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American Gods
American Gods
Neil Gaiman | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
I couldn’t put this book down. From the first page I was captivated. Bought it to take on holiday and had finished it by the morning of the second day. Everything about this book was interesting and entertaining.
It kept you guessing about who some characters were in terms of their Norse gods but that was just part of the fun of it. Brilliant twist at the end that I didn’t see coming until just before.
Shadow’s character kept you wanting more for him, and kept you hoping things would work out in his favour. Can’t wait to pick up the sequel!
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
Not enough Elton John
A little too processed for me. Action scenes were good I guess in a second rate John Wick kind of way. I guess these types of movies bore me now a little. Maybe it's my inner movie snob coming out.

I was never bored while watching, but seems like a waste of good talent like Jeff Bridges, Julianne Moore, Emma Watson, etc.

Tried too hard to be Bond, Borne and Wick and doesn't really succeed at any of them. Humor was the standout which made it more watchable.


    To be a Cat

    To be a Cat

    Matt Haig

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    Barney Willow's life couldn't get any worse. He's weedy, with sticky-out ears. Horrible Gavin Needle...

Forbidden (The Demon Trappers #2)
Forbidden (The Demon Trappers #2)
Jana Oliver | 2011 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating

So much happened in this it's hard to know where to start. Let's go with Riley and her big mistake, though I wouldn't have seen that coming with Ori. As for Beck, I kinda wish he hadn't done what he did with the reporter and then stormed off at the end... Those two just need to sort it out and get it together already instead of hurting each other with their barbs.

Straight onto Forgiven and going over to Amazon to buy Foretold, so I can finish this series. Hopefully it will get the ending I want it to have!