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    Lisa Horner Sepelak (1 KP)

    Book lover

    Married 22 years to amazing man 2 kids, respiratory therapist and love my job. Best...

    Last Active: Jan 16, 2018

    Lezelle (1 KP)

    Movie lover and book worm

    Love reading and watching movies

    Last Active: May 18, 2017

    Hannah (27 KP)

    Book lover and collector

    Hi! I'm a student from Scotland, I'm in love with anything Harry Potter, and also with classic and...

    Last Active: Jun 14, 2017

    Jennifer Ann (0 KP)

    Mom, teacher, book lover, binge-watcher

    Mom, teacher, book lover, binge-watcher

    Last Active: Jun 20, 2018