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Unwind (Unwind, #1)
Unwind (Unwind, #1)
Neal Shusterman | 2007 | Dystopia, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
societal commentary, creep factor, pacing, interesting premise (0 more)
seems all too possible (0 more)
Render Unto Cesar
Shusterman takes dystopian futures a step above the ordinary in this dark coming of age tale. In the not too distant future a war was fought in the U.S. over abortion, the 2nd Civil War. To appease all sides an unthinkable accord was reached. Instead of abortion, between the ages of 13 and 18 you can choose to send your child to a Harvest camp to be unwound, taken apart and all their body parts donated to others. We are given three characters with differing perspectives through which we see the workings of this world.

One angry young man always in fights whose parents have given up reaching him. One orphan, a Stork, left on someone's doorstep years ago who doesn't make the necessary grades to keep her off the Harvest camp bus. And Lev, who was conceived and raised by his devoutly religious parents as a Tithe, someone specifically born to be unwound in the church's name. This unlikely trio meet on their way to be unwound and all three are at a loss as to what to do when a resistance movement effort frees them from the bus.

What about Lev's glorious destiny to be unwound for God; is he still chosen, still a willing sacrifice? Where do you go when society says you no longer have the right to live? Who will help you survive in secret until you are too old to be unwound? How can you avoid the bounty hunters who live to capture escapees? What happens to the soul of an Unwound? Do they live on, a second conscience, a wisp of memories, within the body of their new host? Does anyone have the right to decide who in society has the right to live and who would be more useful unwound?

The writer immerses us completely in this bizarre yet oh so familiar society giving us plenty of perspectives from every level. He even included tv and radio commercials to help us understand how normal it has become to consider unwinding another human being. The creep factor is high and sustains itself through all three books in this set. Unwind introduces us to the world of the unwound in a well told thought provoking tale that may have you questioning everything you thought you ever knew about yourself.
Wither (The Chemical Garden, #1)
7.3 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
The world that Lauren DeStefano builds in this book combines several dystopian concepts - genetic engineering and reproduction, a virus of epic proportions, anarchy and survival of the fittest. 70 years ago mankind finds a way to make "perfect" babies, and then their babies suffer the consequences - death at 25 for men and 20 for women - with no cure on the horizon. Prostitution, polygamy, human experimentation, wide-scale murder, the prevalence of orphanages, and a country divided on whether mankind is worth saving are all issues in the plot. Plus, all of this takes place after a world war has destroyed all but North America - or so the history goes.
The main character, Rhine Ellery, is forced into a polygamous marriage at the age of 16 to the rich Linden, age 21, along with the flighty 14-year-old Cecily and ex-prostitute, 18-year-old Jenna. Rhine's main goal is escape, but each girl in the marriage has her own motivations and goals. I found their relationships with one another far more interesting than each one's relationship with Linden. Poor Linden lives under the illusions that his aging father feeds him while suffering from the loss of his first love, Rose. While Rhine makes part of her goal to avoid consummating the marriage with Linden, her sister wives have other ideas, but ironically, jealousy among the wives is not the green-eyed monster that I think many would expect. While Cecily is typically self-absorbed and high maintenance, she still wants her sister-wives to bear children, and even Jenna, who hates Linden from the first day, sees no hypocrisy in sharing a bed with him. I also admired Rhine for her extreme patience and endurance with Cecily's immature and naive behavior, though I don't think I would have chosen denial over full disclosure to both Cecily and Linden.
Rhine's secret relationship seems to find it's power in free-formed friendship, without any expectations or requirements. Simply put, Rhine wants her freedom, and she will find it in any form she can grasp. Except for Rhine's memories, almost the entire book takes place on the grounds of Linden's mansion, so I am anxious to see what will happen in the next book in the series, Fever.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Selection in Books

Dec 7, 2018  
The Selection
The Selection
Kiera Cass | 2012 | Children
7.9 (48 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

The Selection</i> is the first book in a girly dystopian novel by Kiera Cass set far in the future in a new country called Illéa. After two more world wars society has a place where people are labeled depending on their family history and wealth. Castes from one to eight, where one is the royal family, are assigned to every family in the country, which also determines their job prospects.

America Singer is a five and helps her family to earn money by performing, singing and playing music. But her life changes when it is announced that Prince Maxon is searching for a wife. Thirty-five girls from around the country are going to be selected to spend time with the prince at the palace where eventually one will be chosen to be his bride. Most girls would jump at the chance to be selected, but when America’s name is chosen she could not be more horrified.

America has a dilemma. She is already in love with someone else. Marrying Aspen, a six, is all America has ever dreamed about. Despite the fact that marrying into a caste below your own is frowned upon, the two of them were hoping to find a way around it. Now America has no choice but to leave Aspen behind. But what if the prince wants to choose her as his bride? Could she ever love him or would her feelings for Aspen hold her back?

It is easy to grow attached to America’s character and personality. She remains herself in a place where most girls would put on an act to get noticed. America also cares a lot about other people and they way they are treated, even though she is from one of the lower castes. Likewise with America, the reader is torn between wishing she could create a life with Aspen, but also hoping something will happen between her and the prince.

Overall it is a well-written book however it does not feel completely original. The castes felt similar to the district idea in <i>The Hunger Games</i>, however <i>The Selection</i> focuses on a more positive storyline. The outcome of the selection process is not resolved within this book, so if you enjoy reading this novel you will definitely want to read the next one!

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Rotham Race in Books

Jul 4, 2018  
Rotham Race
Rotham Race
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2018 | Dystopia, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This ARC was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review

Jordan Elizabeth has aced the dystopia genre in her first attempt at a post-apocalyptic story. Set in what remains of the United States in 2057, thirty-seven years after “The Happening”, the country is a broken place. Some states no longer exist and the ones that do are barely inhabitable. Civilian lives have been reduced to mere survival rather than living, however, there is one small hope. The US lost a microchip in the desert containing data that would help them restore the country to its better days. The only problem is finding it.

Orphan Troy, aged seventeen, is determined to be the one to locate the precious microchip. For ten years, bike riders have joined the “Rotham Race” into the desert in hopes of being the one to bring it back and return the US back to its former glory, however, within that decade, only one rider has ever returned. Undeterred, Troy sets off from Maryland to New York to sign up for the biggest race in history.

Along the way, Troy meets Barbie, a seventeen-year-old mechanic who helps him fix up his bike. Whilst staying with her, awaiting new cycle parts, the teenage pair falls in love, giving Troy a strong reason to make sure he wins and returns from the race.

Unbeknownst to the racers, the government has secrets that render the race a futile endeavour. Whilst hundreds hope for a victory, there is almost no chance of anyone returning.

Rotham Race is an exciting page-turner and original concept. Dystopian stories have been recycled again and again but Jordan Elizabeth brings something new to the table. The characters are likeable and strong, and the storyline is carefully thought out and gripping.

As a novella, Rotham Race is not very long and can be read in a matter of hours. Whilst some people prefer short stories, Jordan Elizabeth has the potential of turning it into a full-length novel or series. Since the story’s conclusion leaves matters unfinished, perhaps there will be a follow-up novella.

Previously, Jordan Elizabeth has concentrated on short fantasy stories but, as Rotham Race proves, her strengths lie in science fiction and dystopia. Rotham Race would not look out of place amongst popular novels such as Divergent and The Hunger Games.
City of Savages
City of Savages
Lee Kelly | 2018 | Dystopia
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Romance nearly killed this one
Contains spoilers, click to show
This book was pretty good for a dystopia. The background story on how it came to be was interesting and set it apart from other stories of this genre where most of the time it’s vague and no one remembers a thing because it was that many years later. So this was nice to read about. The plot alternates between Sky and Phee, but also some parts here and there from present to the past. I prefer reading about Phee because she’s the all around tough girl who can hold her own whereas Sky is more on the romantic idealistic side of things.

The flow of the story is good with stops here and there for character development and plot hooks. It’s engaging and interesting for a good part of the book until you read a little more than half of the novel. This is where the eye rolling instances come on. You knew the love triangle was going to happen. It got pretty nauseating and petty (but then again, Ryder was practically the only guy these two girls have met that they actually liked) and it severely hampered the plot. I didn’t care for this too much as it brought the plot to a complete halt and made reading it not as enjoyable. I begged for something better to come along.

To be fair, it got more interesting towards the final story arc, where you find out more truths about Sky and Phee’s family, and what happened in the past. Everything came to a nice close towards the end. The cheesy romance was still there and induced more eye rolls, but it was toned down for the latter part of the book.

Character wise, Phee would have to be the most interesting as she’s more aggressive of the two sisters and of a more stronger personality. She wasn’t a good match for Ryder anyway as they were just two very different people and completely incompatible but you kinda wish she found someone who’s just as tough as she is.

The romance nearly killed the book for me in this one. I’m glad I went through it as it proved to pick up the pace and went back on track. It’s a hidden gem and if you can get past the obvious, you’ll find a good dystopian story worth reading.
The Selection
The Selection
Kiera Cass | 2012 | Children
7.9 (48 Ratings)
Book Rating
Set many years into the future The US has undergone drastic change. Under the rule of a monarchy once again. Prince Maxon, only child and heir to the throne, is ready to find his future queen. In a lottery type draw, one young lady (between the ages of 16 and 20) from each province is selected as candidates for the throne, and for Maxon's heart. Among them is America Singer. A Five in the caste system (There are eight total). Although her becoming a part of the selection was an accident, of sorts...Will she be able to forget her past and embrace her future? There are 35 girls, and only 1 prince. Who will emerge as Queen?

It has been a long while since I have been so engrossed in a book that I couldn't put it down to go to sleep. I finally had to, as my eyes wouldn't stay open any longer, with only two chapters remaining! I kept having dreams about the book! I finished it as soon as I woke up this morning and am now anxiously awaiting to check out The Elite from the library. Since this is a book about a prince finding a wife, you can expect to have romance with a mild dystopian flair. Although I personally think the emotions are slightly intense for a YA book, it is still clean and decent. Prince Maxon is an honorable man. Parents, please use your own discretion. Kiera Cass has done a fabulous job imagining a new world of castes, monarchy, fashion, rebellion and love. (It's like The Bachelor, but way better!) Please be advised that these books do not stand alone. And once you finish The Selection you are going to want to start The Elite immediately (so do what I didn't do and place a hold on BOTH)! This book ends well, but definitely leaves you wanting more. I have also heard that The Selection is being made into a movie. Although all I could find out was that it is in pre-production. I am thoroughly enjoying this series, but I know that it won't be to everyone's taste. Keep in mind that it is a Young Adult novel and is written for that level. Happy reading! And may the odds be ever in your favor....wait....

Marylegs (44 KP) rated Station Eleven in Books

Aug 14, 2019  
Station Eleven
Station Eleven
Emily St. John Mandel | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.9 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
Station Eleven follows a number of characters affected by the disintegration of modern civilisation and society caused by a mutated flu virus which wipes out around 99% of the world wide population. Flitting back over a series of timelines, including the start of the pandemic to focus on the lives these characters had before the virus, what happened to them after this virus became apparent and beginning the destruction of the lives they knew. The story also skips into the future to see how their lives changed and how they had to adapt to their changing world. There are a number of characters to follow and as the book progresses links form between some of them, but this is not the focus of the story.

I won’t go overly into details about the characters it is best to discover them yourselves. I was pleasantly surprised by how good this book was. Receiving it as an advanced review, I didn’t really know much about the story other than it being based in a post-apocalyptic world. Upon receiving the book I was slightly put off by the blurb stating it was following a group of traveling actors and musicians and that it was trying to show how art still had a place in this post civilisation world. But don’t let this put you off, I’m glad I didn’t. Whilst the story uses the actors and musicians in this ‘Traveling Symphony’ as a point to allow cross country movement and show that some people as trying to survive but also to enrich other people’s lives, that wasn’t really what gripped me. It was the relationships this characters had made, the stories about how they used to live and what they had been forced to do in this changing world that kept me turning pages.

I would recommend this book, and I would probably re-read again and possibly try some of the authors other works. The author wrote beautifully and it never felt pretentious or like they were trying to over moralise things. If like me, you like a good end of the world, dystopian story but want something different from the general, zombies, vampires and hunger games type read, give this ago. It may surprise you, like it did me.
The Outsider (A Broken World #5)
The Outsider (A Broken World #5)
Dean Murray | 2019 | Dystopia, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Outsider (A Broken World #5) by Dean Murray
The Outsider sees Skye reunite with Brennan, Jax, and the rest. However, things have changed - not just between Skye and Brennan, but the whole situation. There is a lot that needs to be said before the air can be cleared between them all. Skye still has her own secrets, and now it looks like she is carrying one inside her that no one knew about! Brennan has changed in the time that Skye hasn't been there, he's made decisions that are not easy, and has had to live with the consequences that he has hidden from others, so they don't have to have it on their conscience. Jax has been carrying a lot of the weight and it is starting to wear him down. Add in the fact that Skye is his daughter, and there is a whole minefield between them.

I have to say that the flow of this story was better for me. Although I thoroughly enjoyed The Founder, this one I could disappear in. Whether or not it's the relationship that Skye and Brennan have, or that Jax and Brennan have, or Jax and the soldiers, or what, I honestly couldn't say. All I can say is that once I started this book, I was hard-pressed to put it down. The time flew and I was lost once again in this dystopian world, wanting and hoping for Skye to get her HEA.

This is a long book that will draw you in, although I would recommend that you read this as a series, otherwise you just won't understand all the nuances that have occurred up to this point. That being said, it doesn't read like a long book. I did not realise how long I'd been reading until I had to put it down! There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and the characters continue to grow. With their own problems and circumstances, this is an intricate story full of characters to enjoy or despise. Either way, you'll never be bored. Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Chloe (514 KP) Jan 26, 2019

Hey this looks good I'm guessing its part of a series what's the name of the first book i would really like to read it ?


Merissa (11731 KP) Jan 29, 2019 (Updated Jan 29, 2019)

Hey @Chloe

The other books are listed below, and I rated them all as 5-stars, apart from one which was 4-stars.

A Broken World Series
The Society (A Broken World Volume 1)
The Destroyer (A Broken World Book 2)
The Warlord (Broken World, #3)
The Founder (A Broken World Book 4)
The Outsider

Veronica Roth | 2013 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (59 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>.

     YAYYYYY. Le Book Club decided to go straight to Insurgent after reading Divergent. Of course, I probably would've read it right before the book came out so I wouldn't be all "anticipation is killing me!!!" But a bookworm never runs out of books to read, so I'll just sit back, chillax and wait. And wait. And wait. Until the 3rd and final book finally comes out at last so I can beg my mom to go to the bookstore JUST so I can buy it. (I can always wait for the library though.) I mean, come on. Drastic cliff-hanger there. It's agonizing. Too agonizing.

     There are lots of shocking secrets here too. For one thing, WHY, CALEB, WHY?!?!?! I'm not even gonna say what he did for those who haven't read it. I just thought I was walking on my bedroom ceiling for a few minutes there when I read it. Of course... I wasn't. Or I would see clothes littering the ceiling and whatever's on the floor (not necessarily clothes). Oh, and Peter. Wow. Just wow. -_- But hey, without that, who knows what would've happened? But I am glad to say there are some peeps that are well, good riddance to them.

     I didn't get what the title really meant at first. It didn't even make sense, in my opinion. Until later. Until it was explained (kinda). But oy, what a way to end. Totally unexpected. As much as I'm a bit exhausted with Dystopian Fiction (believe me, there are probably a lot that are lurking on my Kindle App and I have no clue about. Or do I?), I'll say Insurgent was a delightful read. On the overall end, I kinda liked Divergent more. By no means of bashing whatsoever, it was more... unique from The Hunger Games (I guess that applies to all first books in a series), in the means of corrupted government.

     But what can I say? Perks to Veronica Roth for creating a unique world with it's own unique parts. :3

     And now, I have to wait. And wait. And wait. For a few months. Or is it? *checks date on Goodreads* Oh facepalm. More than a few months. Oh wait, it comes out 10 days after I'm 16! Hey, when's the choosing ceremony for us? :p
Branded (Sinners, #1)
Branded (Sinners, #1)
Abi Ketner | 2013
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review posted on <a title="Branded by Abi Ketnet and Missy Kalicicki" href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>

Note: Formatting may be lost due to copy and paste.

<i><b>Disclaimer:</b> A copy was provided for free by the author for the blog tour in exchange for an honest review. The review is not influenced in any way.</i>

     So. Branded. It has great potential as a series, and it takes quite a different twist from other dystopian books like The Hunger Games and Divergent. It's the first in the Sinners series, and is about a girl named Lexi Hamilton wrongly accused who lives in a futuristic society where there is no equal justice and a Commander who believes the Seven Deadly Sins are the downfall to society. Those who are accused are taken to live in a place called the Hole and branded with their sin. With danger lurking at any corner, those branded have to fight for their survival every single day.

     Branded didn't exactly feel like the first of a series. It felt more of a second, or second to last, or maybe even the last with a possible spin-off in a series rather than the first. For some reason, it felt as though there was another story prior to Branded, even though Abi and Missy gave a decent explanation to Lexi's past that filled in most of the blanks throughout the book.

     I loved most of the supporting characters, such as Alyssa, Bruno, Keegan, and Zeus especially (no, not the Thunder God... unless he decided to take on a different form other than human), but the romance between Cole and Lexi also seemed much too quick for my taste (I usually like a good build up, with a few exceptions).

     Overall, Branded has a great potential, and would be a great book and series with a few tweaks here and there. It doesn't have a lasting or major impact on me or the type of book where I'll be miserable not knowing what happens for at least a year as I was hoping for, but I do hope that in the end, the innocent peeps in the Hole receive a happy ending (no guarantees. I'm not a mind reader, but it never hurts to hope).