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Kyera (8 KP) rated Replica in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Lauren Oliver | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Replica is a fascinating novel about human cloning that is written from two points of view. It's really unique because it can be read in three different ways. The first is from Lena's perspective. Lena is a replica, or clone, and has only known a life at Haven. The second is from Gemma's point of view. Gemma is a normal girl who doesn't feel like she fits in. The final method, and way I chose to read the book, was alternating chapters. The two stories are woven together seamlessly and make for a great read.

On an island surrounded by guard towers and fences, ocean and marsh, alligators and water mocassins is Have - Lyra's home. Each day she is told when to eat, sleep and take her medication. Her life is not her own. It's not even considered a life by most of the staff who address her as "it".. if they recognize her at all.

Gemma attends high school and has two overprotective parents. she was very sick as a child and her parents never quite got over it. Gemma isn't even allowed to participate in gym, which doesn't help shield her from school bullies. Instead, it makes her more of a target. Her only true friend is April.

Somehow, Gemma and April manage to convince their parents to allow them to spend their spring break at April's grandparent's house in Florida. Just days before their trip, there is an explosion at Haven. Gemma overhears her parents fighting about it and suddenly she's not longer allowed on her trip. hurt and confused, Gemma begins to dig into Haven wondering why it is so important. She discovers a world of conspiracies and realized she must uncover the truth.

Catching a ride to Florida with a classmate, Pete, Gemma rebels for the first time in her life. She goes on a harrowing adventure and her path eventually crosses with Lyra's. Together, they begin to learn the truth and uncover life-altering information about Haven and themselves.

Both Lyra and Gemma are well-written characters that the reader can relate to. Lyra, or number 24, is new to the world and slow to trust. Gemma is caring and curious. Personally, I related to Gemma more than Lyra but I know a lot of people say the opposite. They are joined by the talkative and reliable Pete; the only person to ever make it to Haven Jake; and a fellow Haven resident number 72, or Caelum. Each boy has a unique personality and purpose in the story.

The world of Haven and the replicas is fascinating. Unfortunately, we only know as much as out protagonists do. I eagerly await more world building in future books. The backstory was a giant mystery involving Gemma's father, but she slowly discovers little pieces and the world is exposed to us bit by bit.

The story immediately draws you in and you can't put the book down (or at least I couldn't!) Recommended for fans of science fiction (or fact) and mystery young adult books. Even if you don't normally gravitate towards science related fiction, this book is very accessible. Fans of BBC's Orphan Black will find themselves in love with this novel. Definitely a must read!
Of Fire and Stars (Of Fire and Stars #1)
Of Fire and Stars (Of Fire and Stars #1)
Audrey Coulthurst | 2016 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Of Fire and Stars is a tale of magic, romance, and treachery. The story is told through alternating points of view, Mare is the princess of Mynaria and sister to Thandi the future King while Denna is a princess of Havemont and future wife of Thandi. Although Mare is royalty, she does not enjoy her crown choosing to spend her time in the stables and wishing she could live her own life. Denna has been trained and taught her entire life to be worthy of the arranged marriage that is her future. That is what is expected of her and all she knows.

Forced to adjust to a life at court, Denna finds herself in riding lessons with Mare in preparation for her wedding. Having never ridden a horse before she is concerned but puts her all into learning, which impresses the recalcitrant Mare. Their interactions and friendship grow over the course of the novel in a believable way, from the initial opinions of dislike to a true, bonded friendship. Although Denna is betrothed, her feelings only grow for Mare until her every thought is of the princess rather than the prince. Mare dismays each time she thinks about her brother marrying Denna, as he doesn't realize her best qualities. Each fears that her feelings are not reciprocated and keep everything bottled up. Whether their tale has a happy ending or not, you won't know unless you read the book. I really enjoyed the relationships and interactions in this book, particularly a romance that is more diverse than we normally get to see.

The world-building could have been better in this novel, but it is not non-existent. There are a variety of different lands and people mentioned, unfortunately, we only receive the barest of information. Even though one of our main characters is from another land, we learn about little more than their harsh winters. The magic system and other lands like Zumorda were so fascinating, but not explored. While some of this can be explained by the fact that our characters also seem to be ill-informed about their neighbors, we don't receive much more information about Mynaria and that's where this book takes place.

I found the main characters to be relatable but didn't connect deeply with some of the secondary ones. That was disappointing because it meant when there was an emotional scene or death, as a reader you weren't torn apart by it. To be honest, I didn't have opinions or feelings about it at all and I wish that were not the case. I love when books sweep you up, heart and soul, making you a part of the story and tearing out your emotions with every line.

Magic is feared and punished in Mynaria, so we sadly don't get to experience much of it. When we see experienced practitioners perform, it is fascinating and varied. Someone with an air affinity might be able to create a breeze but they also may be able to transform into a bird. I wish this magic system was more developed and/or explained more because I just want to know more.

Overall, I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to young adult/teen readers who enjoy magic, fantasy, romance, or more diverse books.
The Shadow Queen (Ravenspire, #1)
The Shadow Queen (Ravenspire, #1)
C.J. Redwine | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a huge fan of re-tellings, I was excited to pick up and read this book. The Shadow Queen is the tale of Snow White, re-imagined into a vast world populated with not only magic users but dragons. Of all of the versions of this story that I've experienced, the Shadow Queen is probably my favourite version. It is always more enjoyable when the heroine is not solely a damsel in distress but is able to save herself when the need arises. The portrayal of a strong female lead is welcome in this story and she is supported by an array of characters.

I really enjoyed how the characters were initially introduced and then developed over the course of the novel. We meet Lorelei (and her brother Leo) as children when their father is still alive and married to his second wife, Irina. You see the love that was once there and then the betrayal that occurs, leading to the princess fleeing the castle. She grows up outside of the palace and is able to learn about her people, become more self-sufficient than she would have been had she lived as a royal and become a stronger person as a result. You understand her motivation and drive to do what is right, even at the cost of herself.

Kol is a royal from another land who always felt like he disappointed his family, but must take on more than he feels he is ready for when he is thrust into a challenging situation. He is initially very immature but quickly grows into the strong leader that his friends already saw him as. You learn just how deeply loyal he is and willing to sacrifice for his people.

The villain was well thought out and not one-dimensional. Queen Irina feels that she must act the way she does and that she deserves the crown. As the elder of two sisters, she was supposed to be married first but that did not happen. She felt betrayed and cheated by her father, her uncle, her sister. No one treated her as she deserved and it made her bitter. She vowed to make the crown hers, whatever the cost. Despite her actions and whether she deserved it, Lorelei's betrayal just added to the darkening of her heart. Irina thought that Lorelei understood her and when it was clear that she did not, Lorelei also became the enemy. While Irina's beliefs are not necessarily valid, it was nice to see the series of events that led her to become the person she was in the novel and show her reasons for her horrific actions.

The world was vast and varied, from the dual-hearted people who could change into dragons, to magic wielders and peasants. I wish that we had seen or heard about more of the world, in depth but what we did experience was very well written. You could imagine the castle or villages that our heroes occcupied and traveled through.

Overall, I would recommend this book to young adult/teen readers who enjoy fairytales, re-tellings, fantasy, magic, dragons, strong female heroines, well-developed characters or Snow White. I enjoyed reading this book and can't wait to see where the series goes, its after happily ever after.
If I Stay (If I Stay, #1)
If I Stay (If I Stay, #1)
Gayle Forman | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
7.9 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

This book has been on my shelf for awhile. I've also been wanting to read it since I first got it, but due to other commitments, I had never got around to it until now. This turned out to be a really touching book.

I think the title suits the book really well. Mia is trying to decide if she should live or just give in to death. She thinks about what her life was like before and what would happen if she decided to stay and live.

The cover is a little bit boring, I think. There's just not really anything going on. I don't know what I'd like to see on the cover, but this cover is too plain.

I did enjoy the world building very much. It made me wonder what happens when we're barely hanging on to life. Forman did a great job of making this sort of limbo, so to speak, feel like that's exactly what happens when someone's life is hanging by a thread. I, personally, felt as if Mia didn't really do too much grieving for her family. However, maybe this was just due to shock or because she was a sort of a ghostly like presence during the majority of the book.

The pacing was a bit hit and miss. I found some of the memories Mia had to be a bit boring thus slowing down the pacing a bit. I realize the memories were crucial to the book though, but I just felt that maybe they could've been written in a more interesting way if possible. The pacing doesn't stay slow all the time though, and a lot of the time, it does stay at a decent pace.

The plot of someone stuck outside their body while they are in a coma has been done many times before. Saying that, Gayle Forman did an excellent job of making it interesting for her book. Her lyrical writing helps the plot a lot and makes for an interesting read.

I thought the characters were very well written and well developed. I felt like Mia was a very down to Earth girl. Her emotions felt very real, and I sympathized with her. I did like Kim although I felt that she was a bit too disrespectful towards her mother. Kim was a great friend to Mia. This is made very obvious in the book. I felt bad for Kim when she finally saw Mia laid up in the hospital bed. Adam seemed like a really sweet boyfriend, and it was obvious how deeply he cared for Mia. He was willing to do whatever it took to visit Mia in the hospital, even if it meant going to jail.

The dialogue flows freely and smoothly, never disjointed. For the most part, the dialogue fits in with a young adult novel. This book is a tiny bit gory at the beginning of the book so be warned about that. There are a few swear words within the book.

Overall, If I Stay is an emotionally charged and intriguing read. The plot is interesting, the world building is fantastic, and the characters are lively!

I'd recommend this book to those aged 15+ who are after an emotionally captivating read.

<b>I'd give If I Stay by Gayle Forman a 3.75 out of 5.</b>

(I won a copy of this book from a giveaway. I was not required to write a review).
And Then We Ran
And Then We Ran
Katy Cannon | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<I>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</I>

Have you ever felt so desperate to achieve your dreams that you would do anything, no matter how crazy, to reach them? Seventeen-year-old Megan dreams of becoming a professional photographer, however, her parents have other ideas. <I>And Then We Ran</I> by Katy Cannon is a Young Adult novel about learning to be yourself and realising your dreams.

Megan’s older sister died in a terrible accident the year before she completed her A Levels. Now, Megan is at the same stage and is fed up of trying to live up to her sister’s memory. Forced to study subjects she does not care for and pressurised into applying to Oxbridge, Megan feels she only has one option left. Her grandmother’s will stipulates that on her 21st birthday or when she gets married, a little flat in London will become hers. Unable to wait another four years, Megan decides marriage is the only way forward.

Two characters narrate <i>And Then We Ran</i>, the second being an old friend of Megan’s. Elliott has given up all hope of going to university to study archaeology and no longer has any ambitions for the future. Then, Megan approaches him with a proposal that could change his life forever. If Elliott agrees to elope with her to Gretna Green, he could live with her in London and study at UCL. So, with a new future developing before their eyes, the two coalesce and begin to develop their clandestine plan.

Naturally, it is not a simple procedure; they cannot get married on the spur of the moment. Careful planning and a long month later, they are ready to go ahead with their plan, however, things outside of their control seem intent on preventing their marriage. From delayed trains to inclement weather, Megan and Elliott determinedly carry on until, after a more circuitous route, they arrive at their destination. But, that does not necessarily result in their happy ever after.

Getting married for a chance at freedom seems a rather peculiar idea, however, you have to appreciate how determined they are to achieve their dreams. Applying to university is a decision that can alter your entire future, so it is understandable how angry Megan feels that her parents are dictating where she goes and what she studies. <i>And The We Ran</i> is an encouraging book that shows two teenagers seriously contemplating their future and making decisions that will make them happy, rather than doing what everyone else expects.

Although it is a fun story, Megan is not the most relatable character. To begin with, it is hard to connect with her outgoing personality, unlike Elliott who is more reserved and introverted. But, once the story gets going, Megan’s façade begins to slip, revealing that she is not much different from other teenagers with hopes and dreams for the future.

<i>And Then We Ran</i> is not the most realistic of contemporary stories, but it is enjoyable and makes us as readers question the methods of Megan and Elliott’s journey to freedom. Most significantly, it highlights the importance of learning and being who you are, rather than whom other people want you to be. Finally, this story emphasises that there are more than one way of achieving your dreams.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Clover Moon in Books

Dec 7, 2018  
Clover Moon
Clover Moon
Jacqueline Wilson, Nick Sharratt | 2016 | Children
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Although now in her seventies, the Nation’s favourite children’s author, Dame Jacqueline Wilson, is continuing to write after surpassing one hundred novels. Many children (mostly girls) grow up reading her stories, myself being amongst that number. Even my sister, who hated reading, purchased a number of her books. It has been well over a decade since I last read a Jacqueline Wilson, however after seeing her latest novel was available for review, I thought I would give it a go.

<i>Clover Moon</i> is set in poverty-stricken Victorian London, where eleven-year-old Clover, the eldest of six siblings, lives with her father and stepmother. Like many stepmother’s in children’s literature, Clover’s treats her like a slave – a position she is destined to stay in unless she gets a job in a factory. With no school to attend, Clover becomes a second mother to her younger brother’s and sisters, yet nothing can prepare her for the devastating impact a wave of Scarlet Fever brings. With only an old doll maker who cares about her, Clover is desperate to get out of her situation; so after a chance meeting with an artist who tells her about a home for destitute girls, Clover decides to seek out the help and life she deserves.

Although only eleven, Clover has the responsibilities of someone of a more mature age. It is hard to imagine sending a child out to work, or trusting them to look after a newborn baby. Children reading this book will learn the difference between their lives and the life of a child in the 1800s.

As always, Jacqueline Wilson gives her main character a happy ending – although in this instance it still remains a bit uncertain. Despite the horrible circumstances, Wilson manages to pump her story full of enthusiastic optimism, thus portraying Clover as a strong, determined heroine.

Most of Jacqueline Wilson’s earlier books were set in the present day; there were still unhappy situations, but the settings were based on ideas the reader would be familiar with. In the case of <i>Clover Moon</i>, unless children have been educated about the poor in Victorian England, it is unlikely that they will be able to fully comprehend Clover’s predicament. As a result, the book is more suitable for young teenagers than the usual target audience of eight to twelve year olds.

Comparing my memories of Jacqueline Wilson books I read as a child with her latest publication, <i>Clover Moon</i> felt like something different; a new direction. As I have not read any of her work between the early 2000s and now, I am not sure when this change occurred, but it feels as though Wilson is delving deeper into her main character’s thoughts and feelings, and creating a more insightful storyline. On the other hand, I may simply be more intuitive as an adult than I was a child.

Although <i>Clover Moon</i> did not turn out to be the style of writing I was expecting I thoroughly enjoyed it. In fact, this difference made it possible to distance myself from the author’s renown, and treat it as an individual story. Clover is an admirable character who, through her narration, provides both an entertaining story and brief historical education. Fans of Jacqueline Wilson will not be disappointed with this latest publication; and if you are a new reader, <i>Clover Moon</i> is a great place to start.
Mad About the Hatter
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a free copy of this book to review from Netgalley.

Hatter has been kept prisoner in the red queens dungeons for longer than he can remember. Eventually the day has come, he has been summoned by the Queen herself what can only be for none the less a beheading as everyone knows this is her favourite pastime. To the Hatters amazement she is sparing his head by striking a deal that he can’t refuse (really he can’t refuse) by capturing ‘boy Alice’ – and returning him for a right old head lolloping.

‘Boy Alice’ is in fact Alice’s younger brother Henry(17). He has never believed Alice’s stories of wonderland and always thought she was attention seeking, for which they have never seen eye to eye.

All Henry remembers is Alice apologising after their recent altercation, handing him a glass of punch and telling him to find the Hatter!

Henry finds himself in a mysterious place of oversized flowers and a caterpillar sitting upon a mushroom that speaks in riddles – can it really be Wonderland? Was Alice really an attention seeking twit?.

When Hatter finds Henry they grow to like each other and try to figure a plan to get Henry back to his home but by doing so they have to cross some challenging areas within Wonderland such as the Neverglades and Drawrof, during this adventure the relationship between the Hatter and Henry blossom.

    "Rules are merely a fistful of conundrums, obstacles and barriers knotted and twisted together for the sole purpose of sucking the last bit of fun out of every experience"

I loved this book so much! The world-building was amazing that I felt like I was in Wonderland alongside the Hatter and Henry. Every section of Wonderland they crossed was so different from the last and every bit as magical.

The book is only 190 pages so a very fast and easy read. I liked that all the original characters were used and they all had the same traits as from Alice in Wonderland and that new creatures added and were blended in well.

The friendship between Henry and that Hatter was very sweet and heartwarming as they ventured on through the mystical lands and defied death, the feelings for one another become more than companions.

There were some particularly funny moments in the book that did make me laugh out loud as they were quite witty and there were still some essence of nonsense but not as much as Alice in Wonderland.

Alice to me was the only character that I didn’t really feel genuine, it felt a bit forced like she had to been in the book because it was based on Alice in Wonderland by C.S Lewis.

Nearing the end of the book there was a particular cheesy bit that I didn’t really like as it was a bit of a cliché but other than that I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I was sucked in to the magical world that was Wonderland!

I think there is definitely room for a sequel.

    "That’s the secret to Wonderland. Believing. It’s what fuels magic"

I would recommend this book for anyone that reads/likes Young Adult and Lite fantasy novels.

I have never read anything else by Dakota Chase, though she has other books published such as ‘Changing Jamie’ and ‘Monster Town’.

Overall I rate this 4 out of 5 stars
Blood for Blood (Wolf By Wolf #2)
Blood for Blood (Wolf By Wolf #2)
Ryan Graudin | 2016 | History & Politics, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Ryan Graudin blew readers away with her alternate historical novel <i>Wolf by Wolf</i>. Now it is time to conclude the imaginative narrative with the highly anticipated sequel, <i>Blood for Blood. </i>Continuing from the precise moment Yael pulled the trigger on the Führer’s doppelgänger, the reader is thrown into a lively story of twists and turns, where danger lives around every corner.

To recap, it is 1956 and Hitler has won the war. Germany, or Germania, is ruling over Europe and many countries in Asia and Africa. Yael is a Jewish girl who a doctor experimented on whilst she was detained in a concentration camp. As a result of the brutal medical treatment, Yael is a successful result of the Doppelgänger Project – she can now change her physical appearance and anatomy at will.<i> Wolf by Wolf</i> focused on Yael and the resistance’s attempt to win a prestigious motorcycle race in order to get close to the Führer and end his life. As it turns out, Yael is not the only person with this skin shifting ability.

On the run with the entire world knowing her secret, Yael is desperate to make contact with the resistance leaders and continue with their plot to assassinate Hitler. However, unable to leave innocent people to suffer at the hands of the National Socialists, Yael ends up being accompanied and hindered by two Aryan boys, Luka and Felix. Yet with no way of knowing who can be trusted, Yael is taking a fatal risk by helping others instead of saving herself.

Despite circumstances, the blossoming romance that began to advance toward the end of the first book continues to feature in <i>Blood for Blood</i> as characters begin to rely on and trust each other. Nonetheless, constant plot developments obstruct all thoughts of a happy ending. Clever twists and gradually emerging truths prevent any opportunity for rest or safety.

<i>Wolf by Wolf </i>was an exciting, new concept for young adult readers, answering a “what if” question about the second world war. Yet the historical setting – albeit fictional – was impeded by the focus on the Axis Tour as characters raced from Germania to Tokyo. In contrast, <i>Blood for Blood</i> leaves all distractions behind, giving full attention to the life and danger under Hitler’s dictatorship. Despite Germany/Germania’s triumphant win, war is still raging throughout Europe. Anyone not meeting the Aryan description is at risk of death or deportment. Strictly speaking, the situation described must look similar, if not the same, as the true result of Nazi ruling.

Ryan Graudin is a formidable writer with the ability to make fiction seem like reality. Despite the added science fiction twist, the imaginative scenario is so well researched and planned that it becomes almost believable. Graudin comes at the story from so many directions, evidencing the effort put into creating the thrilling plot. It is one thing to be able to string words together, but to make them come alive it takes a genius.

<i>Blood for Blood</i> is by far the better of the two novels, making it the perfect conclusion to a fantastic two-part story. Beginning with explosive action and not stopping until its heart-wrenching conclusion, <i>Blood for Blood</i> will satisfy readers of all ages and genres. Those who have read <i>Wolf by Wolf</i> definitely must get their hands on this amazing sequel. You will not be disappointed.
Rocky Balboa (2006)
Rocky Balboa (2006)
2006 | Drama
7.3 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Surprisingly Good
I think I’ve stayed away from this movie for so long because I expected it to be garbage. I mean, let’s be adult about this, Rocky V was no picnic. I was done with Rocky. Until I saw the trailer for Creed. It was at that moment that I decided to give things another go. Yes, the boxer we all know and love Rocky (Sylvester Stallone) is back at it in Rocky Balboa facing off against his first (and hopefully last) opponent since Drago.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 9
Two things really grabbed me as the movie opens. I loved the beautiful shots of Philadelphia at the start. The city plays a huge role in Rocky’s character development and these shots helped get me in tune with the heart of what the city is all about. I also appreciated the first scene between Rocky and his son Rocky Jr. (Milo Ventimiglia) depicting their strained relationship since Adrian’s death. It’s an awkward scene that makes you sympathize with where Rocky is in his life.

How did he get to this point? It’s seem like he’s lost so much, yet he’s still that gentle character from the 70’s we fell in love with. Seeing this scene was enough to tell me this film would take a lot different approach than the previous movies.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10
Rocky’s older and not at the top of his game like he was when he took on Clubber Lang (what a name!). Yet he still found a way to get me out of my chair as he did in previous movies. The main bout gets pretty intense in spots as you root for the Italian Stallion to knock some sense into the new kid on the block. The conflict extends beyond the ring as well as Rocky tries to help people from his neighborhood while maintaining close relationships with family members Paulie (Burt Young) and Rocky Jr. On the surface he’s a hero, but underneath his life is in shambles. As an audience, we find ourselves rallying behind Rocky as we’ve done in all the others movies past.

Genre: 10

Memorability: 7
Compared to other films, it doesn’t quite have the same memorability as classic ones I’ve seen, but succeeds in giving us a reason to cheer and a reason to feel. Rocky Balboa succeeds in being more than just a movie about trading punches. Rather than being hollow and fight-driven, it’s a movie with real heart.

Pace: 4
The “heart” portion, unfortunately, comes at a cost. When you watch the movie, you have to adjust your expectations as things move at a much slower pace. Rocky doesn’t even consider making a return until well into the movie. I kept watching waiting for a fight to finally happen and it was slow-going. However, even with a slower pace than the previous movies, Balboa still shines.

Plot: 8

Resolution: 9
Somewhat predictable but no less powerful. It ties up nicely what we see at the beginning. A fitting finale to Rocky’s in-the-ring saga.

Overall: 87
Heroes in movies come in many forms. What makes Rocky so special is his consistency of character throughout the decades. He swore in the beginning to never change who he was, but I think he lied to us. I think he became an even better man. Rocky Balboa. Hero for the generations.
Samira Ahmed | 2019 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book should be required reading in schools. Especially now. It could be paired with Anne Frank. One history, one a possible future. Probable, even. Depending on how you look at it, an actual present. We DO have concentration camps on the border. (Which makes me shudder to write, what in the absolute FUCK.)

*breathes deeply*

Internment is a gut-punch of a book. I had to set it down two pages in and get control of myself, and again around page eleven. I took breaks throughout reading it to do HOUSEWORK, of all things, because I needed the mental and emotional reprieve. And I'm a white woman. I have the privilege of being pretty sure I will never be the target of these kinds of atrocities. Which means I have the responsibility to work against them. I'm also a physically weak, chronic-illness-having, unemployed white woman, (which does have the benefit of letting me keep on eye on my middle-eastern neighbors' houses to watch for ICE showing up - I fully intend to go make myself a damned nuisance if they do) so I can't go storm the camps or march for hours at protests. What I can do is boost books like this.

If you're white, GO READ THIS BOOK. Suck it up and read it. I don't have the same recommendation for my friends of color because they already live with this kind of fear and racism. They don't need it illustrated to them. WE DO.

This book needs content warnings for violence, threats of rape, anxiety-inducing situations, racism, violent death - Samira Ahmed does NOT pull punches. Direct resistance is costly. It takes courage and sacrifice, and she does not shy away from showing that. It would be sugar-coating if she did.

Internment focuses on the idea of America forcing citizens into camps - but we are already forcing non-citizens into camps. The Red Cross visits the camp, not unlike our politicians visiting the immigrant concentration camps on our border now. They have a garden they can work on in the camp - not unlike a pair of photos I saw on Twitter. (see blog for photos.)

Internment is stunning, heartbreaking, and inspiring, and if you're emotionally capable of it, YOU SHOULD READ IT. This is happening, right now, on our southern border. It is infuriating that our politicians have not put a stop to it yet. My own Congressman (I just moved into this area, I haven't had a chance to vote on him yet) just visited the camps, and his Twitter thread on them is SO CAREFUL to use absolutely neutral language when talking about them, and it pisses me off. This is NOT a neutral subject.

Internment did have a few downsides - the Director never gets a name (though the book is told from Layla's viewpoint, and it would not surprise me if he never bothered to GIVE his name to the internees) and he's almost cartoonishly evil. I would have liked to know more about the guard that helped Layla on occasion, but again, told as it was from her viewpoint, it can be excused by saying she simply didn't know more about him. But this IS a Young Adult novel told from a seventeen-year-old's viewpoint. We're only going to get what she knows and feels. So these downsides don't detract from the book for me.

To sum up - I recommend Internment at the highest level. You absolutely must read this book.

You can find all my reviews and more at