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Qualityland: Visit Tomorrow, Today!
Qualityland: Visit Tomorrow, Today!
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story is told from multiple perspectives, sharing the lives of very different but interesting characters. The main character of this book would be Peter, a regular guy, who doesn’t really have many goals in life. He kind of goes with the flow, until he receives an item, that he didn’t want. There is this cloud of sadness surrounding Peter, he seems boring, however, he is witty and really kind man, and I really enjoyed his adventures. I did like the other characters in this novel as well, they portrayed different angles of this messed up country, and I really enjoyed their thoughts about machinery and consumerism.

I really liked the narrative of this book, it is constantly changing, diverse, and absolutely absorbing. This novel has a political spice to it, that some people might not like, but I think the rich vs. poor theme suited this book very well. This novel doesn’t have major twists in it, but all the turns and adventures were really interesting and entertaining.

I loved the writing style of this book, it is very thought-provoking, very well researched and educational. I am truly wondering, how Marc-Uwe Kling produced this wonderful book, how he came up with all this. The whole story is quite surreal but makes sense at the same time.
Getting Doug with High
Getting Doug with High
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Cool celebrity guests (2 more)
Very educational
They're smoking weed man!!! Its awesome
Best show EVER!!!!!!
I was cruising through the amazballs app Tubi Tv when I came across this little gem... Mind you, I do smoke a shit ton of weed myself... And it is legal now in my whole country, so fuck it... Lol.
Doug Benson is someone I've seen on talk shows and heard on podcasts a few times, but I never knew much about him.
This little piece of click bait lured me in with the chance of seeing one of my favorite writer/directors Kevin Smith getting blazed up with Doug and Brian Poshien... Or however you spell it... And it didn't let me down.
He and his guests get just obliterated off some of the sweetest strains of bud made available by whatever weed store they happen to propagate. And they always tell you what the pot is like. Effects... Length of buzz... That sort of pertenate information stoners like myself want to know.
Plus its a chance to see Jeff Ross, Natasha Leggerio and Anthony Jeselnyk HIGH AS GIRAFFE BALLS.
Overall its 45 minutes that is filled with talking, coughing and laughter... Very reminiscent of nights spent in my mom's kitchen with my friends, sitting around the table smoking our heads off and laughing til the sun came up.
Ah the memor... Wait.... What????
Tortured with Love is the sad yet horrible story of how a children's nurse gives up everything she has and becomes a killer, all for love.

Ray was married but his wife and children were in Spain. Martha was divorced with two children and felt old. Her life changed when her friend signed her up for a correspondence dating agency and Ray wrote to her. He was already scamming women at this point and Martha was next in line.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Martha Beck was an innocent. No, I think she knew perfectly well what she was doing. It's just her love and infatuation with Ray was too much and she would do anything for him.

I thoroughly enjoyed every word of this book. Written in such a way as to be educational and informative, it was such a gripping story I read it in one sitting. The thing I love about J.T. Hunter's books is he doesn't just go for the 'glory' story. Instead, every book I have read by him has been thoroughly researched, giving the reader more information about whichever subject he is talking about. This one is no different.

A fantastic True Crime read that I have no hesitation in recommending.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Yakuza Moon: The True Story of a Gangster's Daughter
Yakuza Moon: The True Story of a Gangster's Daughter
Sean Michael Wilson | 2011 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book tells a story of Shoko Tendo, and it was a manga version of her memoir. Her life was pretty brutal and filled with bad decisions, drugs and sex. She got mixed with the wrong crowd at a very young age, and that got her into drugs, countless horrible and abusive relationships, mostly with married men. I didn’t like Shoko at all, she continuously made poor decisions in her life, and it all started with her being “Know it all” in her young days.

The narrative of this novel is filled with violence, and it got sadder and more miserable as I was reading through this book. This book is a great example of how poor decisions can ruin one’s life. Even though it was a sad book, I absolutely loved the illustrations used to portray this story. I found this novel quite educational, I learned how people were getting by in Japan in 1990ies, especially women.

This book is quite nerve-racking and upsetting, and the chapters are quite long, but it is a one-sitting read and pages just fly by. The ending of this book rounded up the story very nicely, but I wanted a different ending for Shoko.

So, to conclude, it was an unusual and shocking journey for me, but at the same time an invaluable experience gained throughout the pages, and I would strongly recommend it to everybody.
Water Weaver (Wraidd Elfennol #2)
Water Weaver (Wraidd Elfennol #2)
Morgan Sheppard | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Somewhere between Oz and Narnia, and not that far from the little alley that takes you to Hogwart’s, is a beautiful island called Wraidd Elfennol. The way that Rick Riordan brings to life the traditions of the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Norse, Morgan Sheppard pulls her readers into the not so forgotten world of the Welsh, where magic is a way of life, and nature is something strong and powerful that must be kept in order. With strong characters and magnificent details, Sheppard takes her readers on an odyssey that leaves them laughing, gasping, and begging for more. A story that appeals to old and young alike, Water Weaver is as educational as it is page turning as it follows young and gifted Marella on her journey to discover who she is and what she is made of when she and the other Chosen of Wraidd Elfennol must travel to mystical lands in a desperate attempt to save their tranquil world from all the harm that can come from a world out of balance. Sheppard does her own weaving as she blends humor, fact, and poignant life lessons into a piece that reads like an articulate friend telling you a fascinating story in front of a cozy fire. She had hooked me with Marella, the first book in this series, but now I am an addict. Water Weaver is an extraordinary read that leaves you craving exotic foods, a warm cup of tea, and her next book.
Rating: 3.5

Quip Factory was very interesting and inspirational. I had many images in my head while reading through the lists and varieties of quips.

If you have no idea what a quip is, it's basically an entertaining funny thing to say that illustrates your point without saying it upfront. Example: "A woman needs a man like a kangaroo needs a pogo stick."

Quip Factory is divided up into two sections: Chapters where quip formulas and lists of words and examples are presented, and appendixes with just lists of words for you to make your own.

Quip Factory sounded intriguing and educational, and there was definitely many inspirational sections, but most of the time I felt almost like I was being talked down to, or like it was harder to understand than it really is. Atwood breaks down popular quips into "formulas" that really don't need to be broken down (example: X needs Y like a needs B). He could have said all the same things he said in about half as much space, and he gave so many examples that the examples felt like the appendix. I expected more than a bunch of unnecessary formulas and lists of words, but it was definitely useful.

All in all, Quip Factory was interesting and I will probably use it in my books and to experiment with language (and honestly, come up with some creative insults and comparisons), though I don't feel like it quite reached it's potential.

Recommendation: Anyone who likes quips, puns, or playing with language.
The Trials of Gabriel Fernández
The Trials of Gabriel Fernández
2020 | Crime, Documentary
8.0 (2 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
This incredibly powerful six part mini series from last February is almost impossible to watch, but once started it feels important that you do see it through to the end. It details a case of child cruelty, abuse and torture leading to eventual death that the entire childcare support system first ignored and then failed to prevent. It shows the exact ways that the support system and then the legal system let down a young boy that may have been saved were it not for a series of shocking professional negligence. The recounting of the story and visual details of the abuse are sickening and beyond any reasonable estimation of tragic. If attempting to watch this, be sure of the reasons you are doing so and approach it with extreme caution.

There is so much natural outrage and actual anger towards the parents who were responsible for these crimes when we see them in court, but also towards the social and justice systems themselves for showcasing their many failings so graphically. The lessons learned are vital in preventing this kind of thing happening elsewhere, and so the drive of watching this is to seek the scraps of hope that emerge by understanding what went wrong and how the law might address the issue to prevent it happening again. Watching this one has an entirely different and sober feel for me. This was in no way entertainment, but it was educational, so I don’t regret going through it, as I feel entirely better informed than I was before.
Sign of the Cross (Cal Donovan, #1)
Sign of the Cross (Cal Donovan, #1)
Glenn Cooper | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Mind, Body & Spiritual, Religion
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is told from multiple perspectives and it has a very wide variety of characters to choose from. I really liked Cal (kind of the main character of this book), he is a very charming, intelligent and likeable character. Sometimes I used to get lost between who is who, due to a huge amount of different characters, whose names were not the easiest to pronounce. I am not very religious, but I really liked the way history and religion were combined in this novel, it was truly amusing.

This novel is very well researched, and it was visible, that the author loves history and knows how to present it to the reader in a fun manner. The narrative always keeps changing between different locations and different times. I really liked this constant change, it made the book lively and it kept me entertained. It is quite a short book, so every chapter brings something new and unexpected.

This novel has a lot of facts and information and wasn’t the easiest read, it requires quite a bit of concentration. The chapters have decent length and didn’t drag to me. The ending was interesting and rounded up the story nicely. So, to conclude, it is a fast-paced and educational novel, filled with adventure, amusing characters and always changing plot. If you enjoyed The Da Vinci Code or similar books, I think you would enjoy it as well. Give this book a try, and I hope you will like it as much as I did. 🙂

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Des in TV

Sep 20, 2020  
2020 | Crime, Drama
8.8 (8 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Gripping and creepy
I will start off by saying I might be biased when it comes to dramas like this. I love true crime, especially ones based here in the UK. It may be because of where I work or my educational background, or just because true crime is a fascinating subject. Whatever the reason, I've heard about Dennis Nilsen before and this short series is a truly excellent depiction of him and his crimes.

Right from the start this is a gripping and chilling watch. It has a slow pace but fortunately not enough that it ever drags too much. The soundtrack in this is often haunting and really enhances the tension and suspense, as well as giving you the creeps. And speaking of giving you the creeps, whilst the rest of the cast are very good, the standout is by far David Tennant as the ridiculously creepy Nilsen. He really gives you the chills and watching this you're almost in disbelief that Nilsen was this nonchalant and manipulative. But if you'd watched the "Real Des" documentary shown after this series finished, you'd see that this was actually have Nilsen was. And not only that, but Tennant embodies him perfectly - in looks, accent and general manner and behaviours. I couldn't imagine anyone else playing him so well.

This might not be a pleasant watch for many as whilst it's still a dramatisation, it does go into some gruesome and rather horrific detail on Nilsen's crimes. But it's worth watching for Tennant's stellar performance if nothing else.
2020 | Card Game, Educational, Humor, Political
The world of politics and democracy is definitely a complicated and confusing place. Finding your way through all the jargon and political processes can be mind-boggling. Enter Tatorship – the card game specifically designed to teach you about democracy and politics as you play!

Disclaimer: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this preview. This is not the finished product, so some of the components may change in the final printing. -L

Tatorship is a card game of hand management and bidding in which players are racing to complete their secret political missions before their opponents. To set up the game, place the 6 Rights in their respective piles in ascending order. Each player randomly selects a Tator, Top Secret Mission, Bottom Secret Mission, and Executive Mission, as well as Action cards and a Bluff card. The Tator is your character, and provides a unique Executive power. The Mission cards (Top, Bottom, and Executive) each refer to specific Rights in the play area. Action cards provide resources necessary for interacting with the Rights, and for use during the Election.

On your turn, you interact with the current Rights on the table. The Rights in play act as the ‘rules’ for the current round. For example, one Right tells you how many Action cards to draw each turn, and another tells you what your hand limit is at the end of your turn. During this phase, you will also have the opportunity to ‘erode’ (remove) Rights from play. To erode a Right, you must pay the resources displayed on the Right card. Each Right has 4 cards, and the bottom-most card must be showing for that Right to be considered to be completely eroded. Your secret Missions require you to erode specific Rights in play, so you must strategize how to use your resources to best benefit your Missions. After all players have taken a turn, the game moves to the Election phase. During the Election, players are casting votes (the # of resources on the Action card is the # of votes it is worth) in an effort to elect a player to be the Executive for the next round. The Executive goes first in the next round, and gets to assign Roles to all players. In order to complete your Executive mission, you must have the Executive card at time of completion. You can vote for an opponent, as well as yourself. Cast a vote with your Bluff card, however, and your votes do not count! Trick your opponents into thinking you’ve voted for them, but reveal the Bluff and get those votes back. Didn’t win the Election? That’s ok! Take a Backstab card as a condolence. Backstab cards can be played at any time and can negatively affect your opponents, or could give you a leg up over opponents. Play continues until one player has completed all 3 of their secret Missions.

If you are confused at all by the rules/gameplay overview above, I have to admit that I am too. The rules provided with this game are extremely vague and confusing to understand. Not even a rulebook, these rules are compiled on 3 separate playing cards. The text is sparse, ambiguous, and contradictory. For example, one card says that each Right is followed once per turn per player, but in any order. But one of the Rights pertains to the Election phase, which I believe only happens once per round? Or does it happen on every single players’ turn since each Right is supposed to be followed by every player on every turn? The ambiguity of the rules bleeds over into other cards as well. Some cards say to ‘discount’ a Right, but nowhere does it say what ‘discount’ means. Do you immediately erode that Right by one? Or do you just pay one fewer resource to erode? There is no clarification anywhere, and that made this game frustrating to play.

Another qualm with this game is that it is supposed to be educational, but I do not think it achieves its goal. I do have to commend the creators for their efforts, but I think they fall flat. Every Action card has small text at the bottom that details the political concept addressed on the card. Here’s the catch – the text is educational, but it is so small that it can be easily ignored. It also has no bearing whatsoever on the gameplay, so I have to admit that I almost never read any of that extra text.

In theory, this game could be fun and educational. In actuality, though, it falls flat. The ambiguity of the rules meant that we played differently nearly every time. We tried interpreting the rules in several ways, but ultimately we just got frustrated by not knowing how everything actually works. With some serious rules work, this game has the potential to be something good. But in its current state, it feels more like a half-baked potato.