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Into the Woods (2014)
Into the Woods (2014)
2014 | Family, Musical
I had never actually heard of Into the Woods until the movie so I wasn't really sure what to expect when it came to it and I can't judge it by it comparison to the play.

I really liked the first half of the movie it was fun with catchy as heck music and since I have and will always love fairytales I was super excited watching it... But then it got to the halfway point and dear brother's Grimm... IT JUST KEPT GOING AND GOING AND GOING. Seriously one of the reasons I love fairytales so much is that they aren't the longest but damn this movie just drag on then I thought it was over but nope. So I kind of just zoned out near the end.
The Wild Swans ( Timeless Fairytales book 2)
The Wild Swans ( Timeless Fairytales book 2)
K M Shea | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3of 230
The Wild Swans ( Timeless Fairytales book 2)
By K M Shea

Elise is the foster-daughter of the King of Arcainia, a mathematician, and the country's treasurer. She is not a hero. But when her step-mother, a wicked witch, curses Elise's seven foster-brothers - the princes of Arcainia - and turns them into swans, Elise is the only one who can save them. To break the curse, she must knit seven shirts made of stinging nettles, but there's a catch. She has to complete the shirts without uttering a word, and if she doesn't finish the task, Arcainia and her foster-brothers will be lost. THE WILD SWANS is a retelling of the German Six Swans fairytale and the Dutch Wild Swans fairytale. It is a story of humor, love, adventure, and magic, and it is part of the top selling Timeless Fairy Tales series - a series comprised of loosely related adaptations of your favorite fairytales. All Timeless Fairy Tales take place in the same world and can be read all together, or as individual, stand-alone books.

I must confess I’d never heard of this fairytale where have I been!! This was beautiful and a sure sign of love and strength. I love K M Shea her books are just so well written. Definitely recommended to those that love retellings of fairytales.
The Hazel Wood
The Hazel Wood
Melissa Albert | 2017 | Mystery, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.4 (33 Ratings)
Book Rating
My kind of fairytales
I really did enjoy The Hazel Wood but I might be a bit biased because I really love Fairytales especially the darker more Twisted original versions of fairy tales and the Hazel Wood really captured the essence of what made me really love those type of stories.

Alice is really one of those characters where you're not quite sure if you like her you don't like but in the end I really did grow to appreciate her Melissa Albert really put a lot of thought into the character and the concept of Nature vs nurture. And one of my favorite things about Alice is that she is really under no illusion that she is a good person she knows she's messed up and owns it pretty well.

The one thing I really wished was explored more were the other fairy tales since we only really get to know two of them The Hazel Wood is a universe I would definitely love to come back to and be able to learn more about
Light a Candle for the Beast
Echo Shea | 2014
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review.

This is a short re-telling of Beauty and the Beast. It is only 24 pages long so doesn't take long to read at all. However, during those 24 pages you will be immersed in the story and given a depth of detail usually only found in longer books. This is the story as told by 'Belle's' sister - not someone heard of much at all in the Disney version. In the original version, she did have two older sisters so this is more true to that than the other.

Fairytales used to be dark, usually with at least one warning of what could happen if you weren't careful. Light a Candle for the Beast shows just what can happen if one of your family is mistreated by someone who doesn't care.

Very well written, clear and concise with characters that are detailed even within a short space of time. Definitely recommended for fans of darker fairytales and fantasy.
The Kingdom
The Kingdom
Jess Rothenberg | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay... I literally never hear this book mentioned and I have no clue why it was so FREAKING GOOD! It was so much different then I thought it was going to be, I'm a huge fan of interview formats in books... no idea why but it was a pleasant surprise when I found it in here.

The very Disneyland meets Westworld, with the court case and murder mystery was just so much fun and all the sprinkling of fairytales throughout the story loved it!
A Grimm Curse (Grimm Tales #3)
A Grimm Curse (Grimm Tales #3)
Janna Jennings | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Janna Jennings’ latest book, <i>A Grimm Curse</i>, is set long before the previous two novellas in <i>A Grimm Tales</i> series. Rather than focusing on Andi, a girl from the “real” world, this is a story about the characters in the fairytales – most importantly Cynthia or, whom readers may know her better as, Cinderella.

As in the traditional tale, Cynthia works as a slave for her horrible stepmother and stepsisters – a fate she succumbed to after the death of her father. There is also an upcoming ball at the palace for the prince who is seeking a bride. This, however, is where the similarities end. As well as <i>Cinderella</i>, other fairytales make their appearance, particularly <i>The Frog Prince </i>and <i>Rapunzel</i>. But something is unsettling the characters; they are experiencing bad dreams. Or are they memories?

Cynthia is a much more admirable character than the original Cinderella. She is clever, determined and independent – she does not need a fairy godmother for a start! Neither has she any interest in the prince. If she is going to escape from servitude it will be by her own dexterity, rather than her reliance on someone else to save her.

<i>A Grimm Curse</i> can work as a prequel to the first in the series as it sets the scene that Andi will come across. It can also survive as a stand alone as there is no reference to the events of the other books, however knowledge of these will help the ending make more sense.

Personally I preferred <i>A Grimm Curse</i> to the stories that Jennings’ previously wrote. I had misgivings about the author’s use of fairytales that were not one of those collected by the <i>Brothers Grimm</i>. The tales in this book were, however, so therefore fit better with the title.

I strongly recommend this story to readers – adult and adolescent – who are still in love with fairytales or retellings. It is as though it is written with feminism in mind as the heroine does not need a man to rescue her, thus is in keeping with modern times rather than the time period of the originals.

BJ (1 KP) rated Bright (2017) in Movies

Dec 28, 2017  
Bright (2017)
Bright (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
The characters were captured in a realistic image. Not something you would see in some child's book, we're talking full-on adult image. It was very easy to imagine these fairytales creature walking in everyday life. (2 more)
Will Smith was a great actor to hold this roll. It wasn't so much his past stardom that pushed him forward, but his well known abilities to make different faces that conincide with certain scenes.
Well worth watching a second time to catch anything you miss the first.
There are some parts that really don't make sense, but could have been added just for extra fodder. (0 more)
Goddess of Legend
Goddess of Legend
P.C. Cast | 2019
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The characters (0 more)
This was the 2nd book that I read in the Goddess series and it was just as good as the first one I read. I love how strong and thought out the female characters are, how they tend to be more mature women that are still finding themselves rather than the clichéd teen dramas, and the attention to detail that Cast puts into the world building.

This is a retelling of a sorts of the Legend of King Arthur and is simply brilliant. If you enjoy retellings of fairytales and myths then you really must read this series, please note that it isn't for younger readers as it has explicit content.
Bjerner and the Beast (Fairytales of the Myth #3)
Bjerner and the Beast (Fairytales of the Myth #3)
Miranda Grant | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bjerner is blind and is also one of the emperors closest friends and body guard, unfortunately through circumstances out of his control the emperor is assassinated and dies thinking that its Bjerner that has betrayed him.
Bjerner is devastated and seeks comfort from Ophidia, a warm friendship that blooms into love.

Miranda has done it again! Another fantastic novella. This is the 3rd in the fairytales of the myth series and is the darker version of beauty and the beast. This one is a lot gentler than the other 2 but it doesn't take anything away from the story. She is truly a talented author

I deffinatly recommend this story but make sure you read the other 2 aswell! 4/5
I ended up having a love-hate relationship with this novel that leaned more towards hate than love. I was excited for this story because the story of the Beauty and the Beast is one of my all time favorite fairytales, and I love erotic fairytales. However, the story was off-putting from the very beginning.

I am very much against slut-shaming, but Danya was obnoxious. Even as someone who enjoys sex, I found her character unbelievable, unrelatable, and extremely childish. I thought she made poor decisions and her sex drive bordered on ridiculous. I couldn't force myself to like her, or her sister for that matter who fell in love after being ravaged by a man she didn't even know.

This story had a lot of potential, but somewhere early in the beginning, the train jumped the track and never seemed to get back on. I almost did not finish it. I reached the sex scene where the Beast was shoving Danya's chest onto a steak she was eating as he took her savagely from behind and just had to set the book down. I could not even pretend to find this erotic. Most of the erotic scenes were not horrible, some were actually very steamy, but some reached a point of absurd.

I did pick it back up at a later date to finish it. It never became any better, but it also did not get worse. What I did appreciate about this book was the author's courage to write erotic scenes that differed from the cliche and overused mainstream formula you can find in pretty much any novel you pick up.