Stacey Di Maggio Putnam
Stacey Di Maggio Putnam hasn't rated any items yet

Chelsey Young
(29 KP)
Bookish Dreamer
A nerdy mom of two and an avid book reader and lover
Last Active: Jun 21, 2018

Miguel Rios De Leon
(2 KP)
Geek in wolves clothing
Loooooves me some good videogames and movies along with the occasional good book and tv series.
Last Active: Jan 9, 2018

Glittery Sawa
(5 KP)
Pirate Book Dragon
I am a rum drinking pirate who when not terrorizing the seas reads any book I can find. I'll read...
Last Active: Jan 11, 2018

(100 KP)
Single guy who is looking to live life to the fullest and enjoys practicing the martial arts
Last Active: Oct 21, 2020

(100 KP)
Single guy who is looking to live life to the fullest and enjoys practicing the martial arts
Last Active: Oct 21, 2020