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David McK (3496 KP) rated The Batman (2022) in Movies

Apr 3, 2022 (Updated Oct 23, 2022)  
The Batman (2022)
The Batman (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Crime
"I am vengeance!"

First debuting in DC Comics, 1939, and now one of the most popular superheroes of all, amongst the 'holy trinity' of Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman

It's often forgotten and/or overlooked in his numerous movies to date that those initials (DC) actually stand for Detective Comics, with Batman - on the pages - sometimes also known as The Worlds Greatest Detective.

This is the first of his movies that I can think of where that aspect of his character is portrayed - sure, there hints of it in 1989s Batman, but only hints. Here it's full force, front and centre, with Batman - only his second year as a Vigilante - working alongside Jim Gordon and a proto-Catwoman to track down and apprehend the serial killer known only as The Riddler, who is leaving clues behind at all his kills.

A very different portrayal of that character than Jim Carrey's version in 'Batman Forever'.

This is also a very long film - nearly 3 hours - that, I felt, is in danger of outstaying it's welcome, with very little in the way of superheroics. More of a police whodunnit with costumed characters, maybe. There's also a perfect 'cutting-off' point at just after the third act, with - I guess? - a studio mandate for the fourth act tacked on, which is probably more along the lines of what to expect from a Batman movie.

As for Robert Pattinson as The Caped Crusader? I kept expecting him to sparkle. Unfair, I know (to type cast him as the vampire from Twilight), but I do think he may have swung too far in the other direction when portraying Bruce Wayne; here very much an emo goth kid rather than the swaggering heir to the fortune he is oft shown as. In fact, there's very little of Bruce on display: he spends most of his time, in costume, as Batman. This was a conscious decision, or so I have heard, to show how Bruce is in danger of losing himself to that persona. I'm also struggling to think of a single key 'stand-out' moment in line with 'Batman Begins' rescuing Rachel or 'The Dark Knight' "he's the Hero we need ..." bit: the Penguin car chase, perhaps?

So, yeah, a very different cinematic take on The Dark Knight, indeed.
The Confession Tapes - Season 1
The Confession Tapes - Season 1
2017 | Crime, Documentary
Brilliantly executed and produced (0 more)
Having to wait for another series (0 more)
Traumatic watch, another brilliant true crime series
I have to say I was deeply traumatised watching this astounding yet disturbing series on confessions. Netflix have showcased another incredible documentary series about police misconduct and failings of the judicial process in these six cases.

Like Making A Murderer, it is well produced and directed leaving only the voices of those involved in these cases within the documentaries. However, it looks at one case per 45 minute episode bar the first episode which is spread across two. And it's relentless. Police techniques in questioning the accused range from psychological torture to even what appears to be hypnosis.

The cases itself are horrific. From confessing to the murder of your family, and your children, to brutal murders that led to an entire neighbourhood in Washington DC to break apart after convicting nine innocent teenagers. And no other leads are followed, and it's all based on circumstantial evidence. It makes you really question if you can trust the system. Watch it with caution as it can be harrowing.
Power Rangers (2017)
Power Rangers (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Everything is better than the show because they got a better budget and better actors. (1 more)
References to the shows universe and legacy are littered throughout this movie see if u can spot them all
Basically the very first episode of power rangers but updated and expanded upon which isn't necessarily a bad thing but letting u know that it's not a new team just a reimagining (1 more)
Only the last half is power Rangers stuff which is understandable because it's an origin story so be warned in case ur expecting ranger stuff throughout
How a power rangers movie should be!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Overall this movie was mixed for me I didn't hate it but I didn't like it way I can describe it is if DC got ahold of it.

The movies fine but don't expect too much from it also be aware this is a reimagining of the mighty Morphin Power rangers first episode so it's not a new team or a sequel to a season just it's own thing.

The cast owns it in this movie especially the blue ranger billy. Also the suits look awesome and the megazord is pretty awesome too.
Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?
Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?
Alan Moore, Curt Swan | 1985 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hmmmm ... how best to describe this?

Perhaps the foreword puts it best: released back in the mid-80s, this is (now) effectivel a 'what-if', with the central conceit being that this was a story told by Lois to a Daily Planet reporter about Superman's Last Days.

I say a 'What-if' as, obviously, the Man of Steel is still around today: at the time this was released, however, DC was going through a major 'cleaning of the house'; retconning and throwing out over 50 years worth of backstory for their various properties in an attempt to reset the switch; to go back to basics (as it were). As such, it was possible (just) that this very well could have been the last Superman story ever written.

Unlike some of Moore's other works ([b:Batman: The Dark Knight Returns|59960|Batman The Dark Knight Returns (The Dark Knight Saga, #1)|Frank Miller||1104159]The Dark Knight Returns, for example, or even [b:Watchmen|472331|Watchmen|Alan Moore||4358649]Watchmen), this does show it's age somewhat; very much having a 'Silver Age' feel to it.
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Great actors (2 more)
Amazing cinematography
Best sfx in marvel since Dr Strange
Twist you can see coming if you know the characters (0 more)
Swinging success
No spoilers. Just a quick review this time round. I really enjoyed this film, it works well with the tone of MCU post Endgame.

The cinematography is amazing and very well do. Worth paying extra to watch in IMAX. All the actors perform their characters outstanding and Jake Gyllnhall is amazing as Mysterio. Showing again another Interesting marvel character in a newer MCU light.

There are plenty of laughs as there have always been with spidey on the big screen. There is just something about Holland that makes him the perfect Spider-man, cheeky and awkward, noble and cocky. Just enough broodiness to be relatable. Unlike certain other animal theme super heroes (not Ant-Man).

Marvel however like DC do love a good old nod to the past and fans of the Raimi Trilogy will get a kick of the mid credits scene.

All I can say is bring on phase 4, on and marvel/ Disney give us the pairing we all want. Holland and Reynolds
Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Crime
Garish and frantic comic book movie basically does your head in for nearly two hours. Never mind doing a Batman movie without Batman, now they've done a Joker movie without the Joker: annoying homicidal pole-dancer Harley Quinn breaks up with he of the green hair and gets mixed up in a hunt for a diamond-shaped McGuffin involving various other obscure and mostly female Batman characters. Full of movement and some not bad action choreography, but the plot is a disjointed mess and it's hard to escape the impression that the producers are treating you like an idiot.

Robbie's performance is basically just irritating; not sure whether this is entirely intentional or not. Ewan McGregor is definitely just bad, but the script is to blame anyway: when the writers appear to believe it's cool and funny to break someone's legs on a whim, it's hard to take them seriously when they try to take the high ground on any moral issue, as they also do. Amoral, superficial, and sadistically violent in places; generally quite dim-witted and depressing. Undoes all the good work of recent movies in detoxifying the DC brand: come back Zach Snyder, all is forgiven.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated Shazam! (2019) in Movies

Mar 22, 2020  
Shazam! (2019)
Shazam! (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Could've been better
Shazam has been on my box to watch for quite some time, and after finally being persuaded to watch it I have to say I'l was a little unimpressed.

This is a very child orientated and almost childish film, which for me was a surprise considering it's set in the DC universe. Understandable to a point as the main character is a 14 year old child, but some of the silly childish jokes and the very super cheesy family friendly final act made me cringe. There were some decent laughs and these mainly came from Zachary Levi acting like a teenager. Levi shines in this film and if it wasn't for him this film would've been pretty dire. Even the usually reliable Mark Strong was wasted in this, and his villain wasn't particularly evil - although the effects used for the seven deadly sins were quite impressive.

Overall this was a rather underwhelming film that dragged on for a little too long. Whilst I didnt hate it as it did at least raise a few laughs, it's not a film I'd rush to watch again.