wasn’t long before I felt sorry for Mike, even though I knew he was a nasty piece of work. Why? I found the reason I sympathised with him was in the details. The way the author, Araminta Hall, portrayed Mike’s years as he talked about life as a kid; the things he refused to do, or accept, because his thinking was always logical and he didn’t understand why no one else could see things the way he did. Why say sorry when you don’t mean it? Why say you could kill someone and not do it?

As an adult Mike’s learnt to fit in with the world and act as society expects. To a certain degree. But it doesn’t mean he has to like it, or find it easy to do. He’s also one for keeping himself in check with routines of which he thrives on. Clearly, when you get to the end you’ll realise Mike’s attitude plays a massive part of the final twist.

I really enjoyed this book and its flawed characters. Although it’s not particularly fast-paced to start with, the journey fascinated me. Our Kind of Cruelty is about obsessive love, unhealthy relationships, and the psychology of the human mind. Details. It’s all in the details.
#WhatsYourVerdict? My verdict would give the whole twist away… This would translate well to film.
One True Loves
One True Loves
Taylor Jenkins Reid | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emma Blair and Jesse Lerner are high school sweethearts. They marry in their twenties, move to California, and leave their family and stifling Massachusetts hometown far behind. They travel the world together and seem destined for a long and happy life. But on their first wedding anniversary, Jesse's helicopter goes missing. Suddenly, Emma's happy life is torn apart. Jesse is gone, and she's not sure how to move on.

So Emma moves back home. To her parents, her sister, and all the expectations that comes with them. She eventually picks herself up and starts to live life without Jesse. One day she runs into an old high school, friend, and they fall in love, eventually becoming engaged. It seems as if Emma is getting a second chance at the happiness she so dearly wanted, albeit in a very different form. But then she gets a call-- out of the blue. It's Jesse. He's alive and he's been attempting all these years to get back to his beloved Emma: his wife. Emma's world is turned upside down yet again. She's faced with a huge decision: who is her true love?

I picked up this novel for a change of pace, and it was exactly that. It's not altogether light and fluffy: it deals with some deep themes, but it's no mystery or psychological women's fiction, either. It was an easy, fast read, which I read while on vacation, and it suited my needs to a tee. The plot was interesting, though completely far-fetched, and you just sort have to suspend disbelief going in if you want to enjoy it. Reid's writing is a little stilted (a lot of telling versus showing) but I grew to enjoy Emma, even if her dilemma was a bit insane. I won't spoil the plot, as basically the book revolves around Emma's choice, but it was certainly interesting and intriguing to watch Emma come to her conclusion. If you're looking for a quick read, say for a beach vacation or airplane diversion, this book is ideal.

I received a copy of this novel from Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available everywhere as of 06/07/2016.
Husbands and Other Sharp Objects
Husbands and Other Sharp Objects
Marilyn Simon Rothstein | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
so funny - LOL funny (0 more)
This book is HILARIOUS! 9 LOL STARS!!

Some favorites....
••• "Is bread still considered white once toasted?"

••• "I hate the term “baby lettuce.” Worse is “Boston baby lettuce.” It’s not bad enough you’re eating the baby. You have to know where it comes from."

••• "People I knew hardly ever called on the landline anymore, which was good because I liked to keep that phone open for insurance types who mispronounced my name and financial advisors hawking upside-down mortgages."

And those are literally from just the first 10% of the book!

I LOL'd from beginning to end. If you need some humor in your life, please do yourself a favor and get this book! You won't regret it.. I chuckled, I guffawed, I made all the silly noises that describe laughter. But get this - there is divorce, infidelity, cancer, family issues, heart attacks... and I still made all those silly noises!! Never have I laughed out loud so much from a book.

Marcy Hammer is done with her marriage. Despite a lifetime of memories, three adult kids and a pretty comfortable life, it's inexcusable what Harvey has done. She's got a new man in her life, but Harvey will not let her go. She's determined to get him to file, and move forward with the divorce. But while her own marriage is ending, her daughter Amanda gets engaged, and her marriage is just beginning.

The wedding planning is the bulk of the story - and it is hysterically insane. From beginning to end between thieving in-laws, silly traditions, and just having her kids meet Jon her new boyfriend, nothing is simple, everything involves some sort of challenge or confrontation - but Marcy takes it all in stride - doing her best as a mom, a friend, a partner - and her sense of humor truly shines in this book!

I loved Marcy, she is witty and feisty, and her family is just as dysfunctional as you'd want in a great book. The writing is sharp and quick, and I was thoroughly entertained from start to finish.
Tag (2018)
Tag (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Pretty Funny
A group of friends' have relied on a monthly game of Tag to stay in contact with each other. The friends must come together to take down Jerry (Jeremy Renner), the only one in their circle who has never been tagged. Sound stupid? Sure. However it's a lot less cornier and a lot funnier than you might imagine.

Acting: 10
This star-studded cast really came to play, pun-intended. I can only imagine how challenging it would be to take a role like this so seriously while trying to have fun at the same time, but each of the actors/actresses managed their roles perfectly and brought their own style to the game. Isla Fisher was my personal favorite playing the role of Anna Malloy who desperately wants to be initiated into the Tag group but has to settle for (aggressively) helping her husband win. Her intensity cracks me up in every scene she plays in.

Beginning: 8

Characters: 10
I loved that these characters weren't flat, but fleshed out, which made for even better comedy in the longrun. Aside from Anna, you've got Susan Crosby (Leslie Bibb), a perfectionist who wants to keep the Tag game away from her perfect wedding. Jerry's character is a flat-out masterpiece, a bit of Pink Panther meets Sherlock Holmes. Every character brings their own uniqueness to the game.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
Speaking of Sherlock Holmes, I loved the Holmes-esque cinematics used when capturing Jerry's aversion tactics. Straight out of an action film, watching him duck and dive without breaking a sweat while all the other players destroy themselves is hilarious. The slo-mo captures are perfect, something akin to a Michael Bay or John Woo film.

Conflict: 5

Genre: 7

Memorability: 8

Pace: 10

Plot: 8

Resolution: 8
Somewhat cheesy, it still manages to get the job done. Considering how preposterous the rest of the film is, the ending works just fine.

Overall: 84
The comedy is up and down, but overall, Tag is solidly funny. With a unique concept and a great cast, this is a film that will definitely keep you entertained.
Wanting Secret Baby
Wanting Secret Baby
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Naomi has the worst luck finding men. She wants to find someone to settle down with and start a family but all the men she keeps interacting with are duds. At her friends engagement party she encounters the brother of the intended groom and sparks fly, at least on her end. Is Alex the man she needs in her life?

Naomi has enchanted Alex since first glance. He’s barely spoken to her, yet she envelops his nightly dreams. He cannot get her face out of his conscience and tries to come up with any excuse just to see her again. When his brother asks him to be his best man, knowing Naomi is the maid of honor gives him a perfect excuse to see her again.

Naomi is powerless whenever Alex is near her. She needs to find a way to be as far from him at all times as possible. He messes with her concentration to a point that she knows she can’t trust herself near him. One stolen kiss is all it takes to send her over the edge.

Alex and Naomi can’t fight the pull that is constantly at work when they are near each other. After sneaking away from the wedding reception they find themselves at the point of no return. A tragic phone call after sends Naomi running from Alex, but can she stay away from him forever?

Alex and Naomi find themselves apart but never far from each other’s thoughts. After an unexpected gift leaves Naomi scrambling to escape, will she ever be able to come home again? Alex has to get Naomi out of his mind, for good this time. He tries to move on but every woman has Naomi’s face. When she shows back up in town a year later, he realizes he still cares for her more than he’s ever cared for any woman. Can he convince her to give him a chance?

Include some big secrets in the mix and Naomi and Alex find themselves fighting even harder to stay apart. Their chemistry is palpable. I received an advance copy without expectation for review, any and all opinions expressed are my own.
The Baggage Handler
The Baggage Handler
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
n a similar vein to The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews or Dinner with a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory, The Baggage Handler is a contemporary story that explores one question: What baggage are you carrying?

Three people take a flight that will change their lives forever. Fresh off a run-in with his wife, harried businessman David disembarks the plane angry and impatient. Gillian thought she would be more excited about coming to her niece’s wedding, but she is just hoping to survive. Malcolm has gambled everything on this trip to start his fledgling artistic career. To him, failure means working in hardware in what his father calls “a real job.” After each picks up the wrong suitcase, they make their way to a mysterious baggage depot in a deserted part of the city. There they meet the Baggage Handler, who shows them there is more in their baggage than what they have packed. A simple baggage mix-up at the airport is more than an inconvenience when it forces three people to face the baggage they are unknowingly carrying around.

My Thoughts: This was an eye-opening story about how we carry our troubles or "baggage" with us every day. This becomes such a habit that we can be so unaware that we are in truth carrying so much with us that we don't have to. Why not feel free and give it all to the one who says He will carry all our troubles and burdens?

This is a wonderful reminder from the author that we need not burden ourselves, that we can live the life we want. I really enjoyed this novel, it brought to my attention that we all need to look inside and take inventory and just let go anything that is bringing us down. I could completely relate to Michael and Gillian with the baggage they were carrying. This is a book that catches the readers' attention from beginning to end and can totally relate to in many aspects. The reader can identify with any of the characters in this novel. This is a novel I truly enjoyed and highly recommend it to others.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Dilemma in Books

Jul 2, 2020  
The Dilemma
The Dilemma
B. A. Paris | 2020 | Thriller
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Livia became pregnant when she was seventeen and her wealthy but distant parents basically disowned her. As such, she's always dreamed of having a giant party of her own. Now she's turning forty and finally having the lavish party she's always longed for. Her husband Adam and eldest child, Josh, will be there, but her younger daughter Marnie, who is studying in Hong Kong, will miss the celebration. And, secretly, Livia is relieved--something she hasn't even told Adam. Adam, meanwhile, just wants it all to go well for Livia. He has his own surprise planned, until he learns something terrible that will change everything.

"What I hate most is that my need for this party came from my parents. If I'd been able to have the wedding they promised me, I wouldn't have become obsessed with having my own special day."

Well, I can say one thing about this book: it's really readable. I flew through it in one day. Now, did I enjoy it? That's something entirely different. The plot is based on a preposterous web of lies and secrets that I don't think any couple would actually keep from one another. Not to mention that Livia is just ridiculous in her desire for this elaborate party, which we learn she has truly been dreaming about and planning for twenty freaking years. Seriously, lady?

Both Livia and Adam make insane decisions in the name of their secrets, but Livia's "secret"--which is actually just her being crazy yet again and overreacting to life--pales in comparison to Adam's, so it's impossible to take her seriously about anything. Meanwhile, you just want to shake Adam, tell him it's a stupid party, and get it together. Man up, tell your wife, and let's go. None--none of this--is necessary!

Honestly, while I kept turning the pages because a) I hoped someone would grow up and make a smart decision and b) I was wishing things would turn out differently, this book was stressful. It was hard to read, emotional, and tense (and not in a good, thrilling way). The whole story has an "ick" factor to it. While it was a quick read, it's not one I really recommend. 2 stars.
The Talk of Pram Town
The Talk of Pram Town
Joanna Nadin | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Talk of Pram Town was a bit of a walk down memory lane for me, as someone who was born in the early 1970’s: playing out with my friends, arranging to meet by speaking face to face with them, no mobile phones. I can remember watching Charles and Diana’s wedding, whilst holding commemorative coins bought by my Nan and commemorative mugs that would never be drunk out of (I still have mine somewhere!). But that’s where the similarities in my life, compared to that of 11 year old Sadie and her mum Connie, end.
Sadie and Connie live in Leeds, and don’t appear to have any other family. Connie wants to hit the big time as a singer, but instead sings at local working men’s clubs, and works at the local supermarket. Sadie certainly lives the first 11 years of her life in a much different way to many other people. This house in Leeds seems to be the most stable and ‘normal’ way of life that she has had so far.
So when Sadie is forced to go and live with the grandparents she has never met, her introduction to Essex suburbia is quite a shock to her system!
I loved this book. It has a real sense of time and place, making me feel so nostalgic for my childhood. I really enjoyed Sadie's grandparents: Jean, her grandmother, especially. It’s clear from the beginning that she has her own secrets, secrets that have embittered her over the years. I felt that the slow reveal of her younger life, and how she deals with Sadie as well as her feelings for Connie and Bernard, were fascinating.
But Sadie really is the most wonderful part of this novel. The way that she approaches her new life with such stoicism, her intelligence and curiosity of the new world that she has to grow to at least like, really made me want to read more.
I can’t wait to see what Joanna Nadin writes next - I’ve loved both this and her last novel (The Queen of Bloody Everything), both of which look at mother-daughter relationships.
I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this - it’s a joy to read.
Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway (2021)
Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway (2021)
2021 | Animation, Family
Full disclosure, I absolutely loved the first Peter Rabbit film. I found it completely hilarious and cackled numerous times. The sequel did not make me laugh.
I typically don’t watch straight-up kid movies anymore, because they’re not funny, and they are as annoying as the kids in the audience. This movie completely reminded me of that.
The film begins with the wedding of Bea and Thomas, the rabbits and other members of McGregor’s Garden are all present. The animals are mixed in with the humans, and it looked very odd. I can’t figure out why. Bea and Thomas enter married bliss (?), running a shop in town, and tending the garden. Bea’s first Peter Rabbit book has been published by Thomas himself. Bea receives an offer from a publisher, Nigel Basil-Jones, played by David Oyelowo, to have her book republished so it can reach a wider audience. Bea begins to compromise her integrity to please Nigel and make the rabbits hipper to boost sales. Meanwhile, Peter embraces his bad boy/ mischievous image and makes friends with this super creepy rabbit from the city, participating in food heists.
The two main plotlines really didn’t make sense together and seemed to only be related because they were both about family. Yawn.
James Corden, who I can tolerate most of the time, was so completely annoying. His performance killed any motivation I had to see a possible third movie. This movie was just dumb, but I guess it probably entertained children.
There were a few positives. Oyelowo was hilarious, and one of the best parts of the film. He is the only reason I’m giving this film two-stars His comedy skills are on point and his interactions with Domhnall Gleeson were the best source of adult laughs. I also loved the voice acting of Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail. Though, I was a little bummed that Daisy Ridley did not return as Cottontail.
The recent marketing stated, “In Theaters. Finally”. I’m not sure this film should have been released in theaters, they should have released it on VOD at Easter-time either in 2020, or 2021.