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The Lady of the Ravens
The Lady of the Ravens
Joanna Hickson | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Lady of the Ravens is based on the real historical character of Joan Vaux. I find historical fiction fascinating, especially those books which have a foot firmly placed in what was the real world.

Joan and her mother are taken in to the care of Margaret Beaufort, Henry VII’s mother, during the end years of the Wars of the Roses. She becomes a good friend to Princess Elizabeth in the time before she marries Henry, and goes on to be a Lady in Waiting and eventually the Lady Governess to the Princesses Margaret and Mary.

I really enjoyed all of the historical detail and what life was really like in Tudor England: the preoccupation with death and the many ways that a woman especially, could die, and the precariousness of children’s lives.

I had never really thought about the Ravens in the Tower of London (you’re never interested about the places that are on your doorstep as you’re growing up, I fear 🤷🏼‍♀️), assumed they’d always been there and that they’d always been seen as important to the realm. But in this novel, we learn that they were actually seen as vermin by the nobility and soldiers stationed there, until Joan and her servant looked after them, convincing others - royalty especially - of their significance to the safety of England and the Royal Family.

I haven’t read Joanna Hickson books before, but I really enjoyed the characters, the insights into the royal family, the uncertainty around the possible sons of York (Perkin Warbeck for one), the descriptions of everyday life - and just the evocative styled her writing.

Many thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins for my copy of this great book to read and review.
A Net for Small Fishes
A Net for Small Fishes
Lucy Jago | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, LGBTQ+
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I could end this review quickly and just say “I loved this book”, because I did. I loved it. I love well written, historical fiction with a foot firmly set in reality, and A Net for Small Fishes certainly fulfils that requirement for me. The attention to detail shows just how much research must have gone in to this - even down to the fastenings on the dresses, the makeup the women wore and the ‘simples’ they made up to ease ailments.
This is a story that I already knew a little about: I read The Poison Bed by E. C. Fremantle on The Pigeonhole about 3 years ago, where the story was told from Frances Howards point of view, and A Net for Small Fishes does nothing to contradict that story. They both illustrate really well how women were expected to conform and be perfect, docile, brood mares for their influential husbands, and in Frankie’s case, how political marriages weren’t always happy ones. It also illustrated how desperation to escape a loveless marriage made two women take desperate action. As so often happens throughout history, the women in this story are punished for the barefaced cheek they had to want better lives for themselves. It’s a frustrating conclusion - but I could see that it was inevitable. It showed that it didn’t matter if you were a woman in one of the most influential families in the country or a doctors widow, you toed the line or suffered the consequences. But what a journey they had!
This is such a good story, as real life often is, and it’s a book that’s going on the Keeper shelf (yes, I bought a copy after I read it on The Pigeonhole - that’s how much I liked it).
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this, and to Lucy Jago for contributing to the conversation.
The Wife Who Got A Life
The Wife Who Got A Life
Tracy Bloom | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this book. I’ll be honest and say that I thought I’d made a mistake when I first started reading it, but the further I read, the more I laughed (and cried), and the more I loved it!

Cathy the main character, is a 48 year old version of Adrian Mole. I’m sorry, but I had to go there! There are a lot of similarities: the humour, the long-suffering diary writer, the clueless and self-absorbed family. But this is most definitely written by a 48 year old woman.

Cathy is very relatable in an exaggerated way - but hey! This is fiction, not a memoir! She’s dealing with older teenagers, a husband that works away from home in the week and is utterly clueless as to what’s going on in his family’s lives, ageing parents, one sister who thinks she’s hard done by and should have everyone running around after her, and another who is detached from her parents and siblings and doesn’t understand what’s going on with them! Communication is a key skill in any family, and sadly lacking in this one.

When Cathy decides to put herself first for a change, I practically cheered out loud, and her cooking solution was genius!

I think I laughed through most of this book, had a good cry a couple of times, and by the end I was sure that Cathy Collins should have another book. I’m not sure though - I like where this ended. But I’d still read it (I’m beginning to sound like Cathy). It was a perfect balance of humour, sadness and the ridiculous - how can anyone not want more of that?!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for helping me out with my NetGalley reading (again!), Tracy Bloom for reading along, and Harper Collins for my e-arc through NetGalley.