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The Scarlet Empress (1934)
The Scarlet Empress (1934)
1934 | Classics, Drama
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Movie Favorite

"Scarlet Empress, with Marlene Dietrich, directed by Josef von Sternberg. That’s also pre-Code, just barely, I think, and it’s the greatest of their collaborations. Morocco is amazing, too, and I love Blue Angel. Morocco has that incredible ending where she can’t resist but follows him off, and you hear the wind sound and all that. Anyway, Scarlet Empress is so singular; there’s nothing like it. It’s almost like a new cinema is being created; he’s creating a new language for cinema. Not just the way that it looks, but the light, the use of light, and the use of production design becomes, almost, a sensory part of the experience and informs her character. It’s all about her character’s sensuality, and he uses all these other elements beyond just herself to sell that. The way the film looks, the way the film feels, and it’s where the style completely informs her identity, which is an amazing idea."


Simon Pegg recommended Taxi Driver (1976) in Movies (curated)

Taxi Driver (1976)
Taxi Driver (1976)
1976 | Thriller

"Also, I would say probably Taxi Driver, just as a piece of acting and just fabulous scene-setting brilliance from Scorsese and characterization from De Niro. That’s one of those films I just watch in awe of all of it, because it’s just so uncompromising. I saw Avengers yesterday, and it was such a fun romp and really entertaining and decently done. That’s the kind of film adults watch today, when in the 1970s, when Taxi Driver came out, that was the kind of film that adults would watch. That and French Connection and Godfather and Bonnie and Clyde. Anything pre-Star Wars, really. The preserve of grown-up cinema in those days were genuinely grown-up movies, and that goes for everything I’m doing as well, from Star Trek to Ready Player One or even Mission: Impossible. They’re pure entertainment rather than think pieces, which is what film cinema used to be in the mainstream."

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Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
Fast paced (3 more)
Great sound track
Good direction - some really well thought out shots and scenes
Great cast
Great film!
Maybe I'm getting old, or cynical, or both, but very little impresses me in the movie world any more. More often than not I leave the cinema feeling like I've seen it all before. Baby Driver was like a breath of fresh air - a great combination of story, cast, soundtrack, action and dialogue. Talent.
Ninja Assassin (2009)
Ninja Assassin (2009)
2009 | Action, Drama
An all out exercise for the eye-balls! This is a very violent, extremely bloody/gory martial arts film. I think they must use the same techniques used by Asian cinema with almost fountains of blood with every slice and dice of a Ninja sword. Revenge is the plot, of course....way over the top, humanely impossible action scenes, some cool effects and some great fights. It makes Kill Bill look tame in comparison.
Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
2016 | Drama, History, War
Strong retelling of the heroic Private Doss as I was completely unaware of his actions although I was aware of the army and their treatment of objectors.
Mel Gibson has captured the essence of the futility of war and how the heroics of one man saved many against overwhelming odds.
Effects are very realistic and the sound design has made this a home cinema favourite amongst enthusiasts.
Do not miss this film!