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A System So Magnificent It Is Blinding
A System So Magnificent It Is Blinding
Amanda Svensson | 2022 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have very mixed feelings about this book. I gave up reading it twice, but something kept pulling me back. I still can’t work out what the system is that’s so blinding, but I did like how quirky the whole novel was. It’s surreal, everyone in it has some sort of mental health issue, and is muddling their way through a life that they can make no sense of. Honestly, I couldn’t make sense of their lives either.
There are some really quite beautiful descriptive passages of London and Easter Island, and I found myself googling one of the photographic artists that was mentioned and falling down a rabbit hole for a while.
Should this win the international Booker prize? I have no idea, and I wouldn’t want to be the one that had to choose. Am I glad that I read it? I’m still not absolutely sure on that one. It’s left me with more questions than answers, and I don’t know as there even are any answers!
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Very Good Time
It's 2045 and most of the world's population has turned to the virtual world called OASIS which has become a second home for many. When the world's creator James Halladay (Mark Rylance) passes away, he leaves behind an easter egg inside the virtual world and whoever finds that egg will inherit both his fortune and the OASIS. Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan) hopes to find that egg before Nolan Sorrento (Ben Mendelsohn) and his greedy corporation IOI can get their hands on it and forever ruin the OASIS.

Acting: 8

Beginning: 10

Characters: 2

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 9
A death-defying race chocked full of easter eggs (like Ryu from Street Fighter and the bike from Akira) where the participants have to deal with a shifting path, bulldozers, the T-Rex from Jurassic Park and a very angry King Kong. Yeah, that's just the first ten minutes.

In Ready Player One, it's not just about the action but about everyone and everything involved in said action. I can't go into too much detail without ruining the surprises, but I will say there is plenty of eye-candy and intense action sequences that will keep you fully engaged in the film. Just when you think you've seen it all, they surprise you with something new.

Genre: 9

Memorability: 8

Pace: 10
The epitome of a popcorn movie. Just relax. Have fun. Enjoy the ride. Don't expect substance. Just thrills on top of consistent thrills. The film arrives from one scene to the next at a speed I felt was just right.

Plot: 7

Resolution: 10
Solid ending that made me appreciate the otherwise flat characters more. There's a good message here revolving around the importance of taking full advantage of life around you. You just might call me a sap when you see it for yourself but, for this fits.

Overall: 83
Was Ready Player One as good as the novel it was made after? No. Not even close. If you can keep that in mind from the jump like I was able to do, the film should still make for a very enjoyable experience. You can tell that a lot of time and love was poured into the film. See it.
Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves (2023)
Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves (2023)
2023 | Fantasy
7.5 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A Ton of Fun
The BankofMarquis is not into Dungeons & Dragons - the role playing/fantasy game that the film DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: HONOR AMONG THIEVES is based on, so any Easter Eggs for fans of the game is lost here. What the BankofMarquis is into is a good, fun action/adventure film and DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS: HONOR AMONG THIEVES is all that…and more.

The 4th film to be based on the RPG game, this D&D is no relation to the previous three and should be viewed as a reboot of the franchise…and if HONOR AMONG THIEVES is an indication of where this film series will go, then the audience is in for a fun ride, indeed.

Written and Directed by John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein, D&D follows a smooth talking, good-looking musician (the perfectly cast Chris Pine), his tough-as-nails best friend (the perfectly cast Michelle Rodriguez) and their merry band of thieves as they go on a quest to right wrongs and achieve a goal.

What that goal is doesn’t really matter as it is the journey - not the destination - that matters and the journey is quite fun thanks to an enjoyable cast and a script and direction that evokes memories of THE PRINCESS BRIDE, THE LORD OF THE RINGS and, yes, MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL along the way.

The cast (Pine, Rodriguez, Rege-Jean Page, Justice Smith, Sophia Lillis and Hugh Grant) know exactly what type of film they are making and jump in with both feet to have some fun, fight some creatures and make a family-friendly medieval action/adventure comedy that works.

Credit, of course, goes to Daley & Goldstein and this appears to be their first film together as Directors. If that is the case, the BankofMarquis is eager to see where they go from here.

While, I’m sure, there are plenty of Easter Eggs in this film for the D&D fan, the BankofMarquis caught none of that and just sat back and had a really fun 2+ hours, chuckling out loud on more than one occassion.

This film is now streaming on Paramount Plus. If you run across, check it out, you’ll have a good time.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Mass Effect: Andromeda
2017 | Role-Playing
Game play (1 more)
World graphics
Facial graphics (2 more)
Incomplete storyline
Andromeda got too much hate
Before the war against the Reapers led by Shepard, The Andromeda Initiative sought to send out colonies to another galaxy. You play as Sarah or Scott Ryder, a soldier in the Initiative to find a new home for your colony. Explore new planets and discover new species.

My thoughts? I played Andromeda when it first came out. It was super buggy. The facial expressions were laughable. But it was in space with all our familiar ME Easter eggs, had great game play, and a vast amount of potential. However due to the backlash of fans (yes, EA should have NOT released such a unrefined game. Yes, it isn't as good as the original trilogy - because it is unfair to compare it to the story arc of a complete trilogy!) EA has stepped away from continuing with this story which is the most frustrating thing ever. EA needs to bring it back and the team needs to break boundaries and be creative to bring this story line further to life and continue it on for a DLC or next game.
Us (2019)
Us (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Cast (0 more)
Jordan Peele is a very good storyteller. Much like Get Out, there is a message behind the story and the film is filled with easter eggs and some pretty amazing jokes. I laughed quite a bit throughout. The cast of this movie is amazing. Lupita Nyong'o does an exceptionally good job. The lead actor, whose name escapes me, was playing a character clearly modeled after Peele himself which just made him that much funnier. I kept wondering during the movie, having never seen the actor in anything else, if maybe they had grown up together or something because he sounds EXACTLY like Peele so I did some digging and found that it was a conscious acting decision which I applaud. It was a good choice and he played it so well. There is a twist ending, however, it seemed fairly obvious to me very early on in the film. My only real problem with the film is how much is left unexplained. It's understandable given how the story is being told but at the same time it's a bit frustrating when the film ends and you still have so many questions!
The Accidental Baker
The Accidental Baker
Clare London | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Accidental Baker by Clare London
The Accidental Baker is more like a collection of short stories that all a common theme - Easter, and Donnie's chocolate. Each chapter involves a different couple, and how they meet. ALL of the stories are sweet, some characters are lovely, some (sorry Henry) I really didn't take to.

This was well-written and excellently paced - each story giving just what it needed to work. Personally, I would love to see this progress into their own stories, just so I got more information about each couple. Maybe if I knew more about Henry, he wouldn't grate on me so much. I understood his back story, what we got, but it just didn't do it for me.

A thoroughly enjoyable, quick, seasonal read - absolutely perfect for your coffee break, or when you just have time for a few pages! Just one chapter, and you get a complete story. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
The story Nick fury (0 more)
Obvious story if you know the source material. (0 more)
Spiderman 2.........the 3rd one. (Or is it the 4th, there was 2 tv movies?)
Spiderman 2 sees tobey Maguire return as the best Spiderman to date and...........oh wait.......

Spiderman far from home sees tom holland return as ultimate Spiderman for wait....tom holland returns as peter parker aka Spiderman who once again does a great job at avoiding nick fury and his feelings, but squeezes into a new array of suits, while trying to enjoy a school trip and mourn the loss of his tech savvy father figure Tony Stark.
While trying to balance the life of a hero and the life of a teen life every hero (lol) the arrival of a mysterious new "hero" dubbed mysterio by parkers class mates, things are quite what they seem and as the lives of everyone of his classmates come under threat, it's upto spidey to uncover the truth and figure out how to use his peter tingle haha.

A great movie that does the Endgame aftermath some justice.

Fantastic SFX, great story formed, great easter eggs and references.
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
What took me so Long!
I can not belive how long it took me to see this film. I am a huge nerd, and a lover of Easter egs, so this should have been a cinema go for me (ypu remember what cinemas were, don't you?)
A film that takes a very interesting look at a possible future where VR is king. Not going to lie, I would be totally up for this future (-evil corperations, but what are the odds we can get rid of them). It is interesting, since this came out the year before the pandemic, how amazing would it be to meet up with all the people we have not seen in a year, in a virtual cafe, or game together. All we have now is Zoom and Among Us.
I digress, this film had me hooked from the first moment. The characters are compelling, though J suspect they have been "Hollywooded" a little bit, and the story is really good.
You know what I have to do now, don't you?
Read the books. And wouldn't you know it, some very considerate person put them in my Amazon shopping basket....
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fun, a little too geeky, poor context development
This book is no doubt quite exciting at times, and has an underlying cautionary message of being obsessed with technology. The story, set in a dystopian 2044, follows Wade Watts on his search for an Easter egg in a virtual simulation, the discovery of which will lead him to inherit a vast fortune in a world wrecked by an energy crisis.

Growing up in the 1980's means I can relate to much of the references in this book such as Blade Runner, Ferris Bueller's Day Out etc. but it seems to be laid on too thick as if it's trying to go along with this new revival of the era (Stranger Things, Ghostbusters).

Also as a non-gamer, this virtual world appears fatuous and vapid, hence the author seems to be gearing this book towards a new generation of players rather than those who were actually living during this time.

The character development and context of much of the book is poor, as Wade seems to have skills that materialise from nowhere, we just have to accept that he had indeed "read this and that". Overall, this book was clearly made to be a film, so it's unsurprising that Steven Spielberg has bought the rights.
Treasure Planet (2002)
Treasure Planet (2002)
2002 | Action, Animation, Family
Great characters (3 more)
An awesome soundtrack by John Rezenik lead singer of the goo goo dolls
Awesome action scenes
The subtle Easter eggs to it's source material
Basically if you read the story of treasure island you'll notice there's bound to be some changes or cuts and know that it's pretty much the same story (1 more)
It's a product of it's time. You'll definitely know that the film hasn't aged well which isn't the movies fault. Example A. The bad CG animation at the time was great but today's standards.... probably not so great
Treasure planet is good
An underrated Disney classic treasure planet deserves the praise it gets. The movie is swashbuckling fun and a pretty good movie as well. Now let's see just how good it is well...the movie for starters has a great cast of characters from our main character Jim to the awesome John silver. Also the soundtrack is awesome too with songs like I'm still here being the favorite out of the bunch. Also the movie has some pretty intense moments as well as some humor as well.

If I had to pick one bad about the movie is that it's a pretty generic plot and the story is pretty much more or less the same plot of treasure island