Weapons of Choice: World War 2.1 - Alternative History Science Fiction
The impossible has spawned the unthinkable. In 2021, a quantum military experiment goes horrifically...

A Critical Guide to Intellectual Property: Alternative Histories and Perspectives
Ours is an era when human genes can be copied and patented. From genetically modified foods to...
Foundations of Atlantis, Ancient Astronauts and Other Alternative Pasts: 148 Documents Cited by Writers of Fringe History, Translated with Annotations
The public enjoys considering questions like, did aliens visit ancient civilizations? Could Jesus...

A Most Malicious Murder
Not all monsters are fictional. In an alternate 1851, Edgar Allan Poe has finally overcome his...
Historical Fiction Mystery Alternate History

Camera Obscura
The mysterious and glamorous Milady De Winter is one of their most valuable agents. A despicable...

Bolt Action: Campaign: Sea Lion
The year is 1940, and the German invasion of Britain has begun. With this new campaign book for Bolt...

The Bookman Histories
Containing all three Bookman History novels: "The Bookman Camera Obscura"; "The Great Game"; "The...