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Three Things About Elsie
Three Things About Elsie
Joanna Cannon | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had been on the edge of buying this for ages, picking it up in bookshops and then putting it back down again because I was unsure how I would feel about it as I don’t read mysteries. But then I found a signed copy in Waterstones and felt that I just had to treat myself.

I was a bit dubious when I first picked it up. The novel sets off to quite a slow start, opening on Florence waiting for help after having a fall. The novel follows Florence telling the stories of what happened leading up to her fall.

A man arrives at the care home who looks a lot like a man from Florence and Elsie’s past, and not from a good part of their past either. He’s dangerous and mysterious, and there’s something that Florence isn’t saying when it comes to him.

Three Things About Elsie is the book to be reading. If the Battenburg cover isn’t enough to draw you in – I had to get Battenburg because of this – then I don’t know what is. Florence is such a sweet old woman and it’s quite surprising from the start with just how many secrets she seems to have. It’s full of surprises and twists, some so shocking that you just don’t know what to believe anymore.

As someone who doesn’t love mysteries, I was pleasantly surprised by this one. Even though it is a mystery, it reads more like literary fiction and is a nice read. I found myself wishing I had a friendship like Elsie and Florence’s.

Ross (3284 KP) rated The Dwarves in Books

Jan 30, 2018  
The Dwarves
The Dwarves
Markus Heitz | 2009 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The pace (0 more)
Doesn't get side-tracked (0 more)
Superb pacing and storytelling
This story follows the plight of Tungdil, a dwarf who was found by humans as a baby and has never seen another dwarf. He works as blacksmith for a wizard, but soon becomes embroiled in a quest to win the battle for the world.
From very early on, this turns into a journey novel, where he starts off alone with a simple journey and task to achieve and gradually meets people who join him along the way. Once he is reunited with the rest of the dwarves he finds he has been set up as a rival to the king of one of the tribes and has to go on a quest to prove his worth. At this point, knowing there were 4 follow-up books, I feared this quest was going to be drawn out over the 5 books and what had been a decent paced novel up to then would suddenly falter (see Wheel of Time series!). However, without spoilers, the quest is completed within this book. Such an epic quest in a little over 700 pages is testament to Heitz's pacing and ability to keep the story on track. Despite the scale of the quest, he isn't afraid to jump days or dozens of miles to keep to the important events of the story.
I really enjoyed the character development, in all of the dwarves and the cast of other races and creeds introduced along the way, and found the story to be truly gripping and enjoyable.
Who doesn’t love a story about second chances? There are few things more heart warming than someone who has been burned but finds love again anyway and discovers they are worthy of love. Most of us have been there. For those of us who received another chance, whether it be a second or 22nd, we know that love comes when you least expect it.

That’s what happened to CanDee and Cinco. Neither was looking for love, but they certainly found it. It was lovely to read their falling for each other because it seemed to happen at a natural, logical procession. It’s easy to see why they would fall in love too! CanDee is a strong, funny heroine not without her faults whereas Cinco is a hardworking cowboy who knows how to play just as hard. They fit together nicely as did the supporting characters.

What I loved about this novel is how neither CanDee nor Cinco stayed hung up on their less than stellar past relationships. They were open to a new partner rather than dwelling in their own pity party.

What I didn’t like? Their names. Cinco’s didn’t bother me, but CanDee…really? I feel that there is this trend in among authors to try and give their characters unique names. Call me petty, but I found her name annoying rather than unique or innovative. This clearly did not interfere with my enjoyment of the novel (I’m not THAT petty) and I appreciated the author’s easy style.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Relativity in Books

Feb 8, 2018  
Antonia Hayes | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twelve-year-old Ethan is a bright boy, who loves physics and science. His mom, Claire, loves him with a fierceness that she can barely fathom sometimes. It's just Ethan and Claire living happily together in Sydney. However, a sudden accident forces Claire to confront her past, especially what happened with Ethan's father, Mark. At the same time, Ethan must deal with his own emotions about his absent father.

Hayes' book is well-written, with strongly developed, complicated characters who jump off the page. It's a small cast of characters: Ethan, Mark, Claire, and a few others. I fell immediately for Ethan, who is lovable, sweet, and slightly nerdy. Claire and Mark are slightly more problematic. Mark especially is a very difficult character with whom it is hard to sympathize. Hayes does an excellent job of unfurling her plot in such a way that the reader is as perplexed as the characters. The storyline is tense and runs the gamut of emotions.

The book revolves a lot around science. While much of the storyline uses science and physics to its advantage--for instance, I found the idea of genetic memory fascinating--at times, I also found my eyes glazing over at the scientific passages. Sometimes the science overshadowed the actual plot. Still, overall this is a sharp, well-written novel with in-depth characters. A strong 3.5 stars.

I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!); it is available everywhere on 5/3/2016.
Before He Finds Her
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
In 1991, Ramsey Miller holds a huge block party for his neighborhood. Then, the story goes, he drunkenly and angrily murdered his wife and young daughter.

However, that's not exactly the case: his daughter got away, via the Witness Protection Program, and is living in a small town in West Virginia. Renamed Melanie, she lives with her father's close friend and his wife; it's a cautious life, as her father was never found. However, as she nears 18, Melanie is tired of this life of secrets and hiding. Finding herself pregnant, she decides she doesn't want this life for her own child, so she heads back to her hometown to find her father herself.

The book weaves in Melanie's current life and discoveries with narrative of Ramsey's life leading up to the days of the block party, allowing us to figure out what happened along with Melanie.

This novel started out really well, and for a while, I was thinking it was going to be one of my favorites read so far this year. However, it soon petered out a bit, and the more I thought about it, I liked it less. There are just some odd plot holes that doesn't really make sense and leave you wondering. Further, even accounting for her upbringing, Melanie as a main character is so "blah" and doesn't stand up for herself, thereby making it very hard to root for her. I really found myself pulling for Ramsey at many points. Lots of potential, but doesn't really follow through.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated First Frost in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
First Frost
First Frost
Sarah Addison Allen | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Claire and Sydney are sisters. Claire is the more practical of the two and lately, she is drowning under the weight of a blossoming candy business. Sydney runs a hair salon and worries about her teenage daughter, Bay, who seems to be drifting away from her. In addition, Sydney longs for another baby. One day, a mysterious stranger shows up in their tiny town and threatens to disrupt their lives, especially Claire's.

This was an interesting read and definitely more on the 3.5 star end. I was about halfway through when I realized there was a book that came before this one - I'll probably read that one at some time, but I was already committed to this one. The book has a mystical edge to it; supposedly, each of the Waverley women are blessed with a gift, and Claire's house - the old Waverley home - has strange powers and a mind of its own.

At first it's a little strange to add the magic to the story, but it actually works well. Claire, Sydney, and Bay are all interesting characters. I actually found myself hoping there will be a third book that focuses more on Bay, because she's a compelling person. In a way, not much happens in the story, things just sort of float along as the women wait for the "first frost" to occur, but I still found myself compulsively flipping pages, wondering what would happen next. All in all, that's a sign of a good tale. Definitely a fun little read.
The Woman in the Window
The Woman in the Window
A.J. Finn | 2018 | Thriller
8.0 (42 Ratings)
Book Rating
A pretty good debut
An interesting psychological thriller full of suspense that although I enjoyed, it took me quite a while in before I connected with the main character, Anna, for some reason; I've been wracking my brains trying to think why but I just can't come up with an explanation and because of this, I don't think I enjoyed it as much as I could have which is a shame because it's a great story and not like anything I have read before.

The story is told completely from Anna's perspective but because of her fragile mental health and the wine and medication concoction, you question whether what she is saying is actually what is happening ... as she herself ends up doing.

I found it quite a sad book overall and I felt a lot of empathy for Anna and her situation but it was also a story of triumph over adversity with a gradual build up to the explosive ending which I found very satisfying.

Overall, a pretty good debut that is not full of the usual blood and violence ... it's definitely a slow burner that builds and builds to a satisfying conclusion.

I think this book would transfer really well to the big screen and I am pleased to note that it is in development as a major motion picture from Fox - it's just a shame that Alfred Hitchcock isn't alive to direct it!

Thanks to the publisher, HarperCollins UK HarperFiction and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest review.
The Complete Knifepoint Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I was given an e-book copy of this book by the author, with whom I have no personal association.

"The Complete Knifepoint Horror" is a collection of horror short stories that covers all sorts of bases, from ghosts to zombies to cults. I found this book to actually be pretty scary. I tend to do most of my reading at night, and so I started this book around 11pm-12am. By around 2am, at the story of Seacrist Elementary School, I started to hear "bumps in the night," as did my dog, and it was at that point that I decided night-reading might not have been such a good idea. However, I did not heed that decision, and the next night, the same thing happened. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes a good scare, and especially to those with varied tastes in their horror genres.

The only reason I denoted a star (and wish it could have only been a half-star) is the author's stylistic decision to keep everything lower-case with no paragraph separation. Perhaps it's just me, but I found it a little hard to read, and there were several occasions where I had to go back and read over certain portions because I had ran two sentences together and was confused. Other than that, this was an absolutely wonderful collection of horror, and I would definitely read it again. Although, during the day, this time.

4 1/2 stars.

Merissa (11935 KP) rated Little Tree in Books

Dec 8, 2018  
Little Tree
Little Tree
Rafe Jadison | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Little Tree by Rafe Jadison
Little Tree is a beauty of a book. Seasonal in that it takes place just before Christmas, this book is primarily a second-chance romance. Jared was a fool, and has paid the price. David was hurt, but carried on with his life. These two have baggage to contend with, and Jared can only hope that a past hurt won't take over the promise of a future.

I found this book to be 'sweeter' than the others by this author I have read. It was less eroticism, and more sensual. It was a delight to read, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading. I loved both main characters, although I did want to whomp Jared around the head when we found out about his past! You could see it as lost opportunities, but I prefer to think the experiences will just have made these two fit together even better.

The characters are well-defined, and the situation the same. There are no doubts about this book, apart from whether they will end up together again or not. I'll leave that to you to find out! All I can say, is this is a great addition to Rafe Jadison's repertoire, and I thoroughly enjoyed every word. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Fifty Shades of Grey
Fifty Shades of Grey
E.L. James | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
6.6 (103 Ratings)
Book Rating
I thought this book was an entertaining read. I started hearing about these books a couple weeks ago and I thought I would give them a try. This is one of those guilty pleasure reads. The basic premise of this book is that a rich man wants to make a non rich virgin his submissive. It is something that many women fantasize about but in real life would be terrifying. The rich man (Christian) is a stalker, but because he has money then it is fine.

The characters are easy to relate to. I found that the main character (Ana) held a lot of insecurities that many of us are scared to admit. With that said, I quickly became tired of "Oh My..." and "My inner goddess" being repeated over and over and over.

A lot of people are dwelling on the fact that the Ana was scared of Christian. But in all honesty, if someone new into the lifestyle is not scared than they do not know the full weight of what is involved in BDSM.

I think that this book has eased the reader into the world of BDSM. It is very witty and I found at times that I was laughing.

The writing skills were not extremely good. It felt that the author kept looking up words in the thesaurus and it did not seem to flow extremely well.

All in all, the book was entertaining and witty. I will continue on in the series.