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Andy K (10821 KP) rated Psycho (1960) in Movies

Sep 30, 2019  
Psycho (1960)
Psycho (1960)
1960 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Most Hollywood scholars and film critics agree Vertigo is the ultimate Hitchcock masterpiece with Psycho, North By Northwest or Rear Window rounding out the top 4. Although I would give each a 10 out of 10, I would say Psycho is probably my all time favorite.

Maybe you could say Vertigo is a better technical film or it uses camera, lighting, sets and scenery better, but Psycho has all of that as well and then some. I remember reading somewhere a list of movies where mid way through the film the plot was hijacked in a completely different direction than it had been going (for movies like From Dusk Till Dawn and True Lies), but Psycho was not listed.

I was extremely surprised in that by 1960, how many filmmakers would dare kill off their only main character and the only one the audience cares about partially through and leave the audience gasping as what was to happen next? I wish I had been sitting in a darkened theatre in 1960 to see just that. Working at movie theatres for years, I have had my share of watching crowd reaction both in laughter and in fear, and I can see how movie makers enjoy doing this themselves for their own films.

Great movies keep you coming back even though you are completely familiar with every detail already, but still come back to rewatch anyways.

I have to assume Anthony Perkins did too good of a job as Norman Bates to have any casting directors use him for different roles. He reprised Norman, several times in the 80s and 90s, and also had roles in other films like The Black Hole and Murder on the Orient Express, but no one really remembers him for anything other than Psycho. He was just that great.

I absolutely love the Bernard Herrmann score, especially over the haunting opening credit sequence. One of the best of all time. Have to mention Janet Leigh also won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. She was memorable and marvelous as well.

And Hitch never won Best Director.

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A Time of Myths
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book as a complimentary, signed review copy through the Goodreads Giveaway scheme. Instantly after reading the title and the blurb, I was incredibly intrigued by this book that promised myth, events of legendary stature (Woodstock) and a mysterious edge to it as well.

It seemed perfect, and when I received it I was eager to get started, but then I hit what I thought would be a huge stumbling block for me. It was right up my street with regards to the content and genre, but when I started to read I initially struggled with Blamires' style of writing. He switches perspective initially to introduce all of the main characters, which, in someone with less talent would be confusing, however Blamires does this with a certain skill which weaves the separate narratives together into one intertwining story of humanity at it's grittiest and most basic level.

Initially set in the mid 80s, the mystery set and questions begin to swirl in the readers head before jumping into the next 'book'. As the story progresses, in a very natural and well written way, we follow this intertwined story of a group of youngsters from the age of free love, flower power and smoking dope, of course, I'm referring to the 60s for those of you scratching your heads! The description and atmosphere created by Blamires in describing the Woodstock festival is admirably done, and as someone who only knows of 'hippies' from watching reruns of bad tv shows and my own limited cultural knowledge, I have to hold my hands up and say I'm no expert. However, it felt utterly believable and very much in line with my limited knowledge, so much so that at times I actually felt like I would have loved to be part of this group of people.

Again, the book returns to the modern day of the 80s, told from the perspective of Nathan, the character who seems the most likeable and least tragic of the group, but oh how that changes! I won't spoil it, but his perspective is fantastic and easy to read, and he is a very believable character. You want to help him uncover his past and in the process find out exactly what happened to the rest of the group as, if there isn't enough that Blamires does well, he is also fantastic at drawing you totally into the story and keeping you guessing right to the very end, truly engaging you with every character. Well, except Derek, he simply repulsed me and I was glad with his ending!

The final 'book' was fantastically written, full of the same atmosphere and drama seen in the rest of the story, but also neatly tidying up all, well, nearly all, the questions you ask throughout the story, whilst still delivering the drama and tension you have come to expect from the book so far. Again, Blamires tells it in a very believable and engaging manner, and I think the greatest strength of this story is that it is so believable, I actually found myself wondering if there weren't groups of people just like these out there today as lost as Nathan and Maddy are in this 'hellhole' of a world we live in.

Great credit has to be given to Blamires in the creation of this story as it is truly fantastic. The characters are engaging, in their own ways, real and so easy to relate to. I wanted so badly to be their friend, to help Jo with her inner turmoil, to fix the issues they all had, and more than anything to have been part of that group at Woodstock having a laugh with like minded people. It transported me to times and places I will never be able to experience, but through this book, I feel I have, in some small way, been able to experience a tiny ounce of what it may have been like. The story was never superficial, at times it is really philosophical and 'deep', and this is absorbed by the reader without really noticing it, but at the end, it al makes sense.

Chris Blamires is a hugely talented author, great story teller, deep thinker and all of this comes through in just over 300 pages of excellently written tales. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, as I think is clear, and it is one I look forward to reading again and recommending to my friends. And as for the author, well, he certainly is one to watch and I look forward to reading more of his work in the near future!
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
Frances McDormand (0 more)
Superbly acted, funny and emotional
Every so often I head into a movie knowing very little about it. I don't see the trailer, I don't read any detailed reviews. What I do see are a lot of positive headlines in my movie related news feeds and I decide to just go for it. Last year I did the exact same thing with 'Get Out', which turned out to be my favourite movie of 2017. This year, for my first cinema trip of 2018, it's the oddly titled 'Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri'. Not quite as wonderful as Get Out, but a very enjoyable movie all the same.

The three billboards in question lie, unused since the 80s, on a barely used road leading to the home of Mildred Hayes (Frances McDormand). While driving past them one day, she stops to ponder for a while, before heading into town to the advertising company responsible for the boards and renting them out for a whole year. The message she spreads across the three boards is a simple one, set to shame the local police force who she feels have become a bit slack when it comes to investigating the brutal rape and murder of her daughter seven months earlier. Chief Willoughby (Woody Harrelson) is named on one of the boards, a respected man of the town, who we later discover is suffering from cancer. Officer Dixon (Sam Rockwell) on the other hand is a man with problems, totally inept at his job, living at home with his momma and recently in trouble for beating up a black suspect.

The billboards have the desired effect, bringing the murder case to everyones attention once again and causing uproar around town. But Mildred is a force to be reckoned with, foul mouthed and out for vengeance, and she's brilliant to watch. The movie effortlessly switches between laugh out loud sharp dialogue and gut wrenching emotional drama. Just when you think you've got the whole thing worked out, something major happens to shake things up again. It's a hugely enjoyable rollercoaster ride.

One of the few things I saw before seeing this movie said that if you like Fargo, then you'll enjoy this, and that's a pretty fair assumption. Interesting characters with interesting stories, beautifully told. I loved it.
Little Heaven: A Novel
Little Heaven: A Novel
Nick Cutter | 2017 | Horror
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Before I delve into my thoughts about Little Heaven, I would like to thank the publisher, the author, and NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Little Heaven will be available for purchase January 10, 2017 and its definitely on my wishlist for a physical copy.

Little Heaven plays host to an interesting cast of characters that range from three extremely different and unlikely heroes, to your typical, run of the mill, religious zealot. Heavily influenced by the Jonestown Massacre in some regards, I found Cutter's book to be a delightful and fresh read, in the most fiendishly way possible.

Our "heroes" are hired by a concerned woman after her nephew is taken into Little Heaven, a religious compound run by Reverend Amos Flesher. The motley crew quickly find themselves caught up in what can only be described as a nightmare; Reverend Flesher's obsession with his religion, coupled with an ancient evil, wrought a terrifying tale that is worth every minute I spent reading it.

I also have to admit that I was awestruck by Nick Cutter's style of writing. If you read my blog often enough, you're likely aware that I am no stranger to the macabre. The more gruesome, terrifying, and gore-filled a story or movie is, the happier I am. In that regard, Cutter exceeded my expectations. He paints such a vivid picture that there are times I actually found myself feeling squeamish - and that is a feat when it comes to the written word. Other times, I found myself on the verge of an anxiety attack, even if it was action driven, rather than by suspense.

The only thing I really didn't care for was the manner in which it went back and forth between two different time periods, especially since the latter period, 1980, could probably have been largely left out of the equation - or at least implemented into a smoother transition. The part of the story taking place in the 80s felt largely pointless to me up until the end, and even then it didn't have as much of a "wow" factor as I had hoped for. Nonetheless, it was still an excellent read.

Little Heaven is, undoubtedly, one of my favorite books so far this year - or rather, next year if you go by the publication date. I can't wait to read more from this author!

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated Child's Play (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Jun 22, 2019)  
Child's Play (2019)
Child's Play (2019)
2019 | Horror
Childs Play is a strange & maybe unnecessary reboot of a cult classic series of films that are still going strong. That being said this new film does manage to hold its own as a solo slasher & throws in enough new ideas to keep things feeling fresh & fun while most importantly of all staying faithful to the original formula. Lets get one thing out the way here the doll design of chucky in this film is horrendous & down right hideous looking (not in a good way) I get they needed to change the way he looked slightly but this doll side on especially has one ugly & bulky side profile. Its not so bad when he's face on or half shadowed in darkness & there are some genuinely creepy scenes involving the glowing eyes. Mark Hamill is the perfect choice voice wise & really does bring life, comedy & creepiness to an other wise soulless character. Plot is quite basic & characters are also fairly paint by numbers too but the cast do bring the movie to life with believable acting & fun interactions with each other. Atmosphere is built up nicely especially in the first half as its tense, unnerving & slowly paced making the viewer earn its kills & scares. These a big sense of nostalgia here too & the film does over all feel like it was made in the 80s despite its squeaky clean look at times. References, nods & inspirations litter the film too & genuinely feel clever rather than like a cheap 'remember this'. Delivering on gore this instalment has some nasty death scenes & the finally is deliciously over the top. I did however much prefer the first half over the second half as I found the slower pacing way more tense & creepy especially seeing this doll gradually learn to kill with almost a sense of naivety, innocence & good intention to it. You could also argue the creation of the doll is our fault as consumers & our desire to want more/connect more. Chucky could also be metaphor for how soulless & desensitized we have become too. Childs Play doesnt need to exist at all but manages to stand on its own two feet as a ridiculous, creepy, devilishly funny & extremely entertaining just dont expect anything ground breaking or intelligent & you will be sure to have a blast Buddi.
The Good Liar (2019)
The Good Liar (2019)
2019 | Drama
Murder She Wrote
The good liar is creaky but enjoyable little movie that screams 80s British murder mystery Tv show and while its extreamly predictable theres enough twists to keep you entertained. Whats aparent right from the start is Ian Mckellen and Helen Mirren's on screen chemistry, the two are just fantastic to watch interacting with each other and really help to carry the entire film with thier acting skills alone. Sadly I really cant say the same about the rest of the cast most of whomb come across as stiff, lifeless souls with no personality making most of thier scenes dull and unitresting filler (russell toveys character especially). Plot wise its fine and actually tries some quite brave ideas for this kind of film taking the movie places I really didnt expect it to go. Trouble is the film feels caught between what it wants to be switching between grisly violent crime thriller back to tame old light hearted drama randomly without the two ever seeming connected. Also while ian mckellen is fantastic the film tries far to hard to make the viewer dislike him by using seemingly forced reasons eg showing him far to often randomly cursing profoudly, smoking, drinking or comitting a random out of place extreame act of violence its all very unnecisary and seems only there to hide a twist that comes later in the film. Music cues frustrate too cheaply placed into the film to tell us how we should be feeling during certain scenes but instead making the film feel outdated. Theres no real sense of nail biting tension either and while the story is fun to watch play out with no real danger, urgency or any griping scenes its all just one tone throughout. A big plot twist can also be seen coming right from the start too but thankfully theres enough twists and turns to make that not to much of a problem. All this being said I did have a good time with good liar the two leads clearly enjoyed working together and while the film is extreamly out dated as far as film making goes it will no doubt spark nostalgia and bring enjoyment to people that grew up with shows such a Poirot and Coloumbo.
Elvis & Nixon (2016)
Elvis & Nixon (2016)
2016 | Comedy
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Elvis Presley has always been a mystery to me. I never understood the fascination around him and the length at which his fans adore him. Growing up in the south, his image and legend permeated throughout the culture and made it impossible to criticize him or his music. He was infallible. Nixon, on the other hand, is universally loathed for having a Presidential administration built on division and corruption. Through one bold idea, on the part of Presley, they cross paths. Elvis and Nixon, sounds as though it would be perfect for an 80s sitcom, however, the reality of this interaction is put on display through this film. In total, the film is fun in that it gives a bit of insight as to what their interaction may have been like, given their personalities and styles, however, there is a lack of depth with anyone in the film. Michael Shannon’s (Midnight Special, Man of Steel) portrayal of Elvis comes off as wooden and lacking any personality.

I felt as though I was watching an impersonator on screen rather an actor portraying a character. Kevin Spacey (House of Cards) plays a strong Nixon in which you feel a little bit of sympathy for the President considering the circumstances that he finds himself in toward the end of his first term. Unfortunately, due to his character Frank Underwood on House of Cards, audiences will feel as though it is President Underwood playing Nixon. There isn’t much space between the two characters that he plays. There also isn’t much space between Elvis and Nixon with their approach to social ills and the American landscape.

There is very little this film offers other than an imagining of what possibly took place due to now recordings of their meeting other than a photo. In that sense, it is an interesting “what if” piece. The imagination of the filmmakers allows us to question who these two men and the circumstances that faced America during 1971. Although provocative in its approach, it doesn’t allow for much growth or ability to connect with any of the characters. It has its fun and funny moments, which will keep audiences interested, but nothing that will have them talking about the film well after they have seen it. Through the portrayals by Shannon and Spacey, I find myself liking Nixon a little more and hating Elvis a little less.