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 The Beauty of Darkness (The Remnant Chronicles #3)
The Beauty of Darkness (The Remnant Chronicles #3)
Mary E. Pearson | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
That was one of the hardest books I had to rate and review. The reason is that the adult part of me had very specific expectations while my young teenager self was reminding me that this is a YA book. More details.

Things that I liked:
-Lia is taking control of her destiny and do everything she can to save her people. As with the previous books is a strong female character, with personality and a big heart.
- We keep seeing how Lia is still attached to Venda and is also willing to help them. Is not just about saving her people but it's also about saving the people of Venda from their tyrant.
-Nice twists regarding Kaden past.
-Nice twists regarding Lia family
-I liked Lia's and her family dynamic.

Things my teenager self liked:
-Everybody gets a happy ending. Every main character survives and every one of them found love. A classic fairy tale ending.

Things I didn't like:
-Everybody gets a happy ending. Every main character survives and every one of them found love. A classic fairy tale ending... As an adult, I really didn't like that. First of all, if you have a love triangle and for two books you are telling us how much both Rafe and Kaden are sooooo deeply in love with Lia you don't get to just make Kaden fall in love with Pauline out of the blue and forget about Lia and just be besties. NO. I want my heart to be broken. I had mentally prepared myself for him to die or at the end to de like "I can be around you if you are not mine" and just leave. The author had an amazing opportunity to break our hearts but not... It's a YA book we can't do that. I sound like a crazy person I know...
-I felt this book was slower than it should have been. I was 40 pages from the end and this big battle between the ferocious army of Venda haven't even started. We had a big build-up from the previous book and I wanted an epic battle with twists and turns but it didn't happen.
-For 3 book we were told that Lia would have to "sacrifice" herself for the greater good. Well, that didn't happen either. Well, she "sacrificed" because she became the queen of Venda and couldn't be with Rafe. Ok, I can deal with that but then at the end, Lia and Rafe are "we love each other so we'll make it work", sooo... where is the sacrifice? Again a great opportunity to break our hearts but no... we went with the happy ending.

As I said this is a YA book so I'm perfectly aware of the author choices and I respect them. As a teenager, this would have probably been a 10/10. But if this final book was written for an adult audience it could have been heartbreaking and amazing.
Fight for the Blue Planet
Fight for the Blue Planet
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fight For The Blue Planet by Derek Corney was a good book. As an adult reading this book I completely understand the alien's view of humans as a violent and war-like species. I also understood why children were selected to save the world and not adults but more on that later.

One night in the middle of summer three children, Timmy, Adam, and Salma are visited by an alien. This alien, who calls himself Shack-Shack, tells the children of another alien race called The Targ who wants to take over Earth for its resources. Shack-Shack gives each child a special power (invisibility, shape-shifting, and teleportation respectively)and convinces them to fight against the Targ. Following a beacon signal.

Salma teleports them all onto a Targ ship and the fun begins as they start their battle with the Targ. At one point the children find their way onto another planet that the Torg are using for a prison of sorts and manages to free the leaders of another alien race whose species has resistance camps against the Targ all across the planet. Things are not all smooth sailing for the children though as multiple times they find themselves questioning the actions of their allies. Also at a few different times, these young children are faced with the moral dilemma of doing something for the greater good instead of a quick fix. The parent’s of these young children are completely unaware of anything unusual thanks to shape-shifting imposers that look and act just like their children. Will the children be able to save their home and return to their family or is their home going to be destroyed forever?

I really enjoyed the idea that the aliens chose children to help them out instead of adults and their reasoning for it is sound. They mention how children just accept their powers and abilities while adults would question everything. Also, adults would end up debating the circumstance among themselves until it is too late, while the children will just act right away. The one thing that I really did not like was the uses of double names for some of the aliens such as Sim-Sim and Lee-Lee. They made an otherwise good book feel unnecessarily childish to where I thought it was for a much younger age group than what I ultimately decided.

This is a children’s book for some middle school readers and younger. At the same time, I still enjoyed this book as a break from the normally heavy adult literature. It does have a few remarks and comments that would make an adult think about our entire race’s behavior. Overall, I give this book a perfect 4 out of 4. The story moves at a steady pace and introduces new characters and concepts without making the reader confused. This book is an interesting read for all ages.
The Muppets  - Season 1
The Muppets - Season 1
2015 | Comedy, Family
Intelligently funny
The Muppets is a 2015 mockumentary style series that aired for only one season, and is currently available on Disney+ . It follows the personal and professional lives of the Muppets behind the scenes of Miss Piggy's late night talk show.

The Muppets are an institution. There won’t be many people that don’t know of the Muppets, and most will have grown up with them in some form whether it be the original tv show, the earlier films or the most recent film reincarnations with Jason Segel. For me, my fondest memories of the Muppets come from the films (The Muppet Christmas Carol is by far the best Christmas film) and from the Muppet Vision 3D show in Disney World, so I had no preconceptions over what this show would be. And it’s an absolute hoot.

This is a wonderfully funny and smart show, and the mockumentary style similar to The Office and Parks and Recereation works very well. It manages to bring clever adult humour without reducing itself to crudeness. It’s whip smart, witty and full of relevant pop culture references that are often laugh out loud funny. There are so many instances in these 16 episodes where I couldn’t stop laughing, although a particularly highlight involved Bobo the bear and The Revenant. And not only is this funny, it’s also full of heart. It features some fairly meaningful and important topics and for the most part it deals with these well with an appropriate amount of humour.

The great thing about this show is that it isn’t just the Kermit and Piggy show. All of the other Muppets are featured in equal measure and for me personally I loved this as some of my favourite moments were with the likes of Rizzo, Pepe and Chip the IT guy. I also now have a new found love for Uncle Deadly, I never realised how brilliant a character he was before! This show also brings in some fantastic guest stars, from the likes of Reese Witherspoon and Joseph Gordon-Levitt to Liam Hemsworth, Ru Paul and Josh Groban, all of whom have no problem in sending themselves up and being the butt of the jokes.

It’s a shame then that this show falters two thirds of the way through due to the storyline and relationship between Kermit and Piggy. I’ve never been a fan of Piggy as I find her very irksome, but she’s bearable in small doses. However the show seems to do a complete u-turn on their storyline midway through and suffers because of it, as it becomes dull and predictable and nothing we haven’t seen before for Kermit and Piggy. The rest of the show and characters are still hilarious, but Kermit and Piggy really bring down the tone.

If you’re an adult and a fan of the Muppets and are looking for some adult, intelligent laugh out loud humour, you can’t really go wrong with this. Just try not to concentrate on the storyline too much.
Montpelier Parade
Montpelier Parade
Karl Geary | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sylvia Plath-esque
I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

Set in the not-so-distant-past in Dublin, Ireland lives Sonny, a schoolboy with not much hope of succeeding in life. Living on the poverty line, Sonny has no choice but to work at a butcher’s shop after school, and with his gambling father, a builder, at the weekend. On one such occasion, whilst working on a posh house on Montpelier Parade, Sonny meets the enigmatic Vera, whose beauty leaves him speechless. It only takes another encounter, and Sonny is infatuated with this elusive lady.

Montpelier Parade is a melancholy love story, describing the dangerous relationship between Sonny and Vera. Not only is it wrong for schoolchild and adult to have such an intimate connection, Sonny finds himself powerless to deal with Vera’s depression. Vera’s Sylvia Plath-esque demeanour results in events that go above and beyond what an adolescent boy ought to be dealing with – especially as he has his own problems, too.

Karl Geary has written this novel in the second person, placing the reader directly into Sonny’s position. “You say,” “She turned and looked at you.” – we, as the reader, become Sonny. This makes it easier to imagine the hardships he is facing at school, at home, and with Vera. We imagine ourselves in his position, thus making everything feel so real.

Montpelier Parade is not an easy book to read. Depression and suicide are very delicate topics to deal with. Combine that with underage sexual relationships with an adult, and you have got a particularly uncomfortable journey ahead. Then, to top it all off, the narrative is riddled with foul language.

 A comparison with wealth and poverty, life and death, and love, Montpelier Parade will attract many readers. Sadly, the story was a bit too crude for myself to enjoy. That said, I can understand why many will enjoy it, or even relate to it, however be aware, it is quite a serious, dark story.
Hard Time (Responsible Adult #2)
Hard Time (Responsible Adult #2)
C.F. White | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hard Time (Responsible Adult #2) by C.F. White
Hard Time is the second book in the Responsible Adult set, and get ready for your socks to be knocked off! Now, you do need to have read book one as this one follows straight after. I said for book one that it is quite dark and gritty, well, that remains true for this one.

Micky has everything going on - a court appearance, his deadbeat dad back in town, still feeling unworthy of Dan, you name it, it's probably here. Dan is determined to stick around, no matter how Micky may push him away. And Flynn is still as adorable as ever.

This book is, quite simply, amazing. It doesn't shy away from the nastier side of life, nor indeed of how people can be drawn into it just through circumstances. Gwen did an amazing job in the circumstances for her boys, but she wasn't wonder woman. The rest of the journey is up to them, and Micky got lost for a while. Luckily for him, Dan is there to show him the right way to go. I said it last time, I'll say it again - these two are perfect for each other. Seeing Micky come out of his shell towards Dan? Perfect.

One thing I will say, is that the courtroom scene was brilliantly written. Part of me wanted to dislike Micky for being able to 'play' it the way he did, whilst the other part of me respected him like hell for knowing how it works, and doing the best he can for Flynn in those circumstances.

Reading this book, without any editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, was anything but a Hard Time. It finished off Micky and Dan's story perfectly, although I still want more! A fantastic story, and definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Rachel King (13 KP) rated Mockingjay in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
Suzanne Collins | 2012 | Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (174 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel deeply impacted me. I had to let the review sit for awhile before I could coalesce my thoughts on it because I kept replaying the many aspects of the series over and over in my head, wondering if the series could really have ended any differently. I suppose if some of the key characters had made different decisions, there would have been some difference, but keeping everything else the same, Katniss really could not have responded differently. I felt that this book was much more realistic regarding the behavior of a 17-year-old in her circumstances than many other books I have read of the Young Adult genre.
I felt that the second and third books revolved largely around what it would take to break Katniss. The reader can guess the answer quite easily, but Katniss is haunted by not being certain of this answer. She is only a young adult after all, not even experiencing all of the atrocities that the Capital visited on the other Hunger Games victors before her. She is naive in many ways, though her inner strength and determination to survive are great personal motivators.
There is maybe one part of the book that I really wish would have happened differently, and that is what happens to Finnick, especially given his reunion with Annie. I could not understand how it was so necessary to the continuance of the main plot, and I felt sad for Annie.
I don't want to give away the ending for Katniss's personal story, but in the grand scheme of things, even this was necessary for Katniss's personal survival, as well as the betterment of the remaining districts of Panem. While that statement is appropriately confusing, the way I described the ending to my husband, who still needs to read the second and third books, is the ending was bittersweet - heavy on the bitter and light on the sweet.
Wonder Park (2019)
Wonder Park (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Wonder or blunder?
#wonderpark is multilayered #kids film that offers goofy humor mixed with some at times rather heavy & extreamly mature themes. Today we took my sisters little ones to see Wonder Park (a film i was at first i was struggling to stay awake for if I'm honest) & with an fairly generic start i was struggling to see where it was headed. Then bam after about 20 minutes i found myself hit hard with an #emotional punch of a plot twist that comes completely out of nowhere. After this heavy scene the film continues to ride onwards dealing with many #adult themes such as #depression, battling inner #demons, dealing with grief/loss, maturing/growing up, balancing/suppressing & dealing with #emotions such as anger guilt frustration & sadness. Me & my #mum found all these themes extremely prominent & in your face but from a kids point of view they just seemed to go straight over their heads as there was more than enough bright/loud & colourfully explosive set pieces/characters distracting them from the heavy overtones. Visually its a great looking film but i couldn't help notice a dusty wash over everything tainting & muting the colour pallet. This made the overall tone feel bleak to me & made the films ideas seem conflicted especially when you already have a mix of deep adult themes & really #silly #humor there too. Set pieces are actually quite #fun/#creative & stakes are high at times too which really got the kids feeling tense & excited. #Musical numbers are also catchy & both the #boys came out #dancing, #smiling & #singing which was nice to see. Overall its nothing really that you've not seen a million times before but it at least tries to tell a more mature story in a way both kids & adults can enjoy so for that i commend it. Short & #sweet, happy & bleak a perfectly ok experience. #odeon #odeonlimitless #filmbuff #filmcritic #halfterm #schoolholidays #animals #kenjeong #kenanthompson #milakunis #fantasy #themepark
[b:Saltation (Theo Waitley, #2)|6669085|Saltation (Theo Waitley, #2) (Liaden Universe, #13)|Sharon Lee||6131174] is good enough that I finished [b:Fledgling (Theo Waitley, #1)|5585180|Fledgling (Theo Waitley, #1) (Liaden Universe, #12)|Sharon Lee||5756422], then read it in one sitting. It simply has the sort of momentum that doesn't allow for good stopping points — something that is true of many of the Liaden Universe novels.

At the end of Fledgling, Theo was sponsored into pilot school by Scout Cho sig'Radia. Saltation begins with her time there, just as politically naive as ever, but a much more confident person than she was at the beginning of Fledgling. Many of the characters from Fledgling reappear, including Win Ton, Kamele, and Jen Sar. There are new characters too, though, such as Kara ven'Arith and Orn Ald yos'Senchul (who, by the way, also appear in a free story, <a href="">Landed Alien</a>, that has just been released at the Baen web site and should be read after Saltation).

Theo is a legal adult now, but a very young one, and she has plenty of growing up left to do. That said, this is a young ADULT novel, not a children's book &mdash; while it isn't discussed specifically, Theo does take a lover.

She continues to flex and stretch into an admirable heroine. She isn't perfect, by any means, being sometimes short-tempered and not understanding social cues easily. She's someone readers can relate to, though, and that is important. We were brought up concurrent with the end of [b:I Dare|1103876|I Dare (Liaden Universe, #11)|Sharon Lee||1644933], which was vastly satisfying. I will go right on with reading [b:Ghost Ship|9762449|Ghost Ship (Liaden Universe, #14, Theo Waitley, #3)|Sharon Lee||14651808], because I definitely want to know more!
Montpelier Parade
Montpelier Parade
Karl Geary | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Set in the not-so-distant-past in Dublin, Ireland lives Sonny, a schoolboy with not much hope of succeeding in life. Living on the poverty line, Sonny has no choice but to work at a butcher’s shop after school, and with his gambling father, a builder, at the weekend. On one such occasion, whilst working on a posh house on Montpelier Parade, Sonny meets the enigmatic Vera, whose beauty leaves him speechless. It only takes another encounter, and Sonny is infatuated with this elusive lady.

<i>Montpelier Parade</i> is a melancholy love story, describing the dangerous relationship between Sonny and Vera. Not only is it wrong for schoolchild and adult to have such an intimate connection, Sonny finds himself powerless to deal with Vera’s depression. Vera’s Sylvia Plath-esque demeanor results in events that go above and beyond what an adolescent boy ought to be dealing with – especially as he has his own problems, too.

Karl Geary has written this novel in the second person, placing the reader directly into Sonny’s position. “You say,” “She turned and looked at you.” – we, as the reader, become Sonny. This makes it easier to imagine the hardships he is facing at school, at home, and with Vera. We imagine ourselves in his position, thus making everything feel so real.

<i>Montpelier Parade</i> is not an easy book to read. Depression and suicide are very delicate topics to deal with. Combine that with underage sexual relationships with an adult, and you have got a particularly uncomfortable journey ahead. Then, to top it all off, the narrative is riddled with foul language.

 A comparison with wealth and poverty, life and death, and love, <i>Montpelier Parade</i> will attract many readers. Sadly, the story was a bit too crude for myself to enjoy. That said, I can understand why many will enjoy it, or even relate to it, however be aware, it is quite a serious, dark story.
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Polaris Awakening</i> is a young adult science fiction anthology containing several short stories about the human race thousand of years from now where everyone lives aboard giant space stations. <i>Polaris</i> is a collaborative project between numerous authors that are rising up in the young adult world: Kelli Sheridan, E. Latimer, Erica Crouch, Janna Jennings, Hannah Davies, Terra Harmony and Meghan Jashinky. Although each story is different, they all revolve around <i>Polaris</i> – the largest human built space station in the universe.

Despite the different authors’ input, it could be easily believed that only one person wrote the anthology, as their writing styles are so similar. Whilst being labeled as science fiction, there are a lot of themes throughout the book such as a dystopian setting, social and political injustice, romance and violence. There are many strong male and female characters, which make these stories suitable to readers of both genders. The main characters are roughly the same age as the target audience thus generating appropriate language and scenarios for young adults to read and become interested in.
Naturally, some of the stories are better than others. Some are so full of action and suspense, making the reader want to stay with those characters forever, whereas others feel rather short and incomplete. What happens to those certain individuals once they are off the page?

Whilst reading this book I kept thinking about a novel that was recently published: <i>Way Down Dark</i> by J. P. Smythe. The plots of these short stories were very similar to the general story line portrayed within that book. The setting was almost the same as the spacecraft written about by Smythe. If you enjoy this anthology, I am sure you would also love <i>Way Down Dark</i>, and vice versa.