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The Blues Brothers (1980)
The Blues Brothers (1980)
1980 | Action, Comedy
cast, cameos, music, (0 more)
Brought to life from Saturady Night Live the Blues Brothers Joliet Jake (Belushi) and Elwood (Aykroyd) were in a music band. The opening shows Jake getting of out a 3 yr stint a joliet prison and begin thier journey together rebuilding thier lives. They are tasked with getting money to help the orphanage that they grew up in and after a stop off at a mass at a local church they belive they are on "A Mission from God" and they must do this with out fail. They relaize the only way this is gonna be accomplished is by getting thier band back together and off begins a wild ride of action,fun and music. Cameos from Carrie Fisher (RIP) Cab Calloway (RIP) John Candy (RIP) Ray Charles (RIP) and other greats makes this movie all the more fun. The movie has two fantastic fun car chase scenes one of which is through a mall. I could go on and on about this movie but then why watch it if I tell you everything. Watch and enjoy a laugh filled fun ride
I'm extremely surprised by how much I enjoyed this anthology! I picked it up intending to just read the stories by authors I know I like—Kelley Armstrong, Ilona Andrews, Carrie Vaughn, Holly Lisle, Jeaniene Frost, Maria V. Snyder. I had never heard of some of the other authors. A few names I remembered seeing in other anthologies and not enjoying their work.

I did, however, deliberately put myself in a tolerant mindset: this is a book of romance stories. It wouldn't be fair to judge them as anything else.

That worked rather better than it has in the past. I still got a little annoyed at having so much of each story dedicated to couples (and all het/mono couples, at that!) rather than some intriguing world ideas, but managed to stay on track.

In the end, I only skipped one story—I just don't like the Weather Wardens stuff at all. I found a couple of others substandard, but all in all, Telep chose very well. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys paranormal romance (maybe even those who usually stick to just romance), and most urban fantasy fans.
Scream 3 (2000)
Scream 3 (2000)
2000 | Horror
A very inferior sequel
It's such a shame that Scream 3 loses the magic that Scream 2 had in abundance.

There's no wit, no humour and the film within a film concept is tired and very poor. All of the new characters are under developed meaning you care so little when they get bumped off one by one. Patrick Dempsey's character is so creepy and slimy in parts that it's laughable and builds no tension or intrigue whatsoever. And even the returning characters have lost their edge, repeating the same old squabbles and experiences as in the first two films. Ghostface too loses his edge here, there's no shocking deaths and the voice changer that can mimic other voices is ridiculous and farfetched. The ending too isn't particularly clever or interesting. The only things I really liked about this film was the brief return of Randy and the cameos from Silent Jay & Bob and Carrie Fisher.

I remember really looking forward to seeing this when it first came out, but it is such a disappointment. It isn't helped by the fact that I spend the entire film wondering what the hell is going on with Courtney Fox's fringe...
Dolls (1987)
Dolls (1987)
1987 | Horror
7.0 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Plain and simple - Dolls is a belting 80s horror, overflowing with fantastic effects work, unsettling monster designs, and a fantastic cast all whilst having a sub text about how it's ok to still be a child at heart.
A complete shift for Stuart Gordon from his work on Re-Animator a couple of years earlier, but equally as bonkers. It packs in a fair helping of gore, but still feels weirdly family friendly. Perhaps this is due to the lead child character, played by a great Carrie Lorraine. The supporting cast manages to be a selection of likable, and equally unlikable characters. Highlights for me are the creepy but oddly wholesome, if slightly murderous, older couple who inhabit the house that the narrative takes place in, played by Guy Rolfe and Hilary Mason.
As mentioned, the practical work is incredible. The dolls' movements are kept hidden for a lot of the runtime, but when you see them in all their glory just over the halfway mark, the pay off is completely worth it.

Dolls is hugely memorable in all the right ways. A hidden gem of a horror.

Darren Fisher (2447 KP) Feb 13, 2021

Couldn't agree more. A real hidden gem. Great review.

Firestarter (1984)
Firestarter (1984)
1984 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
6.7 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Firestarter is a relatively slow paced, sci-fi tinged thriller, with some nicely executed set pieces conservatively strewn throughout, and it works for the most part. The narrative is prone to drag on occasion, but it's pacing means that we get a host of characters that have room to breathe, and we can get to know. Whether it's Drew Barrymores adorable/unsettling protagonist (who straight up outshines the rest of the cast), David Keiths Roadhouse looking dad of the year, or George C. Scotts dodgy as hell orderly/assassin bastard, the characters are well realised and interesting to follow.
The effects work is top notch for the time, delighting in its multiple explosions and impressive fire stunts, and they make for some memorable moments, especially when Charlie goes full Carrie during the climax, all set to an 80s-as-fuck Tangerine Dream soundtrack
There are certainly better Stephen King adaptions out there, but Firestarter is a competent sci-fi horror that deserves its spot in amongst the big boys of the genre during this era. Interested to see how the upcoming remake holds up in comparison.
And Just Like That
And Just Like That
2021 |
9.0 (1 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
New character Seema (1 more)
More diversity
New character Che (3 more)
Too much diversity
No Samantha
Death of a major character
Just as good without Samantha
Contains spoilers, click to show
I wasn't sure if a sex and the city reboot would work without Samantha but I was pleasently surprised. At first I did very much notice Samantha's absence but after a few episodes I did get used to it, I liked that there was a couple of mentions of her and Carrie is seen texting her as well as an off screen meet up in Paris, I like that they didn't act as if she never existed and new character Seema is a pretty good replacement for the Samantha shaped hole left in the series.

I wasn't overly keen on the character Che, I found her pretty obnoxious and led Miranda down a path that she was adament she wouldn't go down in Season 1 of the original series. This might be because I liked Steve and Miranda together, I ended up feeling so sorry for Steve and I do hope that if there's a season 2 Miranda will realise once again that Steve is her one and only as her and Che don't make sense at all.

I like that there is more diversity this time around but I do feel they went over the top with the wide range of diverse characters, to the point that I felt the main characters wasn't the main focus and the writers seemed more interested in how much diversity they can fit into one show, there were even scenes which included none of the main girls that I had no interest in such as the couple trying for a baby through IVF, I just felt their characters wasn't strong enough to have scenes by themselves.

I won't spoil it too much, but In the final episode there is a very noticeable edit during a dream sequence. I understand why it was edited due to recent events but they should have dropped that entire scene completely and just have Carrie talk about it, although personally I would have liked to see that scene in its entirity.

All these points aside though, I did really enjoy it. It had all the humour and raunchiness of the original series, in fact I liked it so much I binge watched it in 2 days. I do hope there's another season as it would be interesting to see where the characters go.