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The Sexy Seven Supernaturals
Seven haunting tales of women, young female adults, and an adolescent girl whose lives change...
Fiction Short Stories Fantasy Paranormal Erotica

Suswatibasu (1702 KP) rated The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in Books
Oct 10, 2017 (Updated Oct 11, 2017)
I discovered Turkish delight through this book...
This is a must read for children, as the mystical elements are fascinating, but are lost when reading it as an adult.
First published in 1950, this is one of the most classic portal fantasies ever written. Four children are sent from London to an old house in the country during the evacuations of World War II. Through a magic wardrobe, they enter the fantasy land of Narnia, which is a jumbled mixture of Greek mythology, Bible stories, and Arthurian romances, with a bit of Medieval Bestiaries thrown in.
The White Witch has made herself Queen of Narnia, and put it under the spell of an ever-constant winter. With the arrival of the children and the lion Aslan, an old prophecy is met, spring comes to Narnia, and there is a major clash between the good and evil Narnians on who gets to dominate Narnia.
I like the book better than the film just because of the amount of detail used by the master of fantasy C. S. Lewis.
First published in 1950, this is one of the most classic portal fantasies ever written. Four children are sent from London to an old house in the country during the evacuations of World War II. Through a magic wardrobe, they enter the fantasy land of Narnia, which is a jumbled mixture of Greek mythology, Bible stories, and Arthurian romances, with a bit of Medieval Bestiaries thrown in.
The White Witch has made herself Queen of Narnia, and put it under the spell of an ever-constant winter. With the arrival of the children and the lion Aslan, an old prophecy is met, spring comes to Narnia, and there is a major clash between the good and evil Narnians on who gets to dominate Narnia.
I like the book better than the film just because of the amount of detail used by the master of fantasy C. S. Lewis.
Good concept (1 more)
Some interesting imagery/analogies
Lack of character development (2 more)
Slow build up with a sudden ending that feels rushed
Attempts to make socio-political commentary with disjointed (and again rushed) narrative
Underwhelming drama/mystery with the backdrop of a cult
It took me a while to get into the book itself, it wasn't a page turner and was very easy to get distracted. About a third to a midway through, it started to pick up pace and I became embroiled in the narrative of a young girl's induction into a full-blown cult, the crime they commit and her reflection on this as an adult. This momentum carried nicely for a while, until nearing the end where the narrative and characters suddenly seemed to become disjointed and it appears the author suddenly decided to turn fractions of what has previously been mentioned into an overall statement which I found to be a little ridiculous. The concept was seriously intriguing (the experience of drifting in and out of cult life) so it's a shame it wasn't followed through with confidence.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated Stephen King's It in TV
Dec 11, 2017 (Updated Dec 11, 2017)
A good adaptation but now looks dated
As Stephen King adaptations go, this isn't half bad. It manages to stick fairly faithfully to the book and keeps at least most of the major characters and plot points mostly intact. Which considering the length of the book is fairly impressive.
Tim Curry steals the show as Pennywise although i wouldnt say hes particularly scary. He's the best thing about every scene he's in. Shame the same can't be said about the rest of the cast, whose acting ranges from just okay to downright awful. The child actors seem to be much better than their adult counterparts! There's also the fact that it now looks very dated being nearly 30 years old and it really shows it's age in the effects. And for some reason despite this being rated a 15, there's barely any gore or bloody injuries which is a shame as King's books are known for this.
In all honesty having watched this back recently, I think the new version might be better.
Tim Curry steals the show as Pennywise although i wouldnt say hes particularly scary. He's the best thing about every scene he's in. Shame the same can't be said about the rest of the cast, whose acting ranges from just okay to downright awful. The child actors seem to be much better than their adult counterparts! There's also the fact that it now looks very dated being nearly 30 years old and it really shows it's age in the effects. And for some reason despite this being rated a 15, there's barely any gore or bloody injuries which is a shame as King's books are known for this.
In all honesty having watched this back recently, I think the new version might be better.

stacey (81 KP) rated Fighting Destiny in Books
May 16, 2017
Everything (3 more)
character development
Sexy alpha males
I can i get a hell YES!
I've read this book 6 time.. 6 BLOODY times, and i'm still left with the same thought... Who is he?
Now i have my theories in this and i have my doubts but damn is it ever a roller coaster of pure sexual tension.
Now i don't always like when there's too much tension, i mean yea i get it. You want to screw her brains out, but like come on are we teengers afraid to go near the person we like because we're afraid they aren't going to like us back when clearly they are giving you the " come here" eyes.
You're an adult now pull up your big boy panties and go get her, GOD DAMN MAN.
Although.. i will say this, i still love it because even though i've got to wait because the author loves to toy with my emotions -.-" It is incredibly written to the extent that i'm literally laughing with joy at how it proceeds.
Now i have my theories in this and i have my doubts but damn is it ever a roller coaster of pure sexual tension.
Now i don't always like when there's too much tension, i mean yea i get it. You want to screw her brains out, but like come on are we teengers afraid to go near the person we like because we're afraid they aren't going to like us back when clearly they are giving you the " come here" eyes.
You're an adult now pull up your big boy panties and go get her, GOD DAMN MAN.
Although.. i will say this, i still love it because even though i've got to wait because the author loves to toy with my emotions -.-" It is incredibly written to the extent that i'm literally laughing with joy at how it proceeds.

Alison Pink (7 KP) rated The Serpent's Shadow (Kane Chronicles #3) in Books
Jan 15, 2018
So sad to know that this is the last book in Rick Riordan's Kane Chronicles. This trilogy has been my favorite of all his works by far! I'm hoping he will work Sadie, Carter, & Walt/Anubis into another series as the end left it pretty open to be picked up into the future with new Gods & magic trying to disrupt the ancient Egyptian beliefs.
This book was great! It was a satisfying ending to the series, despite the fact that it did leave things open to being picked up in the future. (Maybe he'll do something like he did with Percy Jackson & then Heroes of Olympus?!?) Again Sadie & Carter are such likable, believable, well-developed characters. The things they go through are extraordinary without a doubt, but they are so easy to identify with...which I'm sure helps with the appeal of the series to younger readers. But just because that is the target audience, doesn't mean an adult won't enjoy it.
The book is full of history, love, battles, & courage that it is very easy to get wrapped up in.
This book was great! It was a satisfying ending to the series, despite the fact that it did leave things open to being picked up in the future. (Maybe he'll do something like he did with Percy Jackson & then Heroes of Olympus?!?) Again Sadie & Carter are such likable, believable, well-developed characters. The things they go through are extraordinary without a doubt, but they are so easy to identify with...which I'm sure helps with the appeal of the series to younger readers. But just because that is the target audience, doesn't mean an adult won't enjoy it.
The book is full of history, love, battles, & courage that it is very easy to get wrapped up in.
Terrifying visuals (2 more)
Great job on casting
Faithful to the book for the most part
Firstly, I do want to address the running time: it's two hours and fifteen minutes. Yet, I didn't feel as if I was sitting in a chair for that long. There was one point where I did question how long had the movie run, but then something happened in the movie to pull me right back in and ignore the outside world.
You really do end up liking the kids and rooting for them. The interactions between Beverly and Ben were really well done and were my favorites. I have heard some people criticizing the amount of time that focused on the kids, but that's really what the story is about: kids dealing with adult-like trauma and facing it.
Of course Pennywise steals each scene he's in. Or should I say 'every scene it's in?' Pun intended.
It's hard to talk (write) about my favorite bits without giving away spoilers, so just go watch it and enjoy!
I can't wait for the second part!
You really do end up liking the kids and rooting for them. The interactions between Beverly and Ben were really well done and were my favorites. I have heard some people criticizing the amount of time that focused on the kids, but that's really what the story is about: kids dealing with adult-like trauma and facing it.
Of course Pennywise steals each scene he's in. Or should I say 'every scene it's in?' Pun intended.
It's hard to talk (write) about my favorite bits without giving away spoilers, so just go watch it and enjoy!
I can't wait for the second part!

graveyardgremlin (7194 KP) rated Adulthood is a Myth: A Sarah's Scribbles Collection in Books
Feb 15, 2019
<i>Adulthood is a Myth</i> gave me some serious lolz. I had never heard of Sarah Andersen before but since I'm over thirty and still don't feel like a real, actual adult, thought I'd give it a try. The cartoons are simple, yet well done, and remind me a little of Matthew Inman's art at <a href="http:///">The Oatmeal</a>. Each page has a different anecdote usually composed of two to five panels. The subjects range from new responsiblities reaching adulthood to relationships to procrastination. The ones I most gravitated towards were introversion, love of books, and love of animals.
I'm so glad I requested this book, it was short, funny, and I had a good time reading it. I now have a new artist to check out. I'd definitely recommend this book to anyone, most especially those in their twenties, thirties, and forties; there's a little something for everyone to relate to in <i>Adulthood is a Myth</i>.
Received from NetGalley for an honest review.
I'm so glad I requested this book, it was short, funny, and I had a good time reading it. I now have a new artist to check out. I'd definitely recommend this book to anyone, most especially those in their twenties, thirties, and forties; there's a little something for everyone to relate to in <i>Adulthood is a Myth</i>.
Received from NetGalley for an honest review.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2277 KP) rated The Lorax in Books
Mar 5, 2019
Environmental Morality Tale for Kids
Meet the Once-ler. Back in the past, he found a forest of Truffula Trees. Through ingenuity, he found a way to make these trees into something that everyone could use. However, the Lorax shows up to try to warn him of the dangers that might cause. Will the Once-ler listen?
I had this book as a kid, and we read it many times while I was growing up. Rereading it as an adult, I was struck again by just how dark this book is. There is a clear environmental message to the book. I do wish it were more even handed, but I realize this is a picture book for kids, and a morality tale at that. The pictures and creatures are pure Dr. Seuss and are fun. The story, while told in rhyme, features some of Dr. Seuss’s made up creatures, so it isn’t early reader friendly, but as kids are ready to tackle something more challenging with the help of adults, this book would be great.
I had this book as a kid, and we read it many times while I was growing up. Rereading it as an adult, I was struck again by just how dark this book is. There is a clear environmental message to the book. I do wish it were more even handed, but I realize this is a picture book for kids, and a morality tale at that. The pictures and creatures are pure Dr. Seuss and are fun. The story, while told in rhyme, features some of Dr. Seuss’s made up creatures, so it isn’t early reader friendly, but as kids are ready to tackle something more challenging with the help of adults, this book would be great.

BTPBookclub (18 KP) rated Inborn in Books
May 11, 2019
This is bloody brilliant! A real sleep stealer, page turner of a read. I read this in one sitting and stayed up very late just to finish it, was well and truelly hooked. I seriously did not want to put this down.
Such a clever story, I was constantly trying to guess who the murderer was and was wrong each and every time. The outcome… I would have never expected that in a million years. Truelly shocking and jaw dropping.
Brilliantly written, clever how the story was told through the past and the present all linking into one straight storyline. Would appeal to young adult readers and crime readers. This has to be his best book yet! Very impressed.
I did feel sorry for Even though, poor lad. A must read. A must buy. I absolutely loved this and devoured it. A well deserved five stars from me and a place in my top twenty of 2019! Highly recommend. You won’t regret reading this one, plenty of twists and turns during the case bound to keep you reading until the end.
Such a clever story, I was constantly trying to guess who the murderer was and was wrong each and every time. The outcome… I would have never expected that in a million years. Truelly shocking and jaw dropping.
Brilliantly written, clever how the story was told through the past and the present all linking into one straight storyline. Would appeal to young adult readers and crime readers. This has to be his best book yet! Very impressed.
I did feel sorry for Even though, poor lad. A must read. A must buy. I absolutely loved this and devoured it. A well deserved five stars from me and a place in my top twenty of 2019! Highly recommend. You won’t regret reading this one, plenty of twists and turns during the case bound to keep you reading until the end.