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The Poppy War (The Poppy War #1)
The Poppy War (The Poppy War #1)
R.F. Kuang | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Have you ever read a book that is so good you don't know what to say about it? It's taken me almost two weeks to even attempt this review because I just don't know what to write. The Poppy War is your typical story of downtrodden, disadvantaged girl testing into the highest school in the land and gaining the opportunities and privileges that come with that, but then the book takes a sharp twist into war. Rin doesn't exactly get the most typical of educations, even before war breaks out. And when war breaks out, the school is disbanded, the students getting flung all over the land to where the government thinks they will help the most. For Rin, that's joining The Cike. The Bizarre Children. The division of people who can do....things. Things the rest of the military isn't comfortable with. The Cike can call on the powers of gods, and doing so makes them not-quite-untouchables. Rin, who was never short on resentment before this, grows ever more resentful.

Rin is an interesting character; she's been hard done by, yes, but she makes decisions that only make things harder on herself. So I feel for her a little, but at the same time, girl. Check yourself. What's been done to you doesn't justify what you plan to do to others. I am hoping she comes to see that in the next book, because her rage and need for vengeance definitely gets the best of her in this one.

The Poppy War is an excellently written blend of military fantasy, epic fantasy, and coming-of-age novel. Unlike some books, where the military aspect far overshadows the characters, leaving them flat, Poppy War doesn't ignore the characters to focus on the bigger picture. It's a very good mix of both close-up focus on characters, fights, battles, and zoomed-out strategy and war. It's probably the best military fantasy I've read, and the Asian aspect of it makes it even better. So much military fantasy is western European, or Steampunk, or both. I've been finding more and more Asian and African fantasy, and I am SO HERE FOR IT. I need to try to find more South American fantasy. I know it's out there.

I will definitely be watching for the next book in this series, because it's awesome.

You can find all my reviews at

Ross (3284 KP) Oct 10, 2018

Great review. I have heard good things about this, and it has just leapt up my pile.

The Noah's Ark Quest (Tyler Locke, #1)
The Noah's Ark Quest (Tyler Locke, #1)
Boyd Morrison | 2010 | Thriller
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When engineer Tyler Locke rescues archaeologist Dilara Kenner from a helicopter crash he doesn't know whether to believe her story. She tells hum that a friend of hers was murdered by poison in front of her and that he sent her to find Locke. Since then she has been involved in accidents that she suspects are attempts to kill her too.

Initially skeptical, events (not to mention a bizarre plane crash) soon prove she is indeed correct. And that means that Locke and his friend and colleague Grant Westfield only have a few days to save the human race from destruction.

Positioned firmly in the adventure thriller mould this book is both a terrific example of the type and also refreshingly different. Locke makes a terrific heroic lead, using his engineering and scientific knowledge to gradually work out what is going on and how to stop it. He can handle himself in a fight as well, but the muscle is provided by ex-special forces Westfield. Between them they make a formiddable team - and the banter and wit between them and Kenner is so well written and natural.

The villain of the piece is suitably nasty, a sociopath masquerading as the leader of a religious cult. He shows a worrying tendency to be one step ahead of the heroes at every turn and his motives seem worryingly plausible.

The writing is taut and moves at a considerable pace. There are a number of action sequences - fights, battles, escapes and chases of all sorts - but each is written with an eye to detail and with minimal suspension of belief lending a sense of realism that keeps the whole story grounded.

The British title that I read - The Noah's Ark Quest - is I think a little misleading in that Noah's Ark itself is only of peripheral interest for the bulk of the story. The title of The Ark seems to fit a lot better, resonating as it does with both large ships and places of safety, both themes of note in the book.

This is a very impressive book and one that I thoroughly recommend to anyone who likes their thrillers fast and loud but with an undercurrent of intelligence. Morrison has a real talent for writing which deserves a much wider audience.

Rating: Some violence and some bad language but nothing gratuitous.
Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes
Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes
2019 | Crime, Documentary
The third of these was the most powerful for me. It was Confessions of a killer: the Ted Bundy tapes. I mean… I had no idea. His name was in my imagination somewhere as a candidate for pure evil, but I had no notion of the level of media hype and drama behind and before this. Which is why I recommend this absolutely comprehensive 4 part series as the best in this dubious category I have yet to see.

With the benefit of at least some hindsight, we can see in this case the epitome of such terms as “serial killer” and “sociopath”. Looking at it in pure terms of an idea worthy of dramatic exploration, then this is it! And, interestingly, to this date, besides the Zac Efron misfire, it is a story beyond worthy of correct telling, the basis of which should be the real footage. Because nothing is more bizarre than the real man and what he not only attempted to do, but actually did.

Take the basic idea that one individual is capable of murdering 30 plus women and girls over a period of two decades… then accept that he systematically went back to the corpses and committed acts of necropholia and decapitation without ever skipping a beat in what he perceived as his true persona as a competent lawyer in his own right, and you have the stuff of true nightmare. Add to that the fact that he escaped custody twice, and defended himself in court to such a charming extent that the judge himself admitted an affinity with him, and you have the recipe for something that transcends fact and becomes myth. Don’t believe me? Watch for yourself.

Do I agree with these cases being shown as entertainment? No, I don’t. Essentially. Because they are rarely told from the victim’s point of view. We have a fascination with an unsolved mystery and grim death that is undeniably curious. The cult of personality pervades, and we should be wary of why we get involved with this stuff. As addictive TV it is undeniably going to continue. Please be careful of the line between understanding and entertainment. God forbid I would give these shows a rating, as if it were a thing worthy of encouragement. It is the most undeniable yet horrific side effect of our media growth imaginable. Watch at your peril. But watch discerningly with interest.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Imposter in Books

Mar 11, 2021  
The Imposter
The Imposter
Marin Montgomery | 2021 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A confusing mess of a thriller
Attorney Sibley Sawyer's life goes down in flames when her drinking finally catches up with her. Forced to take a leave of absence from her firm, Sibley seeks the perceived source of her problems: her mother, Deborah. The two have been estranged since Sibley fled home in her late teens. But when Sibley returns to the Midwestern farm where she grew up, she realizes her mother is acting odd. Perhaps it's due to her recent attack, when an intruder brutally beat her. Either way, as Sidney tries to make peace with Deborah, she starts to recall why she left in the first place--and uncovers even more shocking secrets about long ago happenings on the farm.

Well, the synopsis for this one sounded interesting, but this was a hot mess for me. I did not like much of this book at all, but kept reading because I needed to find out what happened. I think I was as confused as these hapless and unlikable characters, honestly. Deborah is clearly disoriented and bewildered throughout the book--alone and terrified on the farm--and it's nearly impossible to muddle through what's going on in her brain. Sidney is drinking heavily, and while I have complete sympathy for the disease of alcoholism, having lost a beloved relative to it, I'm tired of authors using the trope to give us an unreliable narrator with no real effort for a backstory or anything else.

Neither character comes across as particularly sympathetic, and I got rather tired of reading a book with my brow perpetually furrowed. It was not exciting, just confusing. The plot is truly bizarre, with some weird twists, but I felt I was reading to work out a bad puzzle. Maybe all this befuddlement would have been worth it if the probable "bad guy" had not been telegraphed from a mile away, but I had the outline of this figured out from the start.

Overall, as much as I regret it, this thriller did not work for me at all. It's confusing--but not in an exciting, psychological way, predictable, and filled with narrative threads that never seem to link back together. Others seemed to enjoy it more, so I hope that's the case for you if you pick it up.

I received a copy from Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer in return for an unbiased review.

Rick Astley recommended Live At The Sand by Frank Sinatra in Music (curated)

Live At The Sand by Frank Sinatra
Live At The Sand by Frank Sinatra
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"My dad used to sing Sinatra songs all the time around the house. He used also sing Burt Bacharach and different things like that. And you grow up with your parents' music whether you want to or not. But in a bizarre way, my dad was one of those guys who would just constantly sing – I don't mean while shopping in the Co-Op or whatever – but he would just sing at home all the time. Actually, I just did a thing with Ronnie Scott's big band at Cheltenham Jazz Festival the other week and I remember those songs the way my dad sang them which means I remember them with completely wrong lyrics – he didn't know the actual words! He used to that with lots of things – he'd sing 'Jerusalem' with the line "and did those feet, those WHACKING great feet" for some reason! I'm sure a lot of dads and mums used to do it. This particular album was produced by Quincy Jones and features the Count Basie orchestra. So it's meant to have been a golden era of Sinatra doing the Vegas years because it was still in the part when songs were arranged with a big band and orchestra. But then you remember Quincy Jones produced Michael Jackson – so there's a weird connection there. I used to speak to jazzers about songs we were doing and they would ask 'are we doing the Sands version?' – I needed to find out what that actually meant! But it's just amazing to be in that room for a second. Some of that – some of the Elvis in Vegas stuff too – becomes mythology. A lifestyle. Like Elton John or Celine Dion although I don't mean that in a derogatory way. And I certainly don't think it's derogatory now. It affords people to put on a show they couldn't possibly do anywhere else. they can afford to go completely over the top with it. Would I like a Vegas period? I'd LOVE a Vegas period! Bring it on! I don't think I have the material – I've seen Elton do these massive three hour stint gigs but he has the songs to back them up. I just don't think I've got that material. Although maybe I could do something in Vegas though…"

Mortal Kombat (2021)
Mortal Kombat (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Contains spoilers, click to show
After all the hype I tried desperately hard not to buy into, Mortal Kombat turned out to be exactly what I expected...
The whole film suffers from an excruciatingly piss poor script (with the exception of Kano's anal bead comment at Lui Kang of course). Every character gets to announce their name unnecessarily at every opportunity, phrases from the game are shouted when the they don't really make sense in the moment, and the narrative is just about held together by bizarre edits and cuts. I can only assume that anyone not familiar with the source material may have a few issues following what the fuck is going on at certain points, even when the pacing takes a hard dip around the mid point.
Having Cole (a non-game character written for the movie) as the main lead is a shot in the foot - the character himself isn't unlikable by any stretch, but he's a little bland, and his inclusion means that a lot of familiar characters are sort of pushed to the side, and moulded around his story. Without naming names, unless they do some ret-conning in the inevitable sequels, I take issues with a few big characters being killed off so early in a proposed franchise. If these deaths stick, then there's some seriously wasted content being thrown away.

All of these negatives however are surrounded by a number of positives. For the most part, the fight scenes are entertaining enough, but the climactic duels are pretty damn awesome. The action is complimented with decent CG work (I kind of miss weird-puppet Goro but he did look pretty great in this one).
The gory moments are pretty full on as they should be and the cast are pretty solid. Some great turns from Hiroyuki Sanada, Max Huang, and Josh Lawson in particular. The film manages to pack in a tonne of references to the wider MK lore as well which is a nice touch for fans.

Overall, Mortal Kombat is dumb and trashy, but manages to be a whole heap of fun with some spectacular violence to boot. It might not be the best video game adaption out there, but it's a far cry from being a bad one.
Between this, Sonic, and Detective Pikachu, I truly, and possibly naively, hope that the era of shit video game films has passed - all eyes on Uncharted to carry on the trend.

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated Dane Cook: Vicious Circle (2006) in Movies

Dec 5, 2020 (Updated Dec 6, 2020)  
Dane Cook: Vicious Circle (2006)
Dane Cook: Vicious Circle (2006)
2006 | Comedy
DANEgerous Edition

Less a stand-up show and more an event where you get to watch a manic cokehead scream at the top of his lungs and convulse around a small circular stage in front of a packed, sports-arena-esque crowd for nearly 2 hours and 15 minutes - one of the most breathless and impossible-to-look-away-from things I've ever seen. Say what you will about him, but he'll die before he loses your attention - it felt like *I* burned calories after watching him writhe, sweat, and shriek about for this long. Before Chappelle's similarly hit-or-miss 𝘚𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘴 & 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴, this was arguably the most divisive stand-up special out there - most people either swore by it as one of the greats, or lambasted it as a stain on the legacy of comedy itself. It's hard to remember, but there was a time Cook was a megastar - the same year this special aired he was listed in TIME Magazine's "Top 100 Most Influential People In the World" alongside industry titans Meryl Streep and George Clooney. Outside of maybe Bam Margera I don't think any other sole entertainer represented the crass ode to reckless debauchery that was the mid-2000s quite like this guy; it's beguilingly bizarre almost solely as a piece of a pop culture time capsule alone. Though on its own merits this shockingly holds up a lot more than expected, not always funny (does some cringe 2006 shit like having two women make out on stage while Dane watches for no reason and a rather uncomfortable segment where he seemingly makes a young lady flash her breasts onstage) but home to a satiable amount of hearty chuckles and an exuberant energy that can't be denied even well past the two hour mark. Laden with dead-on observations, colossal vulgarity, intense (and super idiosyncratic) physicality, oddly cerebral camerawork + editing, and guttural cries unlike any other set I've seen... then after all that he comes back on the stage with an acoustic guitar to fucking *sing* - this is the human body being put to its endurance test as a comedic performer. A great time even if some of the jokes get drawn out way past the point of repair - what I can only describe as unforgettable, often really fucking funny, spastically aroused hyperspecificity. Nearly top-to-bottom infectious in spite of its whiffs.
The Eyes of Tammy Faye (2021)
The Eyes of Tammy Faye (2021)
2021 |
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good Performances, Thin Script
Jessica Chastain is, in my opinion - and with all apologies to Glenn Close - the best actress working today that has yet to win an Academy Award. Having been nominated twice previously (Supporting Actress for THE HELP in 2012 and Actress for ZERO DARKY THIRTY in 2013 - a performance I thought she was a shoo-in Oscar winner for, she would lose to Jennifer Lawrence for SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK), Chastain has earned her 3rd Oscar nomination for portraying Tammy Faye Bakker in THE EYES OF TAMMY FAYE. It would be absurdly bizarre if THIS was the role she would win for.

Telling the story of Tammy Faye Bakker, the heavily made-up spouse/partner to disgraced Televangelist Jim Bakker, THE EYES OF TAMMY FAYE has, at it’s core, some TERRIFIC performances by Chastain, Andrew Garfield (Jim Bakker), Cherry Jones (Tammy Faye’s mother) and Vincent D’Onofrio (Jerry Falwell), it’s a shame that these performances couldn’t be performed with a better written and directed film.

Directed by Michael Showalter and Written by Fenton Bailey, Randy Barbato and Abe Sylvie (which might explain part of the issue), THE EYES OF TAMMY FAYE just doesn’t go deep enough into the characters portrayed, but - instead - opts for the superficial, opting to paint each character in one dimension. There is the “not attached to the real world/idealistic” Tammy Faye. The “he seems nice on the surface, but there is something else going on underneath” Jim Bakker. The “evil/power hungry” Jerry Falwell and the “never approving” Mother.

All of these, on the surface, are the makings of a good film, unfortunately Showalter and the 3 writers never mine the depths of these characters showing other sides and/or connecting the characters to each other.

Which is a shame for the performances of all the main characters are terrific and would have been much more so had they had better material to work with. Chastain, rightfully, has been Oscar nominated for her turn. She won’t win, but she is deserving of the nomination and would have been a quite serious contender had she had better material.

Which, ultimately, makes this film fall flat. The ingredients were there, they just weren’t put together well enough to make a satisfying experience.

Letter Grade: B- (for the performances)

6 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)