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LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of The Outer Worlds in Video Games

Jul 9, 2020  
The Outer Worlds
The Outer Worlds
2019 | Action/Adventure, Role-Playing, Shooter
The Outer Worlds had me excited from the moment it was announced - a space fairing RPG from the makers of Fallout: New Vegas was enough to do that.

Obsidian have successfully created a charming and colourful universe I'm which is stupidly easy to get lost in. It has a cartoon-ish look to it, but the graphics are top level. The environments available to explore are frequently breath taking, and the game boasts some great creature designs to battle as you explore alien habitats.
It plays not too dissimilar to a Fallout title. Being an RPG, there are menus a-plenty to rifle through, but they have an appealing asthethic, and are relatively simple once understood, so they never feel like a chore.
The combat is fairly similar as well, but I would argue that it's smoother than Fallout ever has been.
The plot is engaging and has many different paths to take - I've only had one playthrough so far, but I can't wait to start a second (where I'll be acting like a dick for the most part), and all the characters you meet along the way are memorable. The writing is fantastic - the dialogue is frequently funny, and is a big factor in why this game is so easy to love.
Like many RPGs these days, you can have companions with you. Recruiting a crew to join your adventure is something I absolutely LOVE about the Mass Effect series, so it was nothing but a pleasure to experience something similar here - each potential recruit comes with a set of loyalty missions and everything!
To top the whole thing off, it has an amazing musical score to accompany your journey.

I really don't have anything negative to say about The Outer Worlds. I've heard talk about some DLC in the future which is exciting, but I really hope Obsidian carry it on into a franchise. I'll be there on day one!

Alexis Taylor recommended Arise Therefore by Palace Music in Music (curated)

Arise Therefore by Palace Music
Arise Therefore by Palace Music
1996 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I first heard the record in Joe's [Goddard, Hot Chip] house, and I think we would have been about 16 or something. He'd been told about Palace by Kieran [Hebden, Four Tet], and we would all go to the Beggar's Banquet record shop in Putney after school, and buy and listen to things in there. We'd buy hip-hop, different indie records and pop albums. It was particularly good for hip-hop, and these lo-fi indie rock records. That's where we bought the album, and we were in Joe's room where we would work on Hot Chip recordings, and it sounded so different to anything I'd ever heard before, because it's so slow-paced. Will Oldham's voice is so unusual when you hear it, and particularly at that time before he'd developed into being slightly more well-known, his voice was particularly eccentric - it cracks in some interesting ways; it's not a formally trained voice - over that sparse piano and drum machine backing. The song that I first heard was 'You Have Cum In Your Hair And Your Dick Is Hanging Out' - a memorable title! The song doesn't have those words in it. It's just a beautiful heartbreaking ballad, and it's hard to know sometimes what that dense lyrical terrain is all about with Will Oldham. Some of the symbolism is quite hard to read, but it makes an emotional impact straight away. It took me a long time to get to know that record. I bought my own copy in Lancaster when I went to visit a friend at university, and I just kept going back to it. Each time there would be another song that I would get to know and love. I had a long car journey with all of Hot Chip, and some friends of ours from a festival recently, and we listened to the record, and it was another breakthrough where it became more meaningful to me."


Mick Hucknall recommended Led Zeppelin 2 by Led Zeppelin in Music (curated)

Led Zeppelin 2 by Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin 2 by Led Zeppelin
1969 | Rock
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I listen to this record all the way through - even 'Moby Dick'. To me it encapsulates the Led Zeppelin sound, because the engineering on it is so magnificent. The fact that a four-piece band can sound so vast. Obviously there are great tracks on III and IV. But I feel that II is the most complete album. It's amazing to find out they recorded it mostly on tour. Extraordinary. It sounds like it was recorded in one room. I think it's accounted for by the fact they just sound like that. They just sound that magnificent. I was not a huge fan of the first album. I remember reading the story about how, I think it was Glyn Johns again, the story about him playing it to George Harrison, and George Harrison didn't really get it. I wonder if he had played him Zeppelin II he'd have got it. I is not my favourite. On II it felt fully realised. They'd pulled away from that influence of blues; it was still there, but they'd merged it into their own thing. Which again I think is something that people don't associate with Simply Red – we've been enormously influenced by African American music, but we've been influenced by it from a different era. The marriage between black and white started with Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra and George Gershwin and all these people that ran through music, right through to Elvis, to Jagger, to Robert Plant – we've all in our own ways been enormously influenced by African American music. But the real thing to celebrate is that we made something different out of it. We didn't just copy it. The British especially turned it into something else. It became what we now know as rock music. The Beatles and the Stones are the people who can justifiably claim to have invented what we know as rock music. Not rock & roll, not R&B, not blues, but rock. And that is something to celebrate."

Second Time Around
Second Time Around
H.A. Caine | 2019
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Genre: Contemporary, LGBTQ

Word Count: 8,140

Average Goodreads Rating: 2.67/5 stars

My Rating: 3/5 stars

Second Time Around is a story about mistaken identities. Jamie meets the man of his dreams, Matthew, at a party celebrating the opening of his new bakery. Better yet, Matthew seems to be into him. There’s just one problem: there’s a good chance Matthew is heterosexual and thinks Jamie is a girl.

You can read this book for free on Smashwords

Misunderstanding and mistaken identities can make for good stories. And Second Time Around isn’t an exception. The plot kept me intrigued throughout the whole story.

Jamie and his roommate John are both fantastic characters. I love John’s open-mindedness and his loyalty to his friend, and I love how Jamie is able to open up his own bakery and be himself instead of conforming to society’s rules.

I really wish I saw more of Matthew.

Unfortunately, I can’t get a read on his character because he’s barely in the story. You don’t actually see Matthew meeting Jamie at the party, it’s just talked about later.

Don’t get me wrong, Matthew seems all right. Aside from waiting two freaking weeks to talk to Jamie about the incident at the bakery. What the hell, dude? Yeah, you might have just met Jamie, and you need to talk to your brother about some things, but two weeks to check on somebody after that is excessive.

But that’s my only complaint about Matthew.

I really wish this story was longer and we got to see more of everyone, especially what happens to Matthew and Jamie, and what happens when Jamie meets Matthew’s brother. If it was longer, I might have gotten more attached to the characters and felt more about them. However, as is, it’s not a bad read, especially if you need a mood booster. So I only took off two stars for the length of the book and Matthew’s dick move.
Saving Meghan
Saving Meghan
D.J. Palmer | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
7.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Although this is billed as a thriller, I personally saw it as more of a family/medical drama/mystery. That said, it was still an excellent read, and all I wanted to know was WHAT IS WRONG WITH MEGHAN?

If you don’t want certain things ruined for you, please read no further.

First things first: I figured out pretty early on that, if indeed Meghan was being poisoned – though I wasn’t yet convinced of that – the poison was obviously in the chicken soup. Every time the soup was mentioned, I’d say out loud “It’s in the soup!” and not once did I doubt myself. ? It’s not revealed until very close to the end of the story, but it was definitely my “I knew it!” moment.

As for whether or not I chose to #BelieveBecky or #ProtectMeghan, I’d say it was equal parts both throughout the story. I pretty much believed Becky right from the beginning, while simultaneously wanting to protect Meghan. I honestly thought Becky’s father Carl was the one poisoning her. Aside from the fact that he’s a total dick, he just seemed to jump on the “her mother must be hurting her” train pretty quickly for someone who’s Becky’s HUSBAND. We find out later that he was cheating on her anyway – and with one of Meghan’s doctors – so, douchebaggery confirmed.

What did surprise me was who the perpetrator turned out to be: Dr. Amanda Nash, the GI doctor who began the whole process of removing Meghan from her home because she suspected “medical child abuse,” or Munchausen Syndrome by proxy. ? I mean, I knew something was off about her, but I couldn’t figure out what. Turns out she was banging Carl and wanted both Becky and Meghan out of the way. I was not sad when Carl got what he absolutely deserved, nor when Dr. Nash got hers.

Saving Meghan kept me engaged, and was topped off with a pretty satisfying ending, which is something that has been missing from some of my more recent reads.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press for the ARE, and the awesome holographic bookmark!
Ocean's Twelve (2004)
Ocean's Twelve (2004)
2004 | Action, Comedy, Drama
That moment when all the ingredients that should have made Cordon Bleu curdle and, instead, turn to liquid shit...
Contains spoilers, click to show
The follow up to the remake of 'Oceans Eleven' this is one of the best examples of Hollywood producers not knowing when to leave well enough alone, and trying to cash in on the success of an earlier film with trite rubbish.

It has all the technical quirks of the first that gave that film it's 'feel' but this is the proof that making a good film is like making a good quiche - you can have all the right ingredients but if you don't do it properly you just end up with a plate full of sludge.

It also helps to have a plot. What passes for the plot in this film is so absurd that it can't sustain a film even as lightweight as this.

Don Cheadle is still speaking his rather quaint Dick-Van-Dykelish, and the two brothers are still squabbling, but the other characters all seem to have undergone a peculiar metamorphosis. They appear to have been written by someone lacking descriptive skill, who has drawn clumsily on second-hand clichés. Damon has become the weak-kneed, over-eager social conscience of the group; Gould has become bland; the Chinese acrobat still can't speak English but everyone else can understand him. Worst of all, Andy Garcia who was so wonderfully, and chillingly menacing in the first has become a joke of a bad-guy: a cane-carrying renaissance man who can tinkle the ivories, speak fluent Chinese and illogically doesn't kill the Eleven when finds them - because a total stranger asked him not to. They are no longer characters but caricatures.

Then there's Catherine Zeta-Jones. She plays the beautiful (naturally) daughter-of-a-thief cop who specialises in 'master thieves', and has previously been involved with Pitt's character [yawwwwwn]....

You would have thought it would be impossible for a cast like this to make something so dire. Apparently it isn't.

Tediously predictable ending.

What a waste of time, money, effort and people.
True Romance (1993)
True Romance (1993)
1993 | Action, Drama, Mystery
I know people that hate this film, but I know far more that love it.
Contains spoilers, click to show
The film was written by Quentin Tarantino, and it really shows with the sharp dialogue and crazy plot. The film centres around Clarence (Christian Slater) who meets and marries Alabama (Patricia Arquette). After Clarence goes to get Alabama's belongings, through a series of mishaps, he ends up with suitcase of coke and they decide to sell it. This leads to a wild adventure involving drug dealers, police and movie executives.

The casting in this film is amazing with Hollywood greats turning up and each one adds something special to the film. But by far the best performance is by Brad Pitt as the roommate of Clarence's friend Dick. He is on screen for a total of about 5 minutes but steals every scene he is in. However every one of the characters in the film brings something special. The performances by Hollywood greats, including Dennis Hopper, Christopher Walken and Gary Oldman all come so close to being over the top, but the incredible script and brilliant directing manage to hold back just enough to stop it going too far.

This film is a true masterpiece where everything just falls in to place. The film is not for the faint of heart though. There are very graphic scenes of violence. One particular scene involving a woman getting severely beaten. The perpetrator definitely gets his comeuppance though. While the violence is very graphic, as with most of Tarantino's films, it is very bloody but also portrayed in a realistic manor. This adds to the shock and also to bring you closer to the victims.

I cannot praise this film enough. It is one of the greats that has been overlooked by many including Hollywood. Almost all of the performances are worthy of Oscar nomination, as with the script. But this film was overlooked by all the major awards.

If you are a fan of Tarantino films, or films with a good cast and great story give this film a try. I know people that hate this film, but I know far more that love it.
Rock of Ages (2012)
Rock of Ages (2012)
2012 | Drama, Musical
6.8 (25 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Brilliant soundtrack. Great for a singalong. (2 more)
Most of the characters were performed well by the actors and actresses.
A pretty entertaining story.
Tom Cruise. Really not a good fit for the part of Stacy Jaxx. Mostly because of his vocals. (2 more)
Confused scene jumping. Blink and it's somewhere else.
Very stereotyoical boy meets girl plot.
Remember the tale of Dick Whittington, where he travels to London to find his fortune? Trade fortune for fame, add in a cheesy on/off/on again romance with a misunderstanding storyline, and a great singalong soundtrack, and you have Rock of Ages.

It comes across very much as live action Disney for grown ups. The plotline is flimsy, and with more holes than a pair of fishnet tights, but due to its sheer entertainment factor, that doesn't seem important, really.

The soundtrack is great, and if you're into 80's rock then you'll definitely find yourself singing along, and with the tunes stuck in your head for a long time afterwards. The majority of the cast provide great performances (we're not talking Oscar-worthy, but definitely do a great job), although Russell Brand's Brummy accent is a little cringeworthy, it and their singing is great. All but one. Sadly, the absolute weak link in the film is one of the biggest names- Tom Cruise.

The character of Stacy Jaxx needs to be edgy, brash, troubled, arrogant and, ultimately, a huge womaniser. He also needs to have a hard hitting, powerful rock singing voice. Sadly, Cruise doesn't really provide any of this adequately enough. His acting seems 'uncomfortable'- he was definitely out of his comfort zone, and his singing voice just does not cut it. Very unbelievable as the character he's supposed to be portraying. It's a huge shame, because it really does mess up the whole film. The whole film has the potential to be brilliant, but the makers were just short off the mark.

Overall, I did enjoy it, and yes I would watch it again. It's just not great, unfortunately. I imagine the stage version is much better