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The Stars That Guide You Home
The Stars That Guide You Home
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

Now I make no secret of the fact that I am a crier. Christmas TV ads, airport arrivals halls, old men crying, anything has the ability to set me off blubbing! So I am never entirely surprised when I start crying at a book, even my husband doesn’t mock me anymore. But this book? THIS BOOK had me crying the entire way through and just when you thought life for the characters couldn’t get any worse…Jemma Robinson says hold my coat!

Sophia and Tom live in a quaint little farmhouse in the town of Lowshore. Their life is a simple one but their happy marriage practically radiates from the page. However, Sophia never told her husband about her past and that past is about to catch up with her!

Whilst Tom is at work, Sophia is kidnapped from her happy home and forced to live the life that she tried so desperately to escape. Beaten, abused and powerless, Sophia manages to find two people worthy of her trust but will she ever escape? Can she ever regain the life that she used to have with Tom?

The beauty of this book is that it revolves around its characters. There is very little world building here but, honestly, it isn’t needed. Nothing matters to Tom and Sophia except one-another and that is reflected in Jemma Robinson’s writing style.

The characters themselves stay with you long after the final page: Sophia wears her heart on her sleeve, Tom is steadfast and passionately protective, James and Annalise are, in contrast, calm and collected individuals but Edmund is nothing short of a psychopath!

Edmund is no fairytale villain, despite the Lord Farquaad vibes I was getting from him. Robinson’s antagonist wouldn’t be out of place in Game of Thrones: he is truly revolting, controlling and revels in his absolute power over everything and everyone in his kingdom.

The Stars That Guide You Home is marketed as historical romance, not a fairytale, and with its medicine, photographs and labour camps then it does seem too modern to be considered a fairytale. However, I would argue that castles, arranged marriages, medieval torture and absence of any morally grey characters could push this into the category of dark fairytale.

There are a number of trigger warnings within this novel that I want to highlight. This is by no means a YA book – it is definitely Adult Fiction or New Adult at a push. These trigger warnings include rape, physical and mental abuse, animal cruelty, torture (in detail), kidnap, burns, suicide, miscarriage and general violence.

Dark fairytale still doesn’t seem enough… Sinister fairytale might just do it!

The Stars That Guide You Home is simultaneously beautiful, horrifying and inspiring. This book will break your heart over and over again and keep you coming back for more. Thank you to The Book Network for the opportunity to review this amazing novel, and thank you to Jemma, even though you did make me cry for 486 pages!
You'd Be Mine
You'd Be Mine
Erin Hahn | 2019 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was so excited to read this book, because I love country music with all my heart, especially some of the older music that Hahn weaves into this book. I read this on the heels of WHEN IT'S REAL and couldn't help but compare the two. I fell hard for REAL. My reaction for MINE varied, though I still enjoyed it a lot; for sure, the two--while romances--are very dissimilar in many ways.

This book has some really dark tones to it, and both Clay and Annie are struggling with some major demons. Each have dealt with some major sadness in their lives, and Annie's past with her parents is honestly just awful. As a result, this isn't a light, fluffy romance, and it has some surprising emotional depth to it and its characters. Annie, especially, is really easy to like and to root for.

"Everything in me speaks music with a fluent tongue. Surely it's genetic, but my parents certainly haven't done me any favors. If anything, their deaths nearly killed the music in my soul."

As I said, I quite enjoyed the music aspect of the book. Not just the country music part, but the overall fact that the book is centered around a tour. It's really fun to get glimpses into tour life--especially since everyone is so young. Pretty crazy how much responsibility and freedom they all have. There's also a lot of songwriting and emotions displayed through songwriting, which I loved. (Side note: As a child, I always dreamed of being a country singer-songwriter. This was probably due to my intense love of Mary Chapin Carpenter, which lives on to this day. Alas, I cannot carry a tune or read music, so this dream has yet to come to fruition.)

"That's the glorious thing about music. It speaks to the very heart of things in the most absolute and obtrusive way."

The one hard thing for me was that the book got rather repetitive in the middle with both Clay and Annie going on about how they were wrong for each other. It seemed to stall the plot for a while, as I felt like we were waiting for a bit for something to happen. Yes, we realize each was damaged, but it seemed like the book hit on that just a little too much/too often for a while.

Still, this was a really good read. It's very emotional and honestly heartbreaking at times. If you're a music buff, I think you'll enjoy it even more, because of all the musical scenes and songs woven into the book. The characters are very real and go through a lot. There's no insta-romance, and you will root for Annie and Clay, even though you'll want things to move along a bit in the middle. I totally cried at the end, which is a major sign that Hahn did a good job. 3.75 stars, rounded to 4.
The Professional (The Game Maker, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

*I received this copy via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

As a huge fan of Kresley Cole and her Immortals After Dark series, I was interested to see what this new book would be about since it was a contemporary romance.

From the first chapter I was fascinated by Natalie and her “manalyzer”, managing to figure out every guy in the bar just by watching them for a few seconds. That is, apart from Sevastyan who she can’t read and instantly catches her attention. Things quickly move along after this and she get’s spirited away to Russia to meet her family, but not without a few hot–and I do mean HOT–scenes between her and Sevastyan.

One thing I did like about the book was that the author didn’t do the typical Mafiya man as Natalie’s dad. In fact, I quite liked the man that was described; he seemed like a nice guy who had a love of clocks and family.

For the first half of the book it was kind of serene, everything was going well. Okay, that’s not quite true. There’s a sexual tension between Natalie and Sevastyan that despite the distance they’ve put between them is only growing and I have to tell you I couldn’t wait for it to blow.

I feel about now that I should mention that I’m not the hugest fan of erotica; I tend to get bored of the continuous sex. Depending on what’s going on and how much I like the characters is how I judge the scenes between them. I happened to like both Sevastyan and Natalie and the sex between them but the dirty talk while in bed always had my eyes rolling. That, I’m not a fan of.

After the half way point it seemed to concentrate more on the sex and the BDSM lifestyle, which I found a little boring after a while. BDSM is not one of my favourite things to read about and in small doses I don’t mind but it took up a fair bit of the book.

With about 15% to go, I got a little excited as some information came out that had me wondering what Natalie would do with it. Relationship difficulties coming to a head I wanted to know how it would all play out. And after another round of sex, we found out some things about Sevastyan’s past.

I’m glad I read this, simply because Kresley Cole is a great author and I was interested in reading something of hers that wasn’t paranormal. I read books for the romance and like to see it happening on paper/screen. The first half was great, it just wasn’t quite for me with all the sex and BDSM themes running through. If you’re a fan of it, then I’d check this out.
Night's Rose (Night's Rose #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was both refreshing and drab at the same time. I have not read many romance novels that included orcs, trolls, and Dark Fey. It seems that some angry paranormal romance god out there only wants us to read about vampires, werewolves, and crazy chicks specializing in working with the deceased.

Again, another novel easily recognized as a early work of the author. While the plot was fairly simple to understand, it was far more than I hoped for when I picked up this novel. I had grown so used to other paranormal romances and their stale plots that this particular novel did not seem any different. And in a way, it was not. Again, we are presented with another novel about someone trying to take over the world in some way or another. It was how this devious little rebel Fey went about it. I mean, how many people think of manipulating orcs into casting a summoning spell that will bring about a beast so gargantuan that the earth itself was the only prison that could hold it?

The ending was massively confusing, however. One minute we have a battle and this giant trying to break free, and the next page is the epilogue talking about the aftermath. I honestly felt like I was left hanging. But that was not what killed it for me. After the main character, Rose, so adamantly professes her deep love for her husband, Garreth, and her undying need to prove her loyalty and said love for him, in the last pages, she is ponders on whether or not her husband would be okay with having a menage with her and her husband's half brother, Ambrose. It was such a wrench in the plot that I was taken by surprise. I knew that the Rose had feelings for her husband's half-brother before she married, yet, at the same time, I felt that Evans pretty much killed those feelings when she married Rose and Garreth. When, all of sudden, Rose is wanting to have sex with Ambrose, I wanted to reach through the pages and smacked that fool across the face. What was this crazy b**** thinking?!?

Oh, not to mention the scene halfway through the novel when Rose begs Garreth to have sex with her in not so subtle, or ladylike, words. I actually laughed when reading it. I guess that the scene just seems so out of place that it was humorous.

Other than the few out place scenes, I really enjoyed this novel. About three fourths way through, the building of the plot finally climaxed, fizzling out as it does so, but, by that point, Evans has revealed all of her twist in the plot and the only thing left to do is gracefully end the novel. Once all the juicy little secrets have been laid on the table, the novel becomes slow and difficult to finish, but is a worthwhile novel from a budding author. I could have done without the Sleeping Beauty theme though. I love fairy tales interpreted for adults, but I felt this novel would have been even better without it.
Dead Perfect
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My Summary: Shannah is going to die. She has a blood disease that none of the doctors can identify, and she only has months to live. She’s on her last month, possibly her last week… she hates to think it’s her last day, but it sure feels like it. She has been watching the strange tall, dark (and hansom) man for several months, and is convinced that he is a vampire (though she’s not exactly sane when she makes that decision). She goes to him seeking immortality, but collapses in near death on his front porch. When she wakes up, she feels better. What did he do that healed her? She’s not a vampire, but even the doctors couldn’t heal her… then there’s the fact that she’s pretty sure that she’s falling in love with him. but Ronan’s healing doesn’t last forever… and Shannah has to make a hard choice.

Ronan is five hundred and thirteen years old. He has never loved anyone in his life, but when Shannah comes to his door he takes her into his house and begins to heal her in his own special way. But then he accidentally falls in love with her. That causes problems—when your mortal soulmate is going to die soon and she isn’t sure she wants to be a leach her whole life. If he changes her against her will, will she hate him forever? Are his only choices letting her die and losing her, or changing her and losing her?

And then there’s that whole problem with a vampire hunter tracking down Ronan… and trying to kill him.

My Thoughts—at first glimpse, this seemed so twilight-ish. But once I started reading it I got out of my vampire stereotype and enjoyed this book quite a lot. I was at the library and dying for a light-hearted vampire romance (because I was just in that mood) so I picked it up. It’s a very quick read, and very sweet.

The Plot—the plot moved quickly, though at one point a thought crossed my mind, “there isn’t much story here, how is the author dragging it out into 345 pages and is still managing to keep it interesting?” although the plot seemed a little simple, it held my attention very well.

The Characters—I loved the characters in this book. Shannah was depicted as a desperate-to-do-anything-to-keep-alive kind of girl, to the point that she was willing to live with a vampire. Ronan had so much passion and love for this poor girl that it made him endearing. I love how he’d always call her “love.” It was so sweet. Jim Hewitt, the hunter, was a character that you just didn’t like one bit—a strong willed jerk who, although he thought he was doing the right thing, even that he was doing it to keep Shannah safe, I didn’t like him and I felt sorry for him. Though, in my opinion, I liked what happened to him at the end ;)

The writing—There were a lot of really good descriptions in this book, I was able to see everything that the author said in beautiful detail. There wasn’t any graphic sex, though there were a few scenes at the end, but it was brief. There were a few re-used phrases in the book though, and that gets annoying. (My sister and I call this the JMG Syndrome, or “Jenny McGrady” syndrome, because of a series we read when we were younger. Jenny was always feeling “like she got slugged in the stomach”. The phrase was used several times in all fifteen books. It got old really fast.) Shannah had many kissed “brushed across her brow” in this book. But besides that, the writing was warm and welcoming.

My Recommendation: I recommend this book to anyone who likes a good paranormal romance, vampires, or just a romance in general. Ages 16+, only because of the frequency of sex at the end of the book (though I will say that the vampire held fast to abstinence, so that was encouraging.) there wasn’t any foul language, and I really liked that! I hate books that have so much language that I feel dirty reading it. But this book was very clean.

The House of Mountfathom
The House of Mountfathom
Nigel McDowell | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Family, Adventure and Magic
Family, adventure and magic. A perfect combination for this middle grade book. The House of Mountfathom is set in Ireland during times of unrest. The Driochta, always peacekeepers, must choose a side to survive.

My favourite aspect was how alive the house felt as it was so full of magic. The House of Mountfathom seemed like another member of the family almost like it had a mind of it's own. There was so much time given to explaining the house, magic and family though, that it reduced the actual plot to the second half of the book.

The House of Mountfathom has a strong focus on family. The Mountfathom family are the protagonists of the book. The Order of Driochta are another kind of family. There's no romance subplot which was a big plus point for me.

Another thing was that the house was in Ireland. I cant think off the top of my head another book I've read based in Ireland. The introduction of both historical aspects and folklore was great. There's also a distinct discussion about class systems. The 'big houses' aka the upper class in Ireland are in trouble, including the Mountfathom house, even though they're trying to keep the peace.

A problem I had was the format seemed odd, I assume it would be best in a printed book. My kindle seemed to push everything together and it was difficult to discern between chapters. The illustrations would have also worked much better within a book. Since this was an e-ARC though, I wouldn't take that into account.

Another problem is the book doesn't seem quite finished. Understandable as Nigel McDowell passed away in February. Although the ambiguous ending does give something towards the mysterious aspect of the book as a whole.

I really enjoyed how McDowell described the hows of magic. The first part of the book follows Luke as he grows up and learns magic. The five principles are distinct in how Luke learns them. I would compare The House of Mountfathom to Lemony Snicket and Neil Gaiman's Coraline. It was a bit dark and creepy in places. Full of intrigue and magic.
Good Riddance
Good Riddance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Daphne has just inherited her mother's yearbook from the class of 1968 at Pickering High School in New Hampshire. That year her mother was not only the English teacher, but also the yearbook advisor. Mrs. Maritch has gone to every reunion and each year she has added notations to the yearbook to all of the students. Daphne has no need or room for the yearbook in her small New York City apartment, so she puts it in the recycling. A neighbor who is also a budding documentarian finds the yearbook, and is determined to make a movie with her findings. When Daphne finds out a dark secret at the 50th reunion they attend, she will stop at nothing to make sure the yearbook is not made public. With family secrets around each corner, Daphne will try her best to keep her mother's legacy in tact and her father's heart from being broken.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I remember the thrill of getting my yearbook from middle school all through high school and having all of my friends sign it. I don't think that I ever had or even wanted any of my teachers to sign it though. And I've been to one or two of my reunions and I surely didn't go back and makes notes on what everyone is up to now.

This was a quirky story that had quite a few different elements in it. A little bit of romance, some mystery, and an annoying neighbor. Daphne is newly divorced and trying to find her way in New York City. Her apartment is small and there isn't any room for much more than her. She is going to school to be a chocolatier, but that's not really working out. She tries going back to teaching at Montessori school which she did before she was married. But with the contents of the yearbook and rumors about her mother maybe reaching the public Daphne's plate seems to be overflowing. Can she keep her mom's legacy alive and keep herself from going crazy at the same time?
I received an ARC edition of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

As the title says, this is book 2 in the Eternal Mates series and as such I recommend reading Kissed by a Dark Prince first, although this is not altogether necessary.

A lunar month has passed since the end of Book 1 and during that time Sable has been dreaming of King Thorne but keeps telling herself that she isn't interested. She is aiming to be Commander in Archangel and is determined to make the mission to help King Thorne a success - but only for career options, of course! Thorne has also been dreaming of Sable and knows that she is his fated female but is at a loss on how to proceed. During which time he is also trying to find a way to stop his kingdom from being overrun and how to improve his subjects' lives (if they survive the coming battle).

Felicity Heaton has written another fantastic series that you can lose yourself in. There are aspects of most characters that you can either relate to or admire... and trust me, I did a lot of admiring of Thorne! But with elves, werewolves, dragons and vampires there is someone there to interest everyone. And I just have to say that I love how the Vampire Erotique Theatre makes a show (another fantastic series if you haven't read it yet).

This book has everything from shapeshifters, vampires, demons (obviously) to war, battles, portals and angels. It is a book to immerse yourself in and not come up for air until you've finished it. Claimed by a Demon King is smoking hot and if Thorne is inexperienced, then all the angels in heaven won't be able to help Sable once he gets some experience under his belt! A perfect blend of innocence and pure, unadulterated male who has found his match in Sable. May the gods help Hell, because with this pair, anything is possible.

Highly recommended for all fans of Paranormal Romance and Felicity Heaton.