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City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments, #5)
City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments, #5)
Cassandra Clare | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.2 (27 Ratings)
Book Rating
City of Lost Souls is the fifth book in the Mortal Instruments series. There wasn't as much action in this book as we normally get making its pacing seem a little slow, but the character development I feel that we receive in this book makes it worthwhile. The ending also packs a punch that the rest of the book generally does not. As this is the fifth book in a series, anything beyond this point could be considered spoilers if you have not read the rest of the series.

After the events of City of Fallen Angels, we find our heroes in disarray because they find that both Jace and Sebastian are missing. They find out that Jace and Sebastian have been linked by the dark ceremony, which means that Jace is no longer himself. He feels that anything that Sebastian does it right and assists him, despite the fact that it would go against his true nature.

I really enjoyed seeing Jace and Sebastian's interactions, because it showed a more human side of Sebastian. There were times when there was no one else around besides Jace, who was linked to him and had no free will of his own, and Sebastian seemed almost normal. He even had rare moments with Clary, which made you question just how much the demon blood affected him.

You know he is evil and that he has the ability to fake human emotions, but it was those actions that make you wonder, what if? Could the bond with Jace be affecting him, even to a small degree, in the same way that it affecting Jace? Giving him some dimension and the slightest influence of good? I loved how Clare made you question everything that you believed about Sebastian, just as Clary did in the book.

The character development also extended to our other favourite characters, which was nice to see since it's such a large cast. We see Izzy being both strong and determined, and fragile, insecure and hurt. She has a broad range of emotions and her world does not revolve around a boy, which was so refreshing to see. Simon is struggling with his change and who he thinks he is now, still the old Simon or is he cursed now?

Despite the fact that they're not the focus, Magnus and Alec's relationship is wonderfully developed in this book. They struggle with both magical and mundane things coming between them but love one another to always persevere. Alec is still very insecure, so he worries about everything that Magnus does tell him about his past and the fact that one of them is immortal and the other not. Their love and their heartbreak is very real, which was such a redeeming characterization in this book.

Although Clary/Jace is my favourite pairing overall, I definitely love the Magnus/Alec evolution throughout this book and those that come after it. They are a very close second and probably a better portrayal of a relationship in the end. In this book, I worry about the portrayal of Clary and Jace's relationship at times because it's not always healthy. Obviously, people make mistakes, so it is realistic but it can border on obsessive and controlling at times. I understand that Jace is Clary's first love, but he is not the only person in the world and sometimes she is worryingly single-minded.

The plot culminates and plans are laid for the fantastic conclusion to this series. Although the book does not end with a cliffhanger, you are still left wondering exactly what Sebastian's plans are and how our heroes are going to stop him. Or if they are going to be able to stop him. Despite the fact that this is not the most well-written of her three series, I adore it nonetheless and constantly recommend it to people.
Beyond Reach / Skin Privilege (UK) (Grant County, #6)
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
A worthy end to a solid series - would recommend reading in order.
For some reason, the UK version of this book has a different name (Skin Privilege) to the rest of the world’s Beyond Reach title. Whatever you call it its the end of the Grant County series and what a way to finish!!! It’s a strong and worthy ending to a solid series that had a few ups and downs along the way for me.

We meet up again with Detective Lena Adams back in her hometown of Reece; where she has got herself into a whole world of trouble (no surprise there, it’s her special talent.) With a vicious (and I mean typical Slaughter full-on vicious) murder Lena is the only suspect and our intrepid heroes, Jeffery and Sara; rush to do what they do best i.e. stick their noses in and try to figure out what the hell is going on.

We get 2 different timelines and general POVs with us following Lena pre murder trying to unearth the truth of her family history and Sara and Jeffery trying to piece together Lena’s involvement in a murder. Lena looks especially involved in it when she does a runner from local law enforcement. The two main POVs work well together to slowly lead you through an enjoyable mystery.

I’ve previously not been a huge fan of Jeffery and Lena but this book worked to give me a better understanding and more empathy for Lena; although she is still annoyingly stubborn to the point of it being pretty stupid.

I thought the ending was what this series needed and for those that don’t like it there is a letter from Slaughter on her website explaining her thoughts (don’t read until after you have read the book.) Overall the Grant County Series has had some really high points (the first two books were particularly good) and some low points; A Faint Cold Fear and Indelible didn’t do much for me but overall I’m glad I kept with it and look forward to maybe meeting some of the characters again in the future - I think there is a tie in at some point in her Will Trent series that I’ve not read any of yet but look forward to giving a go - I do enjoy Slaughters writing.
There is no journey into an evil mind, just the author's ego
God, if ever there is a narcissist, is the author writing this book. There are zero citations because he feels he's a good enough source by himself. This entire book is just pure self-promotion, with him speaking about one book or TV series he's been involved with in every single chapter, and his letters and interviews to serial killers are just a form of bragging rights disturbingly.

Ironically, there is little sincere empathy with the victims killed by these psychopaths, but just a titillation factor in this book, with the author essentially being a fanboy of these men and one woman. The book also inadvertently reveals how corrupt the American judicial system is, allowing white men to murder and defraud with impunity, while avoiding life sentences and even being granted parole after murdering three people in cold blood.

And with shockingly little psychology in this book, the author even "runs out" of his word count, so it ends abruptly. It is poorly written, as he repeats the phrase "elephants fly" etc. In every other paragraph, and I can now see why it has received low ratings on review sites. Not worth it.
Gemina: The Illuminae Files: Book 2
Gemina: The Illuminae Files: Book 2
Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman | 2016 | Children
9.1 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really don't know what it is about this series. If I think about it, it just a collection of all the biggest and most common themes in sci-fi, but somehow it works. I couldn't put this book down!
The story starts 5 seconds after the end of the first book, and it focuses on the events happening on the station where the Kady and the Hypatia are headed. There is no need to say that things goes as wrong as they can.
I have to say that I found this book a bit slower than the first one, and if readers thought that characters in the first book were fake, they will probably found the ones in this second book even more so (even though I think that the problem is the narration more than anything else, we always see these characters through a filter, we never know how the feel directly from them). However the more you get into the story the more gripping and eventful it gets, there are a lot of plot twists (again they may be cliches but the do work inside the story) and the book ends with a huge cliffhanger. I can't wait for part 3!
This book is the second in the series called "Amish of Apple Grove." Really enjoyed this book for it quiet funny to see Rebecca get in a mess of things when she arrives in Lawrence, Kansas. She starts out day dreaming about her love for Jesse who she met four years earlier on a cattle trail drive. She hear of his aware about and heads for it.

Sheriff Maddox learns what it takes to keep peace in the small town. He just hoping things are peaceful during this time before the new sheriff arrives to take over. But things start to get quite interesting the mintue Rebecca arrives in Lawrence Kansas. Colin see her and judges she there for a protest of the night she arrived.

There are a few thing that are surprises throughout the book and believe me it a book to read. I do not want to giveaway any of the secrets of what happens to Rebecca or Colin for that matter. I do not want to tell you want happens to a few of the folks in the town. To find out it book to pick up. Another book to pick up is called "The Heart Frontier."
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think I’ve become too accustomed to reading plots designed for teenagers; I kept expecting this story to follow a traditional plot line, and while the evidence throughout was that Adichie was not following a typical narrative story line, I still found myself surprised at the end. I got to the end, and sort of thought, “Oh. That’s it?” Not in a negative way, like the author left me hanging (as many of these series writing author’s do, teasing me into reading the next book), but just in a sort of unexpected way.

I don’t know that I can even tell you my overall feeling about the book…it’s just too complex for that. I liked that the rhythm and pattern of the storytelling was like nothing I’ve read before. I like that it offered an unfamiliar (to me) perspective of race in America. I like that the book kind of was and was not all about race. (I know that last one is super confusing, but just read the book and then ask me what I mean if it’s still unclear.)

It’s a book that is just going to simmer a bit in my brain, and that is perhaps the very best sort of book.
The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty (Sleeping Beauty, #1)
The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty (Sleeping Beauty, #1)
A.N. Roquelaure | 1999 | Erotica, Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
One day I was just looking online through random books that I could read and I came across this trilogy and it sparked my interest. I thought I would give this book a go. All I knew about it was that it was an erotic twist on a fairytale, I thought it might even be quite! One word comes to mind after reading this book...HARSH! To sum it up I would say 'torture-porn', and how tortured these characters indeed were. Although the story was well written it went beyond enjoyment and straight to 'I don't think I can even finish this book, it's pretty horrendous!'. But I stuck it out and finished it with a gob-smacked expression on my face. This isn't a sweet, fluffy and easy-to-read novel, its hard-core and sadistic. This review sounds like I didn't like the book yet I gave it 3 stars...this is because I really liked the challenge of getting through this book and it left me in shock, so many books i finish with a shrug then move on but this book is definitely something to remember. I am now reading a comedy inbetween carrying on with the series as even I feel like the characters need a break.
Stalkers is the third book in the Dark Webs series and, trust me, it beggars belief. It reads like it is straight out of Hollywood, the scene of the first telling of stalker behaviour. In here, we have two stories from America and two from the U.K. They are all horrible in their own way and yet show how easy it is, if you are that way inclined, to become a stalker.

The book itself is well-written with each story almost have a fiction-like quality to it. There are facts and figures, police reports, and verdicts given though, just to prove this actually happened. They will all twist your mind but the Craigslist one is just unbelievable! I felt sorry for all the 'victims' in this book but, mostly, I feel sorry for 'Mark'.

This is the first book by this author I have read but it will not be the last. If you like #TrueCrime then this is one I definitely recommend you don't miss.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nashville is the next stop on the summer camping trip. After introducing the reader to Nashville hotspots, a trip to a famous honky-tonk bar leaves Irma and by extension Mabel and her camping buddies with the task of discovering who murdered two people two decades ago.

“If you like wacky characters, quick-witted banter, and crooners with a twang, then you’ll love Rita Moreau’s clever caper…”

It is always fun when a promise is made and kept. This book is full of wacky characters with snappy dialogue that makes turning the page a privilege rather than a chore. The well-written, quirky characters are the core of the story and with a couple of new additions to those returning from book one, there is more to love this time around.

The mystery comes at a fair pace and makes this book a quick steady read. This is the second book in the series and reads well enough as a standalone, but for the full effect of the camping summer of fun picking up book one is recommended.

Rating: 4 out of 5.
I received an advance review copy for free through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, and I am leaving this review voluntarily