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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016)
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016)
2016 | Fantasy
Great acting (1 more)
Wonderful special effects
An adult version of Harry Potter
I have a soft spot for the Harry Potter series, a guilty pleasure. So I was hugely elated when this film came out. And more than anything, it felt like a grown-up version of the HP series, which is perfect timing for all the now adults who grew up with these films. It's beautiful in terms of CGI and graphics, especially the world of the fantastic beasts, and the abuse is much more graphic. The acting is by far on another level with Eddie Redmayne, Jon Voight, and Colin Farrell and the story is engaging. Looking forward to the next instalment!
Horrible Bosses (2011)
Horrible Bosses (2011)
2011 | Comedy
7.4 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Horrible Bosses is a film that features an all-star cast with the likes of Colin Farrell, Jamie Foxx, Charlie Day and Jason Sudeikis to name but a few. It performed incredibly well at the box office and didn’t fare too badly with critics either – it was awarded a decent 69% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Aniston’s performance is tongue-in-cheek to say the least as she plays a hyper-sexed dentist. She’s funny and engaging in the role, losing the girl-next-door persona she had become criticised for overplaying in the past. Horrible Bosses and its sequel are well worth a watch.
Dumbo (2019)
Dumbo (2019)
2019 | Animation, Family, Fantasy
Disney's continuing plundering of their back catalogue (see also: Beauty and the beast, Aladdin, The Lion King, Cinderella …) continues with this latest attempt to turn their 1940s cartoon original into a live action movie.

It doesn't really work.

Starring, for once, a pretty 'armless (sorry not sorry) Colin Farrell, this crams the story of Dumbo (circus elephant, learns how to fly, lives happily ever after …) into roughly the first 30 minutes or so, before going off on its own tangent (for that, at least, it needs lauded), and introducing both Michael Keaton's circus businessman alongside Eva Green's aerial trapeze artist.

Ironically, however, I found the movie never really takes off at all!
S.W.A.T. (2003)
S.W.A.T. (2003)
2003 | Action, Mystery
Surprisingly Thrilling
I'm honestly surprised at how much I liked this film. I think the cast is phenomenal - I'm partial to anything Michelle Rodriguez is in - and I love Samual L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner, L.L Cool J, Colin Farrell, they were all great.

I think what surprised me the most was the dynamic between all the characters. It felt very effortless and natural, I don't think it was hard for them to get along, at least it didn't seem like it. And I think that they played friends to enemies to disappointed counterparts really well - specifically Renner and Farrell. They're both really strong actors and the subtleties they provided both their characters was really phenomenal.

I also loved seeing Jeremy in a different kind of role. I feel like we're partial to seeing him as Hawkeye, the Avenger, the hero, and this movie allowed him to be seen as something different. Granted it came out before the Avengers was ever probably a concept, but the point still stands. Also, the earrings. Loved those on him. But that's a minor detail.

Anyways! I really liked this film. Definitely worth the watch and not just a generic action film.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016)
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016)
2016 | Fantasy
Some of the lighting is well implemented (1 more)
Colin Farrell
Bad CGI (2 more)
The movies 3 leads are extremely annoying
Johnny 'oooh' Depp
Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them - Or JK Rowling and the Never Ending Quest for More Money
Contains spoilers, click to show
First off, full disclosure, I have never been a fan of the Harry Potter franchise. I’ve read a few of the books and seen a few of the movies and it just isn’t my thing. Honestly, I’m not even a fan of fantasy in general, I think Lord Of The Rings is nonsense and Game Of Thrones is vastly overrated and the last Harry Potter movie I saw was the fourth one. However, I was willing to go into this movie with a clean slate and hopefully have it win me over and unfortunately it didn’t. Also this review will contain spoilers if you care about that sort of thing.

This film is a prequel to the other Harry Potter movies, this time set in America rather than Britain and telling the story of the events that led to the great wizarding war between Dumbledore and Grindlewald. The film did have potential, to see what would have essentially been WWII fought with magic could be really cool but unfortunately all we get here is setup and that actual event we want to see will probably take place 4 or 5 movies down the line. The film opens with Eddie Redmayne’s character, Newt Scamander going to New York from London to set free one of the beasts that he keeps inside his Tardis-like brief case. Then he ends up in a bank and meets a ‘Nomaj,’ which is this film’s lazy version of a ‘muggle,’ who we learn is a simple lonely guy that just wants to open his own bakery and that’s another character cliché ticked off the list. We now have the double act of the nerdy, sniveling protagonist and the overweight sympathetic sidekick. Also, for the rest of this review I will be referring to the baker character as fat bloke and this isn’t to be derogatory, but is purely because the script relies on the, ‘fat, jolly, sympathetic, pathetic loner’ stereotype and passes it off as a character arc. If the script isn’t treating the character with any respect, then why should I? So fat bloke it is then.

So the two of them of course have the exact same briefcase and after some cartoony looking CGI animals escape from Redmayne’s case in the bank the suitcases predictably get mixed up and then the fat bloke gets his bakery loan declined and returns home with Redmayne’s suitcase, then more bad CGI animals open the case and attack the fat bloke. Redmayne’s character then gets arrested by some wizarding inspector for letting the, ‘Nomaj,’ (urgh) get away after seeing the animals in the case and is taken to the New York Wizards base, I guess? Then it’s revealed that the wizarding inspector that arrested Redmayne is a bit of a shit inspector and she is trying to redeem herself in the eyes of her superiors, so in front of this high wizard council, she confiscates the case from Redmayne and opens it only to reveal a bunch of cakes inside. Yes, really… Who writes this shit? Rowling is doing to Harry Potter what Lucas did to Star Wars during the prequels at this point.

So Redmayne gets set free and he goes to fat bloke’s house to find him lying on the floor, then some more bad CGI later the inspector turns up and they take him back to her house to meet her sister? Friend? Does it matter? She ends up becoming the love interest for fat bloke. Then for no apparent reason Redmayne and fat bloke enter the case and he shows fat bloke all this crazy shit that apparently humans aren’t supposed to see and then Redmayne does some more sniveling and decides they have to sneak out of the girls’ apartment and recapture the animals that escaped in the bank and from fat bloke’s apartment. They get a couple of the beasts back then they go to central park to find Redmayne’s horny rhino and they dress fat bloke up in a leather rhino costume and use him as rape bait then they ice skate for a bit and capture the rhino. Again, really… I am not making this shit up for satirical reasons.

Then we see a real life prick Ezra Miller playing some sort of weird emo child who is beat by his mother and we see he is working with Colin Farrell to find a big bad dark spirit that is killing people around New York. Colin Farrell is definitely the best thing about the film at this point. After this a bunch of other stupid shit happens, like Ron Perlman and John Voight coming into the movie, showing a ray of potential then being totally wasted. The movie drags in the middle, but eventually after some more fat jokes, bad CGI and sniveling, all of the creatures are captured and Ezra Miller turns into a black death cloud or some such nonsense. Then he is boosting around New York, fucking up shit as he goes and so Redmayne and Farrell follow him down to the subway to stop him. Redmayne seems to be talking him down and then Farrell shows up and essentially tells him to join the dark side. Then there is a CGI wand battle and the council from earlier show up out of nowhere and kill the black cloud of death. Then Colin Farrell gets pissed off and in the best scene in the movie murders half of the council members before he gets arrested by Eddie Redmayne with some magic handcuffs.

Then the worst part in the movie takes place. It is revealed that Colin Farrell is actually Johnny Depp in disguise. I mean he is Grindlewald in disguise but the important part for me is the replacement of Colin Farrell with Johnny Depp. Now I’m not the world’s biggest Colin Farrell fan, he is great in, ‘In Bruges,’ but other than that he is pretty meh, but he was definitely the best thing that this movie had going for it and they fucking swapped him out! With fucking Johnny-‘ooh’-Depp. As if this movie wasn’t shit enough they swapped out the best thing about it for Johnny Depp, the biggest joke in Hollywood. I’m done, fuck this movie, fuck Johnny Depp, fuck JK Rowling, fuck Harry Potter, I’m out.

Okay, let’s briefly talk about the technical side of the film before I score this thing. The whole cast of this movie is phoning it in, so the acting is fine but nothing to write home about, Farrell is the best thing in this movie, but I feel that in the sequels it will just be an ‘ooh,’ off between Depp and Redmayne. The direction is okay as the movie plods along sufficiently, but the writing is wildly inconsistent and the plot as stated above is all over the place. The lighting and cinematography in one scene are fantastic, when Farrell and Miller are conversing in a dark alleyway but other than that they are pretty mundane too. The score is suitably Harry Potter like and the CGI is also to a similar standard of the Harry Potter films. The problem with that is that the CGI was ropey and of a fairly poor standard in the Harry Potter movies 10 years ago and it doesn’t seem like it has improved much since then. This movie isn’t for me, but even from an objective standpoint, based solely from a moviemaking perspective this movie is poor.

David McK (3207 KP) rated Total Recall (1990) in Movies

Jun 21, 2019 (Updated Sep 16, 2019)  
Total Recall (1990)
Total Recall (1990)
1990 | Action, Sci-Fi
Forget the rather pointless Colin Farrell-starring 2012 remake, this is the original (and best) of the 2 movies to share the name, itself based on the Philip K Dick short story 'We Can Remember It for You Wholesale' - it bears little in common with that story, however, other than the idea of false memory implants!

Starring a pre-T2 Arnold Schwarzenegger alongside Sharon Stone and Michael Ironside, the main plot of this is actually open to interpretation: are these events actually happening, or is Arnie's character of Douglas Quaid dreaming them? Every thing that happens after he visits Rekall is left deliberately open to interpretation, even down to the film ending with a white out instead of a black out ...