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The boogeyman (2023)
The boogeyman (2023)
2023 | Horror
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Watched today don't watch that many movies at the cinema based on a Stephen King story think the last one was the second part of it as I read the original short story the movie is based on so I knew what the movie was about anyway the movie I liked it even for a movie that realies on jump scares not on gore which I liked by keeping the creature mostly in the dark helpled alot ramped up the fear factor overall good film hope there's a sequel
Eight Legged Freaks (2002)
Eight Legged Freaks (2002)
2002 | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
Contains spoilers, click to show
Story: Eight Legged Freaks starts by showing us the Mike Parker (Terra) visiting Joshua the spider expert of the town who has been feeding his spiders enlarged crickets and of course they now escape. One week later when Mike goes to return his mother Sheriff Samantha Parker (Wuhrer) stops the visit because of waste being dumped into the local watering hole.

With this we get to see the rebellious teenage daughter Ashley (Johansson) who is dating bad boy biker Bret (Czuchry) step-son of Mayor Wade (Rippy) who is trying to cover up the fact the town is nearly broke. Chris McCormick (Arquette) a local who returned to town after his father’s death refusing to sell the mine in a deal which could save the town.

When Mike makes it back to Joshua’s he learns of the super-sized spiders that have been released into this small town, the resident must now fight against the spiders that have infested the town.


Thoughts on Eight Legged Freaks


Characters/Performance – Chris McCormick returns to his hometown to claim what is his, the mine, he also needs to make up for the mistakes he has made and this gives him the perfect chance too. Sheriff Parker is a single mother of two trying to keep the local community together and being the former love interest of Chris. Mike is the expert on everything going on playing out as the reminder to all the different spiders attacking styles. Ashley is the bad girl daughter of Samantha who is mostly trying to discover who she is. We have the rest of the town which includes the conspiracy crazed radio host, the greedy mayor the comic relief deputy.

Performance wise, David Arquette is great in this leading role managing the comedy side of everything as well as the action horror when needed. Kari Wuhrer fits the part of sexy sheriff very well too. Both Scott Terra and Scarlett Johansson are good choices too. The rest of the actors all give good performances to fit the films mentality.

Story – Small town gets invaded by giant spiders thanks to cost cutting measures. We do have a reluctantly hero needing to help save the day but otherwise this is everything you need in a creature feature, plenty of potential victims, plenty of creature and plenty of laughs.

Action/Comedy/Horror – The action is all big and plans into the idea of the comedy being used in the creature feature side of the film.

Settings – The small town setting helps with the story telling here because they have no communication with the outside world after the attack starts and not many escape routes of places to hide.

Special Effects – We have a mix of practical and CGI here which all help create the low budget feel behind this film and while moments have dated other parts are all fun.

Final Thoughts – This is by far one of my favourite creature features out there, it is fun, over the top and filled with perfect comic timing, never trying to be serious.


Overall: Purely fun creature feature.

Darren (1599 KP) rated Seeds (2018) in Movies

Sep 13, 2019  
Seeds (2018)
Seeds (2018)
2018 |
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Marcus has a dark past that he is running from, he returns to his childhood home to escape everything that could cause him problems, this sees him needing to look after his niece and nephew, one of which he has feelings for, but has always pushed away from ever giving into them. He believes his house is haunted which sees him needing to figure out what is real or not. Lily is the 17-year-old niece that has a past close relationship with her uncle, now she has grown up she gets caught in the middle of wanting a new one that does cross the line however wrong she sees it being. Spencer is the younger nephew that needs taking care off, Lily does it most of the time, with his fascination with insects keeping him entertained.

Performances – Trevor Long does give us a disturbing performance, where we see just how conflicted he is through the events of the film, Andrea Chen shines too which is important for her role in the film. Garr Long and the rest of the cast have all done well through the film without taking over from the two leads.

Story – The story follows a man dealing with his past while looking after his niece and nephew, believing there is a creature living in his home. This story can be broken down into dealing with temptation and letting the evil in the world manifesting into a thing of nightmares. If we dive deeper, we will end up going full spoilers. The tone of story is unsettling and disturbing throughout, it almost feels like you want to turn away, but you want to know just what is happening at the same time.

Horror – The horror comes from the visits from the long legged creature in the shadows, it only strikes at night, when Marcus is most vulnerable.

Settings – The film is set in one location, a beach house which shows us just where one man will go for time away from the world to fix his mind.

Special Effects – The effects used to create the creature are creepy and feel like they could come for the people being haunted by them.

Scene of the Movie – The first creature appearance.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – It does get too deep in places.

Final Thoughts – This is a horror that is looking at life and how it decisions can have different results for the people involved.

Overall: Deep horror.

Dean (6925 KP) rated Avatar (2009) in Movies

Sep 21, 2017  
Avatar (2009)
Avatar (2009)
2009 | Action, Comedy, Mystery
Amazing visuals
A great, stunning audio/visual treat for the senses! The story though has been done quiet a few times already it has to be said. It didn't feel like a 2.5 hour film. The level of detail and creativeness in terms of the alien planet Pandora and creature design was great. I can understand the hype for this, it does take a lot of things to the next level. It has some great action scenes. However on the whole the plot is not ground breaking by any means. Still one that has to be seen and experienced!
The Thing (1982)
The Thing (1982)
1982 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Great Sfx and still look good today (0 more)
A classic Horror
This is talked about as one of the best horror films ever made and a timeless classic. It is very good, it has some truly memorable scenes that are still pretty far out 35 years after it was made!!! It has some nice effects to, no CGI here and the creature in its forms looks great. Set in a great location for a horror, a strong cast, good director this can't fail to impress. If you've not seen it yet put it to the top of your want to see list.

BJ (1 KP) rated Bright (2017) in Movies

Dec 28, 2017  
Bright (2017)
Bright (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
The characters were captured in a realistic image. Not something you would see in some child's book, we're talking full-on adult image. It was very easy to imagine these fairytales creature walking in everyday life. (2 more)
Will Smith was a great actor to hold this roll. It wasn't so much his past stardom that pushed him forward, but his well known abilities to make different faces that conincide with certain scenes.
Well worth watching a second time to catch anything you miss the first.
There are some parts that really don't make sense, but could have been added just for extra fodder. (0 more)

Dean (6925 KP) rated Predators (2010) in Movies

Aug 28, 2017  
Predators (2010)
Predators (2010)
2010 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Back to basics
A cool addition to the series which surpasses the AVP films. This is more back to basics to what made the first film so enjoyable but with more Predators and more people to hunt. You only get to see a bit of the alien planet they are located on which was a surprise. However there are some cool fights and good action scenes, the SFX are pretty good. It's predictable but it will please those who liked the original film so much. The second best film to feature the Predator creature to date!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Life (2017) in Movies

Feb 15, 2018  
Life (2017)
Life (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Highly competent SF-horror movie from the modular school of movie scripting (i.e., it's basically Gravity Meets The Thing). Scientists on the ISS bring back microbes from Mars, grow their own alien in the lab - ensuing gribbly creature does not take well to captivity, makes a break for freedom, grisliness follows.

Goes to show that you don't always need originality to make an entertaining movie - yes, it's openly derivative of many other movies, but blends its sources together inventively. Production and actors are both very capable, too. Attempt at a twist ending is somewhat clumsy, but forgivable.
Pitch Black (2000)
Pitch Black (2000)
2000 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Creature feature from the year 2000, starring a then up-and-coming Vin Diesel as the anti-hero Riddick, one of the survivors (that includes Farscape's Claudia Black!) of a crashed spaceship on a planet that has a unique day/night cycle: no nights, except for an eclipse once every 22 years. Which is when the rather nasty nocturnal creatures come out...

Much better than the direct sequel (there's a reason the third film in the mid 2010s went back to this version of the character), with an interesting colour palette and even a nice character arc for Riddick!

Electricspares (29 KP) rated The Cave (2005) in Movies

May 25, 2020 (Updated Jul 7, 2020)  
The Cave (2005)
The Cave (2005)
2005 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
5.3 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The sets are impressive (1 more)
The creatures are mostly cool
Mostly male cast beating their chests at each other (although the majority had good chests to beat) (1 more)
Mostly mild dismay at character deaths
Beautiful caving creature feature
Contains spoilers, click to show
A group of spelunkers are brought into help scientists map a cave system.

The buff cavers and token girl caver arrive and off they go. After finding the remains of a previous caver and a mosaic showing knights vs winged monsters they head off into the cave

The next hour is a lot of swimming, climbing and mauling.

Fun monster film with lots of cool sets.