Augustus: The Biography
Jochen Bleicken and Anthea Bell
'Masterful ...a breathtaking panorama of Roman politics at a crucial turning point in history' Simon...
Social Science and Historical Perspectives: Society, Science, and Ways of Knowing
This accessible book introduces the story of 'social science', with coverage of history, politics,...

The Fall of the Iron Curtain and the Culture of Europe
Katalin Bogyay and Peter I. Barta
The end of communism in Europe has tended to be discussed mainly in the context of political science...

Shadows of War
October, 1939: War has been declared, but until the armies massed on either side of the...
De Rerum Natura (The Nature of Things): A Poetic Translation
This elegant new translation at last restores the poetry to one of the greatest and most influential...

100 All-Time Favorite Movies
Take a journey through the makers and shapers of celluloid history. From horror to romance, noir to...

Darkest Hour (2017)
Movie Watch
Within days of becoming Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill (Gary Oldman) must face...
Drama biography

Guy Gibson: Dambuster
A new assessment of the life of one of the most famous and controversial airmen of the Second World...

Nevada Smith (1966)
Movie Watch
Half-breed Max Sand (Steve McQueen) witnesses the brutal murder of his parents and vows to track...

Instant Health: The Shaolin Qigong Workout for Longevity
For the past 1500 years, the Qigong workout for longevity has been secretly passed from generation...