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Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
2016 | Drama, History, War
In God, and Doss, we Trust.
Those dreaded words – “Based On A True Story” – emerge again from the blackness of the opening page. Actually, no. In a move that could be considered arrogant if it wasn’t so well researched, here we even lose the first two words.
When a war film is described as being “visceral” then you know you need to steel yourself mentally for what you might see. But given that this film is based around the horrendously brutal combat between the Americans and the Japanese on the Pacific island of Okinawa in 1945 this is a warning well-founded. For the battle scenes in this film are reminiscent of the opening scenes of “Saving Private Ryan” in their brutality: long gone are the war films of John Wayne where there would be a shot, a grasp of the stomach and a casual descent to earth.

But before we get to the battle itself, the film has a leisurely hour of character building which is time well spent (although it could have perhaps been trimmed a tad tighter). Desmond Doss (Andrew Garfield, “The Amazing Spiderman”, “Never Let Me Go”) grows up a God-fearing youngster in the beautiful surroundings of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. His alcoholic father (Hugo Weaving, “The Lord of the Rings”, “The Matrix”) has been mentally traumatised by the First World War, further strengthening Desmond’s fervent belief in following the Ten Commandments; most notably “Thou Shalt Not Kill”. But his patriotic sense of duty is also strong, and Doss signs up after Pearl Harbor and is posted to a rifle brigade that – given his refusal to even touch a rifle – puts him on a collision course with the US Army. It also (obviously) disrupts his romance with nurse sweetheart Dorothy (Teresa Palmer).

This is really two films in one, with the first half setting up extremely well the characters that make the second half so effective. For you care – really care – for what happens to most of the characters involved, especially the zealous and determined Doss who has nothing to face the Japanese hoards with but a medical bag. The feelings that comes to top of mind are awe that these real people actually had to go through this horror and hope that in today’s increasingly unstable political world we will never need to again face such inhumanity of man against man again.
Andrew Garfield really carries this film, and his Best Actor Oscar nomination is well-deserved. He is perfectly cast as the (onward) Christian soldier. Also outstanding is Hugo Weaving in an emotional and persuasive role playing opposite Rachel Griffiths (“Saving Mr Banks”) his wife. But the real acting surprise here for me was Vince Vaughn (“The Wedding Crashers”) who plays the no-nonsense platoon Sergeant Howell: never one of my favourite actors, here he brings in a warm and nuanced performance that ends with a memorable action scene.

Also worthy of specific note is Dan Oliver (“Mad Max: Fury Road”) and his team of special effects technicians, the stunt teams (led by Kyle Gardiner and Mic Rodgers), production designer Barry Robinson and the hair and makeup team, all of who collaborate to make the final half of the film so gripping.

The film marks a comeback from the film society ‘naughty step’ of Mel Gibson after his much publicised fall from grace in the mid-noughties. A Best Director Oscar nomination would appear to cement that resurrection. For this is a phenomenal achievement in direction and one that should be applauded.
The film bears closest comparison with the interesting two-film combo from Clint Eastwood – “Flags of our Fathers” (from the American viewpoint) and “Letters from Iwo Jima” (from the Japanese viewpoint). While all three films share the same blood and guts quotient, with “Hacksaw Ridge” edging this award, the Eastwood films tend to have more emotional depth and a more thought-provoking treatment of the Japanese angle. In “Hacksaw Ridge”, while the war crimes of the Japanese are clear, the war crimes of the Americans are quietly cloaked behind a cryptic line (“They didn’t make it”).

That being said, there is no crime in a rollicking good story well told, and “Hacksaw Ridge” is certainly that. This was a film I did not have high hopes for. But I was surprised to be proved wrong. Recommended.
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2022)
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2022)
2022 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy
7.0 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Magic is Fading
Alas, the magic is fading in the Wizarding World

The 3rd installment of the Fantastic Beasts saga, THE SECRETS OF DUMBLEDORE is satisfying enough for fans of the ongoing Wizarding World of Harry Potter universe and will be time well spent for those of you that have watched all 8 Harry Potter films and the first 2 FANTASTIC BEASTS films, but it is nothing…magical.

Picking up where the 2nd film (THE CRIMES OF GRINDEWALD) left off, the arch-nemesis of Dumbledore (a game Jude Law) is in power and looking to start a war with the Muggles (non-magic folk). A ragtag group of heroes (are there any other kind) led by Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) are humanity’s only hope.

And…while this worked well in the first series of film…this setup falls rather flat as it has a “been there done that” feel to it that is not really elevated above the ordinary.

The reason are numerous:

First, Newt Scamander is no Harry Potter. While Eddie Redymayne plays an interesting, quirky, central character - a character who’s unique skills were needed to defeat the bad guy in the first film - he is, really, a secondary character, yet he is the one we follow throughout the film. Kind of like watching the Harry Potter films through the eyes of Neville Longbottom.

Secondly, Grindewald (this time played by Mads Mikkelsen, replacing Johnny Depp) is no Voldemort. Grindewald was an interesting character set up in the first film, but by this film, he is pretty bland (and pretty blandly played by Mikkeslen who is, frankly, miscast).

Thirdly, Dumbledore (Jude Law in a very good performance, one that needed to be larger and more central) is sidelined for most of this film - a film about the battle between Grindewald and Dumbledore, a stumble (plotwise) to be sure in an awkward attempt to keeping the Newt Scamander character front and center.

Fortunately, the supporting cast is strong from Dan Fogler’s muggle, Jacob Kowalski to his love, Queenie (Alison Sudol) to Newt’s brother, Theseus (Callum Turner) to Newt’s assistant Bunty (Victoria Yeates) to Dumbledore’s brother, Aberforth (Richard Coyle) - all have their moments and are interesting (enough) to watch.

Unfortunately, Ezra Miller’s conflicted villain, Credence is poorly written with a crescendo to his character that lands with a thud. And, the inexplicable reason that Katherine Waterston’s main character of Tina is sidelined (rumors are she conflicted with J.K. Rowling) just doesn’t land, so, consequently, 2 major pieces from the first 2 films just don’t work.

What does work in this film is the magical sequences, as handled by Harry Potter veteran David Yates (who has now helmed 6 films in the Wizarding World franchise), the magical scenes are truly…magical. They are fun to watch and the real reason to watch this film, but the story is weak with a misguided viewpoint character that diminishes the fantasy for all.

Rumors are that this was supposed to be a 5 film franchise, but with box office diminishing for each successive Fantastic Beasts films, the filmmakers wisely decided to wrap up most storylines in this film.

It’s time to say goodbye to FANTASTIC BEASTS, but it should be time for the Wizarding World to go the way of Star Wars, Marvel and Star Trek - streaming TV series that breathes new life - and new, interesting characters - to a sagging franchise.

In the meantime, FANTASTIC BEASTS: THE SECRETS OF DUMBLEDORE is “good enough” and since it is all we have at the moment, it will have to do.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars (out of 10) - and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection From The Living Dead
The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection From The Living Dead
Max Brooks | 2004 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Humor & Comedy
7.9 (26 Ratings)
Book Rating
The 'historical' accounts of zombie attacks. (0 more)
The detailed descriptions of various weapons and places of safety. Not for me, I'm afraid! (0 more)
I loved World War Z, but I really struggled to read this. It’s all very useful stuff: lists of things to do to survive various types and levels of zombie outbreak, lists of equipment you’ll need, descriptions of various weapons. Actually, that last bit is where I feel my brain was fried. I’m not really terribly interested in a detailed description of various weapons. I’m not interested in weapons, full stop. I did, however, like the history of the zombie outbreaks. More of them please! This is the type of thing that had me looking out of the window just to check that there weren’t any zombies hoofing it down the street whilst I was reading WWZ!
I could see hardcore Zombie fans really enjoying this. I just don’t think I’m that big a fan. I’ve only just started season 5 of The Walking Dead: I watched the opening credits of the first episode 3 months ago and haven’t managed to watch the rest of it yet. I’m a very poor TV viewer (books are more fun!).
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Mass Effect: Andromeda
2017 | Role-Playing
Game play (1 more)
World graphics
Facial graphics (2 more)
Incomplete storyline
Andromeda got too much hate
Before the war against the Reapers led by Shepard, The Andromeda Initiative sought to send out colonies to another galaxy. You play as Sarah or Scott Ryder, a soldier in the Initiative to find a new home for your colony. Explore new planets and discover new species.

My thoughts? I played Andromeda when it first came out. It was super buggy. The facial expressions were laughable. But it was in space with all our familiar ME Easter eggs, had great game play, and a vast amount of potential. However due to the backlash of fans (yes, EA should have NOT released such a unrefined game. Yes, it isn't as good as the original trilogy - because it is unfair to compare it to the story arc of a complete trilogy!) EA has stepped away from continuing with this story which is the most frustrating thing ever. EA needs to bring it back and the team needs to break boundaries and be creative to bring this story line further to life and continue it on for a DLC or next game.
It’s 1914. American women are demanding the vote. And the first flames of the Great War are

 igniting Europe. But a battle of a different sort rages in Oklahoma. The thermometer registers one hundred six degrees, an out-of-the-ordinary occurrence even for the twenty-eighth day of July. But this is no ordinary day. The jury has reached a verdict. Lily fidgets in the old church pew. Her name has clotted into a by-word. Her blood is tainted. Can she right the wrongs? Or will her past forever define her? She eyes the judge. And the courtroom holds its breath.

My thoughts : This is an interesting story of a young woman struggling with her past. Her.
 father beat  her and now she is afraid for her brother.  Lilly heads to Texas where a job awaits her, but God has other plans.

This is a good story.  I like the mystery of the sea chest and reading the ancient journal Lilly`s mother left her.

What I saw in this story was a young woman find I ng her way in the world, and finding God.  A story of love, and letting go of the past.
Sucker Punch (2011)
Sucker Punch (2011)
2011 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
All style, no substance
Apologies in advance to all of the male Smashbombers, but this film basically feels like a teenage boy’s fantasy. I saw it when it first came out at the cinema and wasn’t impressed in the slightest, but I thought I’d give it another go in case I was wrong. Unfortunately I wasn’t.

Girls wearing barely anything, mental asylums, brothels, monsters, war zones, robots, dragons, zombies.... did nobody stop to think that this was maybe a bit too much? Zack Snyder has compared this to Alice in Wonderland, but it is far from it. The plot could’ve worked better if it had just stuck to a girl resorting to a inner fantasy world to escape reality in a mental asylum, but instead it just gets far too ridiculous and silly. Visually it looks very good, although I don’t think the CGI looks quite as good on the small screen as you’d hope, and the soundtrack is great, it’s just a shame the rest of the film is so dull and laughably bad. You’ve got some great actors in here (even a brief cameo from Jon Hamm) but they really are wasted in this.