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Servant: The Awakening (Servant, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had to force myself past the first few pages due to their confusing descriptions and use of wording. Once I passed those, however, the novel went by fairly quickly.

First off, I would like to say that you can tell Fantasy/Sci-fi are not Ms. Foster's usual territory. It seemed that she was so focused on developing the romance part of the novel that she completely forgot that there was suppose to be plot development, too. She did bother to come up with a plot but it was neither creative nor original. A doctor abusing patients for their own purposes? A female heroine with special powers trying to stop an evil while a man who is her exact opposite is somehow attracted to her and demands that she do as he says to keep her safe? Nope, not original at all.

I was also annoyed by the complete lack of character history. I felt that Ms. Foster purposely made Gaby an abused victim to foster home with a lack of education. It worked out for Foster seeing as that Gaby as an educational unintelligent person who lack major social skill fit into the story rather well. I just wished that Foster had come up with a better background than that. It just seemed to like a lazy way out. Not to mention that she barely mention's Mort's history, and Luther's is just non-existent.

All in all, the story didn't seem original or well developed but I couldn't stop myself from reading it. I admit it's not a great novel, or even good for that matter. I still must also admit that I liked it and couldn't put it down. I bought the book for the paranormal aspect but ended up reading it for the romance. I just had to see if Luther and Gaby hooked up. However, Gaby's personality and mouth made it hard. I understand that they way she talked and acted was part of the character that was Gabrielle Cody, yet all her foul language and agreeableness made the novel unpleasant to read. I am not offending by cursing, but Gaby's was excessive to the point of annoying. Growing up where I have, it was unbelievable, however.

An interesting book if not taken seriously.
Tragic (Rook and Ronin, #1)
J.A. Huss | 2013
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tragic tells the beginning of the story of Rook & Ronin...and let me tell you... not only is it sexy, but its AMAZING!!! Rook gets signed as the model for the Tragic campaign, which is irony in its greatest form because he life is just that...TRAGIC.

Rook bounced around from foster home to foster home her whole life, until she met Jon... At the time Jon was her knight in shining armor, but quickly he became possessive and eventually Rook feared for her life. She smartened up and bought a one way bus ticket to Dallas, modeling, and eventually Ronin's bed.

This story is beyond great! JA Huss writes this story in such a way that you can't help but cheer Rook on. There were several times during this book I found myself talking to the book trying to give Rook advice on how to drop Ronin like a hot potato.

Rook is a great character. She is TRAGIC, but yet there is hope, and I think Ronin is the silver lining to her new modeling gig. Ronin wants nothing but to help Rook navigate the modeling world and life in general, but this isn't the first time Ronin has been tangled up with a TRAGIC model, and the people around him point this out to him every chance he gets. Ronin can tell that Rook is different, and special. Ronin ultimately believes people are good and he is too.

This book is great from start to finish, and I can't help but recommend this book to everyone I know! I am sad to see that this is only going to be a trilogy of books. I was hoping to be able to have much more time with this characters. This is a must read!!

*** I received this book in exchange for an honest review! ***
The End Of The Tour (2015)
The End Of The Tour (2015)
2015 | Drama
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The End of the Tour tells the story of the five-day interview between Rolling Stone reporter and novelist David Lipsky (Jesse Eisenberg) and acclaimed novelist David Foster Wallace (Jason Segel), which took place right after the 1996 publication of Wallace’s groundbreaking epic novel, Infinite Jest. The film is based on Lipsky’s critically acclaimed memoir about this unforgettable encounter, written following Wallace’s 2008 suicide.

So there is the summary. And it tells you what this movie is about. However what that summary does not tell you is the depth of emotion to which both Jason Segel and Jesse Eisenberg deliver in their performances.

Jesse Eisenberg gives a performance that we come to expect from the Oscar nominated actor. Not only can you feel, but you can also and understand his curiosity and jealousy towards Segel’s success. A less successful writer, he wants the notoriety that Segel has. So much so, that he is constantly trying to find the holes in Segel’s persona under the guise of an interview and yet is forced to ponder the things that Segel is saying to him.

Jason Segel’s portrayal of David Foster Wallace is not understated by the word phenomenal. I was skeptical that Segel would not be able to deliver a dramatic performance of this caliber, but I am glad to say I was wrong. He steals every scene he is in and his performance is so deep and thoughtful that Jason Segel himself disappears and we are instead left with a performance of what I will always believe David Foster Wallace was like in real life. This performance is one of the best I have seen this year and I believe he will receive an Oscar nomination for this role. I was fascinated with Segel’s performance that I actually downloaded David Foster Wallace’s book Infinite Jest on my drive home.

Performances aside, this movie is not for everyone. If you are looking for an inactive cinematic experience then this film is not for you. This film makes you think. It is like being a part of a deep conversation with friends trying to make sense of the world. It brings perspective to the society we live in and the loneliness we find ourselves trying to avoid while clinging to meaningless things that bring us simple pleasure. A simple way of living where we go from A to B to C to find meaning, only to obtain those things and then not knowing what we do next. But for those who are looking to escape the mundane summer blockbusters and want to see stellar performances, be sure to check this one out.