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Zombies for Everyone: A Jenna Sutton Supernatural Cozy Mystery
Zombies for Everyone: A Jenna Sutton Supernatural Cozy Mystery
Kimberly Wylie | 2021 | Mystery, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The mystery was well-paced with plenty of clues.
YA Cozy is a new one for me, though I will say this book feels more like a paranormal adventure story than a cozy mystery. The mystery was well-paced with plenty of clues. It was easy to assume why the attacks were happening once it came up in conversation, and from there, very easy to pick out the big bad. Still, the story was an enjoyable one with lots of action and plenty of pop culture references, some of which I am certain are less applicable to the YA crowd than their parents, but fun nonetheless.

In this book we are introduced to Jenna and her partner Kieron, high school students with a little something extra. She is a Hunter. Her job is to investigate and hunt down things that go bump in the night. Kind of a cross between Dean Winchester and Buffy Summers. Kieron provides moral, tech, and info support. They are asked to track down the source of a zombie bite before it leads to a full-on outbreak. It becomes apparent that there is more going on than a simple zombie attack and with several great suspects, it moves at a fair clip.

Despite the extracurriculars they really are just typical seventeen-year-old kids worrying about dating, homework, and mean girls. That is a fun contrast to the uber adult nature of the work they do. Jenna’s mother is missing, presumed dead (a story point that I am certain will be prominent in upcoming books) Leaving Jenna with the job of caring for herself while staying under the radar of adults who would put her in the system.

The magic world built for this story is sound, though it will need some bolstering ahead as it went up fairly quickly. I think another 50 pages of story could have easily softened the info dump feel. There is a lot of information to process about magic and recurring characters, as well as The Consortium and The Covens, but at some point in this series, things are going to get really interesting and my sixth sense is tingling in anticipation. This is a great story for age 12-18 readers and really for anyone who enjoys YA and/or paranormal cozy.

Rating: 4 out of 5.
I received an advance review copy for free through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, and I am leaving this review voluntarily

Ross (3284 KP) rated Skyward in Books

Nov 6, 2018  
Brandon Sanderson | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sanderson's easy flowing narrative (0 more)
Overly geeky at times (like cringingly so) (0 more)
YA female Top Gun ... in space
*** Disclosure - I received a free advance copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ***
Sanderson's new series is a foray into proper sci-fi, but written for the Young Adult market (which should not be read as a bad thing, just something of a warning that for once any white middle-aged men might have to put some effort into thinking about how the main character might feel. Similar to his super-hero Steelheart series (also outwith his Cosmere univers), the story follows a young person who has had a hard life, has a dream to be something and has put every effort into learning the knowledge needed to achieve that, and just need a little luck to go their way. Sadly, Spensa is the daughter of renowned "coward" Chaser, a fighter pilot who fled the thick of battle against The Krell (a mysterious alien race who regularly attack the surface of the planet that has become the human race's last stand) and was shot down for his desertion. Spensa has to battle against all the odds to get a place on the flight training scheme and work hard to stay there.
The action sequences are decent and regularly spaced throughout the book, both in the simulator training scenes and the actual battle sequences.
The plot itself is fairly typical, and more or less the plot of the Hot Shots film, but in space. There was a tremendous amount of mystery surrounding aspects of the world the human race come to inhabit, and their alien attackers, which was rather clumsily all blurted out in a nonsense bit of exposition in the final 3 pages or so.
As with a lot of sci-fi, Sanderson gets quite bogged down in the made-up science and technology that might exist in the future and this, alongside some of the dialogue, was a little too geeky for my tastes (the use of Jerkface as an insult was cringeworthy the first time but is then used throughout the book).
All in all, a well told sci-fi tale that could easily be picked up by the YA audience but likewise should appeal to older sci-fi readers as well.

ClareR (5674 KP) Nov 6, 2018

I have this on my (frankly enormous) NetGalley shelf. I’m hoping to get round to it this month! I’m interested to see how it goes now! Thanks for the review/ preparation!!


Ross (3284 KP) Nov 6, 2018

It is a decent book, Sanderson's writing style just flows so nicely and the characters are pretty well defined. I hope you enjoy!

The Love Curse of Melody McIntyre
The Love Curse of Melody McIntyre
Robin Talley | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy, LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A sweet and diverse YA theater romance
Melody McIntyre loves theater with all her heart. She puts everything she has into her role as stage manager for her high school's productions. But when Mel's love life affects her latest show, she realizes that maybe her romances and the success of the shows go hand in hand. After all, it's pretty well known that their theater is cursed. So Mel swears off love for their current spring production of Les Miserables. Then she meets Odile Rose, a rising actor, who has a role in their spring show. Odile seems as invested in the show in Mel, and she's also kind and funny. Mel can't fall in love, but what if she has no choice?

"Our theater's cursed. That's the rumor, anyway. Strange things have been happening here for years. Unexplainable things."

This book wins the award for one of the most stressful openings ever, as Mel's love life falls apart during an actual show. I was sweating bullets on her behalf. It's a very theater-oriented book and if you like drama or Les Mis, you will adore reading it. Robin Talley writes in her very sweet author's note that she took inspiration for the plot from her wife, who is involved in the theater--totally adorable.

"All right. So be it. If I fall in love, the musical's doomed."

As with nearly any Talley YA read, LOVE CURSE is filled with wonderful diverse representation, cute high school kids, and a sweet love story. There's some high school drama, of course. Here there's much ado about a curse--sometimes too much for this adult--but I could completely see my theater friends in high school being completely into something like this in high school.

As for Melody and Odile, I adored them. Mel put theater first above all and Odile felt pressured as her acting career took off. I would have liked a little more buildup to their love story, but their romance was really touching. I love how Talley always makes it okay to be queer, especially for teens, in her books and works through coming of age and/or coming out in approachable and realistic ways.

Overall this is a cute theater-themed read filled with diverse characters and a touching love story. 3.75 stars, rounded up.

Sam (74 KP) rated On the Other Side in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
On the Other Side
On the Other Side
Carrie Hope Fletcher | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’ll begin by saying something quite controversial here that I know a lot of people won’t like:

If it wasn’t for Carrie Hope Fletcher’s YouTube fame, this wouldn’t have been taken on by a publisher. While reading it, I felt that it was more like a self-published title in quality and plot. It’s become a thing for YouTubers to bring out books and I feel like most of these will almost always lack quality. Publishers just take them on to have a bestseller because of the name on the cover.

I did like the plot, don’t get me wrong. It was interesting enough and kept me hooked all the way through. I quite liked Evie’s character and found her quite genuine. I feel that the plot and the characters could have all done well if it wasn’t for the wishy-washy writing style. The style made it seem more like Disney fan-fiction rather than a contemporary novel.

I did enjoy reading this, which is why it still has three stars from me. I binged it and found it quite a fun read. But I just couldn’t get over the bad writing style. The writing style would be more suitable for a YA audience than adult.

There’s no reason you wouldn’t enjoy it. If you’re a big fan of Disney or Carrie, you’d love this and it’s definitely worth seeing what it’s all about.
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
V.E. Schwab | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Addie doesn’t want to marry and become just a wife and mother, waiting for old age and death. She wants to really live! So, on her wedding day she runs to the forest and asks the spirits there for help, just as her friend, and elderly woman, does. Addie has been warned not to make deals with the dark, but her plea for help coincides with dusk, and the wrong god/ spirit comes to her help. The deal is struck, and Addie finds herself making a deal that means for the cost of her soul, she will live for as long as she wants. It’s only afterwards that she learns that one of the conditions is that no one will remember her.

Until the day she meets Henry in present day New York.

Honestly, I don’t know why she had such a problem with the god she struck the deal with. He’s clearly rather dishy - dark, brooding, very powerful…

I’ve seen this described as Faustian, and I suppose it is. She makes a deal with a devil to live for longer. Except her deal has no time limit, or at least only the limit that she’ll give it.

I thoroughly enjoyed this. The Henry character was interesting as well, especially after his reveal.

This author has written a lot of YA apparently, and this is her first adult novel. It’s definitely worth keeping my eyes peeled for whatever she comes up with next!
Teri Polen | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Surprisingly Creepy YA Horror
Teri Polen's Sarah is a pleasingly creepy young adult horror. Fans of Supernatural will be delighted with this book. If you've ever watched any of those typical high-school rom-coms/dramas where guys make a bet to trick a girl, and boo'd at the screen, you'll enjoy Sarah. It's a twisted take on a classic plot that will make horror fans cheer. This is the version they were waiting on.

Cain and his best friend Finn are good kids that both have their heads screwed on straight. Cain took on a lot of responsibility after his dad's death, and that definitely made him grow up a bit. Finn, too, has had his share of problems. They could be the male version of Mary-Sues if Polen hadn't written in some believable flaws. But they're not perfect, and that makes all the difference. Quick tempers, wicked tongues, and Finn's desire to needle every one around him means that at any given time, someone's probably thinking about punching him. Or Cain. Or both. The rest of the characters are appropriately likable or detestable. Except for Lindsay. She's a bit of a non-entity.

I liked that the author made a few salient points in Sarah about the mindset towards sexual assault. There was more than one conversation or interaction when I just sat back in my chair and sighed after reading it. It was utterly realistic. Teenagers are, as a rule of thumb, very selfish individuals, and it seems like jocks in particular excel in this. They think they can get away with anything, and/or that the world revolves around them. It's behavior that's either never corrected, or not corrected until it's too late.

Hasn't recent events proven that if a boy can score several touchdowns per game, who cares how many girls he assaults, right? We all know they were asking for it anyways. Or if adult males make enough money, they can do anything they want to girls, because they believe they are more important than the girls are. And these types of beliefs are constantly getting reinforced in today's society.

It's disturbing and disgusting and Teri Polen shows the reader a path to douche-hood that hundreds of young men start down every day.

I did, however, have one huge problem with Sarah. Sarah, herself. Well, her dialogue to be specific. For the most part, I liked her. I liked seeing the change. I puzzled over what, exactly, was going on with her. Yes, I thought she was vengeance-crazed ghost thing, but she was a fun vengeance-crazed ghost thing. Until she opened her mouth. Pretty much every time she started talking, it was like someone just hit the 'off' button on my interest in the story.

I understand that her background means that we could expect a certain amount of dialogue that seemed unusual for her age range. I was fully willing to accept that. But Sarah presented with lines that went between disturbingly formal and super-villain monolog. Luckily, her talkative scenes appear in bursts, so for most of the story it's really not an issue.

Sarah is a book that takes a bit to get going, but overall it's an easy, enjoyable creepy read. I was definitely hooked fairly early on, and read the book in two bursts over two days. It comes in at just under 200 pages, so it's not something that demands a lot of your time. If you like horror, but don't like it too gory or scary, this will probably be a great choice. Teri Polen did a pretty solid job.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author for review consideration.