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Alice in Zombieland - White Rabbit Chronicles
Alice in Zombieland - White Rabbit Chronicles
Gena Showalter | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (1 more)
Great Read
I enjoyed this book. It is a young adult book and may not be what some are looking for. The main character Alice first seemed as most teenagers caught up in their own world and wanting to do what they want to do but by the end of the book she had grown into a young lady who realizes there is more to the world then just what she wants. I don't want to give anything away but she has to go through a lot before realizing that life is beyond her little world and there are things out there that she can help to do that in turn helps others.

Besides there are zombies.....and they aren't your typical zombie there are some twist to these that make them a bit more interesting. Not only do they have to fight the zombies but other humans as well when it comes to making the world safe.
Dragon Speaker (The Shadow War Saga #1)
Dragon Speaker (The Shadow War Saga #1)
Elana A. Mugdan | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dragon Speaker (The Shadow War Saga #1) by Elana A. Mugdan
Dragon Speaker is the first book in The Shadow War Saga, and we have DRAGONS, people!!! You know how I love me a dragon, and Thorion is just perfect. I want him for myself, which sucks because he's already bonded with Keriya, and he's fictional! Still, you know what I mean!

This is classed as young adult, but to be honest, I think 'some' young adults might be a bit confused as this world is complex, to say the least. Personally, I loved it, but then I'm as far from a young adult as you can get!

Keriya is fourteen, and hasn't had an easy time of it. Her village is superstitious, to say the least, and she has no magic, which makes her lower than low to them. When she goes on her vision quest, she is helped by Shivnath, their Dragon God. Shivnath tells Keriya what she must do, but gives no clues as to how to do it. This leads to an amazing story as Keriya tries to figure just who she can trust, and what she should do. She is helped by Fletcher, her best friend, and Roxanne, someone who got dragged into it by accident. It was great to see these relationships change and alter as the story went on.

There are romantic elements to this story, but it definitely takes second place behind the main part of the story. Plus, she's FOURTEEN!!! This was an amazing story that I devoured, and I can't wait to read more. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Lovely and the Lost
The Lovely and the Lost
Jennifer Lynn Barnes | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original title: Lost Causes
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

The Lovely and the Lost is the first novel I read by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. Considering she published almost 30 novels in genres I often read, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, and Young Adult, that is surprising.

In it, we are introduced to the Bennett family. Cady, the mother, is one of the best search and rescuers who also trains search and rescue dogs. Her son is Jude and her adopted daughter, Kira, was found by Cady in the woods many years ago. Rounding out the family is Phoebe, who prefers to be called Free, the 3rd in the teen's close-knit trio. The story focuses on a search and rescue and gives some detail on how to tray search and rescue dogs. All of the teens work with the dogs and are training to be search and rescuers.

The Young Adult novel is well thought out and well-written. The characters are flawed, show their limitations, their strengths, and feel real. While it would be enjoyable for all readers of YA, I feel middle school students would enjoy it the most.

I will definitely read one of Jennifer Lynn Barnes's series. As of 6/17/19, Goodreads lists 7 series.

This review was published on on 6/17/19.
Atlantis Rising (Atlantis Rising, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from Young Adult Bound Book Tours in return for a fair and honest review.

If you like stories based on Atlantis then I'm sure that you will enjoy this. It is a light, young adult book that incorporates a sideline of romance but it doesn't overpower the story.

Allison had a hard start in life. She was left in foster care at age 3 but she can't remember anything from before that. She was in the system for a while before being fostered and adopted by the McKyes. Three years ago though, she is approached by a man in the park who was there with his family and told that her abilities (that she knew about... sort of) were wanted by a 'bad man' who wouldn't hesitate to hurt her family to get to her. So Allison tries to fade into the background. She thinks she's doing okay until Ian and Brandy come along and shake things up.

This is a well-written story that moves along at a steady pace. Ian and Brandy are brilliant characters and really help this story to come alive. There are lots of other great supporting characters though, not just including the family and Lillian (who rocks!).

The ending is bittersweet and I am hoping that this will be part of a series. There are unanswered questions left over and I really want to see more of Allison and Ian. Definitely recommended!
The Hunter and The Cultist (Hunter X Slayer #1)
The Hunter and The Cultist (Hunter X Slayer #1)
J.A. Giaquinto | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
kept me thoroughly engaged, and hooked me in sufficiently to want to read more.
Independent reviewer for gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

From a little research, I've discovered this author usually writes young adult, and this is most certain NOT young adult. Now, at times, it shows. It's a little clunky in places. In places where clunky need not be :-p

That said! I thoroughly enjoyed this!

It takes a little bit of time to put all the clues together about this world, and while usually I don't like massive info dumps, I could have done with at least a SMALL one here. It all comes together, it just took me far too long, and I kept feeling I missed something.

It's quite violent in places, but I think that was needed to get the point across. Steamy, but not ever so explicit (but definately more than a YA book!) and I did scream a time or three at the author! Gustav and Abel got interrupted so many times before they got their moment, and it just went on a bit too much I thought.

There are massive clues who might be next, and I look forward to reading who ever it might be.

A good read, that kept me thoroughly engaged, and hooked me in sufficiently to want to read more.

3 good solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Charlotte (184 KP) rated Have You Seen Me? in Books

Oct 5, 2021 (Updated Oct 5, 2021)  
Have You Seen Me?
Have You Seen Me?
Alexandrea Weis | 2021 | Horror, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A suspense filled hit!

A quality, young adult, read that will have you on the edge of your seat.
     I had my suspicions on who commited the crimes, I second guessed myself......then third guessed and then decided my first choice was right. The clues are well placed and you can't help but try to solve the mystery before the end.
    Speaking of the ending, I'm spying the possibility of, at the very least, a cheeky novella for a sequel. Why? Because there's a kind of cliff hanger/question left unanswered and I NEED to get the answer!! So pretty please Alexandra Weis.......

As far as characters go I really like Aubrey LaRoux, she's our main female and is a pleasure to get to know. She's been where her students are and has that first hand experience to help guide them.
    Her students are an unlikely group of misfits, each with their own quirks and oddities. Generally they are fairly likeable, mainly as you get to know them more.
    Sheriff Mason Dubois is a hot, strong and capable man. He has southern charm and a stubborn streak that pairs well with the headmistress' blunt, uncooperative and rude personality.
As far as I'm concerned, Have You Seen Me? is a gripping horror/thriller that will have you hooked from the start. It is a young adult plus read, ideal for keeping your imagination going.

Pigeon English
Pigeon English
Stephen Kelman, Gbolahan Obisesan | 2015 | Children, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It is funnt and tragic (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
This is a great first novel
This is a must read. Written in first person and from the point of view of Harry, an eleven year old boy (If my memory serves me well) is the most intelligent and convincing narration I have come across. The novel is funny yet disturbing and the reader is told of the young boys own world but through the innocence of a (not quite mature enough to understand the world) boy. Present tense with analepsis allows the reader into the distance between his old life and his new life. Kelman's terrific talent of show not tell, and the young protagonists inexperience creates a sense of irony, as the adult reader see's what the child is too young to notice himself.
I am not going to go into the plot as I feel that this is something I do not want to spoil but believe me, Kelman's characters are fully fleshed out and the world they live in as real as any run down council estate in the UK. This novel surprised me, made me laugh and brought me to tears and has left a tiny book shaped hole in my heart. Well done Stephen Kelman
Star Wars: Queen's Shadow
Star Wars: Queen's Shadow
E.K. Johnston | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
5.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a disappointment. I'm so bummed out that the first novel in the new canon about Padme was so boring.
Firstly, they should have given Padme to Claudia Gray, who has proven she gets the Star Wars Universe; her characterization of Leia has been amazing. Secondly, this would have worked as a political novel, had it been written for adults, rather than for the Young Adult crowd. I didn't have a problem with Johnston's Ahsoka novel, because it was Ahsoka. This is Padme for Christ's sake. I'm just so fricken disappointed because I've been waiting for more about Padme for 20 flipping years. I'm so glad I borrowed this from the library.

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Fairy Tale in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
Fairy Tale
Cyn Balog | 2009
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I actually did not have any expectations for this novel when I received this book. I was a bit reluctant to read it after the slew of horrible young adult novels I always seem to find. While it was not terrible, I was not impressed.

I like Balog's easy style. It did not leave anything to the imagination unless she wanted it to and I loved how she captured her character's personalities so vividly. That does not mean I necessarily liked her characters.

I was also annoyed by how easily Morgan seemed to drift away from Cam and towards Pip. It is not completely unheard of, but it just seemed..odd considering the circumstance.
The Island of Thieves (Tom Trelawney #1)
Josh Lacey | 2011
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tom Trelawney's parents have just dumped him with an uncle he hardly knows. But Uncle Harvey is planning a trip to Peru to follow a treasure map he's just uncovered. Tom talks his way into the trip, but they have hardly landed when they run afoul of the most notorious crook in the country. Can they stay one step ahead of him and find the treasure. Another young adult novel, and another fun, wild ride. I did feel the characters could use a bit more development, but the target audience will love it.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.