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    Bill Paxton

    2 favorites
    Movies & TV Writing

    William Paxton was an American actor and film director. He appeared in films such as Stripes, The...

Frailty (2002)
Frailty (2002)
2002 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Paxton both acts and directs and the film is remarkable. (1 more)
The acting all around is intense and remarkable.
Nothing (0 more)
Bill Paxton should have directed more movies!
Club Dread (2004)
Club Dread (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Horror
5.9 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Bill Paxton (1 more)
Broken lizard
Watched last night its okay horror spoof from the makers of super troopers there's some good kills in this movie and Bill Paxton as coconut Pete can't go wrong there some of the jokes do fall flat and not funny but still I had a good laugh