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The Blessing Way (Leaphorn & Chee, #1)
The Blessing Way (Leaphorn & Chee, #1)
Tony Hillerman | 1970 | Mystery
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting Debut
Anthropology professor Bergen McKee is going to spend the summer on the Navajo Reservation working on his book on witches in the Navajo culture. That means reconnecting with his college friend Joe Leaphorn, who is a Navajo Tribal Police Lieutenant. Leaphorn is trying to track down a young man who is hiding on the reservation, and he uses taking McKee around to try to learn the man’s location. Then the young man turns up dead miles from here Leaphorn thought he was. Meanwhile, McKee finds danger he never imagined while conducting his research. Is everything connected?

I’d been interested in starting this series for a while, and I’m glad I finally did. It took a bit to get fully immersed in the book, especially since it didn’t unfold like I thought it would. McKee is more of the main character and the better developed of the two, although I did like Leaphorn and want to learn more about him. The plot also seemed a little disjointed at first, although it came into focus before too much time had passed. Once I did get invested, I was truly hooked with plenty of suspense to keep me interested. I enjoyed learning a bit more about Navajo culture. While definitely a cross between a police procedural and a thriller, it still doesn’t have much of the content I would associate with the genres. The book came out in 1970, so keep that in mind when you go to start it. I’m glad I finally started the series, and I’m looking forward to getting to know Leaphorn better as the series goes along.
Evil Thing: A Villains Novel (Villains #7)
Evil Thing: A Villains Novel (Villains #7)
Serena Valentino | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I absolutely adore the Villains series. They are such good, quick reads and give an insight into how circumstances in someone’s life can make them into a villain. Evil Thing is no different.
Evil Thing is Cruella De Vil’s story, but not the story that we all think we know. It is styled as a memoir starting with Cruella’s childhood, or the childhood she remembers with rose tinted glasses from the age of eleven onwards. We see how she knew Anita Darling (before she married Roger) and how they were childhood friends who even went to finishing school together for a while. We see how Anita came to have Perdita. And we see exactly how Cruella ended up descending into madness in Hell Hall.
I was a little disappointed that we didn’t have anymore of the Odd Sisters story in this book, but I suppose it was left on a little bit of a cliffhanger, so I can only hope that Serena Valentino will revisit them in the future. But I also realise that it wouldn’t make sense to have them in this book, with Cruella’s life being in London and not in the realm of fairies and witches. It is however referenced as Cruella and Anita’s favourite fairytale book, where they follow Circe and Princess Tulip, which did make me smile.
While this isn’t my favourite of the Villains series (Mistress of All Evil takes that title!) I do like how it is just that little bit different from the others. I wonder if Cold Hearted will be written in the same style or another different style? It will be interesting to find out.
Kiss of Darkness (Curse of the Guardians #1) by Taylor Aston White
Kiss of Darkness (Curse of the Guardians #1) by Taylor Aston White
Taylor Aston White | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am now fully invested is this group of Guardians, and them finding their mates!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Oh I liked this, a LOT! It sort of grabs you, and doesn't let go, runs you through a wringer and spits you out again! And then you gotta wait Lord know how long til the fun starts again!

Kyra is a witch, and is bound to serve in exchange for her life. But when that threatens the lives of ordinary people, she know she has to stop it, somehow. Xander is forced to protect her while things settle but Xander hates black witches, with good reason. Given as they are both keeping secrets, things are bound to boil over. And when they do, sparks fly.

Like I said, I liked this. It's dark and deadly, it's keeping things from you, it's smexy in places, and downright blood thirsty in others. There is much going on and you gotta concentrate while running through that wringer, let me tell ya! It's been a long time since I had a book that did that!

Both Kyra and Xander have a say, and I loved that. I loved all of Xander's Guardian team, and there was a pairing I saw here, with Kyra's friend, that might just be as explosive as Kyra and Xander are.

I can't wait, cos I am now fully invested is this group of Guardians, and them finding their mates!

I wrote 4 stars at the top of the page, but nah, upgrading to the full

5 stars!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Golden Compass
The Golden Compass
Philip Pullman | 1995 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (68 Ratings)
Book Rating
Originally reviewed on

Philip Pullman's The Golden Compass will forever be one of my favorite books. I remember reading it when it was first published in 1995 and thinking then I had never read anything like it before, and each subsequent reading (along with the other books in the His Dark Materials series, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass) still brings that feeling of wonder. The ideas and themes that Pullman introduces in these books challenged me as a reader then, and still do over 20 years later.

Lyra's story of friendship and loyalty found in the most unlikely places, and opposing and challenging those whose beliefs may be strong but not necessarily in the right, resonated strongly with me right out of high school, and I still think that these are important themes for any young reader to experience, especially told through Lyra's eyes. Her strength of character and resolve in what she believes right creates a fantastic role model for anyone, but especially those, I think, who are trying to find their way in the world and are looking to literature to help them. Of course, Pullman disguises much of this in a fast-paced adventure story filled with political intrigue and suspense around every corner, so it will keep readers both young and old eager to find out what happens next. Not every book deserves the title "unputdownable", but I think this was one of my first experiences with a book that earned that description for me. An alternate universe, witches, daemons, polar bears who talk, and more make this book one of the more unique books you'll read, and Philip Pullman's writing is beautiful and poignant.
Epitaph for Three Women (Plantagenet Saga, #12)
Epitaph for Three Women (Plantagenet Saga, #12)
Jean Plaidy | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>2.5 stars

Epitaph for Three Women</b> turned out to be far less about these three women than I was led to believe by the book's description. Broken into three parts titled Katherine of Valois, Joan of Arc, and Eleanor of Gloucester, only Joan, or Jeannette rather, has an actual story that follows her path in life. The other two are background players to the politics going on at the time, especially those concerning the Dukes of Bedford and Gloucester and England's fight for France. Whenever Katherine enters the picture, it's all light, airy, and extremely romanticized, especially in regards to Owen Tudor. For most of the book they live a totally idyllic life that doesn't feel realistic in the least. Eleanor Cobham is portrayed as a scheming, crown-hungry social climber who proves far too trusting of witches and soothsayers. Isabeau of Bavaria fares even worse and I got tired of the constant references to how whorish she was. Since this was written, historians have looked into the accuracy of her reputation and dismissed certain facets as untrue. Still, this isn't a completely bad book. Putting aside Katherine's storyline where she only made cameo appearances anyway, I enjoyed the first part the most. Not knowing much about this period, the history was fascinating. The second featuring Jeannette was my least favorite, but I lay full blame at my feet because I have just never cared for Joan of Arc's story, so found most of this part boring. While there was some interesting information in the book, I didn't love the book but it's an easy introduction to this particular time.

For more information on Eleanor Cobham, I recommend Susan Higginbotham's guest <a href="">post</a>; at Madame Guillotine.

Originally Reviewed: October 17, 2012
Received: Local Library
Suspiria (2018)
Suspiria (2018)
2018 | Horror
Not the Suspiria you were looking for.
"Reimagined" would be the only word to describe this new vision of the original cult horror Argento classic from director Luca Guadagnino. It reminded me of a lot of other 70s and 80s horror including the original Hellraiser, The Wicker Man, or some early David Cronenberg body horror films.

The same basic story of American dancer Susie Banion coming to join a famous European dance company only to discover its leaders are a coven of witches is still there, but with much more complexity. As with the original, the coven does not take kindly when girls try and leave the group and usually meet with some sort of gruesome outcome.

Things get intense slowly over the 2 1/2 hour runtime with the last 20 minutes being some of the most explicit freak show, sadistic, torturous bloodbath I have ever seen. Not sure how this would play with a mainstream audience. I think some would be bored with the beginning and then get up and leave during the extreme climax scene.

Since I watch a ton of movies, I seek out the strange and unusual at this point and this one did not disappoint. It is interesting to see another director's take on the story and going in a completely opposite direction. Argento was always known, especially in this film, for his use of wild colors and patterns and this new version stands as a stark contrast opting for more neutral tones and white and black.

If you have a strong stomach and crave an interesting challenge, I highly recommend. Then let me know so we can discuss.


ClareR (5603 KP) rated Macbeth in Books

Sep 14, 2018  
Jo Nesbo | 2018 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
All of the darkness of the original - and more.
Macbeth in Nordic Noir style - and it works! I've enjoyed the Hogarth Shakespeare series so far, and I think this is the best of the four that I've read.
Nesbo has done a really good job of moving the setting from medieval Scotland to modern Scandinavia (I think! That's what it felt like as I was reading anyway). The names of the towns in the original are the names of the casinos; the Queen of the witches, Hecate, is the main dealer and leader of organised crime in the town; Lady (Macbeth) is the owner of the most exclusive of those casinos.
Like Shakespeare's play, this book is grim, oppressive and ultra-violent. The body count is high, the murders committed without thought, or at least the only thought in Macbeth's head is that he will gain more power in the eradication of his 'enemies' and their families.
The description of the city portrays a poverty stricken, unemployment plagued, drug addicted, polluted northern town. These people seem to be accustomed to the corruption of their police and government officials, which is how the door opens to allow Macbeth to step through with Lady, his wife (who isn't his wife in this, but his girlfriend). Lady is the one who guides Macbeth's hand in everything he does, and then pays the ultimate price when guilt drives her mad.
I really do think that this is an excellent retelling. Five hundred pages went by in a flash for me, and I have to admit to a feeling of satisfaction as the story was wrapped up at the end.
Highly recommended!
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book - and this is a totally unbiased review, people!

Merissa (11805 KP) rated The Shadow in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
The Shadow
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Shadow is the second book in The Original's Trilogy, and although I haven't read book 1, this in no way impaired my enjoyment of this book. Trina is a witch that has always had trouble with her powers, and now she is literally disappearing. There is a quick synopsis given as part of the story as to what happened in book 1, and the consequences to Trina because of that. Duncan is sent to her by the Vampire Council to kill or kidnap her, depending on what happens to Lilith. Instead, Duncan decides to go with his instincts, and tries to help Trina in every way he can, even before he realises she is his mate. These two both have things in their past that make them act the way they do, so it's all part of the story as to how they work past that, and save the world from Armageddon.

This is an intricate paranormal read, with witches, daemons, Watchers, and even minions! And, no, they're not yellow wearing denim dungarees! Instead, you get an intriguing story where not everything is as black and white as you would assume. The story concludes nicely in this book, whilst providing a satisfactory preview into the next. It is very well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow.

Although I haven't read book one, I would actually recommend it before reading this one, simply because I feel that you would get a greater appreciation for the characters and their world. Still, saying that, I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and definitely recommend it.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Amy Christmas (170 KP) rated The Subtle Knife in Books

Jan 18, 2019 (Updated Jan 19, 2019)  
The Subtle Knife
The Subtle Knife
Philip Pullman | 2015 | Children
7.4 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well paced (2 more)
Information is introduced quickly and effectively
Lyra having no idea how to function in our world
Lee scoresby (if you've read it you know why) (1 more)
A lack of Iorek Byrnison
Short so sweet and informative
Contains spoilers, click to show
For a conventional middle filler book this is beautiful, just as good as the first and possibly better?
It was extremely well paced for being only 15 chapters the shortest of all three books while still managing to introduce a myriad of new concepts and information without it being overwhelming for the reader.
At the start of the book we are introduced to will (AKA Roger 2.0 in my opinion) I loved will, his character and his back story. Will is a boy coming into his own being thrust into duties he doesn't want but duties he accepts and carries the burden of. We learn that will's father went missing on an exploration when he was a baby and it becomes clear that he didn't just die and no body was recovered, but something else.

Pullman beautifully builds on the religious background of Lyras world into the wider context of the universe with the introduction of angels and The Authority as he is primarily called.

Lyra's character doesn't unfortunately do much growing in this book as Will takes the focus, which I think was a good decision as it allows for each character to have their moment per sé.

But Lee scoresby, I loved Lee, our favourite drunken aeronaut, and we had to say farewell.

Going onto the third and final installment however, promises some more Iorek after his absence for all but one part of this book, more witches, angels and Mrs Coulter and her dreaded monkey.

I can't wait to see Will grow further as well as Lyra, nor can I wait for that crescendo that is a final battle.