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Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) in Movies

Nov 1, 2021 (Updated Nov 3, 2021)  
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
The IMAX version of the film looks and sounds great, Hans Zimmer’s score for the movie is fantastic and sounds superb in the IMAX cinema, but sadly the movie is let down by several things, one being Jessica Chastain’s character, I just found her so one dimensional and didn’t enjoy her screentime, which is a shame as Chastain is a superb actress with the right roles. I would have loved to have seen that Jean and Logan’s chemistry brought in to play, we saw that with the original movies, but with Hugh Jackman being a lot older now, I suppose it may not have looked right, but then again we have seen some amazing CGI in making cast look younger in the Marvel Cinematic Universe!
The King's Man (2021)
The King's Man (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Ralf Fiennes (2 more)
Tom hollander
Rhys ifans
My last cinema review of the year I've been wanting to see this for movie for a long time cause of the pandemic and now I've seen it I rather liked it. It has plenty of action scenes especially at the end of the movie where we see ralf Fiennes in full action mode would have liked to have seen gemma arterton get abit more to do action wise but hats off to Tom hollander for playing three different characters during the movie it took me awhile to realise it was him playing all three cousins but he manages to pull it off. Overall a worthy addition to the kingsman movies. Tomorrow my top ten movies of the year
Once Upon A Deadpool (Deadpool 2 PG-13 Version) (2018)
Once Upon A Deadpool (Deadpool 2 PG-13 Version) (2018)
2018 | Action, Family
So you want to see a family friendly version of Deadpool 2? Well you're out of luck because after all their editing it didn't make it past the 12A certificate criteria and had to be released as a 15 again. It still deserved that 15, it wasn't exactly hiding it's sweary side very well, and the violence is still there, you just don't get splattered with as much blood.

The editing unfortunately leaves you with some obvious continuity errors. The one that bugged me the most was the scene where DP is shot through the hand. They've left out the CGI for the gaping hole but it appears later in the film.

But lets look at the extra content you get.

Fred Savage and DP cut into the film in a homage to The Princess Bride. It's an amusing addition and I really did enjoy the Matt Damon skit.

They also edited the Stan Lee mural to say RIP, it definitely made it stick out more as I completely missed it the first time I saw DP2 at the cinema.

We also got an extra three credit scenes. One before the existing ones and two after. I nearly left... I was convinced that the fourth one was the end and I stood up to leave just as the fifth one started, and someone shouted at me to sit down. I'm not even mad, I was shouting internally at myself too. I was so glad to have seen it. The end Stan Lee montage brought a tear to my eye and was horribly poignant footage.

Is it in any way an improvement on the original? Absolutely not. Was it worth watching at the cinema? Definitely, yes. The screen was packed with people who knew what they were getting and were just there to have fun. (Apart from the two people who left after about ten minutes... spoil-sports.) We laughed together like it was the first time we'd seen the film and it was a great experience. With tickets in our cinema currently £5 of free with your Unlimited card it was well worth seeing on the big screen for the experience.

I'm left actively annoyed now though because it'll probably be another DVD I have to buy. Really there is no way to make Deadpool family friendly without taking everything away that makes him so fun. The ideal scenario would have been to have the Fred Savage bits edited together with the relevant snippets of the film and had it as a 20 minutes extra when they released it to buy. That or create a MST3K style commentary track for the film where you just see DP silently miming actions to Savage while he's telling him the story and we're watching the film, then having DP physically pause the film when Savage asks him questions so that they can do the scenes. Okay, I'm calm again now.

What you should do

I don't know if they're going to release it to buy or stream, and it was a one hit wonder at the cinema so I'm not really sure what you'll be able to do about seeing it. Ultimately though it's probably just worth watching the original again in all it's sweary and bloody glory.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

From this adaptation I think I'd like to have the bleeping buzzer that Deadpool uses in the added scenes. That would really come in handy on a day to day basis.
Die Hard (1988)
Die Hard (1988)
1988 | Action
Peak action
I am absolutely incapable of understanding why anyone wouldn't like Die Hard. It's level of adoration is there for a reason.

The plot is simple and brilliant - When New York cop John McClane (Bruce Willis) travels to meet his wife at her company Christmas party in Los Angeles, he is unwittingly caught in a hostage situation when the building is seized by terrorists, lead by Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman). With the help of a police Sgt. on the outside (Reginald VelJohnson), McClane takes it upon himself to save his wife, and take down Gruber.

Die Hard takes a little while to set up, as we're intorduced to all the key characters, and it takes a while for everyone to catch on to what is happening. However, when the action starts, it's literally non stop. The practical effects, and fantastic stunt work make the action scenes a stand out of the genre, and they still stand up today.
The script is hugely corny at times, but is pulled off with aplomb by Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman. John McClane is one of the most likable protagonists in cinema history. He's calm, badass, and stands up for what is right. It's hard to imagine anyone else but Willis pulling off some of his one liners.
Equally, Hans Gruber is one of the most likable bad guys in cinema history. He's ruthless, yet charming, and gives John a proper hard time.

Most importantly, Die Hard is just stupidly entertaining. What was released initially as another action film of the decade, with a then relatively unknown Bruce Willis, quickly became a legitimate classic.

Andy K (10823 KP) Nov 30, 2019

Such an awesome movie!