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Married to the Vampire King (Blood Bonded Mates #2)
Married to the Vampire King (Blood Bonded Mates #2)
Jay Castle | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
longer, but so much better than book one!!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Blood Bonded Mates series. While not strictly necessary to read book one, Snowed In With The Vampire Prince, it will give you a better understanding of Pierce and James who play a huge part here. And you know, it was rather good! I thoroughly enjoyed that book. But this book??

Freaking LOVED this book!

Ethan is a with without any gifts. Nathaniel is the reigning Vampire King. The witches and vampires will kill each other, if Ethan doesn't do something, and that something is marry Nathaniel. The mirror told him so. What could possibly go wrong?? Well, turns out, feelings could get involved!

What I especially liked was how Ethan's secrets, and Nathaniel's, took time to come out, and they came out to each other slowly. I'm gonna be vague here, cos spoilers, but I loved this, I really did.

Nathaniel knew who Ethan was, right from the start, but he didn't know what would happen. He wanted to spring the idea at Ethan in good time, but things had a way of sending plans out the window!

I loved that we got to catch up with Pierce and James from book 1. They both play a huge part here and it was fab how they seamlessly slotted into this book. I hope they pop up in follwoing books too.

I loved how Ethan and Nathaniel surprised each other, at every turn. Me too, to be fair!! It's a lot longer than book one, some 300 odd pages, and I think this book needed those extra pages. The story was very multi layered.

There is romance and love, and betrayal of the highest order and I loved that I did not see who was the bad guy here! Totally sideswiped with that one, so well played there Mr castle, very well played.

I am loving wathcing these people develop and grow, and as the author puts out more stories, I wanna read them! I can't see who might be next, but I need, NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED to read it!

5 full and shiny stars!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Manchester Vice
Manchester Vice
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
^^ Imagine you’re able to make contact with a serial killer, and before he dies he passes on his diary, which reveals the secret location of his murderous lair; all set up and ready to go. Then imagine, before you know what to do with this information, you discover your wife is having an affair with your annoying brother of whom you’ve never been close to. Of course, your wife’s not to blame, as lately you’ve not been a very attentive husband, but that could change with your brother out of the way, right? In fact, it’s the perfect solution. What could possibly go wrong with such a rock solid plan?

^^ This is what happens to the main character, Brad Sharpe, in Jack Strange’s Manchester Vice. Brad is often portrayed as a guy who contemplates what’s going on in his life, and seems to discover the answers to his own problems as he is telling us the story, yet, he fails to understand the blantly obvious staring at him in the face. As an example, in one scene he thinks there is a strong possibility his wife is having an affair with someone who lives in the same block of flats as his brother…. (At this point I’m throwing my hands up in the air and going, “Well, doh?”). Yep, see what I mean? So, when he finally cottons on (hallelujah) he’s on to his next get even scheme. I guess, Sharpe’s not as sharp as he likes to think!

^^ And what of the diary? This is a great addition to the story as it acts like a step-by-step manual to extract (or should I say extinguish?) anything he doesn’t like from his life. Yet there’s an even bigger twist in this story of revenge, and that’s how he keeps in close proximity with the police as a journalist reporting on the crime of this elusive serial killer. Himself.

^^ The ending did not disappoint, in fact, I kind of regretted that it ended at all and throughly enjoyed reading about Brad’s escapades, especially his reign of power and journalistic fame.

Overall: Manchester Vice is a story of betrayal, comeuppance, and rash decisions made from a rookie murderer bungling his way through one mistake after another. Jack Strange’s character Brad Sharpe has a fresh voice and his antics are both gruesome and downright comedic. I love the way he maintains a sense of right and wrong throughout, even though his morals are very different to most of ours. A fun, dark and fabulously disturbing, “Brit Grit” read.
Among the Ten Thousand Things
Among the Ten Thousand Things
Julia Pierpont | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review on my <a href="">blog here</a>.

Jack Shanley is a fairly well-known New York artist. He's a married father of two. He's also an adulterer, who carries on affairs in his New York studio. This comes back to bite him, so to speak, when one of his exes sends his wife a large box chronicling their entire relationship - emails, texts, sexts - all printed and contained in this one box. The box is delivered to Jack's apartment and opened by his eleven-year-old daughter, Kay, and fifteen-year-old son, Simon. They show the box to their mother, Deb, forcing her to confront the many flaws of her husband. Meanwhile, Kay and Simon are (justifiably) traumatized by the box's contents and the possible dissolution of their parents' marriage.

This was an odd book. As a child of divorce, a lot of this book hit home, and I felt myself feeling a great deal of sympathy for Deb, Kay, and Simon - especially as they disappear off to their vacation home, of sorts, to recover. (Alas, no vacation home when I was a child.) Julia Pierpoint is certainly a strong writer and her prose is lovely and well-crafted. Still, the book often just seems a little flat.

The strangest part of this book, to me, as many other reviewers have pointed out - is that is constructed in four parts - parts one and three basically deal with the immediate aftermath of the box's delivery and how the family reacts. Parts two and four tell us what happen to Jack, Deb, Kay, and Simon for their entire lives. It's an odd author tool, and I'm not sure it entirely works. For me, I was caught up enough in Part One's tale and then found Part Two incredibly jarring - even more so to be dumped back into the current story at Part Three. Part Four repeats Two a bit and tells a bit more about what happens to the characters. It's an odd device, and I really would have preferred not to have had Part Two stuck in there at all. I suppose it's an artistic overreach that appeals to critics but not most actual readers.

Overall, I found the book an intriguing look at a family dealing with a father's betrayal. Not a ton happens - it's not that sort of book - but Pierpont's writing is strong, and I liked Simon and Kay. I am not sure the book is one that will leave a lasting impression with me, though.

Sarah (126 KP) rated The Staircase in TV

Aug 10, 2018  
The Staircase
The Staircase
2018 | Crime, Documentary
8.0 (25 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Good start-to-finish coverage of the matter (0 more)
The last few episodes are dragged out a little (0 more)
A Compelling Watch
All are punish'd.

The final words of The Staircase, taken from the last scene of Romeo & Juliet, seem particularly fitting for the series.

This series is centred on the untimely death of Kathleen Peterson, wife of author Michael Peterson.

For fans of true crime documentaries such as Making a Murderer, Evil Genius and Wild, Wild Country, this may seem something of a "slow burn"; however, from the initial report of Kathleen apparently tumbling down the stairs, we are quickly taken on a journey which spans several decades, two continents and which reveals lies and betrayal the likes of which seem more fitting of a crime thriller novel than a real life crime drama.

As with pretty much of these true crime series', we are left with a lot of unanswered questions; what makes The Staircase different is that it actually takes from the initial 911 call right up to the closure of the case.

What this start to finish coverage of the matter does give is a stark indication of the sheer length of time (and amount of money) that justice can take - if, indeed, one considers that justice was in fact served in this matter - and the toll that can take.

The level of coverage - of coaching of the witness pre-Trial, interviews with the Judge following the conclusion, and pretty much everything in between - allows us great insight into the US judicial process, as well as a close look at the Defendant himself and his family.

While each and every viewer will undoubtedly form their own opinion as to the guilt or otherwise of Michael Peterson - even though we aren't privy to all of the evidence, investigations, etc of the prosecution team - this series is certainly serves as an insight into the criminal justice process in the United States and how it can affect entire families.

My only criticism would be that the last few episodes seem to have been really dragged out - including lots of long, lingering shots of Michael Peterson, perhaps to reinforce how he had aged and suffered over the course of the series. In my opinion, it really could have been reduced by several episodes which would have actually made the whole thing flow better.

As regards guilt, one line towards the end of the series really stood out to as being the most honest thing said by anyone: "is there ever anyone in this family who isn't performing?"
The Alpha&#039;s Warlock (Mismatched Mates #1)
The Alpha's Warlock (Mismatched Mates #1)
Eliot Grayson | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
great read, but I NEEDED Ian!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Nate is a warlock, and getting kidnapped and cursed by the Shimball werewolf pack wasn't in his plans for the day. When he manages to drag himself to tell the Armitage pack of the Shimball pack plans, mating the Alpha's brother wasn't in his plans either. But the only way to break the curse is to build a mate bond with an Alpha, so mate with Ian he does. There is just the minor detail that Ian hates Nate, and Nate has been attracted to Ian for such a long time. When the Shimball pack come for the Armitage pack, Ian has to keep Nate safe, even if it just gives him a chance to kill Nate himself!

I really REALLY enjoyed this!

Nate is quirky, and witty, and so bloody funny! Because the book is only told from his point of view, and in the first person, we get all of his wit and humour, but also, all of his terror at what his father did to him. His pain at realizing he might not be good enough for anyone. His reaction to the bond to Ian surprised him, and we get all of that. We get his dawning knowledge of what Ian has become to him.

The story moves along at pace in places, a little slower in others. The bigger picture, I think, isn't clear yet, and I have no idea what that picture might be, but I look forward to reading more.

The only thing, for ME, why I didn't give it 5 stars when I enjoyed it so much?

Single person person of view. Only Nate has a voice. I really REALLY needed Ian, at key points along the way, and I don't get him. I needed to know what he felt about having to mate Nate, although there were clues to that early on. I needed to know if the mate bond affected him as much as it did Nate. I needed to know just what his brother's betrayal means to him, and how much it hurts him. And I don't get him!


A great read, and the first I've read of this author. I like the way they spin the tales. I look forward to reading more, especially after the epilogue here!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Maleficent (2014)
Maleficent (2014)
2014 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
I was quite apprehensive headed into the new Disney movie ‘Maleficent’

(Starring Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning, Sharlto Copley, and Sam Riley), because all the ‘official’ reviews said it wasn’t any good.


I thoroughly disagree.

Maleficent made me laugh, it made me cry and it had me holding my breath in anticipation in some parts.

It takes a ‘Wicked’ type look at the age old story of Sleeping Beauty.


While the narration is from the point of view of a much older Aurora, the story focuses on the point of view of Maleficent.

The young Maleficent (played by Isobelle Molloy) meets a young orphaned peasant boy with aspirations to live in the neighboring kingdoms castle.

Through the years they bond and grow close and share what is supposed to be ‘true loves kiss’.


Time moves on. The king in the adjoining kingdom is greedy and wants the lands that are ruled over by Maleficent. There is a battle, he is soundly defeated, and the King is injured mortally in battle. He pronounces that he will make whoever avenges him and kills Maleficent the next ruler.


Stefan, still being ambitious, finds Maleficent, and while pretending to still be her friend, drugs her. He can’t bring himself to actually kill her and steals her wings instead, to present to the king as proof of her demise.

Stefan is crowned king. Time passes.


Maleficent’s pain and anger and betrayal do not dissipate. They grow and coalesce to the point that at the celebration to celebrate the birth of King Stefan’s daughter Aurora, she curses the child, sealing her fate that naught but ‘true loves kiss’ will break the curse.


The story follows the child’s growth, with Maleficent watching her every move, and getting closer and closer to her with every passing year.

Maleficent dubs Aurora ‘Beastie’, and Aurora calls Maleficent ‘Godmother’.


As Aurora’s 16th birthday draws near, Maleficent grows desperate to break the very curse that she had cast many years before.

It does not work.


I won’t ruin it by telling the ending, but it was action packed, and heart wrenching, and (at least to me) marginally unpredictable…. (I thought one person would break it, but another did…. I did figure it out before it happened, but mostly because I’ve been watching Once Upon A Time).

I really enjoyed the film, I loved the 3D of it, and I would most assuredly see it again. I wouldn’t recommend it for very young children, and I don’t feel like I can bring my almost 6 year old to it, but I would consider letting him see it by age 8 or 9.