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Sarah (7798 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan in Video Games

May 29, 2020  
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
2019 | Horror
A thrilling play
Games like this dont appeal to everyone. It's not full of action, beating people up or a massive open world full of free play. It also doesnt drag on for 40+ hours. However for people like me who struggle with those type of games, Man of Medan is a breath of fresh air.

I'd previously played and rather enjoyed Until Dawn, and I'm pleased to say this follows much in the same vein although it's probably a much shorter story. Graphically this is very impressive looking and like Until Dawn, they've thrown in yet another recognisable face (this time it's Shawn Ashmore aka Bobby from X-Men). The characters look amazing and the setting too. The story too is a good and interesting one, although it does feel a little similar to other stories (like Ghost Ship) and may be a tad predictable. We worked out what was going on well before the third act. That said, I still found it to be absolutely terrifying. Playing a game like this is a lot scarier than watching any horror film!

The gameplay works really well. The fact that you can play this with friends, either online or couch co-op, adds another fun dimension to it all. The decision making also means that there are so many different endings and outcomes (I believe there's over 60 possible ways for the characters to die) that the replayability is surprisingly better than you'd expect. Admittedly it would probably get a bit tedious trying to uncover absolutely everything and all possible outcomes, but playing a few times over is still enjoyable.

The only downsides are the lag and load issues. Most likely due to the decision making process and actions, there is a noticeable lag in some of the cut scenes and movements which is bearable but can noticeably affect the smooth running of the game. There's also the characters themselves. They look great, but they're very cliched and have very little personality or interest too them. And the script is a little cheesy at times which only further impacts with a slight dislike of the characters. Part of me actually wanted to kill them all off...

Overall a great story and an interesting game to play, if you're looking for something a little different.
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
2017 | Fantasy, Musical, Romance
I was personally really excited to watch the live action Beauty and the Beast. It was my favorite Disney movie growing up, and I'm a huge Emma Watson fan, so I figured nothing could go wrong. I ended up not being overly impressed. There were some good things about it, of course. The CGI was impressive, the music was excellent, and everyone other than Emma Watson were extremely talented singers.

That is where my first complaint comes into play. In my opinion, the Disney Princess shouldn't be the least talented person in the film. Her voice was very clearly edited and it sounded bad. Along with that, I feel like Emma Watson made some other mistakes that took away from the movie. I'm aware that she was involved in making costume decision for her role, and I think she made a huge mistake. Frankly, Belle's dress was a disappointment to me, and many of the other things she wore were unimpressive as well in comparison to the elegant gowns worn by everyone else.

The added backstory for Belle also seemed forced and unnecessary to me. It was underdeveloped and didn't really need to be there.
Rebel Heart (Dust Lands, #2)
Rebel Heart (Dust Lands, #2)
Moira Young | 2012 | Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I didn't like this as much as the first. I wanted more Jack!

That being said, it was another riveting adventure across the hard world they live in and I enjoyed it.

Meeting back up with old friends and making new ones was cool. The Free Hawks are a great bunch and seeing Maev and Ash again was nice. I cant quite remember Creed but he made it all a bit more light-hearted with his flirting.

Lugh has been annoying me since he came back at the end of the last one and he didn't endear himself to me at all in this one, though at the end of the book I understand his feelings but that doesn't excuse him for the rest of the story.

DeMalo was also a little strange. And Saba's decision about two thirds through the book annoyed me too. Why would you do that?!?!

Jack got mixed up in trouble as usual but I still love his and Saba's relationship and I so hope they get some sort of HEA in the third book.

P.S. What's happening with that heart-stone??
The Bottle Imp
The Bottle Imp
1995 | Card Game
So much deeper strategy that it appears (1 more)
every round is tense
three players is a tough player count (0 more)
Exceptional 3 player trick taking game.
This is the kind of game every person should own. It's simple, and easy to play, and yet is really tense and you are making fun decisions. Someone at the table is getting screwed, will it be you. You push your luck for a few more points, or play it safe. The simple mechanism of making the "trump" the highest low card. and then that becomes the new bar you have to play below to activate the trump. But it also gives you the bottle, and if you end up with the bottle at the end of the round you get none of the points you collected and the card people put in the middle at the start are your negative points. You can also "Control your destiny" by passing three cards from your hand, one to the left, one to the right and one you bury in the middle" At first this seems like an easy choice, but then you see the are layers to that decision. This is the kind of game with lots of ah-ha moments and I would say the first play reveals some, the 2nd play reveals more and by the time you have played 3 or 4 hands, you probably love the game as much as I do now. It's worth the $20, this will be in my collection a long time. I'm very strongly considering creating a 6 player version of this game, we have lots of game nights with 6 and almost none with 3. I'd love to get this game out more often.

Beetle Rider (341 KP) Sep 23, 2018

Sounds good. I’ll try to find it.

Draft Day (2014)
Draft Day (2014)
2014 | Drama
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Draft Day wants to be the Moneyball of the National Football League. Probem is, Moneyball was based on a true story. Draft Day is pure fiction and it’s not particularly good fiction. Sure, there are realistic elements of what goes on behind the scenes on draft day, but the story that surrounds makes you wonder if this was really the best they could come up with to shine the spotlight on one of the biggest days of the year for football fans and NFL prospects.

Sonny Weaver (Kevin Costner) is a general manager of the Cleveland Browns. Now that’s a real team, although many people would question that fact. Weaver manages to acquire the number one draft pick on draft day and the movie is essentially about him trying to decide who to pick. Focusing on three potential players, Sonny has the heavy responsibility of making the right choice.

In addition to facing this daunting task of making the right decision for his team, Sonny is also wrestling with personal issues, such as a secret girlfriend and living up to his father’s legacy. There are plenty of cameos of stars of the NFL and Roger Goodell weighs in as the NFL commissioner. There were scenes that seemed meaningless in a sense but there’s a twist if you remain interested.

To the casual football fan this might be entertaining. To diehard fans, you probably know most of the goings on behind the scenes on draft day. It’s a backstage view in the day of the life of a GM trying to juggle his way through business and personal decisions on a big stage while facing a ticking clock. The movie does drags here and there but if you need a hit of the NFL drug while waiting for the next season, this might tide you over.
Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic
Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic
David Frum | 2018 | History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A thoughtful, well-argued factual account of the US presidency
I actually enjoyed this rather Republican perspective of the Trump administration, especially as it seems to be less sensationalist than Michael Wolff's controversial book, @Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.

Former George W. Bush speechwriter, David Frum, writes about the biggest threat to democracy in a factual, scholarly way without resorting to tabloid remarks. Frum carefully builds his argument using well-recognised sources from across the political, historical and media spectrum.

While he is clearly not a fan of the President, his critique mostly focusses on how Trump distorts and uses his power unconstitutionally, attempting to subvert institutions for his own benefit. But he also criticises those around him who have helped him stay in power such as Paul Ryan and Michael Flynn. What is worrying is the increase of military personnel and financiers who surround him, similar to those of many authoritarian nations, who exacerbate irrational decision-making.

He speaks about his voter base which also includes swathes of young white men, who are disillusioned and care less about religion and sexism - hence why Hillary Clinton was unable to change their minds. It is a well-argued, eye-opening book that does not resort to character bashing.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Aquaman (2018) in Movies

Dec 22, 2018 (Updated Dec 22, 2018)  
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
CGI/VFX (0 more)
I was expecting this movie to be a clusterf*** if I'm being honest. the trailers made it look really hokey. BUT, this movie was super entertaining. Of course, it was predictable, as most mainstream films are, but I wasn't super annoyed by it. It was a big, slightly dumb, fun film.
The action was good. The VFX/CGI made this entire film, and... cough, cough, Marvel take note because the CGI in the last 3rd of Black Panther and last battle scene in IW were a cluster from a VFX standpoint.
Do you want fighting underwater? Some dude in a weird helmet with daddy issues? A slight Indiana Jones vibe for around 30 minutes? Some big d*** energy from Aquaman? Then, this is the film for you.
I don't even like Amber Heard, but she was one of my favorite characters. I don't think Aquaman really had to save her throughout the movie. Jason Momoa was definitely the right person to pull off Aquaman without making him super weird.
The only weird casting decision was Patrick Wilson... Anytime I see him in films, I think of that super weird/awkward sex scene in Watchmen, which forever scarred me...I will gladly go see this at least one more time before it leaves theaters.
Sorry We Missed You (2019)
Sorry We Missed You (2019)
2019 | Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Another fiercely committed piece of social drama from Ken Loach. The husband and father of a family on the breadline takes a job as a delivery driver in the so-called 'gig economy'; meanwhile, his wife is on a similar zero-hours contract for her work as a carer. The sheer relentless grind of the work and the ceaseless stress that accompanies it - along with the gradual realisation that they have no rights or protection - slowly tears the family apart.

A fairly typical Loach movie, in that it doesn't really aspire to entertain, nor does it attempt to be impartial. The film's thesis - that zero-hours contracts and the gig economy are just mechanisms to exploit the most vulnerable section of the workforce - is left implicit, but is put across with the customary power. This is no-frills film-making, and rough around the edges in places - but the decision to cast non-professionals in key roles pays off as they give deeply affecting performances. I have seen movies about homeless children in Syria which were less emotionally wrenching to watch than this one. An angry film, and one which seeks to communicate that anger to the audience; quite possibly a very important film, but not at all easy viewing.
A Life Once Dreamed
A Life Once Dreamed
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Life Once Dreamed… Even the name is sigh-worthy…

I think I fell in love with the characters from the first chapter. Both Agnes and James show emotion in tangible ways with strength and love in every move, every decision that they make. It is like a dream. Agnes is like a pillar of strength through every hardship thrown at her she continually relies on God’s guidance and selfless nature. James is described as a tall, dark, and handsome... plus, he is a doctor. I mean with that combination; how can a woman go wrong? But he is so much more than that. His character, patience, and love shine through everything. Both characters grew in this book as if they were growing into themselves. I truly loved theses characters, and not even mentioning the secondary characters… wow. The town, the history, the setting, all rolled together make this a must-read book that needs to make it onto your reading list this fall!

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the characters, the writing style, and for making my heart go soft.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Morning Hour by Ed Carlsen
Morning Hour by Ed Carlsen
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Although he professionally trained as a guitarist, Ed Carlsen ultimately began to translate his skills onto piano, honing a versatile performance style in conjunction with his studies on the guitar. Eventually completing his studies in Music Technology at the London College of Music, Ed is now sharing his artistic vision with the world after spending some time making music for film and visual media.

Morning Hour is his third album, set for a September 27th release date on Canadian ambient/instrumental imprint Moderna Records. Words is a fine example of minimal electronic music, and showcases an understated and ambient production style with a core of 16th note repeats that shimmer like stars on a lake. The soul of this work is rooted in life-experience: the exploration and the anxiety that comes from losing some one close to you, as well as the difficult decision to leave the darkness behind for a new light. The music video for Words, the latest from Ed Carlsen, is a behind-the-scenes look at the machinery of personal redemption. As we examine the way that an aesthetic of downtempo can be applied to the visual dimension, we are left with a lasting sense of ordered chaos.