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Keep Me Still (Keep Me Still, #1)
Keep Me Still (Keep Me Still, #1)
Caisey Quinn | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry, Medical & Veterinary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Holy freaking cow. This book sat on my Kindle app for the longest time. Many nights I scanned over it, couldn’t remember if I read it or not, so just avoided it all together. Lately, the eBooks I have downloaded are dwindling, so I got desperate and clicked on practically every book I owned and either hadn’t read or just couldn’t remember reading. I skimmed through a few and just wasn’t feeling it – you ever get that way, start reading the first couple of chapters in several books and just know it’s not what you’re in the mood for? Finally, I clicked on Keep Me Still, though I still couldn’t recall whether or not I had read it. The Kindle version I read had all 3 parts of Keep Me Still. Only after a couple of pages in Let You Leave (part 1), I immediately knew I hadn’t read it and that it was what I was looking for.
From the beginning, I was intrigued with Layla. At first, it sounded as if she had come back from dealing with depression or something of the sort, so I was drawn to figuring out why she felt the way she did and how she overcame it. Then I met Landen; reading his mother beg him to not get into any fights piqued my interest. Who doesn’t love a bad boy, eh? During the first few chapters, if I’m being honest, I was only interested in finding out why the school treated Layla like a pariah. Being a victim of bullying, there was an instant connection with her on that level and I was curious to figure out what could have happened to earn her the nickname “Freaky Flaherty”. Somehow, without my knowing it, that mystery fell to the wayside as I watched Layla’s guard slowly crumble enough to allow Landen in. I’m a sucker for a good romance, it’s pretty much the only thing I read, so their spark inflamed the fire of curiosity within me. I like to guess at what the catalyst will be when it comes to these kinds of stories. There’s always one and I tried my best to figure out what would tear them apart. Watching them come together, watching Layla allow Landen to tear down her walls and show her love, was amazing. Of course, then my heart got crushed when that catalyst occurred.
Immediately, I read the second part, ‘Keep Me Still’, almost with desperation. I needed them to get back together, I needed them to reconcile and let their feelings for each other obliterate all the insecurities and fears they were holding onto. To my delight, there wasn’t much of a fight when they finally came back together, but again, I was waiting for the catalyst – which was a lot more obvious this time around. The end of that section made me ecstatic, but the novella came after and I couldn’t ignore it.
The novella, Hold Us Close, slayed me. Practically from the second or third page, it took my heart and tore it into little tiny pieces, then proceeded to stomp all over it with every heart breaking moment, back to back to back. Many times I had to hold my breath, several moments left me staring at the screen in horrified shock, more often than not, I was shaking my head and mentally berating both Landen and Layla (though Landen got the brunt of my scolding). The ending – the final ending – scared the living daylights out of me. I didn’t know how it would turn out; it was shaping up to be a story without an HEA and I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle it. Before the last page of their story, before reading Landen’s letter, the ending left me in tears. I don’t remember when I downloaded this eBook, but I do know I’m beyond grateful for all those sites that tell you when Amazon is giving them away for free – that’s the only way I could have owned Keep Me Still, because I would remember if I spent money on it, but I’m certainly appreciative to whichever e-mail I received with this title listed for free.

*PS: I really love Corin. She's amazing. Is there a novella with a little more of her and Skylar's story??
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    Spice - Meet New People

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On Chesil Beach (2018)
On Chesil Beach (2018)
2018 | Drama
Flawed but moving tale of a bygone sexual era.
As you might notice from my lack of recent posts, the day job is getting in a way a bit at the moment. But one film I wanted to catch was this adaptation of Ian McEwan’s novel. What’s both an advantage and a disadvantage of catching a film late is that you can’t help avoid absorbing some of the reviews of others: Kevin Maher of the Times gave this a rather sniffy two stars; Amy from “Oh That Film Blog” was much more measured (an excellent review: man, that girl can write!). Last night, I actually ended up enjoying the film much more than I was expecting to.

Set against Dorset’s spectacular shingle bank of Chesil Beach (which is a bitch to walk along!) the story, set primarily in 1962, joins two newly-weds Florence (Saoirse Ronan, “Brooklyn“, “Lady Bird“) and Edward (Billy Howle, “Dunkirk“) about to embark on the sexual adventure of their consummation at a seaside hotel. The timing of the film is critical: 1962 really marked the watershed between the staid conservatism and goody-two-shoes-ness of the 50’s and the sexual liberation of the swinging sixties. Sex before marriage was frowned upon. The problem for Florence and Edward is that sex after marriage is looking pretty unlikely too! For the inexperienced couple have more hang-ups about sex than there are pebbles on the beach.

The lead-up to their union is squirm-inducing to watch: a silent silver-service meal in their room; incompetent fumbling with zippers; shoes that refuse to come off. To prolong the agony for the viewer, we work through flashbacks of their first meeting at Oxford University and their dysfunctional family lives: for Florence a bullying father and mother (Samuel West and Emily Watson) and for Edward a loving but stressed father (TV regular, Adrian Scarborough) due to a mentally impaired mother (Anne-Marie Duff, “Suffragette“, “Before I Go To Sleep“).

As Ian McEwan is known to do (as per the end of “Atonement” for example), there are a couple of clever “Oh My God” twists in the tale: one merely hinted at in flashback; another involving a record-buying child that is also unresolved but begs a massive question.

The first half of the film is undoubtedly better than the last: while the screenplay is going for the “if only” twist of films like “Sliding Doors” and “La La Land“, the film over-stretches with some dodgy make-up where alternative actors would have been a far better choice. The ending still had the power to move me though.

Saoirse Ronan is magnificent: I don’t think I’ve seen the young Irish-American in a film I didn’t enjoy. Here she is back with a McEwan adaptation again and bleeds discomfort with every line of her face. Her desperate longing to talk to someone – such as the kindly probing vicar – is constantly counteracted by her shame and embarassment. Howle also holds his own well (no pun intended) but when up against the acting tour de force of Ronan he is always going to appear in second place.

A brave performance comes from Anne-Marie Duff who shines as the mentally wayward mother. The flashback where we see how she came to be that way is wholly predicatable but still manages to shock. And Duff is part of a strong ensemble cast who all do their bit.

Another star of the show for me is the photography by Sean Bobbitt (“12 Years a Slave“) which portrays the windswept Dorset beach beautifully but manages to get the frame close and claustrophobic when it needs to be. Wide panoramas with characters barely on the left and right of the frame will play havoc with DVD ratios on TV, but work superbly on the big screen.

Directed by stage-director Dominic Cooke, in his movie-directing debut, this is a brave story to try to move from page to screen and while it is not without faults it is a ball-achingly sad tale that moved me. Recommended if you enjoyed the similarly sad tale of “Atonement”.
Mother! (2017)
Mother! (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Welcome to the Crystal Maze.
Darren Aronosfsky’s mother! is like no other film you’ll see this year: guaranteed. As a film lover, an Aronosfsky film is a bit like root canal at the dentist: you know you really need to go ahead and do it, but you know you’re not going to be very comfortable in the process.
Jennifer Lawrence (“Passengers“, “Joy“) plays “mother!” doing up a dilapidated old house in the middle of nowhere with her much older husband “Him” (Javier Bardem, “Skyfall”). he (sorry…. He) is a world-famous poet struggling to overcome a massive writing block. The situation is making things tense between the couple, and things get worse when He inexplicably invites a homeless couple “man” (Ed Harris, “Westworld”, “The Truman Show”) and “woman” (Michelle Pfeiffer, “Stardust”) to stay at the house. As things go progressively downhill, is mother losing her mind or is all the crazy stuff going on actually happening?

Jennifer Lawrence can do no wrong at the moment, and her complexion in the film is flawless: it needs to be, since she has the camera constantly about 3 inches from her face for large chunks of the movie: I sat in the very back row, and I still wasn’t far enough away! Her portrayal of a house-proud woman getting progressively more and more irritated by her guests’ inconsiderate acts – a glass? without a table mat??! – is a joy to watch. As her DIY ‘paradise’ is progressively sullied my ‘man’ and ‘woman’, so her distress grows exponentially.

Some of the supporting acting is also superb, with Ed Harris and particularly Michelle Pfeiffer enjoying themselves immensely. Also worthy of note are the brothers played by real-life brothers Brian Gleeson and Domhnall Gleeson: the latter must never sleep since he must be *constantly* on set at the moment. One of these guys in particular is very abel! (sic).

Whereas the trailer depicts this as a kind of normal haunted house spookfest, it is actually nothing of the sort: much of the action (although far-fetched) has a reasonably rational explanation (a continuation of my theme of the “physics of horror” from my last two reviews). The film is largely seen through mother!’s eyes, and the skillful cinematographer Matthew Libatique – an Aronosfsky-regular – oppressively and relentlessly delivers a uniquely tense cinematic experience. For me, for the first two thirds of the film at least, it succeeds brilliantly.

Aronosfsky is no shirker of film controversy: having Natalie Portman perform oral sex on Natalie Portman in “Black Swan” was enough to teach you that. But in the final reels of this film, Aronosfsky doesn’t just wind the dial past 10 to the Spinal Tap 11…. he keeps going right on up to 20. There are a few scenes in movies over the years that I wish I could go back and “unsee”, and this film has one of those: a truly upsetting slice of horror, playing to your worst nightmares of loss and despair. While the religious allegory in these scenes is splatted on as heavily as the splodges of mother!’s decorative plaster, they are nonetheless extremely disturbing and bound to massively divide the cinema audience. I think it’s fair to say that this DVD is not going to have “The Perfect Gift for Mother’s Day” as its marketing strapline.

Which all leaves me… where exactly? For the first time in a long time I actually have no idea! This is a film that I was willing to give an “FF” to while I was watching it, but as time has passed and I have thought more on the environmental and religious allegories, and the portrayal of the cult worship prevalent in popular X-factor celebrity, I am warming to it despite my best instincts not to. I’m not religious, but I would love to compare notes on this one with someone with strongly Christian views.
So, I’m actually going to break all the rules (a snake told me to) and not provide any rating below at this time. I might revisit it again at Christmas* to see if I can resolve it in my mind as either a movie masterpiece or over-indulgent codswallop.
* I have, and have decided to give it 4 Fads… its a film I’ve thought about a lot over the last few months.
All or Nothing (Together #3)
All or Nothing (Together #3)
Felice Stevens | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
All or Nothing (Together #3) by Felice Stevens
All or Nothing is the third book in the Together series, and we focus on Gideon's business partner, Rico. Now, Rico is a hard person to pin down, but Adam keeps on trying. For reasons of his own, Rico doesn't get involved with anyone. He scratches an itch occasionally, but that's it. The reasons for that become clear, and you will sympathise with him as he continues to hide part of who he is. Adam is out, both at home and at work, and although he had some rocky moments, it's all good now. Adam and Rico get together for a night, but can it ever be more?

Where to start? I love Felice Stevens' books, they are all heartfelt, with an amazing storyline that pulls you in and refuses to let go until you've finished the story. This isn't a book with a good guy and a bad guy. This is a book where you are rooting for both of them, where you understand the issues, and your heart breaks for both of them whilst you continue to cheer them on and hope for the best. Gideon and Jonah's story also continues, and I'm pleased to report that all is good for them.

Adam and Rico are a couple of guys that will keep your interest. The 'bedroom' scenes are hot, but it is more than that. It is the connection they have, how they are there for each other when others might not bother, and how they just don't give up. All or Nothing will pull on your heartstrings as you desperately turn the pages to find out what happens next.

There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and the pacing was smooth. This is a long book, but it never drags. With characters old and new, and an intriguing story, I have no hesitation in highly recommending this book and series.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
A Court of Wings and Ruin
A Court of Wings and Ruin
Sarah J. Maas | 2017 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (113 Ratings)
Book Rating
The bad guy was destroyed and Feysand lives on. (0 more)
Fake deaths. (0 more)
When is Paraphrasing Bad....Always.
Contains spoilers, click to show
There are a couple reasons why I rated ACOWAR 6 stars. In all honesty, it's the weakest of the three books in the trilogy. In order of strongest to weakest it's: ACOMAF, ACOTAR, ACOWAR.

The first reason: it was rushed. This story would have been 100 times better if she had taken her time and split it into two books. I absolutely adore SJM's writing and her initials are inked on my body forever, so it's not like I'm bashing her writing. I love her. It was just rushed. There were things that would have been better to have been spread out.

The second reason: unnecessary deaths and unnecessary revivals. I won't go into details on that because I don't want to spoil anything specific.

The third reason: this one hurts me the most. I've seen the movie Troy about 432451542 times. (Yes exaggerations.) There were lines from Troy that were paraphrased in this book and that bothers me. It is one thing to get inspired by a movie, it's another to paraphrase it. I will show my work.

-in the meeting with the high lords, Tamlin says something along the lines of ..leave in the middle of the night...blah blah...but Feyre says "The sun was shining when I left you."
--in the movie, Troy, Helen's husband says something along the lines of I see no prince I see someone who would take a man's wife in the middle of the night. Paris responds with "the sun was shining when your wife left you."

My other example:
-Mor and Feyre are standing on a hill watching a battle and Mor is pacing and says "get the men back into lines"
--in Troy, Achilles is on a hill watching a battle and he says "get them back into lines" while Odysseus yells "Get the men back into lines."

It's all small things that would go unnoticed if you didn't watch the movie 53751432 times. So it just bothered me, a lot. I'll still read her work. I'll still love her, but those two scenes bothered me to no end
Lonestar's Lady
Lonestar's Lady
Deborah Camp | 2017 | Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
delightful historical romance
I was gifted my copy of this book, that I write a review was not required.

Gussy travels across the country to find the man she was supposed to marry a liar, and a drunken fellow. Max Lonestar offers Gussy an alternative, one that would get them both what they want. Can Gussy see past Max' history, his prison time, his heritage??

I thoroughly enjoyed this!

Gussy is a bit of a headstrong young lady, and for her time, maybe too much, but she wants what every girl of her age wants: a husband, a permanent home, children. Granted, she went across country as a mail order bride to get what she wants, so maybe not the best way, but Lonestar's alternative is better than a trip home. And let's face it, Lonestar is a much better looking man than her original intended! So she puts her heart and soul, and indeed her body, into making this work, even when Lonestar pushes her away when things get dangerous.

Pulled to Augusta like no woman has ever pulled him, he hopes and prays that this will work, that she will give him what he craves. I liked that he gave her an "out" option should they not be able to work it. I liked that he, and he alone called her Augusta.

It's quite obvious who is causing the trouble to Max and Gussy, to me at least, I just didn't think he would go THAT far! I LOVED that the town pulled together, finally, to help Gussy and Max rebuild.

Not overly explicit, it carries the right amount of steamy stuff that is proper for this book, and for the time this was set. Just enough, I thought! It does carry some prejudices but they were common at that time (some still today!)

Not a difficult read, just one of those books you can fall into and lose a couple hours, I managed to read this in one sitting. But well written, from both Gussy and Max' point of view, so you get to hear from both of them.

Thank you to Ms Camp for my copy, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Destiny (8 KP) rated Virgin in Books

Jan 5, 2018  
Radhika Sanghani | 2014 | Contemporary, Humor & Comedy, Romance
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
made for late bloomers (0 more)
Where I found the book: I found this book at my local library. I wasn’t really looking for anything in particular but this book jumped out at me. I read the synopsis on the back cover and it made me smile.

How it’s written: It’s written in first person from the point of view of Ellie. She’s in her last semester of studies at her university in London (to be honest, I still don’t understand the college/university thing in England) and is totally freaking out about being the only virgin she knows. Sanghani accurately depicts the nervousness and oddities women go through when it comes to sex. It’s a pretty quick and easy read with a couple of laugh out loud moments.

Why I like the book: I was one of those late bloomers that didn’t have sex right away in high school and waited later in college. At first, it was more a religious thing, then a personal choice, then my hormones got the best of me and I was very desperate. Then I got over all of that and met the right guy and we couldn’t keep our hands off of each other.

This book shares a few of the weird questions that arise when women start to think about sex. What should I do with my pubes? Should I let him go down on me? Should I go down on him? How do I hide my teeth? It’s all strange and new and no one wants to talk about it!

Final Thoughts: Ellie kept a lot to herself, often making the poor choices or finding herself in weird situations by not sharing what she thought or felt. It was interesting to see how things played out and how her mounting attraction to the opposite sex eventually leads to a rewarding revelation.

If you or someone you are close to finds themselves in roughly the same situation as Ellie, I suggest honesty. I was upfront and honest about my virginity with my boyfriend. After all, if you can’t be honest with someone that will be inside of you, who can you be honest with?

If you would like to see more of my reviews, check out
Cherish Me (Banger Triolgy #3)
Cherish Me (Banger Triolgy #3)
Donya Lynne | 2018 | Erotica, Romance
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
get the tissues ready, you'll need them!
I AGAIN stress my point: You NEED all three before you start!! Seriously, DO NOT attempt these books til you have all three (book one is currently free Jan 6th 2018)

Book three picks up right where book two leaves off, with that devastating revelation that leaves both Kathrine and Greyson heartbroken. And me, to tell you the truth!

That bawling your eyes I mentioned before?? Here, in flipping buckets! Make sure you have tissues!

It is emotionally draining, reading about what really happened to Greyson dad, and to Katherine's mum. What happened to push his dad to do what he did. What pushed HER dad to do what he did. It's vague, I know, but I work hard NOT to include spoilers! It's just one big mess!

And there, front and centre are two broken hearts. Two people who cannot deal with all this at the moment, but they HAVE to. Two halves of one whole that NEED to be back together, but still there are walls. Walls around her heart, his heart too, that need to be broken down for them to be really happy!

And while it IS heartbreaking reading, it is also amazing watching them both, deal with what's happened. Having their breakdown, and pulling themselves out of that funk and fighting for what they want. Greyson, especially pulls no punches in going after the one thing, the one PERSON who totally makes him whole.

And of course, there are a couple of dramas along the way, that were sprung outta nowhere, and throw everything about, but its great watching Katherine overcome those.

And they do, finally, in a most awesome way, get their happy ever after.

I read this one in one sitting, 90 minutes again!

I'm annoyed with myself, you know?? Because I WAS going to buy these books when they were originally published in 7 parts, and I never got round to it, and I could have had all this awesomeness on my kindle way before now.

So, I can only give this third book the same as the rest,

5 full and shiny stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Forest of a Thousand Lanterns
Forest of a Thousand Lanterns
Julie C. Dao | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fun blend of Fairy Tales and Asian mythology.
You know I love my Fairy Tales! Especially re-imagining the villains. Forest of a Thousand Lanterns is an Asian take on the evil queen from Snow White. The author is a Vietnamese American, and this is her debut novel. She has quite skillfully woven a new origin story for the wicked stepmother in a fantasy land heavily influenced by East Asian mythology and culture. I don't know enough about the individual countries' mythologies to tell you if the influences come specifically from Vietnam, or more generically from the area. I know that their beliefs can vary pretty wildly by locale.

That said, this is another superb debut novel. I'm eager to read the sequel - it's billed as "A Rise of the Empress novel" so I'm sure there will be one or more. Xifeng is a pretty complex character - she is somewhat single-minded in what she wants, but conflicted in what to do to get it. (It being the position of Empress.) I was intrigued by who was chosen to fill the roles of the traditional tale; Xifeng, of course, would be the wicked stepmother. The Fool is Xifeng's version of Snow White, and Xifeng thought for some time that she knew who The Fool was. The reader, of course, knows the Fool must be Snow White, and so not the people who Xifeng suspected. The one that surprised me was the identity of The Huntsman. I won't spoil anything - but he was unexpected.

There's also more going on than just the Snow White plot. There are gods and goddesses and spirits and an underlying war. I am quite eager to see how those play out.

There is a slow spot in the middle - I set the book down for a couple of days before picking it up again, and that's always a sign I'm not as absorbed in the book as I could be. But I did pick it up again and read straight through to the end, so it's not too bad!

If you like Fairy Tales and Asian mythology, this is definitely a neat blend of the two. I really liked it.

You can find all my reviews at