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Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda
Becky Albertalli | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Gender Studies
9.0 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had read a few chapters earlier in the day before I jumped in bed to read – fast forward a few hours and it was way past my normal bedtime... and the book was done. Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda was a cute contemporary book that once you pick it up, you won’t want to put it down.

Simon and his friends are typical, relatable high school students that deal with relationships, family dynamics and the difficulty of navigating adolescence. The students at the school have a tumblr in which they can gossip or post secrets. It was there that Simon stumbles across a post that he relates to and decides to contact the author. Throughout the novel, Simon is corresponding the other boy in his school although neither know the other’s identity. It was nice to experience them getting to know one another before they’ve ever even met.

I read the Upside of Unrequited prior to reading Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, so I had a reverse experience with the character cameos. We hear a little from Abby through her conversations with Molly, so it was nice to see her as an important character in Simon’s tale. One funny scene in Upside was when Molly and Abby were skyping while Simon was over. He asked her a very important question, which House did Abby belong to. It wasn’t important to the plot, but after reading this book and getting to know Simon I loved it even more.

Despite life’s ups and downs, the conclusion to this novel was the happy end that you can expect from a YA contemporary. I would highly recommend it to young adult/teen fans of contemporary books that are set in high school and have diverse characters.
Geekerella (Once Upon a Con #1)
Geekerella (Once Upon a Con #1)
Ashley Poston | 2017 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Geekerella is a modern day retelling of the classic fairytale, Cinderella. Our protagonist is Ella and the most important thing in her life is fandom, specifically her love of Starfleet. It was a show that she watched on re-runs with her dad and fell in love with. Her father even started a convention called Excelsicon because of his love of Starfleet. After her mother died when she was a small child, it was just Ella and her dad. Unfortunately, her father got remarried and later died in a car accident leaving Ella with her step-mother and two step-sisters. They didn’t understand her love of the sci-fi cult hit and treated her more like a servant than a sister.

Geekerella is a cute contemporary novel that will speak to your fandom loving heart. Even if you’re not super into sci-fi, comics, comic con, cosplay or those types of things, I think you will enjoy the classic human experience portrayed in this book. The Cinderella retelling aspect of the story was the least relevant to my reading experience. I personally enjoyed the development of friendly and romantic relationships, the geeking out over fandoms and the personal growth seen in this novel.

The main characters are likable and relatable, despite the fact that one of them is famous. He alternates between wanting to be normal, or down to earth, and succumbing to the intoxicating appeal of being famous. Even though you generally know the bones of the story if you’re familiar with Cinderella, the story itself doesn’t feel incredibly formulaic and can surprise you at times.

Highly recommended to young adult/teen fan of contemporary books, teen romance, nerd/geekdom, comic con, cosplay, fairytale retellings and simple, cute reads.
Requiem (Delirium, #3)
Requiem (Delirium, #3)
Lauren Oliver | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Requiem switches between Hana's and Lena's points-of-view. It gives us perspectives of the world and its current events through the eyes of a girl in the Wilds and one in society. Hana has chosen her path and it is different from Lena's. The action comes to a head and their existences are thrust together again.

While I enjoyed this book, it wasn't quite as good as the previous two. The book ended and I wasn't quite sure how I felt. In some ways, I was satisfied. There were no little questions or loose ends that should have been tied up. Lena has chosen her love, even if we don't see the effects of it. When you think of the immediate story everything seems good, but then you wonder about the world at large. The Resistance attacked and seemingly brought down the walls (both literally and we assume legally) in Portland. Success! But.. what happened in the rest of the world? Were those attacks conducted simultaneously across the United States? If they weren't, then the book ends with Portland no longer under government control and seemingly a new safe space for the Resistance/Invalids to live... but they're still in a world where love is a disease and the government will come for them. What happens to the people? The last we see of Hana, she's running off into the woods. I personally would like to know what happens to her. The more I think about the book, the more questions I'm faced with.

I loved the series and highly recommend reading it. Just a warning that there are more curse words in the novel than in the first. It's a great young adult series set in a world similar to our own, about learning more about yourself, growing and learning to love.
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As far as young adult novels go, this one lacked all the teenage drama and angst that most do. Very little action happened while Sunny, our narrator, was pumping us information about her, her family and life, and what she learned over the course of the novel. I liked that the plot was so simple. There was no world that needed to be saved except for Sunny’s (own little high school world). Although I found it awkward at BEST that a hundreds (maybe thousands) of years old vampire fell in love with a teenage girl in a matter of day.

Other than that, it was an overall enjoyable story. It was nothing spectacular and groundbreaking, and I am no hurry to read the rest of the series. But I am interested enough to read it eventually. I actually really enjoyed Sunny as a narrator. She was funny and sounded like a teenager, with a multitude of asides that actually didn’t take away from the story itself, regardless of how long winded they were.

At the same time, I wanted to punch her sister Rayne. Rayne was so stereotypical and cliche, but I could imagine her perfectly and have people exactly like it, making my dislike of her all that more real. I don’t think it helped that everyone but Magnus seemed to be bemoaning their situation (whiny ungrateful children).

The best part about the novel? The detail that Mancusi put into her vampire race and culture. I thought it was well thought out and unique. I wish there could have been vampire interaction that just Magnus and Lucifent, but I suppose that will have to wait for the other novels in the series.
Magnus Chase: Ship of the Dead is the final book in the series that blends Norse mythology with the modern world. Rick Riordan writes in his typical humourous fashion and makes learning fun (even if it’s not always entirely accurate.) As this is the third and final book in the series, there isn’t too much to say that wouldn’t spoil the first two books if you have not read them so I would recommend doing so before reading this review. You can also read my review of the first book as it is spoiler-free.

Our heroes continue their journey to postpone Ragnarok and defeat Loki. Magnus is joined by Samirah the Valkyrie, Hearthstone the Elf, Blitzen the Dwarf and his fellow Einherjar Alex, Mallory, TJ and Halfborn. They must battle giants, outwit guardians, and save the world from utter destruction. Just your average Tuesday.

I really enjoyed how diversity was represented in this series as we have main characters with different sexualities or orientations, religions, ethnicities, and disabilities. Since I am not most of the ones that were represented in the book, I can't speak to how accurate the portrayal was but I am glad that they were included. As a casual reader, the representation felt informative and not condescending or demeaning.

Rick continues his world building by sending our heroes off on adventures in the nine realms while simultaneously teaching us a bit about Norse mythology. His books are a very approachable way to tackle the topic and perhaps foster a sense of curiosity that will lead readers to want to discover more. There isn't much else to say without spoilers, so I would recommend this series to middle grade, young adult or teen readers who enjoy fantasy. It is a fun, easy read that I hope you won't regret picking up.

Kyera (8 KP) rated Noteworthy in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
Riley Redgate | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Note Worthy reminds me of Twelfth Night, She's the Man, or even Mulan - where a girl masquerades as a guy for whatever purpose and ends up in over her head. Jordan wants to be in theatre, but as an Alto 2 she is hard-pressed to even find a find tailored to her range. All she wants is to pursue her dreams. Feeling down, she notices an audition for a tenor in an all-male A Capella group and takes a chance. Dressed as Julian and sporting a short wig, she impresses the Sharpshooters enough to claim the open spot and suddenly everything changes. She actually had this small, musically-inclined family to belong to. A place at Kensington - as long as nobody realizes that she is a girl.

Pretty quickly, it looks like one of the guys might be a future love interest for Jordan, not Julian as in all likelihood the group will eventually discover her secret. I expected that they would be hurt at first, but eventually forgive her after all they've been through together. Most of my expectations came to pass, although there were slight deviations. Overall, there weren't really any big surprises or reveals in the book.

The characters are so wonderfully well written and realistic. You watch them grow, learn about themselves and find yourself grinning like an idiot when Trav does (because that boy seriously needed it). You cheer for their wins and want to personally beat up those who wrong them. You've become an honorary Sharp and these guys are your family just like they are for Jordan.

Highly recommended contemporary novel about growing up, learning about yourself, making friends and the secrets you keep. And most importantly? Music. Great read for teen/young adult readers with a small amount of profanity.

Kyera (8 KP) rated Crown of Midnight in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
Crown of Midnight
Crown of Midnight
Sarah J. Maas | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.1 (48 Ratings)
Book Rating
Crown of Midnight is the second book in the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas. Please don't read this review unless you've read Throne of Glass because you will be spoiled.

Having won the title of King's Champion, Celaena must do the King's bidding or risk the lives of her friends. Despite having trained at the Assassin's Keep and being called Adarlaine's Assassin, Celaena is reluctant to kill the King's enemies and instead comes up with a plan. She spends the majority of the book embroiled in a plot to end the King's rule, as she tries to obtain information that she can give to the King with the hopes of shortening her contract as his Champion.

This book takes you on a much more emotional journey with romance, betrayal, an unexpected (and brutal) character death, and a big reveal in its final pages. The characters are developed more in this novel and we also learn more about their histories. It was nice to see the development so that the characters felt more like real people with unique events that shaped them as people.

While there is continued mention of places other than Adarlaine, the story does not journey beyond the capital and continue to world-build, yet. The author mainly focuses on weaving in plot points that will later be incredibly important to the story.

Overall, the writing feels a little more mature than her previous book which at times came across as juvenile. The story ends in such a way that you immediately need to read the next book in the series. I would definitely recommend this series to young adult/teen readers who enjoy fantasy books.
This Adventure Ends
This Adventure Ends
Emma Mills | 2016 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This Adventure Ends started off by speaking to my little sarcastic, witty heart and introducing us to a funny, female character. It’s crazy, but yes girls can be funny. The humorous person in your novel does not have to be a guy. It is your classic high school story where a new girl moves to town and makes friends – but of course, the friends all have drama and secrets.
Sloane is also a singer and loves to read, so basically, this is starting to sound like my life. I joke, sort of, but she is a relatively normal, relatable high school girl. It really made me miss taking voice lessons even though they’re not expressly featured in the book. A lot of the events are more just telling the reader that it happened, than showing them what happened.
I’m sure most readers can relate to this line in the book:
“He looks at me for a moment and then says, ‘Maybe I’ll just watch the movie.’
‘Those are fighting words,’ I say.”
It just speaks to how relatable the author makes the book, from fanfics and fandom to high school sports and friends. This book gives you feels and might even cause a tear of joy. All of the effort that Sloane goes through, the love that Vera and Gabe have for their mother, just comes together in one poignant moment and it’s beautiful.
The friendships are authentic, from their ups and downs to the simple fun they have together. The characters are likable and relatable – and although there’s some typical, adorable teen romantic cuteness, it fits in the story and I approve.
Recommended to teen/young adult readers who enjoy cheery contemporary novels about family, friendship and high school.
Zeroes (Zeroes, #1)
Zeroes (Zeroes, #1)
Scott Westerfeld | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

The author of the <i>Uglies</i> series, Scott Westerfeld, has teamed up with co-writers Margo Lanagan and Deborah Biancotti to create this exciting, whirlwind of a young adult novel. Many people wish they had a superpower, but what if there actually were people with them? <i>Zeroes</i> is a story about a group of teenagers with special gifts, however these unique abilities may be more dangerous than you would imagine.

The superpowers in this novel are not as conventional as the famous comic heroes. Some can control crowds with their minds or destroy electricity, and one blind character can even see through the eyes of others. Collectively these teenagers are called the <i>Zeroes</i>, but only amongst themselves.

Despite how cool it may seem to have these powers, their gifts can easily get themselves in to trouble. One of the teens, Ethan, accidently finds himself involved with drug dealers and a bank robbery, resulting in the police taking an interest. Whilst trying to get him out of this mess, the rest of the team cause even more trouble, sequentially making things worse and eventually leaving Ethan in a life threatening situation.

Told through six different characters, the reader gets the opportunity to learn about the individual powers and how each person deals with them. The novel is fast past with an explosive ending – literally – it is almost impossible to put it down. With an equal mix of male and female characters, it is suitable for all readers who enjoy YA, and by no means is it limited to teenagers only. You will find yourself wanting more.
The One (The Selection, #3)
The One (The Selection, #3)
Kiera Cass | 2014 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

The One</i> is the third book in <i>The Selection</i> series by Kiera Cass. With only four girls remaining, the competition to become Prince Maxon’s bride is nearing its conclusion. Being from a lower caste, America is the least unlikely girl in the whole of the selection to have made it this far. But although sometimes his intentions are confusing, it appears Maxon is in love with her. As the title suggests this will be the book where Maxon makes his important decision, but will America be the one?

Of the three books, <i>The One</i> is the most interesting by far. Although the key storyline is about the selection itself, there is more interaction with other aspects of the story. The southern rebels are getting even more violent as they determine to overthrow the king, however America learns a lot more about the northern rebels, including something extremely surprising, which makes them seem a lot less threatening than they previously were.

With America as the narrator, readers can suspect which girl will be chosen as princess, however there are still some things that could completely change the competition. For example the relationship between America and her former boyfriend, Aspen; also the hatred King Clarkson has for America.

The will they, won’t they questions plague the readers from beginning until its dramatic conclusion. The shocking ending could move readers to tears, proving just how gripping the story actually is.

With its happy, sad ending <i>The One</i> is a brilliant continuation of the young adult dystopian romance. Although the selection has come to an end, there is still so much the reader wants to know, making the next book, <i>The Heir</i>, a top priority to read.