Christopher Radcliff


Public Figure (curated)
Movies & TV
New Brighton, United States

Christopher Radcliff is a New York-based filmmaker originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His work includes the award-winning short films The Strange Ones (co-directed with Lauren Wolkstein) and Jonathan's Chest, which have screened at hundreds of festivals worldwide including Sundance, SXSW, and Rotterdam.

This information is unofficial and this person has no official link with Smashbomb. This content (including text, images, videos and other media) is published collaboratively by community members and used in accordance with the doctrine of Fair Use.
License Notice: photo by David Hubelbank / Montclair Film, The Strange Ones, Sara Kiener, Mindy Wolkstein, Lauren Wolkstein, Christopher Radcliff, Mel Wolkstein, CC BY 2.0