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The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
1991 | Horror, Thriller

"The final one is The Silence of the Lambs. I love dark movies, and I love thrillers. I don’t like horror movies because I get too scared. [laughs] I draw the line at thrillers; I like to think while I’m afraid. Obviously, great characters in that movie. The shots last for like a million years. Anthony Hopkins never blinks. Again, you just see the throughline; Jodie Foster’s character is obviously strong in that she’s dealing with this serial killer and she’s keeping up with everybody and her boss at the FBI. At the same time, she’s so vulnerable. It’s her vulnerability that enables her to have this connection with this psychopath. It’s a brilliant performance, and I just love that movie. It’s so good."

So, I've finished it. It took me two days altogether for the six volumes and several WTF moments near the beginning. But by the end, I was happy. So happy for them, though admittedly up until a few pages from the end I wanted to smack a certain blonde. It was so obvious how much Boss, as you call him, wanted you!!

You drove me mad at times, made me laugh/giggle at others, and overall made me love you both.

Volume One: 3 stars
Volume Two: 3 stars
Volume Three: 4 stars
Volume Four: 4 stars
Volume Five: 4 stars
Volume Six: 5 stars

A great cast of characters, both primary and secondary and the art was pretty cool too.


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