BankofMarquis (1832 KP) rated Onward (2020) in Movies
Mar 25, 2020
I should have lowered my expectations.
Don't get me wrong, ONWARD is a good film. It is whimsical, fantastic and fun. It just could have been better.
Set in a time where Elves, Faeries, Unicorns and Wizards exist, but they exist as "regular" people, going to jobs, going to school, living their lives...ONWARD tells the tale of 2 brothers (Pratt and Holland) who go on a magical quest to bring back their dead father - at least for one night.
It's a fun romp, but it's not a REALLY fun romp. And that's the issue with this film. It is all lower case - where the film could have been UPPER CASE (if you know what I mean). Holland and Pratt are good together, they are not GREAT together (like Tom Hanks and Tim Allen in TOY STORY or Billy Crystal and John Goodman in MONSTER'S INC.). Julia Louis-Dreyfuss is off-beat as their mother, but she isn't over-the-top WACKY as the mother. Octavio Spencer is "octane" as a former mythical creature that aids the boys - but she's not HIGH-OCTANE.
You get the drift.
I lay the fault of this on Director Dam Scanlon who's other Pixar Directorial effort, MONSTER'S UNIVERSITY suffered from a similar malaise. It was fun...not AWESOME FUN. The pacing of the film doesn't really help as there is no strong push to the goal in this film. I caught myself stirring in my seat as the film progressed...never a good sign.
Don't get me wrong, it is still a good film - the kids will like it. I just have come to expect more from PIXAR. I put Pixar films on 2 levels - GREAT Pixar films (the TOY STORY films, UP, WALL-E) and LESSER Pixar films (MONSTER'S UNIVERSITY, CARS 2, BRAVE).
I would put ONWARD in the LESSER category.
Letter Grade: B (even a "lesser" Pixar film is still above average)
7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)

Gareth von Kallenbach (980 KP) rated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016) in Movies
Aug 6, 2019
I am happy to say that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows is better than its predecessor in almost every way. It’s funnier and delivers the action at an almost frantic fast pace which will no doubt keep the youngsters eyes firmly fixed to the screen. For Dads, Megan Fox is back as April O’Neal and Moms get eye candy of their own with Casey Jones, who is played by Stephen Amell (Arrow). Both deliver the type of performance you would expect for a film like this, fun, upbeat and whimsical. Add in Will Arnett reprising his role as Vern and you have several laughs as this group interacts with the turtles.
On the villain side, we are introduced to the mutated Rhino Rocksteady and Warthog Bebop who are The Shredder’s new henchmen. Both of them are big, dumb, over the top…and they love it! This has been one of the best on screen representations of the duo yet. They add their own fun pace every time they are on film.
As a kids film, those expecting some kind of great explanation or exposition for story development will be disappointed. But those just looking to go along for the ride will feel right at home. The film doesn’t even balk at the opportunity to bring a new character from dimension X, introduce inter-dimension portals and the Technodrome with only a one liner here or there that explains the significance of those items. And then, before we can think of any holes in the explanation, we are taken away to the next set of fast paced and fun action scenes that makes us not care about clarification.

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Ande Thomas (69 KP) rated The Martian Chronicles in Books
May 30, 2019
I understand why he is so well loved. I understand his importance in literature and in science fiction. I just don't like reading him. It's something I can't fully explain. I generally enjoy his stories and his ideas. He paints a beautiful portrait with his words, relying as much on the landscape as he does his characters, which I am normally really into. I like being able to peek into the social structure of the early days of science fiction to see how people envisioned the future and by extension, how they saw themselves. For some unknown reason though, I can never get myself settled and engrossed in a Bradbury story.
The Martian Chronicles has some highlights, to be sure. Favorites include <i>The Earth Men</i>, <i>Way in the Middle of the Air</i> and <i>Usher II</i> come immediately to mind. As simply a collection of short stories, I think I would like it more, but since he decided to thread them loosely together, it causes more trouble than it gains. Because of the nature of the narrative, we get a sort of dreamlike quality to the story. Rules that work in one story may not work in the next. The image of martian life that we are treated to seems a bit arbitrary and dependent on the tale that surrounds it at any given moment. And that's fine! It makes sense given that they were different stories published at different times. But there's nothing that really pulls them together into a cohesive unit.
The characters can at times, be a bit infuriating. The naivety and undisciplined behavior of many of the explorers irked me. <i>The Earth Men,</i> despite being one of my favorite stories, is the most egregious offender. An expedition to a new planet, especially one immediately after a failed one in which everyone died, is upset that none of the natives are thrilled with their presence? Their first and only concern is finding pats on the back? The redeeming factor in this story is the conclusion, which I find justified and well deserved. Maybe Mr. Xxx is right. (Which leads me to my frustration with Martian naming conventions throughout the various stories, but that's neither here nor there.)
Despite my grievances, I still appreciate the lofty ideas Bradbury puts forth and the perspective he brings. Maybe I'm too heavy into modern, harder SF to find solace in the whimsical worlds he presents here. I know it has it's place, that place just isn't with me.

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Gareth von Kallenbach (980 KP) rated Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle in Video Games
Jun 19, 2019
Mario vs. Rabbids: Kingdom Battle blends the iconic Nintendo characters with the Ubisoft Rabbids in a new turn based adventure that fans will love.
Mario, Yoshi, Luigi, and others blend with the mischievous Rabbids after a hysterical accident combines the two franchises.
Using a guide, players will move across a map, collecting coins as they go which can be used to upgrade your gear at various times.
When players enter certain arenas, the game becomes a turn based tactical combat game. Think X-Com but more family friendly and you begin to understand the fun and challenges that await them.
A typical round involves players moving to a point on the field, taking cover, and firing an attack shot at an enemy. Players may also opt to use a defensive skill when available or charge in for a close-quarters attack.
Should players complete the round with at least one of their three players still standing, they can move onto a new area and fight a new set of challenges.
I was doing very well until the first Mid-Boss who along with his minions presented a large challenge. The game gave me the option to play in an easier mode, but that did not seem to matter much as the enemies used travel tubes, exploding boxes, and other tactics to dominate.
Being able to upgrade your weapons is a big help as often the extra amount of damage you can deal an enemy is the key to winning a battle or failing miserably.
The game offers a co-op mode for players looking to play with another player and it is an easy game to play, but one that is very difficult to master.
The Game did very well at E3 when it was announced and won several awards which are well-deserved as after several days of playing the game, I am not bored with it at all and still keep coming back to it again and again.
This is a big deal for me as I often become bored with Nintendo games after a few days as I often find the dated graphics and gameplay difficult to hold my attention for long compared to other options that are out there. This time, I found a game that I love and enjoy the challenge and whimsical blend of styles which makes this one the first real reason to own a Nintendo Switch as I have found it far more enjoyable than any other title currently available for the system, Zelda included.