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ClareR (5603 KP) rated The Castaways in Books

Mar 7, 2021  
The Castaways
The Castaways
Lucy Clarke | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Castaways was a tense, riveting read - and not a great advert for one of those smaller passenger planes!
Lori and Erin, sisters, go on holiday to Fiji - a treat paid for by Lori. The night before their flight to a small island, the sisters have a terrible argument and Erin disappears. She doesn’t turn up at the airport for their connecting flight either. So Lori boards the plane and it disappears en route to the island.
Two years later, Erin is still trying to find out where the plane crashed and what exactly happened. She’s a journalist, so has some experience of researching information. When the pilot of the plane suddenly appears and is taken to hospital in Fiji, Erin knows that she has to go and speak to him. He’s the only one that knows what happened to her sister. Her employers pay for her to go, under the proviso that she’ll write an article about it.
What I really liked about this, is that the chapters alternated between Erin going to Fiji to see the pilot, and the flashbacks to Lori, the crash and it’s aftermath. If I’d had the book in front of me instead of just a stave (an instalment) to read each day, I probably would have read it in one sitting. Except that I have to go to work!
And for the record, it’s a good job that I have no intention of flying anywhere anytime soon, because the crash scene is frankly terrifying!
Many thanks to the Pigeonhole for helping me with my NetGalley reading (again!), and to Lucy Clarke for reading along with us.
Countdown (2019)
Countdown (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
A group of teens are playing a game of cards at a house party when they discover an app which tells you when you will die, they all download it for a bit of fun. Everybody gets dates years or months from now, except one teen who only gets several hours. They all laugh it off and continue with their party. After the party this girl gets into an argument with her boyfriend and ends up walking home alone where she is eventually killed in her bathroom by an unseen force.
Fast forward to a hospital student nurse going about her duty, she speaks to the first girls boyfriend who is due to go into surgery after his car crash. He had downloaded the app and had been given hours to live and was scared he wouldn't wake up from his surgery. The student nurse laughs it off and downloads the app herself which tells her she dies in 2 days. When Evan (the first victims boyfriend) dies right when he was due to, Quinn realises it isn't just an app and sets about how to stop it.
I quite enjoyed the movie even though it was very predictable at times, and sometimes characters were so face-palm stupid! I liked that it has a final destination feel to it, I do think it should have stayed serious though as the scene with the priest was over the top with its silliness, and the way Quinn opens Evans dead body eyes to unlock his phone was laughable. These aside though, it is a fun horror movie which I recommend you watch at least once.
Peace Talks (The Dresden Files, #16)
Peace Talks (The Dresden Files, #16)
Jim Butcher | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It was, what something like 5 years? 6? Between the release of the last book in the series (Skin Game) and this.

Long enough for me to go back and re-read the entire thing from scratch, anyway.

I'd also seen several reviews (on Amazon, mainly) bemoaning the fact that this is more like half a book: first impressions, upon receiving it, where that they were right: this was roughly half the size of that previous novel.

Having said that, there was also an argument to be made that those later novels (from around Changes onward) had themselves become too bloated, unlike the earlier entries in the series when Harry was (mainly) a detective.

Now that I've finished reading this, I can see where some of those reviews were coming from: more than any other I can think of in the series, this definitely sets up the next (Battle Ground, cutting off just as it 'tees up' the conflict to come and how the supernatural community is going to react to it.

After having conspicuously being absent in the previous, this also see's the return of Thomas Raith (and his sister Lara), both of whom play a large role in the proceeding within this, as does Harry's mentor Ebenezer McCoy, with the concept of family coming to the fore.

Did I enjoy it?


Do I feel slightly cheated by the fact that it sets up but doesn't resolve the conflict to come, meaning I would have to buy the next book?

Also yes.

(I was going to anyway, having made it - and mainly enjoying them - this far)

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Body of Stars in Books

Jan 16, 2024  
Body of Stars
Body of Stars
Laura Maylene Walter | 2021 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Body of Stars is an enjoyable YA novel set in the near future. This is a world where the markings on a woman’s body predict the future for not only themselves, but for their families as well.

Instead of this phenomenon giving women autonomy over their own lives, it seems that it’s the same old story. Their bodies are a commodity, mapped out by a government organisation, checked over by their fathers when their markings change during puberty. They are warned not to show themselves off or be by themselves, lest men can’t control themselves as they’re driven wild with lust. So far, so stereotypical.

Celeste Morton is excited by the prospect of this transition, and her brother Miles is desperate to practice his interpretation skills on his sister. But when Celeste transitions, a terrible fate is revealed. And in a desperate bid to keep this a secret, Celeste experiences the worst thing that can happen to a changeling.

I have to admit to being very frustrated whilst reading this. There’s nothing feminist about this story - there is a good argument for why feminism is necessary though. Misogyny is rife in the world of this book! To be honest, the story could have run in exactly the same direction without the need for freckles, moles and other markings. It was depressing that even in an alternative near future, women would be experiencing the same restrictions and abuse that so many live through today.

This was a novel that I loved to hate - the frustration was immense! Do I recommend it? Well yes, but be prepared for the deep breathing, calming exercises that you’ll need!
Bronson (2009)
Bronson (2009)
2009 | Action, Drama
Tom Hardy is phenomenal (0 more)
Beautifully Brutal
I saw this movie years ago and recently re-watched it. Tom Hardy has given some great performances over the years, but an argument could be made for this being his best. He is in almost every scene in the movie and he commands the screen masterfully. He is domineering yet endearing, in other words you can't take your eyes off of this guy, but you wouldn't want to be left in a room alone with him either. You really do get a sense of him being extremely dangerous and highly unpredictable.

The movie was directed by Nicolas Winding Refn and his unique directorial style works well in the context of this insane story. Refn clearly took influence from other stories of violent insanity, such as A Clockwork Orange and Natural Born Killers, but the movie wears this on its sleeve and never feels derivative for it. The cinematography and lighting are also well implanted in the film, shot by Larry Smith, who has previously worked with Kubrick on Eyes Wide Shut and The Shining. The addition of Smith's eerily pretty camera work adds to the off kilter tone that the movie maintains throughout.

I also like the way that this movie is structured. It comes across as erratic and unconventional, but this is intentional and serves the bizarre narrative perfectly. You have to remember that this is an insane person recalling his deranged memories to an audience inside his own head, it is going to be sporadic and manic at times.

Overall, I think Bronson is a fantastic view into a severely fractured psyche. It is a disturbing and intense watch, so it may not be for everyone, especially if aggressive violence bothers you, but I think it is a masterful film, with one of the greatest lead performances I have ever seen.
Notes on a Nervous Planet
Notes on a Nervous Planet
Matt Haig | 2018 | Health & Fitness, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Science & Mathematics
9.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let’s just start off with the compulsory statement: I would read absolutely anything written by Matt Haig. I’ll link my reviews of his other books at the end of this post.

Notes is a follow-on book to Reasons to Stay Alive, and focuses on her the world is effecting your mental health. It’s in quite small chapters so it’s really easy to get along with and read in short bursts rather than being a book you need a large amount of free time to read.

I really loved Haig’s commentary on the roles of social media towards your mental health. He points out how social media can both help and hinder people’s mental health, and how social media is full of the best parts of people, not every part.

The thing I love about his writing is that he’s straight-talking. He says it as it is throughout the book, and definitely puts a strong point forward about exactly what can make a large difference to your mental health.

I’m happy that in Notes, Haig points out that there is no difference between mental and physical health in their effects, making a brilliant argument on why mental health should be taken more seriously by everyone.

When this book came in the post I told myself I was going to savour it, because I was so excited to get a new book by Matt Haig that I didn’t want to rush it. So in the end I read it in two days instead of one!

Notes on a Nervous Planet is definitely necessary reading for everyone, whether you have mental health struggles or not. It gives many ways to stop letting the world into your head and not wasting your energy worrying. It’s made me glad I read it.
The Conjuring 2 (2016)
The Conjuring 2 (2016)
2016 | Horror
James Wan's style is all over the film (1 more)
Well made high budget horror
The accents and some of the acting are hard work, particularly in the beginning (0 more)
You get exactly what you ask for
First off, if you liked the first conjuring, you will like the second one.

James Wan's classy approach to horror, complete with clever camera movements, tension building sustained shots and a patient approach to scares are still consistent throughout the movie, and there is simply no doubt that this is one of his movies.

The plot continues to follow the controversial Warren's investigations into paranormal events, with the excellent Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga perfectly capturing the cooky and over the top personalities of the Warrens, and adding a bit of light-heartedness to what is otherwise a fairly grim and unrelenting plot-line.

This time the story is set in England and revolves around the story of the Enfield Haunting, a very famous "real story" about a family experiencing a poltergeist in the 70's.

Obviously Wan and Co take this story and ramp it up to 11, introducing new characters and making it much more of a spectacle, and it is largely an enjoyable rollercoaster, with just enough jump scares to keep you on the edge of your seat, but without getting tiring.

Horror Reddits and Forums constantly argue about whether the conjuring 1 or 2 is the stronger film, and I choose not to enter that particular argument, other than to say that one is probably as good as the other, similar in tone and presentation as they are.

Some will argue that these films are not particularly original. and they may have a point.

Still there is no doubt that James Wan delivers on high quality, well made horror, and that is something for us all to enjoy.
Blood in the Water - Single by Empara Mi
Blood in the Water - Single by Empara Mi
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Empara Mi is a London-based singer-songwriter from Guernsey. Not too long ago, she released a music video for her “Blood in the Water” single.

“I feel like everyone acts out the end of a relationship in their heads before it happens. Maybe as a coping mechanism; to prepare ourselves for the worst and to see how we will take it. This video was meant to capture that mental snapshot, the beginning of the end and all the fighting and anxieties that come with it.” – Empara Mi

The music video tells an interesting tale of a pre-breakup mental state which symbolizes phases of love, argument, and fighting amid vibrant allegory.

Apparently, the woman who shares this dying relationship with her significant other senses that they might be too far gone to resuscitate the love that they once had for each other.

Later, she admits that because they were lying in a bed filled with roses and thorns, that’s why they are torn apart now.

‘Blood in the Water’ contains a dramatic storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and lush instrumentation flavored with a commercial pop aroma. Also, it’s the follow-up single to “Crying”, which is an intoxicating introduction to the vision of Empara Mi.

“The video is the journey of the breakup. It begins in a dreamlike state where everything feels safe, but suddenly you can’t control the involuntary warnings flooding your brain. Slowly the walls begin to crack and the other person’s colors start to show.” – Empara Mi

Empara Mi emerged in 2016 with her critically acclaimed debut single, entitled, “Wanderlust”. Since then, her music has amassed almost 3M streams online via Spotify.
I Am Mother (2019)
I Am Mother (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Humans have become extinct. All that's left behind are thousands of human embryos and a robot. This robot defrost an embryo and the only human left to exist is born. The robot raises the child as if its her own, and is known only as daughter which believe me gets annoying to hear mother says it practically every sentence.
Anyway fast forward a few years and daughter is a teenager and becoming very inquisitive about the outside world. This starts when a mouse gets into the facility, upon this mouse being destroyed by mother, daughter explores the facility one evening whilst mother is powered down and she hears a voice from outside shouting for help, it turns out to be another human, what!?! She let's her in and after an argument with mother for doing so, mother agrees to help the stranger but the woman - seing and experiencing the outside world refuses help, she doesn't trust mother at all. You see it turns out there are other droids identical to mother, but they are evil and tear people away from their families. It's little wonder she doesn't trust mother but is she right to be suspicious? You'll have to watch and see.
Now I'm not usually a Sci fi fan but this movie isn't actually all that bad, the fact that mother sounds more human than android you do feel like there's a real connection between mother and daughter, even right at the end.
Throughout the movie I kept feeling torn between trusting mother or the stranger, I did lean more towards the stranger but I did feel for mother too. It was a complete mind bender and messed with you right to the very end.
My Bloody Valentine 3-D (2009)
My Bloody Valentine 3-D (2009)
2009 | Horror, Mystery
One of the avalanche of classic horror remakes to surface during the 00s, My Bloody Valentine (in "spectacular" 3D of course) isn't the worst of them by a long shot, but it still suffers from the soul-less-ness that the majority of them seem all to keen to pack in.

Its certainly more action packed and gory than it's 80s older sibling. The violence on display packs a punch for sure, some of it looks great, some of its looks terrible. The Harry Warden killer, much like the Michaels and Jasons of this remake era, is more of a machine than before. Relentless, brutal, faster, and pretty intimidating as far as these things go. It also packs in a fair amount of character development, which is a nice touch that gives the whole narrative some much needed gravitas, and the cast all do a good job with the by-the-numbers slasher-remake screenplay, with highlights being Jaime King and the ever reliable Tom Atkins.

You know how these things go though, and the simple fact is that this do over isn't as good as the original. It lacks the realness and charm (there's that word again) that the original had. There's a twist near the end that is designed to pull the rug out from under fans of the original, and it's actually a pretty interesting one, albeit executed poorly, and requires the viewer to really suspend disbelief in order to glaze over some gaping plot holes.

All in all, it's gory and fun enough to easily pass a couple of hours, and manages to feel like a homage to the original, rather than a straight up copy, and that I can respect, but ultimately, it's not a strong argument for the case of remakes.