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Resident Evil (2002)
Resident Evil (2002)
2002 | Action, Horror, Mystery
Casting (2 more)
Repetitive (0 more)
A Promising Start to the Saga!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Resident Evil is a good start to the 6 film series, though could it have been better? Yes.

The film is loosely based on the first Resident Evil game, starting in the notorious mansion (albeit for about 5 minutes) before moving to the underground Umbrella facility, the site of the "incident", and carrying on in the traditional "investigation gone wrong" style, with lots of zombies, dogs and not much else.

The film is a fun action film that can be considered as an mediocre standalone movie, or a good start to a 15 year franchise.
Alone For Christmas (2013)
Alone For Christmas (2013)
2013 | Sci-Fi
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
UK DVD release title, Bone Alone.
Shopping in Tesco each week involves a traditional visit to the DVD aisle to look for bargains and new releases. At this time of year that also means some quality seasonal content that you've never heard of before... and so I give you, Bone Alone!

When Bone gets in trouble for the antics of his little brother Columbus he's banished to a dogsitter as the family go off for the holidays.

Bone, with the help of the other dogs, makes an escape after he realises his home is in danger. A group of burglars have their sights set on their valuables, but this is Bone's house and he has to defend it.

Its original title was Alone For Christmas, let's face it though, that's just not as good as Bone Alone. Is it a rip off of Home Alone featuring dogs or is it porn... who knows?!

The first thing you will notice about Bone Alone is the absolutely ridiculous effects used to animate the dog's mouths, it's truly awful, but thankfully it's easily forgotten once you get into it because... dare I say it? This film is pretty entertaining.

Add some dogs to a film and you've got me keen, get those dogs to execute a Home Alone plan on some unscrupulous baddies? Sold! Bone does not let his lack of opposable thumbs stop him making his house a fortress that even Kevin would be proud of. Honestly, I don't know how he thought of some of them, I'll be adding them to my own battle plan options shortly.

We've obviously got quality acting from the canine contingent, especially from our lead actors, Hooligan and Torpedo playing Bone and Columbus. Plus there are lots of little cameos from other floofy talents.

The human cast is classic TV movie, acting that's just cheesy enough that the film appears to not take itself too seriously. It's headed up by one of TV's favourite dads, David DeLuise, and as always he's the right sort of amusing to make the role work. The villains have your favourite traits but out of the three of them my favourite was definitely Phil played by John Kenward, he's the adorable buffoon that you really kind of feel for in the whole thing.

Generally the cast isn't made up of people you'd recognise, but then you spot Kevin Sorbo... I don't know what he's channelling when it comes to this role but it's not entirely good. There's a whole section of his story that I zoned out of, that was probably the only part of this masterpiece that I didn't get along with.

Bone Alone is a really fun film because it's equal parts ridiculous and amusing. I can't say there's much in it that's going to make cinematic history but I liked it and that's really all that matters.

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A Trail of Lies
A Trail of Lies
Kylie Logan | 2021 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tracking the Truth
With her boyfriend unavailable due to an assignment with the police, Jazz Ramsey has promised to look in on Kim, Nick’s mother, to make sure she is already. While Kim is an alcoholic, Jazz still wasn’t expecting the frantic middle of the night phone call announcing that Kim killed someone in her backyard. Jazz hurries over to find no body in the backyard, and the cadaver dogs she brings in give a split decision about whether someone died there. Then a body does turn up in a park, and Kim clams up. Can Jazz figure out what is really going on?

I came to author Kylie Logan because of her fun cozies. This book has a more serious tone. It deals with Kim’s alcoholism and its effect on Nick pretty realistically, for example. But those moments are lightened by the dogs that Jazz works with, especially her new puppy. The result are characters that are very rich. I love Jazz, and her family and friends do a wonderful job of rounding out her character while also being real themselves. The mystery is strong with plenty of suspects and events to keep us confused until Jazz finally begins to piece things together at the end. All of the books in this series are wonderful. If you’ve missed them, start them today. If you’re already a fan, you’ll enjoy this one.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Up (2009) in Movies

Nov 16, 2020  
Up (2009)
Up (2009)
2009 | Action, Animation, Comedy
The best Pixar film?
I have recently purchased a ‘100 Movies Bucket List’ scratch off poster, with the intention of finally crossing off all of the classic films I’ve never seen before. However with the current and ongoing COVID lockdowns, now seemed like a perfect time to watch all of the 100 films on this list including those I know and love. These will be watched in no particular order, and will be highly dependent on my mood and film availability. First on my list is Up.

Up (2009) is a Disney/Pixar animation that follows widower Carl, as he, his house and intrepid wilderness explorer Russell go on an adventure to Paradise Falls.

Up is definitely “up” there as one of the best ever Disney/Pixar films, if not THE best. It has all of the hallmarks that you’d come to expect from such a film and they are executed to perfection. From the opening sequence, which is by far one of the most heartwarming and heart-wrenching things you will ever watch (and this is coming from a studio that killed Bambi’s mother). If you’re not bawling your eyes out after the first 15 minutes, there is something seriously wrong with you.

Once we’ve recovered from the opening scenes, we’re introduced to Carl the widower (Ed Asher) and he’s still tugging on the old heart strings as he goes about his life on his own. He’s your typical grouchy old man, in a rather funny and adorable way, and watching his interactions with others is both sad and entertaining to watch. After a rather unfortunate event, Carl takes his house to the skies and it’s here where the film really starts to get going with stowaway Russell, as they arrive in Paradise Falls and encounter mysterious bird of paradise Kevin, Charles Muntz and his dogs.

As soon as Carl sets off on his journey, this becomes a spirited and fun adventure film. There is never a dull moment and is full of wonder, joy and a fair few laughs, as well as a surprising amount of dark tension generated by famous explorer Muntz (Christopher Plummer). For a kids film, Muntz is an unusually threatening figure and the fear of him is only exacerbated by the fact that half of this film is set at a quite a scary height. Even during the fight scene with Carl towards the end of the movie, Muntz is still intimidating despite the very amusing nods to old age that are thrown in.

For me though, the star (and stars) of Up are Dug and Muntz’s pack of dogs. Disney/Pixar have this amazing knack of writing funny sidekick animals, with the majority of laughs coming from simple observations about how these animals behave in real life (something The Secret Life of Pets should have take more notice of). Up so easily works dogs being dogs into the narrative of this story with ease, and talking dogs are just so funny. From the cone of shame to their attitude towards squirrels and tennis balls, and the fact that they refer to Russell as “the small mailman” – this is pure genius and makes me laugh no matter how many times I see it.

Disney/Pixar films fall into two categories: Very Good and Brilliant. Up has what all Disney/Pixar films have – a wonderfully balanced story full of adult and child appropriate laughs and heartwarming emotional ‘feels’, and some top notch animation. But what brings Up into the “Brilliant” category is it is a beautiful tale of love and friendship, with a touching and rather moving message about life. This is a classic tale that is done flawlessly in a way that only Disney/Pixar can.

Note: whilst I love the film, I’m so far not impressed with my poster itself. Scratched it as you would a scratch card and part of the picture has come off (see attached evidence)… best be more careful next time.
Show all 6 comments.

Sarah (7798 KP) Nov 18, 2020

Thanks! Yours looks great. Has it taken you a while to get through them all?


Dean (6925 KP) Nov 18, 2020

Most were ones I've already seen, not been in a rush to hunt the others down but will try and get around to them when I can.

The Queens Corgi (2019)
The Queens Corgi (2019)
2019 |
2.0 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
The Queens Corgi is an animated children's movie about Rex, the Queen's favourite who, after a disastrous visit from Donald Trump, is tricked into leaving the palace and winds up in the dog pound. This is a common formula in children’s movies both animated and live action and I'm sure most of us can guess what happens next, Rex tries to get back home and, on the way makes some friends and falls in love. So when my daughter wanted to see it I though I'd be in for a funny, possibly sad film. God I was wrong. There is so much wrong with this film and it all seems to go wrong from the scene where Donald Trump visits the Queen and I really wish I could say my problems were politically motivated but unfortunately the film was just that bad.
The character of Trump was reduced to a stereotypical American tourist with Melania passing comments about the size of Donald’s (big) hands being one of the things that attracted her to him.
The problems really start when Melania and the Queen decided it will be a good idea to breed their respective corgis. Melania's Corgi, Mitzi, who is made up in heave eye shadow and lipstick is instantly judged and disliked by all the Queens corgis (both Male and female). Melania's Corgi then passes judgment on all the corgis until she comes to Rex who she decided she wants. The two dogs are then left in a room together after being told by Trump to grab him by the pups.
Now I just want to make the following clear:
  1) I've seen plenty of movies where the (normally timid/nerdy) male character is hit on by the strong scary bully female and this normally for comedy value. Although these scenes could be seen as problematic they are normally played for laughs.
  2) I understand that dog breeders do choose dogs and put them together to mate. However, as the animals in this film are given human personality's the situation is different.
So when the two dogs are left in the room we are treated to long scene where Mitzi tries to get Rex to mate with her, because Rex wants none of it Mitzi chases him around the room, grabs him, stops him from leaving and generally won’t take no for an answer. This is not done playfully.
Later in the film, Rex is in a dog pound, one of his cell mates starts listing the rules of the pound, rule one, there is no fight club. Now, this may have been ok if it was a one time throw away line, kids films often have little jokes for adults. However, it's not a throw away line, it's used more than once, including the first time the dogs are at a fight club. Yes, the top dog, called Butch, keeps order by making any dog he doesn't like fight. We see a dog carried off on stretcher, Rex is almost thrown into a fire and is only saved when Butch is knock out in one punch which also knocks out half his teeth.
Of course Rex and his new friends make it back to the palace and beat the main villain who is sent off with Trump and Mitzi. Remember non of the palace dogs liked Mitzi and she has all already said she doesn't understand the word no so this has implications for Charlie’s futures. It's ok though because he's the bad guy (not).
So we have a children's film with dog fights, attempted rape, implied rape, judging on appearance and a dull story, that seem find the line between children’s jokes and the adult ones the only reason I'm giving this one star is because it avoids getting political with Trump.
A Dog's Purpose
A Dog's Purpose
W. Bruce Cameron | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well it took me awhile to really get into this book. I was 4 or 5 chapters in before I was hooked, so to speak. Once the story really got rolling though I couldn't put it down. This book tells the story of 1 dog who passes several times & is constantly coming back as other dogs. He returns because he is trying to find his purpose. I'm happy to say that at the end of the book, he does just heartbreaking fashion.
I found myself laughing at times & crying my eyes out at others. I definitely looked at my dog & gave him some extra attention as I read. This was a great book!
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star by Joe Rhatigan is a wonderful and different version of the classic version of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. This version involves cats. Twinkle twinkle is a star and her feline friends are trying to find a way to visit. But balloon, dogs, and even some cake can not help the cats get to twinkle. The upside we learn why cats “sing” at night. The illustrations are brights, colorful, and it's full of fun. It is an old book with a cute twist. 

I give this book 4/5 stars. 

I received this ARC from Quarto Publishing Group and Moondance Press via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 
Ones and Zeroes
Ones and Zeroes
Dan Wells | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Binary is cool!
This is the sequel to Bluescreen and it definitely adresses some of my qualms with the first. There is a lot more action in the game in this sequel, the Cherry Dogs get into a tourny and it is the main focus of the novel. I love the group effort that present throughout this book, unlike many dystopian society novels where the main character can barely trust anyone and they feel like they have to save the world all by themselves and keep secrets and feel personally responsible for every death their stupid plan caused, this is a breath of fresh air. Everyone plays a part and Marisa definitely couldn’t have done it alone.

Cori June (3033 KP) rated Overneath in Books

Nov 30, 2018  
Peter S. Beagle | 2017 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have always enjoyed Peter S. Beagle's short fiction books and these definitely are worth it. Even his attempt at the steampunk genre is pretty good. Some of these stories are a little on the dark side and slightly horror, however, you also get some action and adventure. It is a great way to visit some of his established worlds like The Last Unicorn and Inn Keeper's Song as well as find something new. Worlds that treat dragon's like guard dogs for drugs and the police that find them or a world that has humans communicating with aliens via a computer. It is a great travel from High Fantasy to futuristic Sci-Fi.
Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again! (2018)
Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again! (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Musical
ABBA music and Lily James did well (0 more)
Very clunky (0 more)
Wouldn’t watch again
Contains spoilers, click to show
I should start by saying I watched the first film every day for a fortnight, such is my love for it. I was really disappointed by this version. Lily James did well taking in the role of young Donna but the story was so disjointed. For example, Sophie is sick once and knows she is pregnant? I also feel Cher’s role was unnecessary, she’s never been on the scene for Donna or Sophie then she turns up, decides to be grandma and is immediately accepted, just so she can sing a couple of numbers?

Good choice of ABBA dogs, not the most expected ones.