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So. Much. Anxiety. If I had kids, I would totally be Kate. Lost in between two worlds and failing miserable at balancing them both. I just cannot seem to grasp the high demand job + motherhood balance, and it gives me heart palpitations just thinking about it. EVERYTHING in this book just confirmed that motherhood is not for me! Don't get me wrong - I admire the people who can do it! I just have ZERO faith in myself that I'd ever be able to balance the two without buckets of Xanax and a therapist on speed dial.

Kate Reddy is having a hard time. She's got a high power job and some littles at home and she is struggling making it all work. She refuses to become a Pinterest mom, and doesn't really have the time anyway, plus, her job doesn't take her as serious as they should - because she's a ROCKSTAR, but she's a women, so... well, 'nuff said. Trying to find the time to be a good mom to her kids, wife to Richard, and give her job the attention it deserves - is not working out, and Kate needs to figure out her priorities - and fast!

I love Allison Pearson's writing - its quick, descriptive, and so witty. I get a bit lost in some of the British slang, but it's still fun pretending I understand it. Kate trying to figure out how to be a mother in a man's world, is equally sad and hilarious and I had fun reading this. Next up is How Hard Can it Be! I'm excited to read the follow up to this book and see where Kate has landed at 50!
Little Town on the Prairie  (Little House, #7)
Little Town on the Prairie (Little House, #7)
Laura Ingalls Wilder | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I must say that this book was so markedly better than the last one that I have my faith fully restored in the Little House series and is easily one of my favourites so far.

This book covers quite a large spell of time and gives a lovely insight to the life in the town that the Ingalls family have to spend half the year in to avoid being caught out by a bad winter that never seems to materialise. It follows Laura developing into a lovely young lady, her attachment to Almanzo deepens and she finally gets her teaching certificate. Meanwhile, Carrie and Grace continue to develop into sweet girls and Mary finally gets a chance to go to college, a heartwarming piece of good news for the family.

The book is a great improvement on the last one, the writing and flow is much more established, characters are much easier to relate to and also have a greater depth. Grace and Carrie are no longer minor characters mentioned by name only, they are now properly part of the family and as a result the story, adding a much needed new element to the family now that Mary has gone.

I thoroughly enjoyed the growing attentions of Almanzo Wilder. They were a delight to read and it is so touching to see Laura getting what would seem to be the perfect life for her, and the perfect man! I can't wait to see how this develops in the final two books, it would be so lovely to see them all get the happiness they so deserve after fighting for so long.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first thing I said to my hubby after I started reading this book was, "It has been WAY too long since I have read a Kristi Ann Hunter book." I absolutely LOVE her style and voice. The humor infused with the stark realities of life. The faith combined with growth. And the adventures...OH, the adventures these characters have is of epic proportions.

The first thing that stood out to me in this story is the completely new-to-me setting and theme. Although set in Regency England, we spend most of our time outside of London in a forgotten manor. Our leading lady is one who has been scorned by society and lives to protect those who would also be outcasts. I love Kit's passion and heart. She learns so much along her journey and in the end, becomes even more beautiful because of the trust she puts in God. Lord Wharton is swoony on all accounts. His love for the children and for Kit produce such tingling sensations as to set my heart ablaze with admiration.

If you are a fan of Regency books and haven't read a Kristi Ann Hinter book...WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? If you HAVE read her books...You NEED to get this one in your yesterday. A Defense of Honor is my favorite KAH story to date and I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next!

I received a complimentary copy of A Defense of Honor through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.